BAL 2024, Ep25 - Did the Sea Creatures Die During the Flood ?

Lesson: 1
Tune in to this installment of Bible Answers Live and you'll learn about when the Ten Commandments were written, and what happened to the sea animals during the Flood ! Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross will also touch on free will, the "once saved, always saved" concept and abortion. Don't miss this episode of Bible Answers Live !

1.- In John 2 verses 14 and 15, is Christ beating the animals and people with the whip ?
2.- Regarding Exodus 16 verses 22 through 26, if our Friday cooking spills over into the Sabbath hours should we stop cooking? also, is it a sin if I eat food cooked by a close relative on the Sabbath ?
3.- When was Exodus chapter 20 written, specifically the Ten Commandments ?
4.- Why did the Romans mistreat Paul after his conversion ?
5.- Did the animals in the ocean die during the flood ? if so, did God re-create all of the fish and sea creatures ?
6.- Is there any Biblical evidence of God breaking a covenant with His people ?
7.- When Jonah chose not to obey God, why didn’t God allow him to make his own choice if we have free will ?
8.- Is it a sin to take prescribed medication if it makes you feel woozy ?
9.- In James 5 verse 16 it says, “Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another.” Does this mean that we should share our deepest wrongdoings to our fellow brethren ?
10.- If Satan can turn himself into an angel of light, how do we know if it is him or a real angel ?
11.- John the Baptist knew what Jesus’ real mission was and prepared the way for Him. Why then, in Matthew 11, did he seem to express doubt and send his disciples to confirm that Jesus was the Coming One ?
12.- How many people need to be praying for God to hear and answer for the healing of the nation, such as found in 2 Chronicles 7 verse 13 ?
13.- Can I get baptized before finishing my Bible studies ? when is it best to get baptized ?
14.- Why is one person described as drunk in 1 Corinthians 11 verse 21 ?
15.- Is abortion unbiblical ?
16.- Once you are saved, are you always saved ?
17.- What is Jesus telling us in John 14 verse 12 ?
18.- Where in the Bible does God state that He no longer accepts animal sacrifices ?
19.- Can you explain what is happening in 2 Samuel 24 ?
20.- Can you please explain John 3 verse 8 ?
21.- What is the seal of God ?

Riches of Grace

Riches of Grace
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Announcer: It is the best-selling book in history. No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious should always be studied carefully. It is the Bible, the Word of God. Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate and practical answers to all your Bible questions. This broadcast is a previously recorded episode. To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this broadcast call 800-835-6747. Once again, that's 800-835-6747. Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International Pastor Doug Batchelor

Doug Batchelor: Hello, friends. Would you like to hear an amazing fact? On January 26th 2019, Lisa Grace and Adam Staples were training five friends to use their metal detectors in the Chew Valley area near Bath, Northeast Somerset, England. That's when they stumbled on a hoard of 2,528 silver pennies nearly 1,000 years old. In October 2024, the coins were bought for 5.5 million making it the highest value treasure ever found in the UK. The total fine consists of 1,236 coins of Harold II and 1,310 coins of William I.

The Chew Valley Hoard, as it's now known, dates from the mid-11th century, shortly after the Norman conquest of England in 1066. Of course, back then, there were no banks in those days and the coins may have been buried in a time of war or an effort to avoid paying taxes. Evidently, the owners died before they could pass on the secret hiding place. The seven friends who found the coins will split 5.5 million with the landowner. The Chew Valley Hoard is now being displayed at the British Museum. Think about that, Pastor Ross. It'd be kind of exciting every kid's dream that you could dig up buried treasure.

Jëan Ross: I know once you get inspired to go out and buy a metal detector and start looking around your yard, you never know what you're going to find.

Doug: You know, I actually did once I used to go camping. You went with us once in Nevada. And there's, you know, a lot of minerals out there and I had a metal detector and we combed the hills up. They usually found like nails and horse shoes and things like that. But you know, the Bible tells a story about a man who found a real treasure in a field and you can read about that in Matthew 13:44. Jesus said, "Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and he sells all that he has and buys the field."

So, the picture is, as I mentioned, there were no banks back then. And people would often bury their treasure and they'd mark the spot. Well, this man, he's working in a field. He's plowing evidently and plow hits something. He goes to dig it up and he finds that it's a treasure that, you know, ostensibly had been buried years before. He covers it back up. He said he hides it again. Then he says, "Oh, it's not right for me to just take the treasure. It's not my field, but I'm going to buy the field because I know what's in it." And he tells his wife, "We're having a garage sale, we're selling everything we've got." She says, "You're crazy." He says, "Trust me." He knows that he's got something that's worth more than everything else he owns. So, he sells everything to get that field with the treasure in it.

And Jesus, you know, that's an analogy for the cost of following Him. He says, we must be willing to forsake all, take up our cross and follow Him. Or it's like the merchant who finds a pearl of great price and he sells everything to buy that pearl. "Friends, what profit is it if you gain the whole world and lose your soul?" So, there's nothing in this world, no sin that is worth more than peace and joy now and an abundant life and everlasting life in the world to come. And if you'd like to know more about that life, Jesus wants you to have it, but He wants all your heart. We've got a book that talks about that.

Jëan: That's right. A book titled, "The Riches of His Grace." That is a free gift this evening. If you'd like to receive it, all you need to do is call and ask the number is 800-835-6747. And you can ask for the book, "The Riches of His Grace." If you have your cell phone handy, you can dial #250 say, "Bible Answers Live" and then ask for the book by name. It's called "The Riches of His Grace." You'll get a digital download, you'll be able to read it and share it with somebody else.

Well, Pastor Doug, before we go to the phone lines, as we always do, we like to start with the word of prayer. Let's do that. Dear Father, we are so grateful for your Word. We are thankful for the truth that the Bible reveals. We need not fear the future for we know who holds the future. And as we study your Word this evening, we pray that you guide us into a clearer and full understanding of Bible truth. We ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.

Doug: Amen.

Jëan: We're ready to go to the phone lines and our first caller this evening is Jan in California. Jan, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Jan: Thank you for taking my call. My question is I have some friends who are painting Jesus as a tyrant and it's all about John 2:14 and 15 when Jesus was cleansing the temple because in John, it describes how Jesus made a whip out of cords. They are putting up pictures and saying that He was whipping the people and the animals. I've never seen it that way. And I just wondered if there is some Bible reference that would refute that.

Doug: Yeah. Well, first of all, the verse itself doesn't say He whipped anybody or any creature. It says He made a whip and drove. Well, let me read it for everybody. If you go to John chapter 2, and I'll start with verse 14, well, verse 13. "Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand." This is a holy feast. There's thousands of people that come to the temple. "And Jesus went up to Jerusalem. And He found in the temple, those who sold oxen and sheep and doves and the money changers." So, people would come and buy their sacrifices. And the courtyard is full of the lowing of oxen and the cooing of doves, and the bleating of goats and sheep and Jesus realized it had turned into a flea market and that was, it was supposed to be a house of prayer.

There's supposed to be sanctity there and they're arguing over the exchange rate for the money and they're bidding on prices and it was just bedlam. And it says He took, "He made a whip of cords, and He drove them out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers' money and overturned the tables. And He said to those who sold doves, 'Take these things away! Do not make My Father's house a house of merchandise.'" In other place, He says, "A den of thieves."

Now, picture for a minute that when a lion tamer makes a whip, He never whips the lion. And I, you know, I got a lot of people that drive a buggy, they'll crack the whip over above the horses here. They don't ever whip the horse. And so, all it takes sometimes is holding it. We don't believe Jesus whipped anybody. We think that He made a cord and then He snapped it and He drove them out and they all went out. So, I don't think that one man could whip enough times to whip everybody out. And so, I don't think he was whipping people.

Jëan: And it wasn't His physical strength in driving them out either. I mean, they could have easily have overpowered Christ. It was His glory being manifest through humanity. They were stumbling over each other to try and get out of there, to get out of His way.

Doug: There's an authority and a dignity. I think that as you said, I think divinity flashed through humanity at some time.

Jëan: Assuming too for example, you have the story in the Bible when they came to arrest Jesus and they said, "We're looking for Jesus of Nazareth." And Jesus says, "I am He." And they all fell down.

Doug: Just from His saying it.

Jëan: Just from that glory that shown forth.

Doug: So, that's what we think is happening here. And if people are picturing the meek and mild Jesus, I mean, all He had to do is speak to the storm and the storm calmed. He didn't need to thrash around and I don't think He whipped anybody. His word was enough, there's enough authority there where they just, they, it was like God had spoken and they fled. So, I don't know if you'll be able to persuade your friends. I have seen paintings before pictures of Jesus with a whip over His head and people cowering and running and I don't think that's an accurate depiction.

Jëan: All right, thank you, Jan. Next hold that we have is, let's see. Godwin in Maryland. Godwin, welcome to the program.

Godwin: Hi, first of all, I want to thank you for everything. Your program has really helped me in my spiritual life.

Doug: Praise God.

Godwin: So, my question is from Exodus 16, verses 22 through 26. The text is about Moses telling the children to bake and boil what they will eat and all that they will remain and all that remains should be left over till morning. And also in Exodus 12:16, he tells them to prepare what everyone will eat on that day. My question is this, if our Friday cooking spills slightly into the Sabbath hours, are we to stop cooking or are we to finish cooking? And if, suppose maybe a close relative of mine or perhaps my mom cooks food on the Saturday and I eat it, have I sinned?

Doug: Okay. Now, that's assuming that your mother doesn't view things the same way because sometimes you get a household where, you know, you're in a house and people may not share your beliefs. Is it a sin if you eat food that they cook? Well, I don't think so. You know that there's some things you can control and some things you can't control. Now, if it's your home, then it's within your gates. You know the Bible says, "Your son and your daughter within your gates." When you've got authority over your home, you need to invite those that are in your home, whether it's your kids or family to respect your beliefs. But just getting to the heart of the question, well, is the Bible says, yeah, "I give the Sabbath as the rest. Rest from your regular labor." And it goes on further to say that we shouldn't be buying and selling. That's in Nehemiah, I think chapter 9 and 13. And yeah, I think even in Jeremiah chapter 17 talks about that people not bearing burdens through the gates on the Sabbath day. And in Exodus, he says, you know, "Bake what you're going to bake, boil what you're going to boil, gather your food on the fifth day."

The whole idea is get all the work out of the way so that you can rest. When the Sabbath begins, you're ready to rest and enjoy it. Now, that doesn't mean that you can't, you know, microwave something and heat it up. The idea is a practical one to get as much food preparation as possible done so that you're able to enjoy that day. So, hopefully that, does that make sense Godwin?

Godwin: Yeah. So, that means, suppose, let's say the, if the food was prepared, I haven't, like I haven't sinned if I were to eat it.

Doug: No, I don't think so. Now, you know, I'd go on to say that, you know, Paul says anything that's not of faith is sin. So, you know, if you're highly convicted, then, well, don't do it. Or if someone else in your family is feeling really uncomfortable with it, you know, don't do anything to make them stumble. But, you know, if I was in visiting somebody and someone didn't share my beliefs and they prepared a meal on that day, I would eat it and ask God to bless it. It's something I can't control. It's a question of whether it's your home or not. And if you have, you know, if you're leading and you have control in your home, that's different. All right, thanks friends. Appreciate that Godwin.

Jëan: Next caller that we have is Brittany—

Doug: By the way, pardon me, Pastor Ross. I should tell Goodwin, we do have a book on how do you keep the sabbath holy.

Jëan: Yeah, that's right. We'll send that to anyone who calls and asks. It's not a book that we send out too often, but it's a great book filled with very important Bible truth. Just call and ask, the number is 800-835-6747. The book's called "How to Keep the Sabbath" dial #250 on your smartphone and just ask for it by name. We'll be happy to send it to you. All right, we're ready for our next caller. We've got Brittany in California. Brittany, welcome to the program.

Brittany: Hey.

Doug: Hi, how are you doing Brittany?

Brittany: Oh, pretty good.

Doug: And your question?

Brittany: Yeah, my question is, when was Exodus 20 written, specifically the Ten Commandments section?

Doug: So, you've got two things happening here. You're asking, when was it written? And then you're asking maybe when did it happen? We know more about exactly when it happened. It was shortly after they left Egypt. Instead of going north towards the land of Canaan, they went more southeast to some believe that Sinai was in Arabia. And after crossing the sea, Moses went up the mountain and before he went up the mountain, he spoke to the nation of Israel, and he declared the 10 commandments. Then Moses went up after the people said, all the Lord has said, we will do. He got the written transcript. When did Moses write the book of Exodus? Based on the wording, it seems like Exodus was written not very long after the events. And so, I don't know, it may have been before they made it to the borders of the promised land. That's when you end up with Numbers and they got turned back into the wilderness. So, some time in there. And Genesis was probably I meant sorry to say, yeah, Genesis was probably written while Moses was in Midian, and he was wandering there as a shepherd. So, hopefully that answers that for you Brittany. And thank you for your question.

Jëan: Next call that we have is Glenn listening in Ohio. Glenn, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Glenn: Good evening, pastors. And thank you for taking my call. Back in the first century there was a young man named Saul who was very much in favor of Rome as he went about arresting people who were found worshiping the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua. And after his conversion experience, Rome treated him terrible. Why did they do that? They put him in jail, beat him up, left him for dead. Why did they do that?

Doug: Well, in the beginning of Paul's ministry after his conversion, Rome really didn't care less about the Christians. The first few times that Paul was arrested, it was because the Jews had stirred up the mob and the same thing they did with Jesus. Pilate was going to let Jesus go. But they said, "Oh, He's rebelling against Caesar." And the Ephesians, they said about Paul and Silas, he's stirring the whole city up. These are turning the world upside down. The Romans otherwise wouldn't have cared. But there were either the idol makers were threatened by the work of Paul who said, "Don't pray to idols." Or it was some of the Jews that had rejected their teachings about Jesus. They said they were--they're throwing out the law of Moses. So later, it became the Romans when the Jews rebelled against Rome. Then Christians were persecuted along with the Jews because they saw them as the same monotheistic religion, reading the same Bible.

Jëan: So, you mentioned that before Saul's conversion when he was still Saul and he was persecuting the Christians, he was doing so in the name of the religious leaders, the Sanhedrin. He wasn't doing it in the name of Rome or the Caesars. So later on, actually, it's interesting, there were times when the Jewish leadership wanted Paul, this is after his conversion, wanted to kill him and it was the Romans that actually protected him until he made it all the way back—

Doug: In the temple on the steps. That's right, they saved him.

Jëan: All right thank you, Glenn. Next caller that we have is Karen in British Columbia. Karen, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Karen: Hi there, pastors. Thank you for taking my call. I listen to you all the time and you are a blessing both of you.

Doug: Thank you.

Karen: You had mentioned the other night, I listen to "Bible Answers Live" quite often and you had talked to a man who was saying that at the flood when all the people on the earth were destroyed and that the Bible does say something about all the souls in the sea died. And I think you had said you thought that could be true. But I was wondering if that's the case, wouldn't the Lord hadn't had to have recreated all the fish that are now in the sea.

Doug: Yeah. Now, I think there may be a misunderstanding. There is a verse that talks about every soul in the sea died. That's in the seventh plague if I'm not mistaken, Pastor Ross, it's not talking about the flood. During the flood, we don't believe all the sea life died. You might think with all the turmoil and the mud and the silt that is blowing around in the waters during the flood that it would choke a lot of sea life. Some probably did get killed because you find fossils of these great sea creatures that are dead. But I'm amazed every year, we've got trout in our creek up in the hills and it floods in the winter and there's logs and mud and debris and everything washing down the creek. And I think, I don't know how any fish could ever survive. And the next spring there they are again. Somehow they hide in the little eddies and the ripples of the rocks. So, a lot of sea life did survive the flood. In fact, it's kind of interesting Lake Titicaca, which is, I don't know, 11,000 feet high, it's got sharks. Freshwater sharks and they're not that distantly related to the sharks you'd find in the ocean. When those mountain ranges of the Andes rose up, there were bodies of water that just rose up with them. And some of the sea life there are similar to the sea life you find in the sea. So, and they find fossils inland where there used to be oceans that aren't there. So, I believe a lot of sea life did survive the flood. I don't think God recreated. I think a lot was destroyed and they're extinct now.

Jëan: And the plague you're referring to Revelation chapter 16, verse 3. It's the second plague and it talks about the sea turning to blood and every living creature in the sea died.

Doug: I think it says soul in King James. Yeah, so that's talking about something a different time period at the end of time. But yeah, a lot of sea creatures did survive the flood, the birds and the land animals were in the Ark. Sea creatures were still in the water. Thanks.

Jëan: Next call that we have is Anthony in New York. Anthony, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Anthony: Yes good evening, pastors. My question, it's based on Hebrews chapter 8 where God talks about the new covenant that he was going to make with the house of Israel, which we know that's spiritual Israel, Christians. But my question is all throughout the Bible, we see covenants that God makes with His people. He made covenant with Noah. He made a covenant with Abraham and just all throughout the Bible. And then what I also realized is that in like Deuteronomy chapter 28 for example, there were blessings and there were curses that were mentioned there. So, I was having a conversation with a friend and they say, "Yeah." So, whenever we don't keep part of the bargain, when we avoid, when we break the covenant, then God breaks His, when we break the covenant with God or when we do something wrong according to the covenant, then God breaks His covenant with us. And it just didn't sit well with me to say that God breaks covenants. So, I just wanted to know, is there any evidence in the Bible of God breaking a covenant with his people. Or is it just that we work our covenant with God, and we just suffer the consequences of that?

Doug: Yeah, well, the word covenant, I would not use the word break because break would make whoever breaks the covenant is violating the agreement. If I make a contract with you, and there's certain terms. If you break the covenant, the contract becomes null and void. There are places in the Bible. I'm trying to think there's several places actually where God says, you know, "You've broken the covenant." He tells them, "You've broken the covenant." And so, the promises that God had are conditional on keeping the covenant. If we don't keep the covenant, then the promises are null and void. God says, "If you will do this, then I will do that." And so, God never breaks His Word. But if we break the covenant, then the promises are null and void. And different covenants had different promises like in the Ten Commandments, it says, "Honor your father and mother." Promise says, "Your days will be long on the land that I give you." And so, pay your tithe and the promise is, "I will open for you the windows of heaven." Now, there's some people that have long life, but he's not opened the windows because they don't pay their tithe. So, I mean, there are different promises where words and covenants all through the Bible. But yeah, God never breaks His Word. Heaven and earth will pass away. His Word won't pass away, but we might break the covenant and then the promises it's nullified at that point.

Jëan: All right, thank you, Anthony. Next caller that we have is Robert in California. Robert, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Robert: Yes, pastors. Thank you for taking my call. My question is about man's free will. And in the book of Jonah, we all know that God had asked Jonah to prophesy to the wicked people of Nineveh. And he decided not to do that and took off and fled to the ocean, got on a ship and was sinking, and then got into the water and then the fish swallowed him and brought him back to make him go to Nineveh and do God's bidding. So, the question is, I guess Jonah did not choose to do that. He left and actually was punished in a kind of a singular way here of coming back to do it. And my point is that there, see, there's a fine distinction between I'm not going to do that, but he knew directly from God that you'd better do this. And he, you know, had to come back and through extraordinary circumstances to do it. So, is there some point that really, we know that there is some way that we don't have to guess to do something right? Like Moses is doing the work that he did, you know, he was kind of told by, you know, after he was pushed out of Egypt to through the circumstances to go up and be told do this and he went and did it, you know, he released the Israeli people. But at that time, he didn't do you now, "Do you want to do this or not?" No, I'm not going to go back there.

Doug: So, first of all, with Jonah, I would argue that Jonah still had a choice because if you look at Jonah chapter 3, after his terrible experience in the fish, he prays and repents during that time, fish burps him out on dry ground says, "Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time, saying, 'Arise, and go to Nineveh.'" Jonah could have said no again. But after what he'd been through, he thought, you know, "Things don't go well when I don't listen to God." So, he went, but there's stories in the Bible where God asked prophets to do things, they didn't do it. And one prophet said no, and he died. So, he had a choice. Sometimes the consequences were pretty severe. But you've got a lot of examples in the Bible. Even Moses had a choice when he said, "Oh, don't send me." God says, "Well, if you say you can't speak, your brother will translate for you." But, and even Moses nearly died on his way because he was in disobedience when he stopped and says, the angel of the Lord nearly slew him.

Jëan: Then you go, Balaam, the prophet who really wanted to go to get the money. And he said, "No, God says I can't go." And then God allowed him to go. So yes, God does recognize freedom of choice even with the prophets.

Doug: And it backfired for Balaam. So, hopefully that helps a little bit, Robert. We thank you for your question. We do have a book, "Can a Saved Man Choose to be Lost?" That talks about free will.

Jëan: The number to call for that is 8000-835-6747. You can ask for the book, "Does a Saved Man Choose to be Lost?" We'll be happy to send it to you or dial #250 on your smartphone. Say, "Bible Answers Live." Ask for the book by name. Now, I didn't mention this at the beginning. But if you're outside of North America, if you'd like to receive that book, just go to the website. You'll be able to read it there on our library, our digital library, so you can still read that resource. Next caller that we have is Ivan in Mexico. Ivan, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Ivan: Hello, pastors, good evening.

Doug: Evening.

Ivan: Thank you for taking my call. Yes, I had a question but I actually wanted to answer one of yours.

Doug: You want to answer one for me, huh?

Ivan: Yes. So, every time I, sometimes I see you when you do a ministry on YouTube, I see that you ask the question about the Ark of the Covenant if someone has found it yet. I've seen a couple of videos on the internet. There were the, it was found by a man named Ron Wyatt back in 1982.

Doug: I know about that, and I think that's been disproven.

Ivan: Oh, I see.

Doug: I've been there on three occasions. Pastor Ross has been there. There's no cave underneath the cross. And the whole thing was fabricated. But, yeah, anyway, I won't go into that right now. But, yeah, I don't believe the Ark has been found. No, it's ok. I know about the videos and, some people, you know, they'll believe anything, but it's not been discovered. Anyway, go to your question though.

Ivan: Yeah. Okay, well, my question was about medication. Is it okay to take prescribed medication that makes you like, woozy?

Doug: Well, you know, we'll be very careful not to pretend we're doctors and tell you what to take. But there's no moral sin in taking medicine, that is, you know, achieving a goal and hopefully healing. You can see, for instance, in Jeremiah 46:11, "Go up to Gilead, take Balm, O virgin, daughter of Egypt; in vain they'll use many medicines; and you'll not be cured." And then you read in Ezekiel chapter 47 verse 12 says, "The fruit of these trees will be for food, and their leaves for medicine." They use medicine back in Bible times when Hezekiah had a terrible boil. Isaiah didn't just wave his hand over him. He says they placed a lump of figs, a poultice on his leg and it healed the boil. So, that was a medic--medical treatment, so to speak. So yeah, check with your doctor. If it's making you dizzy, you might want to check the prescription. But no moral dilemma in using medicine for a good purpose. Don't abuse drugs. That's a different thing. And don't go away. We're coming back with more Bible questions in just a few minutes.

Announcer: Stay tuned "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.

Announcer: Amazing Facts, changed lives.

Scarlett Varley: I'm Scarlett Varley. I grew up in a military home. Both my parents were in the Navy and my mom left fairly early and then my dad stayed for 15 years and so he was deployed a lot. We would read the Bible every night together as a family. And I mean, I knew like that God was there and like I knew that He, like, died for me. But it wasn't something that, like, you know, stuck in my head. Any time I went to church, I never got enough information. You know, you're there for just like an hour. I was super, super hungry for knowledge and I wasn't being given it. And even though I accepted Christ, my faith, like, really wasn't all that strong. I mean, I lost my first friend in high school, you know, my first boyfriend to suicide and that was really hard, and I didn't understand it and I was just really, really depressed. I was also like, abused and so I was just really confused, and I was like, Lord, why was I put in that situation where I had no control over anything? I was suicidal. I was developing an eating disorder.

So, like all these things were just coming into play, you know, I don't feel loved, you know, that's not something that would happen if I was loved and that's not something that happened if maybe I must have done something wrong if I went through that. And I just blamed myself for everything. On the outside I was still, like super happy and outgoing and I'd give everyone a hug and compliment them and try to put the attention on other people. And so, people didn't know what I was going through.

I was just super confused about life and why am I here? Like, I don't think I have a reason to even be alive. And I was really confused with God. Like, why would you let this happen? Like, why wouldn't you intervene? I just wanted to change it. I wanted to change it so bad. And there was nothing I could do. I quit choir because I was around too many people. Choir was a big thing. I just isolated myself because I couldn't stand being around people. And I was like, oh, well, if I don't have any friends and if something happens to them, well, then it won't affect me because I'm not part of their lives. And so, I was just really scared of just losing people. And so, I thought if the more I pushed them away, the easier it would be to just go through life. The problem was I didn't turn to God and that's what I needed Him most.

My sophomore year in high school, we went on this thing called Fall Weekend. So, we went on a retreat for like the weekend and they showed this clip of Jesus Christ on the cross and that broke me. I mean, I was crying, crying so much and after they showed the clip, you know, everyone's super quiet and they're like, I go out on the campus, and we're going to do this thing called 20 Minutes. And so, I'm sitting out there and I'm just like praying. I gave my life to Christ, and it was just such, like, a beautiful moment. Right around that time, my dad found Doug Batchelor on the TV. And so he's like, "Scarlett, come watch this." And I'm like, "All right, like, I'll watch it." And so, we started watching it, like, all the time. And he's like, "You know, this is like the Bible truth." I was like, "It definitely is." He's like, "Scarlett, you should go to AFCOE." And I was like, "That's not really my cup of tea." I was a very spirited person and AFCOE was structured and I, me as a person, I wasn't too structured.

But you know, the more I thought about AFCOE, the happier I got and it was like a two weeks’ notice before AFCOE started. She's like, "You got accepted like we emailed you your letter and all this stuff." And I was like, "Oh no, oh no, I have to pack up my entire life." And so, I'm like, frantically, like, packing up everything and me and my dad like, drive cross country and AFCOE is not what I expected at all.

They've definitely led me, and helped me, and talked to me, and taught me, and just loved me, and accepted me as who I was, and just helped me grow as a person, and showing me different ways of life and just how to live like a better life in all sorts of areas. Without the help of the Lord and without like people who love the Lord and love me, I wouldn't be where I am today. Even though I didn't want Him, I, you know, I kind of shoved Him away, He didn't let go. And so, I'm super grateful.

Announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live" where every question answered provides a clearer picture of God and His plan to save you. So, what are you waiting for? Get practical answers about the good book for a better life today. This broadcast is a previously recorded episode. If you'd like answers to your Bible related questions on the air, please call us next Sunday between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. Pacific time. To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this evening's program call 800-835-6747. Once again, that's 800-835-6747. Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."

Doug: Welcome back listening friends to "Bible Answers Live," a live international interactive Bible study and you're part of our Bible study family. So, if you have a question, we welcome them. These questions come in live and every now and then people say, "I've got a question, but I'm afraid to get on the phone." So, they'll email a question to us, and I think we're going to have a few of those. My name is Doug Batchelor.

Jëan: My name is Jëan Ross, and we've got some email questions for Pastor Doug. For those of you who are watching, if you'd like to send us an email, here's the email address. It's easy. It's Jeremy is asking, "In James chapter 5, verse 16, it says, 'Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another.' Does this mean that we should share our deepest wrongdoings to our fellow brethren?"

Doug: No. You don't want to be confessing personal sins to the public or even your friends. I think it's basically saying, you know, in a general sense that we tell people, "You know, I'm struggling. Will you pray for me?" Otherwise, you get into the mode of where people used to confess their sins to the priests. And I think it would be terrible to be a priest and have to listen to all the intimate secrets. It's probably not good for his own soul to know that much. Sometimes you get what they call too much information, and they say confession is good for the soul but bad for the reputation. So, you know, unless you've got a close friend and there's something specific you know, really feel like you need to share and ask for their prayer for be very careful about making your personal problems public.

Jëan: All right. Next one that we have is actually next email question we have is Mosh asking, "If Satan can turn himself into an angel of light, how do we know whether it is him or whether it's a real angel?"

Doug: Good question. I think when the devil appeared to Jesus in the wilderness, he appeared as an angel of light. He didn't plop down like a, you know, a devil with bat wings and a goatee and horns and say, "I've got a proposition." Jesus never would have been fooled by that. But what he said revealed who he was. That's why by the third temptation, Jesus said, "Get behind me, Satan." He knew who he was. And so, you measure whether it's an angel of God or an angel of the devil based on what they say in the Word of God. It's the same measurements you'd use to how do you know a true prophet from a false prophet? Jesus said, "You'll know them by their fruits." And you can measure what they say by the Word of God. Moses says actually in Deuteronomy says, "If anyone says he's a prophet and he says anything against what I teach." Paul said, "Even if an angel from heaven should teach you another gospel, let him be accursed, anathema." So yeah, based on what they say.

Jëan: All right, maybe time for one more of these email questions. So, Nathaniel from Indonesia, he's asking, "John the Baptist knew that Jesus' is real mission or what his real mission was and prepared the way for Him. Why then in Matthew chapter 11, did he seem to express doubt and send his disciples to confirm that Jesus was the Coming One?"

Doug: Well, John heard from the Holy Spirit when Christ came to get baptized, "This is the One." And twice, he said, "This is the Lamb of God." But even John, like the apostles thought that Jesus at some point was going to reveal Himself as the new king of Israel. John even believed the popular Jewish beliefs that Christ's Second Coming and First Coming were commingled and that somehow He was going to make Israel a great nation again and bring an everlasting righteousness. And he kept waiting for Jesus to do something dramatic. And while John was languishing in Herod's prison, the devil began to work on him and he started wondering, "Did I get it wrong? Are You the one or do we look for someone else?" And Jesus told the messengers from John, "Just stand here for a minute." And they watched Jesus open the eyes of the blind, and heal the sick, and maybe even raise the dead. And He said, "Go tell John what you've seen." And then John remembered the verse in Isaiah where it says that He would preach the gospel, that He would heal the sick in the ministry of Christ. And he said, "Yeah, He is the Messiah." It just wasn't time for Him to manifest Himself as king yet. So, yeah, John was, but I think John had peace after that and he was ready to die, obviously.

Jëan: Okay, we're going to go to the phone lines. Our next call that we have Alan standing by in California. Alan, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." You're on the air.

Alan: Thank you, gentlemen. Bakersfield, California here. Well, I was reading 2 Chronicles 7 verse 14 where God is saying that, "If My people who are called by My name, humble themselves and pray and seek My face," and then it goes on to say He'll do His part by healing the land. Now, is there a certain amount of people that need to do that before he grants that because I know in Genesis 18, Abraham kind of like negotiates with God about 50 people to save the city of Sodom, righteous people than 40? And he goes down. So, there's some flexibility there, some negotiation there. I just didn't know if—

Doug: Yeah, well—

Alan: What that meant in 2 Chronicles.

Doug: Two things, I think you have two different things happening in the story where Abraham is interceding for the city of Sodom and Gomorrah. It wasn't just a famine. See, when 2 Chronicles it says, "If God withholds the heaven, so it does not rain." He says, "If My people called by My name will humble themselves and pray and turn, I will bless them with the rain of heaven." In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, God's getting ready to annihilate these nations that have just totally given themselves over to wickedness. And so, there, Abraham is pleading for them to have more time. He's not saying they're going to have good weather. He's trying to save them from annihilation. And God says, "Well, if there's still 10 or 12 people in the city that can witness, there'll be salt, there'll be light, there might be hope that there'll be a revival. But if you don't have any witnesses there, then people are fully given over to evil."

So, there's two different things happening there. But I think the principle is still true that you find in 2 Chronicles that if a nation that is suffering under the judgments of God, He's withdrawn His blessings. If they'll humble themselves and pray, He did it for Israel many times. He can do it for our nation too.

Jëan: And I think it's got a broad application in addition to just the nation and particularly Israel. But it's also referring to the church, the people of God, there is a revival needed amongst those who claim to be the followers of Christ. And that revival comes as a result of earnest fervent prayer. We're seeking the latter rain not just literal rain. So, this promise is incorporating a revival amongst God's people. If they turn to Him in prayer as well.

Doug: That's right.

Jëan: All right, next one that we have is Xylyn in Texas. Xylyn, welcome to the program.

Xylyn: Hi, Pastor Doug.

Doug: Hi.

Xylyn: I'm doing Bible study right now. Do I have to know all the truth or when is it best to get baptized?

Doug: Okay, good question. Do I need to know all the truth? No. There are certain fundamentals that you should know both to give a Bible study or for a person to be baptized. Jesus says in Matthew chapter 28 says, "Go therefore and teach all nations baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things I've commanded you." So, there is teaching before baptism. And of course, there's a lot of teaching after baptism. Before two people get married, they may not know everything about the other person, but they want to know that person well enough to commit their life. And before a person's baptized, well in our church, they go through, you know about a dozen baptismal vows that are the basics. Need to know of course, the what that, who God is and that the Bible is His Word, that it's holy and it's the bottom line for our truth and believing in the commandments of God, understand what sin is and the penalty for sin and salvation from sin.

So, there's some basics a person needs to understand before baptism. But you can start giving Bible studies as soon as you understand anything in the Bible. Jesus sent the apostles out teaching before they knew a lot and there's some, several things they didn't know.

Jëan: So, yes, keep studying, keep learning. And you know, when you're ready, it's time to get baptized.

Doug: And by the way, Xylyn, is it Xylyn?

Jëan: Xylyn.

Doug: Xylyn, you're--giving Bible studies is the best way to remember scripture. As you share it with other people, you're going to remember it a lot better. So, keep it up.

Jëan: Next one that we have is Peter listening in Maine. Peter, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Peter: Yeah, thank you, doctor. I mean, Pastor Doug and Ross. My question is from 1 Corinthians 11:20-21. And it says, "Therefore when you come together in one place, it is not to eat the Lord's supper. For one is eating, each one takes his own supper ahead of another; and one is hungry and another is drunk." So, my question is when they partake of the Lord's supper, it's not fermented wine. So, why is somebody drunk?

Doug: Yeah, well, it wasn't supposed to be, the Corinthians had a lot of problems. They also had a man living with his stepmother. And in the communion service it's not supposed to be a meal so much as to satisfy hunger because it's unleavened bread. And it's supposed to be not only unleavened bread, it's supposed to be unfermented wine because one is a sign of the purity of Christ's flesh and the other is a purity of his blood, his gospel. And so, it is Babylon that has wine that makes people drunk. So, the Corinthians, Paul is correcting them from doing it wrong. He said, "You're not only drinking wine too much, you drink of the wrong kind and some people are coming thinking it's a meal and they eat before you've even had the service and someone has nothing left when they get there." He said, "You guys don't understand." So, I would not use the Corinthians as an example for whether it's supposed to be fermented or not because Paul is basically telling that you're doing it all wrong.

Jëan: And the good news is, you know, Paul wrote another letter in 2 Corinthians and it appears a lot of the counsel that Paul had given in 1 Corinthians had been heeded because it's a little more encouraging and positive when he wrote 2 Corinthians.

Doug: He praises them for trying to right some of the wrong.

Jëan: Trying to do the right thing, yeah. All right, thank you Peter. Next call that we have is Alan in Virginia. Alan, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Alan: Hello, I just was wanted to ask if abortion is unbiblical?

Doug: Yeah. Simple question, simple answer would be yes. Now let me give you some verses for that. First of all, just going to, and I know this is a very sensitive divisive topic in our country right now. But the question is, is human life sacred? Well, the Bible says, yes, that people are made in the image of God and that that life should be preserved and protected. When does human life begin? The only place that you can pinpoint when you know it would begin is that conception when the cells of the man and the woman spark into life and create a new being. And in the Bible prior to birth, it talks about the baby within Elizabeth who is John the Baptist leaping at the tidings of Mary when she comes to visit. So here she's I think six months along at that time, if we calculate correctly, Mary's three months along. And she says, "The babe leapt inside me at the tidings of your coming." Well, it treats it like a man like a human. And when Bathsheba discovers that she's pregnant, she doesn't say to David, "I've got, you know, fetal tissue." She says, "I am with child." Child is a child, and she may have only been missed a period or two and two or three months along and she said it was a baby. So, I think the Bible is pretty clear that human life is sacred. Now, is it an unpardonable sin? No. You know, there's a lot of people out there that made decisions for abortion and God is a merciful God and He will forgive. But I think that you have to respect human life is sacred.

Jëan: Okay, thank you. The next call that we have is Tang in Washington. Tang, welcome to the program.

Tang: Hey pastor. Thank you for having me.

Doug: Thank you.

Tang: So, I have been reflecting on the idea of once saved always saved. And I would love to hear your perspective on this. You know, your salvation is something that is secure when a person accepts Christ or are there steps, or one must continuously, you know, to take to maintain your salvation? And how does the scripture support either of you?

Doug: Yeah. Well, great question. And by the way, your question is one that's been debated by Christians for over a thousand years. So, I want to tell you that I know there are Christians out there that love the Lord that will disagree with me. But it's like, I don't know if it's 50/50 the Christians who believe in, you know, Calvinism and once saved, always saved. And then those that believe that you need to maintain your relationship with the Lord. There's a lot of verses in the Bible that seem to indicate that a saved person can be lost. Paul said, you know, it, "I press on.” Said, "Lest I preach to others and I myself am a castaway." Bible talks in Hebrews chapter 6 about those who are full of the Holy Spirit and walking with the Lord. If they turn away, if they fall away, it's impossible to renew them to repentance. In Revelation, message to the church was to say He's talking to the church. He says, "I will remove your candlestick."

Jëan: That's right. And He says those who don't repent, He blots their name out of the Book of Life, so—

Doug: The name was in the book and then it's blotted out. Jesus said those that abide in Him, if they don't bear fruit, they are taken away. So, and that's John 15. So, there's, I believe there's a scores of scriptures. And then you've got examples of people like Judas who Jesus sent out preaching, teaching, casting out devils and--but he would not fully surrender and be--he gave into his greed. And, you know, some will say, well, he never was saved. And all right, let's accept that. What about King Saul? King Saul was chosen by the Lord, filled with the Holy Spirit, even prophesied, and he ended up grieving away the Holy Spirit and fell on his own sword. Balaam was a prophet of God, but like Judas, he became preoccupied with materialism and greed, and he died a lost man. And Revelation says so.

So, you just--it's reckless, I think, now at the heart of this question is someone wants to know. What they're really asking is, "Can I have security about my relationship with the Lord?" I would say, "Yes." God will never let go of you. That doesn't mean we've lost our freedom to jerk our hand out of His hand. But Karen and I made vows when we got married and we made a covenant, and I am absolutely secure that I love her. She loves me, that she will be faithful, and I will be faithful. I don't worry about it. I've got confidence because I love her, and I have faith in her and she feels the same way. Do we have freedom? I mean, if we wanted to, could we violate those vows and get divorced? Yeah, we have that freedom. Does it happen to some people? It does. But can you have security in your relationship? You can. And Jesus loves you. He wants to save you, everybody listening. And if you'll surrender your life to Him, it says He will be the author and the finisher of your faith. You can have security that He has begun a good work in you and He will perform it. Once people know that they can have security, they don't fight for once saved always saved.

Jëan: We do have a book called, "Can a Saved Man Choose to be Lost?" And it deals with this very subject and we'll send it to anyone who calls and asks. The number again is 800-835-6747. Just call and ask "Can a Saved Man Choose to be Lost?" Let me try to make it easy for you to get it. Just dial #250 on your smartphone. Say "Bible Answers Live" and ask for the book, "Can a Saved Man Choose to be Lost?" We got Jody in Canada. Jody, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Jody: Thank you. Yes, I'm calling from Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Today my question is John 14:12. I'd love to know the meaning of it, and it reads, "I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in Me will do the same work I have done, and even greater works, because I'm going to be with the Father."

Doug: Yeah, people read that verse, Christ says that we will do even greater works. How can anybody do greater works than Jesus? Well, He's not saying greater in magnificence. He's saying greater in extent because He said, look, I can't stay here and preach to all of Israel and preach to the world. But because I'm going to the Father. "But you will have an even greater extent in your work in that you will go into other countries and the expanse of the work of Christianity has gone around the world through His disciples." So, that's what Christ is talking about. He's not saying that, you know, his work of dying on the cross, no human can surpass that. And the miracles He performed, raising someone dead for four days. I don't think anyone surpassed that, but He's saying the extent of the territory you'll go even to greater places than Me, which has happened. Christianity and the disciples, they went into the whole civilized world back then. Good question, thank you.

Jëan: We've got Max in Florida. Max, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Max: Yes. So, my question is about the, I know it's a controversial about sacrifice, but I wanted to know where does God actually states that he no longer accepted sacrifices if they were with a contrite heart?

Doug: Well, even in the Old Testament, you can read in the book of Malachi and also in the Psalms where He said, "Sacrifice, I did not desire." And in Malachi, He says, you know, "Are you going to appease Me with bulls and rams and rivers of blood?" He says, "I've shown you, O man, what is good, what does the Lord require of you. Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God." And all through the Scriptures, the main thing the Lord wants. And then what--who was it? King Saul said, "Look, we've got a whole flock we're going to sacrifice to the Lord." And Samuel said, "To obey is better than sacrifice."

So, what the Lord has always wanted was people's hearts. It's only the sacrifice of Jesus, His blood. You know, it's like that song. "What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus." It's not the blood of goats and sheep. That was all a symbol. And what really matters is the blood of Christ. Now Christ, when He left the temple the last time He said, "Your house is left to you desolate." The high priest tore his robes at the trial of Christ. When Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the temple was torn. That whole ancient system has been torn now. Now, Christ is our Passover according to Paul.

Jëan: Couple of verses that refer to what you said, Pastor Doug. Psalms 40 verse 6, "Sacrifice and offerings you did not desire." And then that's quote in Hebrews chapter 10 with reference to Jesus. It says, "Therefore, when Christ came to the world, He said: 'Sacrifice and offerings you did not desire, but a body you have prepared for Me.'" So, Jesus is our sacrifice. He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. There's no value in sacrificing lambs today.

Doug: That's a slam dunk scripture there. It makes it pretty clear.

Jëan: It makes it clear. All right, thank you. Next call on that we have is let's see, Vicky in Colorado. Vicky, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Vicky: Hi, I was reading in 2 Samuel 24 and David was encouraged by Joab to take a census and the Lord did not approve it. And I heard that Phineas was the one that actually stopped a plague that was one of the choices that David had to make for his punishment. And I'd like to know a little bit more about that.

Doug: Okay, there are two things. So, one you're asking about when David numbered Israel and there was a plague and actually David offered sacrifice on Mount Zion. Later, it became the, an angel appeared, and it became the place where the temple was built. Where Phineas stopped the plague, I think it's, that's the book of Numbers. When the men of Israel began to have feasts with the Moabites and the Moabite women came into the camp and one of them was so bold that he took a Moabite princess right into his tent in front of the whole congregation. And Phineas, the priest came and basically, he shish kabob'd the two of them and God praised him for his zeal in stopping the plague because of their immorality and that women had led them into sin. So that, these things are separated by hundreds of years.

Now, is there another Phineas in the Bible? Well, there may be, I was going to do a search. I didn't have time, but it's not an uncommon name. And I'm sure if you go to the Book of Numbers, I'm thinking you will find another Phineas. But there Chronicles. Thank you, Vicky. Appreciate your question.

Jëan: Another call that we have in Florida. Trecia from Florida. Trecia, welcome to the program.

Trecia: Yes. Good night Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross. My question is, yes good evening. My question is John chapter 3 verse 8 where it says, "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but can I tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit." Can you explain that more? Like, expound on it.

Doug: Yeah, it is somewhat mysterious, but I'll expound a little more. Of course, we can see the results of the wind. You can't see wind, but you can see when wind moves the trees. If I want to know if the wind is blowing, I don't look straight up at a blue sky because you can't see it. But if I look horizontally and I see papers rolling by and leaves blowing by, then in my garbage can, you know, half a mile away, then I know the wind is blowing. So, we can see the results of the spirit on a person's heart in that there's a transformation and we don't know exactly when that might happen.

Now, being born of the water is something we can choose. We can pick a date, we can go to the Jordan, we can get baptized. When you get born of the Spirit, we cannot choose. The wind blows where it lists. In other words, you pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and God may give it right then and He may give it later. But you should always be praying for the Spirit. So, Jesus said, you know, "The working of the Spirit and the timing may surprise you like the wind." And then at Pentecost, it says there was a sound of a mighty rushing wind when the Holy Spirit fell upon them. So that was a symbol of that.

Jëan: All right, last call, I think we have time for Steven in Canada. Steven, we got about a minute.

Steven: Good evening. I would like to know, I read before that the seal of God is going to be the Shabbat after the Ten Commandments.

Doug: Yeah. Well, the seal of God is, first and foremost is the Holy Spirit. And, but within it, in the seal of God, it says in Isaiah chapter 8, I think it's verse 16, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." The Spirit of God seals the law of God in our hearts. And a seal contains three things. It typically has the title of an official, their name, their territory. And you know, when Daniel was put in the lion's den, a seal was placed on the stone and it said, "Darius, king, Medo-Persia." Pontius Pilate put Jesus in the tomb or when is when He was put in the tomb, a stone was rolled, Pilate put a seal on it. And the seal probably said, "Pilate, Governor, Judea." Title, territory, the name. And in the law of God, you've got the seal of God in the fourth commandment. "For in six days," it says, "The Lord," that's His name, "Created," that's His office. He's a creator, sustainer, "Heavens and the earth, everything above and below." That's His territory.

So, some have said, well, the seal of God is the only place you find the word holy in the Ten Commandments. And that while the Holy Spirit is the prominent, first and foremost seal that in His holy law, there's one commandment where you find the word holy and one of the characteristics of God's people that will have the name of the Father in their forehead. The seal of God in the last says is going to be the Sabbath truth and that would be the seal.

Jëan: We do have a free offer that we'd be happy to send to anyone who wants to learn more about the Sabbath as we find it there in the fourth commandment. It's a study guide and it's called "The Lost Day of History" and we'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks. The number is 800-835-6747. You can also dial #250 on your smartphone. Just ask for it by name. We'll be happy to send it to anyone who is, who contacts us. Those of you who are listening.

Doug: Friends, it's been a pleasure studying the Word with you and we enjoy this so much. We look forward to doing it again next week. Make sure and tune in and tell your friends to join us for "Bible Answers Live."

Announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast. We hope you understand your Bible even better than before. "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International. A faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.

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