1st Quarter 2021
The global pandemic did not make 2020 “a year to remember” for most people, as multitudes lived in a constant state of dread. That’s why I’m so grateful for steadfast supporters like you.
You stood boldly with Amazing Facts when it mattered, and as a result, you made a life-changing difference for God’s kingdom—the biggest impact ever in our history. Indeed, 2020 was a year to remember in saved souls! So as you read Lindsey’s testimony and those of others you reached last quarter, I prayerfully hope you’ll keep helping many more find lasting peace through Bible truth.
Pastor Doug Batchelor
Sitting at her desk, Lindsey was overcome by the oppressive weight of fear. Where had the anxiety come from? After all, she was married to a wonderful man, was pregnant with their first baby, and had a great job. But now, she sat terrified in the middle of a slow, eerie night shift. Days passed, and she felt increasingly haunted. Even though she hadn’t attended church in years, she knew only God could help.
Growing up, Lindsey attended a Catholic school and faithfully went to catechism classes and Sunday worship. But as she grew older, she became more secular. Her husband had also been raised a Christian, and they’d have interesting conversations about the Bible.
Now faced with growing fear, Lindsey remembered hearing about Pastor Doug Batchelor and searched YouTube. After viewing a sermon about evil angels and fear, Lindsey felt peace flow into her heart. “I knew what he was saying was the truth,” she shares.
One night, at the end of another message, Lindsey sat with tears in her eyes and promised God she would be baptized. She and her husband soon started attending a Sabbath-keeping church and a class that prepared them for baptism. She says, “I was so hungry for the Word. I watched Amazing Facts videos every night.”
Soon Lindsey was baptized, and her loving family, including her husband and their beautiful 19-month-old daughter, Maci Rae, came to support her. Lindsey felt she had everything she’d ever dreamed of—a family, a home, a great job, and now a personal relationship with Jesus.
Just two months later, their world shattered. Maci Rae was diagnosed with Stage-4 neuroblastoma. Doctors told them that this aggressive cancer had filled 99 percent of her bone marrow, with tumors spread throughout her tiny skeleton and a mass on her left adrenal gland.
Lindsey and her husband felt totally dejected—as if Jesus had suddenly forgotten them. Maci Rae began an intense treatment regimen, and Lindsey left her job to care for her. She recalls, “The amount of sadness I felt is indescribable. In an instant, my life was crumbling.”
But even though she felt scared and wondered where God was in their pain, Lindsey fell back on the foundational Bible truths you provided through Amazing Facts. God used these messages to help Lindsey guard her faith.
Lindsey says, “Without Pastor Doug communicating so well, and in a way that really captured my attention, I would be a lost soul. In his sermon about the storms of life, he said that Jesus would not call us to follow Him and then forsake us.
“I remembered this as I faced the biggest storm of my life. Jesus will not forsake us. He will save us through the storm—as long as we fix our eyes on Him.”
Today, Lindsey praises God that He has grown her faith through her unimaginable trial. Surrounded by an outpouring of prayers and support from family and friends, Maci responded well to treatment and was declared cancer-free.
Lindsey shares, “We know what it truly means to love and to fully put our lives, and our daughter’s life, in Christ’s hands. We have surrendered completely to the will of God, and we pray every day that He continues to keep Maci healed.”
Through your loving gifts, Lindsey and many others around the world continue to find freedom from fear, comfort in sorrow, and the good news of grace, salvation, and our soon-coming King.
Your sacrificial gifts are making it possible to air essential Bible truth every Sunday morning on the ION Television nationwide network! “Signs of the Coming King” and other programs are reaching millions today, and your ministry with Amazing Facts is helping many find freedom in God’s truth! Kenneth writes, “I’m thankful for the knowledge that you provide me to better understand the Bible. God bless you. I am a changed man, thanks to your program.”
The Most Important Questions (MIQ) website designed for young adults has been updated, presenting biblical content that is relevant to teens and young adults struggling with faith today. In 2020, we saw a significant increase in visits—up 88 percent! Also, the number of young souls finding wonderful truth each month was over 42,000 by mid-summer! This spike reveals that God is using you to make an eternal difference in young people’s lives!
Thanks to your generous gifts, God led 3 million seekers to find His plan of salvation during the Revelation Now prophecy series. Colleena in British Columbia, Canada, writes, “When watching ‘The King’s Ambassador,’ you gave me clear direction on what I need to do. As of right now, I have decided to not drink anymore! My relationship with Jesus Christ is far more important to me than anything on this planet.”

You gave hope to more than 240,000 people through the new America in Bible Prophecy sharing magazine! Bill writes, “It was you, through your magazine, that led me to the Lord and to get saved. … I thank God for you guys. I’ve come a long way from where I was.”

Thanks to you, the W.O.R.D. Center is completed— debt free! Even with the COVID crisis and all its limitations, millions who are isolated have been able to access and discover life-changing truth! This new “Epicenter of Evangelism” is now delivering hope to many more people through web streaming, TV, and radio!

You led 10,762,954 people on YouTube to God’s message! Michael writes, “If it wasn’t for the Amazing Facts YouTube channel in my area, I would be lost. I do not have a local church, so I am very thankful for what you provide.”

You made it possible for Amazing Facts to translate our soul-winning Study Guides into Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu—India’s main languages! Pastor Doug’s sermons are now broadcast on India’s largest Christian channel on Sabbath mornings. Juliana writes, “From the time I started watching Pastor Doug’s videos, I have had miracles in my life!”