Unleash the Power of a Soul Winner

An Amazing Fact: Nuclear fusion is the Holy Grail of clean, sustainable energy. With little more than salt water, it would offer limitless energy using the same chain reaction that powers the sun. Unlike nuclear fission, which uses dangerous plutonium for fuel, fusion would safely generate energy by fusing atoms together at incredibly high temperatures. Yet as big as this development would be—there is nothing more potent or miraculous than fusing a surrendered Christian with the power of the Holy Spirit!

Friend, you helped make possible some amazing miracles recently …

Jean was absolutely devastated. A physical therapy student in the Philippines, she was forced to drop out of school after her father became ill. She soon became deeply distressed about her uncertain future. As a new follower of Christ, Jean earnestly prayed for God’s leading.

Shortly after she prayed, a friend wrote to her, “Perhaps God has another plan for your life.” He suggested she attend a dynamic Bible worker training program called PAFCOE—the Philippines Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism. Jean was thrilled to learn about PAFCOE and about bringing people to the Lord in her own country.

Like Jean, thousands today are longing for opportunities to make a positive difference for God's kingdom. And through Amazing Facts, you are actively giving them hope by opening a door to real ministry and purpose—just as you gave Jean hope.

And today Jean is part of the PAFCOE team that has led 5,000 new believers to the waters of baptism in the Philippines over the past five years, baptisms you made possible because of your heart for missionary evangelism through global AFCOE ministry.

But it didn’t happen by chance.

Urgently Needed—More Gospel Workers!
I’m thankful that many are becoming members of God’s church each year. But 200,000 souls are added to this planet every day. That comes to over 70 million more people every year—more than the populations of California, Texas, and Washington combined! How can evangelism ever catch up with the burgeoning world population?

That’s why the biggest need in God’s church today is discipling and mobilizing the members. Jesus said it Himself: “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” (Luke 10:2).

I appreciate the work of pastors; I’m one of them! But if we’re waiting for them to finish the work—well, it’s never going to happen. That’s why I’m so thankful that you’re making it possible for Amazing Facts to train up an army of members as missionaries and evangelists! And the times couldn’t be more urgent.

Whether here in the USA, the Philippines, Africa, India, Indonesia, or one of our other international AFCOE sites, we have the opportunity to train earnest and gifted Bible workers, missionaries, and evangelists eager to go into the highways and byways to win souls. And we have the promise that when this work is finished, Christ will return (Matthew 24:14).

That's why Amazing Facts is working hard to equip more students in our proven AFCOE disciple-making programs.

Multiply Disciples Greatly
Like unleashing the power of nuclear fusion, AFCOE unites students with a Holy Spirit-led training program with explosive results for God’s kingdom—even in Indonesia, a nation unfriendly to the gospel message.

Our AFCOE mission students there face persecution daily. One was even chased down the street with a sword! What happened next? He went to the next house to present the gospel. As a result, these graduates witnessed twelve baptisms, which is absolutely phenomenal in Indonesia. That’s a miracle you made possible!

At the same time, our global AFCOE team is being pushed to the limits. Most students are poor. Often our team leaders help pay tuition fees out of their own shallow pockets—making it impossible for them to purchase other vital outreach resources, such as simple transportation for students to get to neighborhoods and share the gospel door to door.

Open the Floodgates of Soul Winners
Even with these obstacles, I am seeing the Spirit greatly moving in our newest AFCOE program, AFCOE Africa, which is multiplying disciples:
  • 29 students visited 1,980 seekers
  • 108,000 Bible Study Guides were distributed
  • 225 souls were baptized, with 100+ preparing for baptism! Praise the Lord!
Now let me tell you the rest of Jean’s story. When a special gift helped sponsor her through AFCOE, she cried tears of joy. And after she graduated, she started conducting evangelistic programs for children and adults in some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the Philippines. She now conducts a weekly two-hour radio program in her city, sharing the three angels’ messages with thousands because people like you gave her a solid foundation through AFCOE.

While you may not be able to attend AFCOE, you can help send someone like Jean through the program to become a soul winner. Thousands of others are eager to receive AFCOE’s explosive soul-winning training to advance God’s kingdom.

Praying for more laborers,

Pastor Doug Batchelor
President, Amazing Facts

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