Proclaiming the Final Events of Prophecy

An Amazing Fact: Members of the International Flat Earth Society, begun in 1956, say they believe our planet is as flat as a dinner plate—despite evidence from thousands of satellites, dozens of manned spaceflights, and untold numbers of ships that have sailed around the globe. Amazingly, a headline in one of their official newsletters reads, “Whole World Deceived … Except the Very Elect!”

Have you ever encountered someone who believes the earth is flat? It can be quite surprising, to say the least. But the idea that almost the whole world could be deceived by Satan is even more alarming.

When it comes to the final events of Bible prophecy, the devil is concocting a masterpiece of deception. Today we see world events rapidly aligning for the last great conflict, and we have an urgent mission to carry the three messages of Revelation 14 to the world. Your support of Amazing Facts is accelerating God’s work in these last days, helping millions each month learn these essential truths.

When Jesus came the first time, the church was unprepared because the people had been taught false concepts regarding prophecy. The vast majority were deceived. It’s happening again! 

Opening Eyes

Millions remain deceived about the Word of God and prophecy—because they have never seen the evidence! They are longing for plain truth and would gladly embrace it if they could only see it. You and I can remove their blinders and help rescue millions more from the devil’s slick deceptions. People like David …

He recently wrote me, “My wife introduced me to your television program. I was astounded by the clear understanding with which you revealed mysteries that have eluded me my entire life in regard to Revelation. Since I was young, I have poured over this book of the Bible and been fascinated by the prophecies contained in its pages.

“Only days ago, I spent many hours crying out to the Lord for understanding. Now I firmly believe that the Holy Spirit has led me to your ministry.” Praise the Lord!

David adds, “Since coming to your website after watching your program, I have spent hours engrossed in the online studies you provide free of charge. They have blessed and challenged me. They have expanded my understanding of God’s Word in ways that years of studying the Bible on my own and listening to teachers from other ministries have never come close to. I thank The Lord God Almighty for bringing me here!”

Thank you, friend, for helping Amazing Facts reach David with Bible truth.

His Time Is Short

Yet Satan knows his time is short, so he is doubling his efforts. Last year we saw devastating natural disasters strike—floods, earthquakes, fires. The morals of the world are repeating the days of Sodom and Noah. The relentless march of terrorists and the flexing of nuclear arms by rogue nations all tell me that time is short.

With the urging of local Catholic bishops, Poland recently approved a new Sunday law—that other European nations are expected to follow their lead. It’s happening!

Wherever the pope travels—America, Europe, Asia—he calls for Christian churches to unite. Not only Christian churches either, as he’s reaching his hand out to Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and other groups. One news writer observed that “Pope Francis’ push for unity is going into overdrive.”

We know Christ never compromised truth in the name of unity. Neither should we. Amazing Facts—with your support—will uphold Bible truth even when it isn’t popular to do so. That’s why we need you to stand with us.

Revealing the Final Events

Of the many resources Amazing Facts has produced, nothing has made such a broad impact in helping people understand prophecy as The Final Events of Bible Prophecy documentary. People and churches have distributed over a million DVD copies—and millions have watched on YouTube and other websites. It has transformed thousands of lives.

The urgency of our times and the pressing need to communicate the Final Events message to more people is clear! And today, sharing magazines are a powerful tool to overcome Satan’s deceptions. That’s why I believe God is calling Amazing Facts to blow the trumpet urgently and direct people to the truth regarding prophecy before Christ returns.

The Bold Plan

So, with your help, we are planning to publish a stunning, engaging magazine based on the popular Final Events DVD. It’s a witnessing resource you can use to present the Bible facts about the soon close of time.

Grounded in Scripture, Final Events will feature stunning graphics and easy-to-understand articles detailing Bible truths about the signs of Jesus’ return, the close of probation, and more. It will also refute popular but unbiblical teachings about the last days and invite readers to discover more truth through the Amazing Facts Bible School.

Will you stand with me today and prayerfully send a sacrificial gift to support this project—along with all the other Amazing Facts outreach efforts helping people know about Jesus’ life-saving truth? Your gift, whatever the size, will help us meet this urgent need.

Satan’s false teachings are being spread around the world as you read this letter. It is essential that we reach out immediately with accurate, last-day truths so others won’t be deceived. Only God’s Word can save them!

Preparing with you for the final events,

Pastor Doug Batchelor
President, Amazing Facts

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