The Only Solution for Ending Terrorism

An Amazing Fact: According to a 2015 Pew Research study, with already 1.6 billion adherents, Islam is now the world’s fastest-growing religion and is expected to surpass Christianity as the world’s largest faith group within a generation. Furthermore, by 2050, Muslims will be the second largest religion in the United States, surpassing Judaism.

Dear friend,

Amazing Facts has an incredible opportunity to actually make a difference in the religious conflict that has plagued the Middle East for decades! Let me explain …

Terrorism Epidemic
Just a month ago, a massive suicide blast targeting Christian families in Lahore, Pakistan, left more than seventy dead, half of whom were children. Let’s also not forget the deadly attacks in Brussels, San Bernardino, and Paris. By the time you read this letter, I expect some other deadly terrorist event could be filling the headlines.

First, let me clarify that I have preached in some of the world’s largest Islamic countries, and I recognize that the greater part of Muslims long for quiet, peaceful lives and do not endorse these violent terrorist actions.

At the same time, it cannot be ignored that the vast majority of these attacks are perpetrated by those who identify as Muslim. According to The Religion of Peace website, in 2015 alone, 2,860 Islamic terrorist attacks occurred in 53 countries—27,596 people were killed and 26,145 injured. The way things are going, statistics in 2016 might be even worse.

The Solution for Religious Rage
Obviously, the seething anger of many radical Muslims is not going away. Countries retaliate with their militaries to stifle the aggression, but this is only a temporary measure—because the problem is really one of a deeply held religious rage.

You cannot bomb away beliefs. Beliefs are only changed by educating people with something better.

We must ask: How are terrorist organizations recruiting and training wave after wave of radical followers? They are using television, print, radio, and the Internet to disseminate their beliefs—the very same tools Amazing Facts uses to share the gospel. Same means, radically different messages!

So what would happen if, instead of constantly hearing vitriolic messages, young Muslims could hear about Jesus’ message of love and forgiveness? Which is more powerful? The only thing that will stop terrorism for good is to change hearts with eternal truth!

Amazing Advances in Reaching Muslims
Because of your help, Amazing Facts has already begun responding to the tremendous need in the Middle East and other places where Islam is prevalent. For example, we established a Global AFCOE program in the world’s largest Islamic nation, Indonesia. Despite the challenges their culture presents, our students have successfully held Bible studies, health expos, and outreach seminars—and hearts are responding!

And thanks to your kindness, Amazing Facts Study Guides have now been translated into Farsi, which is widely spoken in Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and other countries. That means these life-changing materials are available to millions of Muslims! Additionally,, our Arabic website, has launched the truth in the language of Islam with articles, Bible studies, and videos.

Reaching Jews
We haven’t forgotten our Jewish friends, either, and have recently completed an intriguing new series of videos entitled Is Jesus Kosher for Jews? This winsome three-part witnessing tool with Steve Wohlberg, Jeff Zaremsky, and me is available on DVD at and will be shown internationally on TV.

But friend, we’re only scratching the surface of the intense need in the Middle East. The eternal future for millions is at stake. I sincerely believe God is giving you and me an incredible opportunity to grow His kingdom in one of the most difficult mission fields on earth. How can we say no!?

Reaching the Heart of Islam and Israel!
It might surprise you to know that, during the early 1900s, about 20 percent of the people living in the Middle East identified as Christian. But just 100 years later, that number has plummeted to just five percent. Christianity is dying before our eyes in that part of the world.

But Jesus wants to change that, and He has opened a door for Amazing Facts to broadcast our programs on METV—Middle Eastern Television—a powerful station with a signal that reaches 70 million viewers across the Middle East and every single household in Israel! But not only will our programs touch all of Israel—20 percent of which are Arab households—but they will be available to an additional 200 million in North Africa, the Middle East, and even Southern Europe! Muslims, Christians, and Jews alike will all hear God’s remnant message.

Imagine it! The three angels’ messages shown throughout Israel—the country of our Savior’s birth— and available to more than 24 countries, including Iran, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Turkey, Egypt, and many others. What a tremendous blessing to bring the knowledge of the truth to these people so they can meet the real Jesus and find true peace and everlasting life!

This is simply too great of an opportunity to pass up! Will you please prayerfully consider giving this month so we can boldly to move forward to meet this immediate need and continue all the other ministries you are helping make possible? Your sacrificial gift will make a huge difference in reaching the people of the Middle East—and make inroads to change terrorist hearts into followers of Jesus.

That all the world may know Him,

Pastor Doug

Click here to make a difference in the Middle East Today!

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