Creating An Explosion of Truth

An Amazing Fact:  The April 10, 1815, volcanic outburst of Mount Tambora in Indonesia is the largest observed eruption on record—spewing an estimated 36 cubic miles of debris into the sky.  So much ash and dirt were blown into the atmosphere that it obscured the sun, causing a volcanic winter in the Northern Hemisphere in 1816.

Isn’t it incredible how an explosion on one part of the world can change the weather on the opposite side?  But this is what you are causing to happen in the Southern Hemisphere—an explosion of truth through Amazing Facts evangelism.

Imagine knocking on someone’s door to share your faith.  When the resident discovers you are a Christian, he explodes with anger, grabs a machete, and chases you down the street.  Wouldn’t you be tempted to quit for the day?

Not if you’re an Amazing Facts Bible worker in Indonesia!  Two dedicated young people—trained as Bible workers only because of your gifts—were so committed to witness for Jesus that, after running to the next house for shelter, they prayed and then immediately resumed their work.  They even walked right past the angry man who was still hunting for them—but he was miraculously blinded to their presence.

Your support is producing scores of brave missionaries for Christ and inspiring countless similar miracles through the Indonesian Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism (IAFCOE)—and local church leaders are begging for more!

Few Know Christ

Indonesia is the world’s most populous island country—with more than 260 million dispersed among 17,000 islands.  It’s also the most naturally “explosive” place on earth, as it lies on the Pacific Ring of Fire.  Indonesia has more active volcanoes than any other country.

But there is an even greater challenge in the land of Komodo dragons.  Few of her people know Christ.  You see, the “Emerald of the Equator” is also the most populous Islamic country in the world—about 87 percent are Muslim.

Furthermore, a significant portion of Indonesians, including Christians, mix their religion with pagan customs—animism, shamanism, and ancestral worship.  That’s why there is an urgent need to share Bible truth with these precious people and why I believe God has called Amazing Facts to act rapidly!

Even though Indonesia officially has religious freedom, radical groups are persecuting Christians, making it difficult to witness for Jesus.  Each year, our IAFCOE team conducts two full-scale evangelistic series, and attendees always risk harassment and being ostracized by their families.  But we can’t—and we won’t—stop witnessing!

A Renowned Rebel

Ricky was not the kind of person you would expect to attend the IAFCOE Bible training program.  Coming from a broken family, he grew up with alcohol, crime, and fighting all around him.  He was a troublemaker at school—and he had nothing to do with God. But God loved this lost son.

Amazingly, Ricky was invited by friends to attend IAFCOE—and he agreed!  The transition was difficult for Ricky—and for the staff too.  His violent life sometimes led to conflicts, but God began to melt and transform his heart.

During the four-month training, Ricky’s life changed.  He submitted completely to God and zealously engaged in door-to-door work, giving Bible studies, and serving local churches.  His warm smile and bright countenance now show his total love for God.

Today, Ricky has special concern for the suffering people on the streets of Indonesia’s large cities.  It’s not uncommon for him to save his lunch and share it with a hungry outcast living in an alley.

Without financial support, Ricky serves on the remote island—his passion to share Christ so strong that nothing holds him back.  He has no regular income, lacks materials, doesn’t own a laptop or projector for teaching, and is even short on proper clothing … but like a volcano, he is exploding with God’s love.

Students like Ricky desperately need our support.  They are so willing to give that they often forget their own needs.  We must hold up these dedicated Bible workers who put their lives at risk in order to share Jesus with others.

Requests for our Bible workers are pouring in from around Indonesia. Right now, there are many Sabbath-keeping young adults in Indonesia who want to commit themselves to God’s work but have no program to guide them.  The best solution is IAFCOE.  It has become known as the finest evangelistic training program in the country.  Let’s do everything we can to support it!

Multiplying the Mission

Your gifts to Amazing Facts turn into resources that not only touch hurting hearts in Indonesia, but also make it possible to create foreign-language websites like, our Arabic language site.  We’re also constantly translating new resources into more languages.  More than 1,100 books, study guides, and videos of Bible truth have been translated into over twenty languages … but there is still much more to do.

Will you prayerfully ask the Lord what He wants to do through you this month and send your gift so we can move quickly to help more people know Jesus the way you and I do?  You will cause an explosion of truth that will impact people around the world.

And let’s remember people like Ricky in our prayers.  No longer is he angry and rebellious.  Jesus’ love now shines through this young man because you cared.

Exploding with joy over God’s workers,

Pastor Doug Batchelor
President, Amazing Facts

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