Sharing Hope in Troubled Times

3rd Quarter 2021


As the tribulations on our troubled planet increase daily, hurting people are overwhelmed with the growing uncertainty. Sharing Hope in Troubled Times image one Many are searching for hope wherever they can, desperate for relief.

That’s why your love for seeking and saving the lost through Amazing Facts evangelistic programs is making such a huge difference. Right now, you are cementing a saving relationship with Christ in thousands of hearts!

In this short report, you’ll read how God has recently used you to make an eternal impact—and about the life of Dwight, whose life changed through God’s precious truths because you faithfully invest in the kingdom. Thank you!

Doug Batchelor

President, Amazing Facts International

From Rage to Peace

All his life, Dwight was a fighter.  He had to be. He’d been through so much—living with an abusive father who drank all the time, being bullied by his peers, and struggling with suicidal thoughts. He had even attempted to hang himself when he was just ten years old. 

Sharing Hope in Troubled Times image twoBy the time he was 12, Dwight was filled with rage fueled by his excruciating home life. He used sports to fight back and was soon known on the football field for breaking bones, even those of his teammates. After high school, he took that rage with him and enlisted in the Army. 

But by God’s grace, his life began to change dramatically when, because of compassionate people like you, he discovered Amazing Facts.

Sharing Hope in Troubled Times image oneIn his early 20s, Dwight accepted an invitation to an Amazing Facts prophecy seminar. Each night, the Bible truths presented blew him away. He says, “The mark of the beast, 666, the Antichrist—it all made so much sense. It was incredible. The presentations were so well laid out, there was no way you could deny the truth of God, of Jesus, of the Bible.”

At the end of the seminar, he was baptized.

A Peace Beyond Understanding

However, just as he was welcomed into a new church home, he lost his job. A Peace Beyond Understanding image one Soon he was living on the streets. He shares, “I was sleeping under bridges. I’d take showers at the gym and show up for church clean and dressed in a suit. No one knew that just a few hours before, I’d been sleeping next to a dumpster.”

 A Peace Beyond Understanding image twoYet even though he experienced such hardship, Dwight still felt blessed. “I was growing closer to God through those trials, learning to trust Him even in the worst moments of my life.”

Dwight even became active at church and, all along, he continued praying, growing in faith, and studying the life-transforming Amazing Facts materials that you helped provide to him. “Amazing Facts gave me a new understanding of the true gospel.” A Peace Beyond Understanding image three

Today, Dwight has a job and he and his wife also have a door-to-door ministry handing out Amazing Facts Study Guides! He says, “Once you realize just how powerful God is, the unlikely becomes possible—even probable. Thank you for changing my life!”

And we thank you, friend, for allowing the Holy Spirit to use your gifts to bring hope to a hurting and downtrodden man. In turn, he is now sharing his new hope with thousands more!


YOUR IMPACT image one History Channel

Your steadfast support means that Amazing Facts is now broadcasting on the popular History channel five mornings a week, reaching into 85,000,000 homes and blessing those earnestly searching for a clearer picture of Jesus—preparing them for His soon return. Together, we’re reaching thousands who are grasping for truth and hope in these last days. Thank you!

YOUR IMPACT image two Philippines Online

Within the first month of our evangelism online training course debuting in the Philippines, 150 eager Bible students registered. One PAFCOE student, Monaliza, writes, “I’ve been inspired to be more surrendered to the transforming power of Jesus.” Thank you for reaching thousands of God’s precious children by providing well-trained, dedicated soul-winners in the Philippines!

YOUR IMPACT image three AFCOE/Panorama of Prophecy

You’re putting “boots on the ground” by helping to train 41 students during the AFCOE Amazing Sanctuary seminar. They will next participate in the upcoming Panorama of Prophecy evangelistic series—powerfully changing hearts for God’s kingdom. Wayne writes, “God blessed my training at AFCOE, enabling me to share Christ’s love and present truth. Thank you!”


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You have educated thousands by dispelling discouraging ideas about the lost with Amazing Facts’ The Bible Truth About Hell magazine—including Timothy, who writes, “After reading the magazine, I started crying and asked God’s forgiveness for blaming Him for something He was not doing.”

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This May, you blessed 677 young people and 3,000-plus online viewers with the much-need Amazing Facts youth conference Undaunted Courage, held at the new W.O.R.D. Center. Kim shares, “I loved Undaunted Courage! The program was extremely Scripture-centered and … developed my understanding of the Bible and my duty as a follower of Christ.”

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You are transforming lives every month through the shining Sabbath Truth website, teaching and inspiring 28,000-plus visitors like Phillip, who testifies, “ has offered so much. I found a spiritual goldmine and kept digging! It’s fulfilling to share what I’ve learned about the Sabbath.”

You’re bringing soul saving truth to more than 68,000 people each week through Amazing Facts on Lifetime network. Rosemarie writes, “Your support has helped me come closer to God; your television shows have helped me learn more about the Bible and to rely on Jesus and trust He will take care of me.”

Friend, words cannot express our gratitude for your kind support of Amazing Facts. Because you’ve put your compassion into action by joining with us in sharing the gospel around the world, thousands more like Dwight have embraced Bible truth and are now brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you!


The Quarterly Ministry Report is a publication of Amazing Facts International.

P.O. Box 1058, Roseville, CA 95678 | 877-506-1751 |

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