Transformed by TRUTH

2nd Quarter 2019

Ashlee had a big dilemma. As she explains it, “I wanted to serve God, but I also wanted to fit in.” As a young adult, she became weary of living a double life and needed to make a change.

Transformed by TRUTH image oneBy God’s grace, you played a key role in leading her to live solely for the Lord!

Ashlee grew up in a devoted Christian family. Active in youth groups and Bible camps, she accepted Christ into her heart.

When she was young, Ashlee didn’t recognize that her dad was different. He was just a regular, caring father to her. But when she started school, she found out that he was famous. Her father played for two professional football teams, winning two Super Bowls during his career. That made her different to others, and Ashlee became the target of jealousy and bullying at her school. “I wanted to be liked by my peers, but I wasn’t. Kids can say some really harsh things, and that gave me great insecurity.”

Transformed by TRUTH image oneEventually, Ashlee—who was athletic like her dad—won a full university scholarship and became captain of her soccer team. But this time, peer pressure was threatening her relationship with God. “It’s really difficult to go to a school that isn’t based on God. I did plug into some Christian groups, but I also wanted to fit in with my team. I was living a double life.”

Ashlee felt like she was swimming upstream. “I was so sick of the struggle, of going back and forth. I wanted to get right with God. I didn’t want to be lukewarm anymore.”Transformed by TRUTH image two

At another school, Ashlee met Andrew, who was also on fire for the Lord. They prayed together about God’s direction for their lives. “We wanted to live in reckless abandon for our Creator.”

After they married, she spent a summer coaching soccer in New Jersey, while he worked in Alaska. When they reunited, Ashlee started listening to a set of Amazing Facts audio messages—from The Prophecy Code series. The lessons profoundly touched her heart. “Everything I heard was Scripture proving Scripture proving Scripture. God became more real to us than ever before.”


HITTING THE JACKPOT! image oneSoon they found Amazing Facts online, a resource you help to provide to seekers every day, and they were thrilled to discover all the materials available. “We thought we’d hit the jackpot!” Ashlee says. 

HITTING THE JACKPOT! image twoAshlee was relieved to discover the Bible’s teachings that hell isn’t a place of eternal torment and that when people die, they sleep. “I’d hear how people believed that the spirits of the dead came back as animals and would even send messages. I was glad to know the truth and realize that it was very clear in Scripture: There are no messages from the dead.” And studying the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation with Amazing Facts took her lifelong walk with God even deeper.

To Amazing Facts and all those who make this ministry possible, Ashlee says, “I want to thank you for changing my life. Pastor Doug made the Bible easier to understand. All my answers are right there. I can always look to the Bible for truth.”


BROADCASTING HIS GLORY image oneYour faithful gifts consistently broadcast life-giving messages on television stations such as Lifetime, TBN, and the Inspiration Network. Through these stations, you help 3.5 million people every month discover essential Bible truth while watching an Amazing Facts program. And because of you, the Kingdoms in Time documentary has aired twice on History in June! We—that means you and your team here at Amazing Facts—have also just added three new truth-transporting stations: Scandinavia Channel, Inspiration International, and Uplift on DirecTV network!

BROADCASTING HIS GLORY image twoTogether, we’re bringing life-transforming truth to more hungering souls on YouTube! Your giving has helped people watching Bible truth on the Doug Batchelor YouTube channel over 422, 000 times this year, and we’re receiving countless stories from people whose lives have been turned around through these soul-stirring videos. Viewers watched a total of 5.9 million minutes this past quarter, and we saw a 572-percent increase in new subscribers over last year. People are watching and souls are being transformed because you care!

BROADCASTING HIS GLORY image threeAmazing Facts with Doug Batchelor is reaching beyond the television screen to help people in incredible ways. Last quarter, we received 13, 645 letters and emails from viewers looking for answers to tough Bible questions, requesting prayer, and sharing their testimonies. Your sacrifice and giving heart helped these people experience Christ’s love through personalized, encouraging answers from the correspondence team at Amazing Facts. And because of you, lost sheep worldwide are reunited with the Good Shepherd and returned to the fold!


PRAISE REPORT image oneThanks to your passion for evangelism, more than 59,000 Study Guides went out this past quarter from our Bible School. More than 28,000 were returned for grading, many with Bible questions, including thousands from prisoners. Chaplain Yat Ang, who works at a vocational prison in California, has baptized 51 more prisoners after taking them through the Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides. That’s a total of 116 baptisms you helped make possible in prisons over the past five months! 

PRAISE REPORT image twoIn the Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean and in Paris, France, Pastor Doug powerfully shared the three angels’ messages during an evangelistic campaign before spiritually hungry audiences. Thousands of seekers learned essential Bible truths, and many were baptized. Thank you for helping make this global outreach possible! 

PRAISE REPORT image threeThrough the Amazing Facts Daily Devotional website, you’re providing new, soul-stirring content with fresh verses and stories each day to more than 25,000 subscribers. Moreover, 11,217 subscribe to our free Verse of the Day. Thank you for your faithfulness!

Because you care, Ashlee and thousands more like her are discovering the freeing truths of God’s Word. As we press forward in taking the everlasting and life-transforming gospel to all people, we look forward to your continuing partnership in ministry with Amazing Facts. Thank you!


Because you care, Ashlee and thousands more like her are discovering the freeing truths of God’s Word. As we press forward in taking the everlasting and life-transforming gospel to all people, we look forward to your continuing partnership in ministry with Amazing Facts. Thank you!

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