BAL 2024, Ep27 - Did Jesus Keep the Sabbath After the Resurrection ?

Lesson: 1
In this episode of Bible Answers Live, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross discuss with callers the timing of our salvation and our judgment, God the Father's name and Jesus' observance of the Sabbath. Join us ! Every week callers from around the world have their questions answered straight from the Bible ! Come and study with us !

1.- Is the current condition of United states politics an indicator of the perilous times that Jesus is talking about in Matthew 24 verse 12 ?
2.- Is salvation a futuristic thing, or is there a Scripture in the Bible that says you are saved at the time of conversion ?
3.- Is Deuteronomy 12 verse 15 saying that all meats are clean ?
4.- Are the following Scriptures relevant for today ? Daniel 2:21, Romans 13:11 and Hosea 8:2-4.
5.- If Jesus’ name is Jehovah, what is God the Father’s name ?
6.- Do demons need a human body to be around people ?
7.- When is the Book of Life opened, and people judged from it ?
8.- Does Scripture provide support for elective medical procedures ?
9.- Should a woman cover her head during prayer ?
10.- Did Jesus keep the Sabbath after His resurrection ?
11.- What does 1 Corinthians 6 verse 9 mean when describing idolaters ?
12.- Did Jesus go to the Holy Place, or the Most Holy Place according to Hebrews 9 verse 12 ?
13.- Does the Bible provide guidance for avoiding “bad company” ?
14.- What does 2 Samuel 22 verse 30 mean ?
15.- Can you explain the 70 weeks of prophecy in Daniel ?
16.- Ephesians 1 verse 13 says we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. Is this the same seal mentioned in the book of Revelation ?
17.- How do I preach without making people feel judged ?
18.- Did Lazarus die a second time or did he ascend to Heaven ?

Anything But Secret

Anything But Secret
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Announcer: It is the best-selling book in history. No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted; and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious, should always be studied carefully. It is the Bible, the Word of God. Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate and practical answer to all your Bible questions. This broadcast is a previously recorded episode. To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this broadcast, call 800-835-6747. Once again, that's 800-835-6747. Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International, Pastor Doug Batchelor.

Doug Batchelor: Hello friends, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." Would you like to hear an amazing fact? A subsidiary of Airbus called Aalto has designed a solar powered aircraft that has broken all records for sustained high altitude flight. It's called Zephyr. And its fantastic engineering allows it to fly continuously for up to 90 days at a time. It soars above 60,000 feet way up in the stratosphere above weather and regular air traffic. The wings are covered with solar panels that charge during the day and the ultra-light aircraft flies with efficient propellers on battery power through the night. The latest Zephyr 8/S has a wingspan of 82 feet but only weighs a hundred and thirty pounds. It can reach up to 76,100 feet and can lift a payload of 11 pounds. You might be wondering, what's the practical purpose for such an aircraft? The plan is that they would serve as flying cellular phone towers. One of these soaring aircraft could cover as much territory as 200 land-based towers. They're hoping future models can stay a law for up to nine months.

You know, this is an amazing achievement, but actually biologists have discovered that God created a little bird called a common swift that can fly for ten months straight without landing. They eat and sleep on the wing. Can you picture that? And I understand the albatross, it can go years without landing on land. It may land in the water and eat something, but it doesn't touch land for years. So, it's just incredible that they've actually got this aircraft passer Ross that'll fly for 90 days now. They're hoping for 300 days in a few years.

Jëan Ross: Well, Pastor Doug, we've been on some long flights. I know you have. I think Dubai going to Australia, New Zealand is one of the longest. You know, 16, 18 hours is long, but 90 days in the air. Good thing, people can't fly on that one. But it's amazing what technology is doing just being able to fly higher, and longer, and further. And of course, we're only catching up with what God had made where birds can fly for--what did you say? Ten months?

Doug: Yeah, with--the swift can go ten months without landing. They put little transmitters on it and they tracked some of them, they just--they didn't land for ten months. They'll swoop down and they'll scoop a little water off a pond. They eat bugs out of the air. They soar real high then they sleep as they spiral down. And it's just incredible. They just never land. So, it's kind of interesting to me, you know, I'm interested in solar power that they're now--and by the way, they said that they need to thank people like Elon Musk and others that have developed these ultra-light high efficient batteries because they couldn't do this a few years ago, batteries were too heavy. But the batteries are getting so much more powerful and lighter that now they can support an aircraft all through the night and then it charges during the day because they're up above the clouds. They'll have sunny days every day that they're up there. It's kind of amazing.

By the way, you know, it makes me think about--the Bible teaches that someday believers are going to have supercharged wings. You can read in the book of Isaiah chapter 40, verse 31, "Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength: they will mount up with wings like eagles; they'll run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint." Paul tells us in prophecy that when Jesus comes, we're going to soar up through the air to meet Him. That's in 1 Thessalonians 4, verse 16, speaking of what we call the rapture, it's not a secret, but it's a rapture. "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds," though it's not a UFO, "to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we will always be with the Lord." Now, all Christians believe that the Lord's coming and we're going to go up. Some believe that there's a secret rapture that takes place before the tribulation. And then of course, there're many Christians who believe that we'll be caught up. It's not a secret and it's at the conclusion of this great tribulation. So, we're going to find out what the Bible says and we've got a free offer on that subject tonight.

Jëan: We do. It's a book entitled, "Anything But Secret." Want to know about what happens when Jesus comes? Well, the Bible is pretty clear, and we highlight those various Bible verses in the book, "Anything But Secret." If you'd like to receive it, the number to call for that is 800-835-6747. 800-835-6747, that is our resource phone line. You can ask for the book by name, "Anything but Secret," or offer number 106. Or if you have your cell phone, you can just dial "#250." Say, "Bible Answers Live" and then ask for the book, "Anything but Secret." And of course, throughout the program Pastor Doug, we're going to be offering various resources. It's free. That'll help people in their study of God's Word. So, you might want to write that number down and call and ask, it's free. Share it to somebody else. If you're outside of North America, I know we have a number of people who are listening outside of the US. If you'd like to read one of these free resources, just go to the website, or .com and you'll be able to read it right there.

Well, we're ready for the phone lines but before we go to the phone lines, we always want to start with the word of prayer. Dear Father, we are so grateful for this time where we can open up Your Word and study. Thank You for the ability to expand this Bible study around the globe. And so, Lord, we ask Your blessing on our time together today in Jesus's name, amen.

Doug: Amen.

Jëan: Our first caller this evening is, Gary, listening in Illinois. Gary, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Gary: In Matthew 24:12, it says, "The end times will be lawlessness and it will increase and perilous times will come." And so, the president elect is a climate change denier, the attorney general nominee for a long time under investigation for sexual misconduct, illicit drug use, campaign fund misuse. The secretary of health nominee is the vaccine denier. So, my question is, is this political stuff or is perilous stuff getting us full force?

Doug: All right, thanks for your question, Gary. I would not limit the prophecy that says that, "Lawlessness will abound," to a particular person or political party. I think it's saying in general that around the world there would be a disregard for God's law. And so--and you see that, you know, just take a look for instance of the law that says--seventh commandment, "Don't commit adultery." People around the world now, the Western civilization is basically treating sex like shaking hands. They--people don't get married, they don't believe in the sanctity of marriage. The idea of the sanctity of life with abortion, not respecting that and--or euthanasia. And you can just go through the commandments. Not to mention the commandments to talk about man's respect and honor for God in the first four commandments, but in the last six commandments, "Thou shalt not covet." There's more litigation and lawsuits now, today for extraordinary amounts for trivial things. People want millions of dollars. So, it--there's greed, there's immorality. So, there's a lawlessness and that kills the love of God in our hearts. And Jesus said, "Because the lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold." And we see that happening today.

Jëan: You know, we do have a study guide that talks about God's law. It's called "Written in Stone." It's about the Ten Commandments. A lot of people might think, "Well, the Ten Commandments, that was for people back in the Old Testament, we're living in the New Testament times," or, "We're under grace," so to speak, "we don't have to keep the Ten Commandments." But you'll discover if you get the study guide and read the verses there that yes, God wants His law written upon the heart. So, we'll be sending this to anyone who wants to learn more about it. The number is 800-835-6747. You can ask for the study guide. It's called, "Written in Stone" and it talks about the Ten Commandments and its importance even today in society. Thank you, Gary. We've got Glenn in Ohio. Glenn, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Glenn: Hello, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." Thank you for taking my call.

Doug: Yes, sir.

Glenn: There's a couple of scriptures that refer to being saved as futuristic. One of them says that "Our salvation is nearer than when we first believed." And the other is Matthew 24:13 that, "He that endures to the end, the same shall be saved." Isn't it the truth that salvation is a futuristic thing that they will be saved or is there a scripture in the Bible that says that "At conversion, people are saved?"

Doug: That's a great question. And you know, the answer would be that when we first come to Jesus, we are saved from the penalty of sin. And during our life, we experience sanctification where God gives us victory and we're saved from the power of sin. And when Jesus comes, then we are saved, and this is future from the presence of sin. And so, you actually have different stages or facets of salvation that are being referred to. Christ began His ministry. He said, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand." Anyone listening to my voice right now can turn to Christ, repent of their sins, confess their sins to God, ask for salvation. You become a citizen in His kingdom. Well, then you begin, you know, battle against temptation, then you need power from His Spirit to deal with the power of sin and temptation. And ultimately, as we endure to the end, we will be saved from the presence of sin, never be tempted again. So, that's why I think you're seeing these different dimensions because it's talking about the different phases.

Jëan: We have a book that talks about that, it's called, "Three Steps to Heaven." And it explains this gift of salvation and how it works. And we'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks. The number is 800-835-6747. You can also dial "#250" on your smartphone. Again, it's called, "Three Steps to Heaven." It is a great read. It's a really good. Makes it clear, very plain, this Gospel truth. John Basco in Arkansas. John, welcome to the program.

John Basco: Hello, Pastor Ross, Pastor Doug. Thank you so much for taking my call. I have a question about Deuteronomy chapter 12, verse 15. It reads, "Not withstanding thou mayest kill and eat flesh in all thy gates." It goes on to say, "The unclean and the clean may eat thereof." Is this saying that all meats are clean?

Doug: No. Well, first of all, if you compare it to other scriptures written by the same author, He says, "You shall not eat these unclean animals, they are an abomination." Clean and unclean did not only apply to animals, there were people who are sometimes unceremoniously clean and there's several things that could make you that way. You may have just come from a funeral, you're considered unclean, if you had been involved in burying a dead family member. There were other diseases you might have, or psoriasis, or any kind of open wound, you were called unclean. But he's saying that when it came to the feast, whether you were clean or unclean, you could participate in eating of this feast. It's talking about the people. Let's not talk about eating unclean animals. And some folks have read this before and thought, "Oh, look at here, it's a contradiction." But no, he's talking about the people who are participating in this feast. Whether they are clean or unclean, they may eat of it.

Jëan: Okay, great, thank you. We've got David in Florida. David, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

David: Hi, good afternoon pastors. Got a quick question for you.

Doug: Yes, sir.

John Basco: A couple of verses here, Daniel chapter 2:21, Romans chapter 3, verse 1, and Hosea 8:2 to 4, referring to setting up things and taking them down. And is that still relevant today for like God raising the world leaders up today and putting them in office?

Doug: Yeah, I think that especially in the book of Daniel, let me read this for our listeners, this is Daniel 2:21. And Daniel is saying this in the context of a vision that goes through five world empires or phases of world empires. I should say, the gold, the silver, the bronze, the iron, the iron, and the clay. And he says" He changes times in the seasons. He removes kings and raise up, raises up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding." So, yes, God is ultimately supreme. That doesn't mean that every leader that is in power is in power because they are good. God says that sometimes He's allowed even wicked people to be in leadership so they could chastise other countries. And you know, I think God even used Attila the Hun to kind of humble Rome. I mean, it doesn't mean that Attila was a good guy but, you know, anytime God wants, He can blink and a world power, you know, they can come to an end instantly. So, God is ultimately supreme and sovereign. And I think these verses are saying that--and we should even pray. Paul says we should pray for those that are in positions of leadership.

Jëan: And I think another thing to add to that Pastor Doug is, it's true that God is ultimately in charge, but often He allows people to receive the consequences of their choices. Sometimes people make bad choices and they elect people that bring pain and sorrow. You look at the history of Israel, some of the kings that were loyal to God, the whole nation was blessed. But when kings were put in place that turned the people away from God or rebelled against God, it seemed the whole nation suffered. So, God does allow consequences to follow bad choices.

Doug: Absolutely.

Jëan: So, we can't say every king or leader or president or whatever it might be is always necessarily, that's specifically the will of God. Sometimes God will allow people to make choices that have negative consequences. Hopefully, so we can learn.

Doug: Sometimes a nation will get the leader it deserves.

Jëan: Yeah, that's true.

Doug: So, anyway, thanks so much, David. I hope that helps a little bit.

Jëan: We've got Richard in Florida. Richard welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Richard: Hey, thank you pastors. Pastor Doug, In your sermon on Saturday, you said Jesus is Jehovah and that caught me and I went, wow, so we baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son, the third commandment. You know, thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Our father who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name, what is the name of the Father?

Doug: Well, it seems that--first of all, keep in mind, Jesus said that He and the Father are one and when God reveals Himself to Moses and He says, "I am that I am." And knowing exactly how to pronounce the sacred name of God. It's been everything from Jehovah to Yahweh. But that is the same title that is used for Jesus as well as the Father in different verses. The Bible says there is no Savior but Jehovah and of course Christ is Savior. And it says, "Jehovah and Jehovah only knows the thoughts of men's hearts." Well, Jesus knew the thoughts of people's hearts.

So, if you look in the Old Testament at a lot of characteristics that God uses, Jehovah uses to identify Himself, you'll find that Jesus meets those criteria in the New Testament. So, the Jehovah of the Bible in the Old Testament is the true God. Well, the true God is the Father, Son and Spirit. So, Jesus is the same God that you find in the Old Testament. It's not a different God.

Jëan: We have a book, it's called "The Name of God." And we'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks. The number is 800-835-6747. You can dial "#250" on your smartphone. Ask for the book written by Pastor Doug. It's called "The Name of God." And I think Pastor Doug you get into some other verses there. Sometimes people say, Well, you got to pronounce God's name a certain way or you got to use the right title. You get into all of that in the book and explain that—

Doug: It goes into a lot of detail and I enjoyed that study. I need to read it again because I probably forgot some of what I wrote.

Jëan: All right, next call that we have is Andrew in Kansas. Andrew welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Andrew: Okay, so, my question was, do demons need to possess a body to manifest in front of us? Like just to--they need possess a body to like just look like a normal person in front of us?

Doug: I don't believe so. So, does the devil need to possess a living human in order to reveal himself? I don't think so because you read in, is it, 2 Corinthians 11? Paul says, "Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." Meaning, you know, the devil is a devil of illusion. He has power over light. One of Lucifer's names was light bearer, and he can create illusions and I think his demons can create illusions and, you know, we can project images on the wall and we can make 3D, what do you call them allo gram, holograms—

Jëan: Holograms.

Doug: We can create 3D holograms. The devil's probably got better technology than we do. So, I don't think he needs to have a human being to show a demonic manifestation. I think he can create illusion. We've all met people who have also been possessed. That gives us a picture of what the devil can be like.

Jëan: Yeah, the Bible does say in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12. Paul says, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." So, you get the idea there. It's not flesh and blood. Now, of course, an evil spirit, a demon can possess a person, but evil angels are ever present trying to influence people, trying to manipulate them to, sin.

Doug: Yeah, and we have a book we can send on. "Did God Create a Devil" that will answer some of the questions about how the devil works and tempts people and manipulates.

Jëan: The number to call for that is 800-835-6747. The book is called, actually one of our study guides, "Did God Create a Devil?" And it goes way back in Bible time and explains the origin of evil and Satan, you can dial "#250" on your smartphone and ask for that. It's called, "Did God Create a Devil?" Next call that we have is David in California. David, you're on "Bible Answers Live."

David: My question is I figure, okay, is the end of times when Michael comes and it says, you know, the righteous will be right, the dead and right would be right first and the righteous one. So I figured they've already been judged. So, when does, it says when the books will be open and all will be in front of God and be judged, when does that happen?

Doug: At the end of the millennium. There's what you would call a great white throne judgment. Now, this takes place after the wicked try to take the city of God. You read about Gog and Magog, which is a, it's just a symbolic name for the enemies of God's people. They cover the earth like the sand of the sea, and they seek to take the new Jerusalem and Christ rises above the city, and it just brings it all to a screeching halt and He makes everyone's life pass before them. And there's this great white throne judgment at that time. And you know, the Bible says, we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. So even those in the city whose names are in the book, and they're declared innocent, fallen angels, good angels, the wicked, everyone is present at that moment. And that's when every tongue declares that Jesus Christ is Lord. But that's also the time, the way I understand it, of the Great White Throne judgment.

Jëan: Yeah, the Bible indicates that there is different phases of the judgment. We call what maybe the pre-advent judgment sometimes called the investigative judgment that takes place before Jesus comes because when He comes, He comes with this reward to give to every man according to his deeds. So, there's some kind of a judgment we believe that's happening even now, that judgment began with the dead. And now it's moving into, we don't know when, the Bible doesn't say, but it moves into the living and then probation closes. You have the Second Coming of Christ. And then at the end of the 1,000 years, you have the wicked, those who didn't make it to heaven, their judgment where they stand before God in the Great White Throne.

We have, I'm thinking, two study guides that get into this. The one is called "Case Closed." It talks about this judgment as well as another study guide called "1,000 years of Peace." And that talks about the millennium as well as the judgment at the end of the millennium. So you can call and ask for both of them. The number is 800-835-6747. Ask for the study guide. It's called "Case Closed" and also for the one "1,000 years of peace and a lot of verses and a lot of good information there. Thank you, David. We've got Patty in Idaho. Patty welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Patty: Hi, good evening pastors. I have a question as far as elective medical procedures and specifically, my situation is over this past year, I've lost a significant amount of weight and so I've been looking into skin removal surgery and even though it's not medically necessary, to have the surgery, you know, the extra skin makes me very insecure and uncomfortable. And I'm just curious what the Bible would say about these elective medical procedures, if God would view this as vain and something I did this to myself. So, I kind of need to put up with it or I mean, if He would understand the, insecurities that come along with that.

Doug: Sure, great question. And I would say that, you know, you don't want to do anything that's going to put your health at risk but there is certainly nothing wrong. I mean, why do we comb our hair in the morning if Christians should care about trying to-- take care of their appearance. I brush my teeth not only to clean them. I want them to be white and, you know, if you need to do some kind of cosmetic surgery to, to improve your appearance and it's not doing anything that's going to injure your health and it'll make give you more security. There's, nothing wrong with that.

Jëan: And as I said, as you mentioned, pastor, like they could be, you know, long term, they, it's good to take care of that if there's extra skin, remove it.

Doug: Yeah, congratulations on losing all that weight.

Jëan: Yeah, that's something to be celebrated.

Doug: Yeah.

Jëan: So, all right. Thank you, Patty. We got Mary in Washington. Mary welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Mary: Thank you for taking my call. I'm calling about the text that talks about a woman should cover her head before she prays.

Doug: Yeah, 1 Corinthians.

Mary: And I'm wondering if that's just something for the Bible times or if that's any reference for today. And if that refers to having your head with long hair or what do you have?

Doug: First of all, we want to be careful not to build a doctrine on one verse. And in this passage where Paul is talking about reverence, you have to ask yourself, is he saying that every woman in every culture in all time is supposed to cover her head when she prays? Or is he saying one place he says in the same passage, a woman, God gives a woman hair as a natural covering, and He doesn't say her head needs to be covered all the time. He says, you know what, she's praying in public. And then later in the verse, he says, "For we have no such tradition. He uses the word tradition." So, I would say, you know, whatever your culture is, the tradition is of respect, you want to honor that.

I think Paul was talking about a cultural tradition and he wanted to have the women be showing signs of respect. For example, when Pastor Ross and I were in Israel together, it's probably been three years now. You know, we go into a church, we take our hats off. When we went to the wailing wall, they said put your hat on because that's why the Jews wear a yarmulke when they go into. And so custom to whom custom is due. If you walk in the typical American church, barefoot, they'll say, you know, no shoes, no service. But well, we don't say that. But you know, but if you go to the churches in Asia, they say take off your shoes. We went to a church in India where there are like 30,000 pairs of shoes and we're not exaggerating there was at least 25,000 pairs of shoes. So, they take off their shoes as a sign of respect.

It seems like this passage would fall in the category as respecting the tradition of submission to God and the relationship between husbands and wives that might vary from culture to culture. So, and I would always tell a person that, you know, if you're convicted, there's certainly nothing wrong with a woman covering her head. When we go to Russia, a lot of the women there in the orthodox churches, they still cover their head. In India, the women still cover their heads. And when Karen was there, she dressed like the women there. So, you want to do whatever is going to be respectful. Any thoughts on that?

Jëan: Absolutely Pastor Doug, you know, it's always interesting. It's good when you go and we go and we preach in different churches. It's good for us to kind of find out what is acceptable culture there for reverence because the last thing you want to do is do something that might be acceptable in North America and you do it there and they say, well, they're not being reverent, they're not respecting the Word of God or the preaching of the Word. So, we got to be sensitive to that.

Doug: That's right. That's good advice. Well, friends, you hear the music that doesn't mean we're leaving, it means we're taking a break. The best is yet to come. So, stay tuned. We'll be back with more Bible answers in a minute.

Announcer: Stay tuned "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.

Announcer: "Amazing Facts" changed lives.

Candace: Well, it was the year 2000. Tony and I had been wanting to go north and be near Canada where his family was and Washington was looking awfully green and pretty. We did venture north and everything fell into place. We even got to build a home and become homeowners for the first time.

Tony: When we got to Washington, we fluttered church to church. We had gotten hurt. Some things were said, some things were done to my son. It was really painful and then I started traveling and it drove a wedge between Candace and I was drinking so much on the road that when I got home, I would be just yelling at the top of my lungs at my kids because they didn't do something. But yet I was hiding behind this corroded life of pure selfishness. It was killing my marriage. It was killing my kids from the inside.

Female: I remember just being there being a lot of like fights and my dad getting angry. The more that my dad would leave, the harder it became.

Tony: Coming home was harder than going on the road. I was like, I can't wait to go back on the road again. Oh, my word. I get to do what I want when I want whenever I want. I just relied on her to be the spiritual side of the family. You pray for them, you take them for church, you teach them Jesus, You do that because I'm not, I don't want to.

Candace: I was a terrified person trying to find a balance to make him happy, not get angry with me and get angry with the children. For some strange reason, I don't know how to explain it, this amazing idea drops in my heart. I really need to find a church on Saturday because then Saturday, I could really just like have time with God and then Sunday could be all about getting ready for Monday. A couple weeks later, this postcard comes in the mailbox. It just said Most Amazing Prophecies. And I looked at the postcard and it had and I watched one after another after another. When I got to number seven, it was about the Sabbath. I just got on my knees and completely rededicated my heart to Jesus. And from pretty much the middle of December to the end of January, I spent Sabbath at home. I would turn on I don't know how I came across it, but I would listen to that and get out my Bible. And I was like, this is my church. One of the commercials at the end of "Amazing Facts" or whatever will say And I thought, "You know what, I want to check out" So I clicked on there. And then off to the right hand side, there was a spot that said, "How can I find a Sabbath keeping church?" So I clicked on it. Hey, there's Mount Vernon. Mount Vernon is only about 20 miles south of me. I could, go there. So, I go inside and I'm sitting there and then a gentleman comes up. He's like, "Hi, what's your name?" And his wife and his kids. "How did you find us?" I told him my story and he goes, "Would you like to get baptized?" Just about a week and so later on the ninth, I was baptized.

Tony: In here. I'm on the road and I'm traveling and I'm drinking and doing the business. I'm earning money and it's coming home and it's keeping my wife at home with the kids. But our relationship was extremely strained because the things I was being involved in, on the road. This is, May now and I'm on a airplane flying home. I've been watching my wife, I've watched my son, my eight year old daughter at this time has already been baptized. All four of them are in this radical relationship with these people at this church. And the one thing that bugged me the most was this Sabbath thing like there has to be something missing here. And so I had this list of scriptures. I had two Bibles with me I traveled with. And I started to read and then it hits me just your, my eyes just opening up to discover that I had never ever, ever honored God on His day. Oh, we went to church. We, were children and family pastors and here I'm in this airplane and God's Word is speaking to me. I came home and got on my knees and asked my wife to forgive me. And that day my life was radically changed as the kids saw.

Female: My parents are two completely different people than they were ten years ago. When we all came together as one family, as one unit, nothing was going to separate our family anymore. We were more close than we were before.

Tony: What Amazing Facts has done for my family. Oh my word. The fact that we're talking like this right now is a miracle. My girls to hug me, my son to hold me. I am such a blessed man.

Announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live" where every question answered provides a clearer picture of God and his plan to save you. So what are you waiting for? Get practical answers about the good book for a better life today. This broadcast is a previously recorded episode. If you'd like answers to your Bible related questions on the air, please call us next Sunday between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. Pacific time. To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this evening's program call 800-835-6747. Once again, that's 800-835-6747. Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."

Doug: Welcome back listening friends to "Bible Answers Live" and some maybe have tuned in along the way. This is a live international interactive Bible study. And we just would love to have you call with the Bible question if you have one. If you've not called before, we try to give preference to first time callers to welcome you to the family. And we're going to go back to the questions in just a minute. My name is Doug Bachelor.

Jëan: My name is Jëan Ross. And Pastor you mentioned the phone number. Let me mention it again. If you want to call him with your Bible question. It's 800-463-7297. It's 800-GOD-SAYS it's 800-463-7297. We've got Dan in Texas. Dan, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Dan: Yes. Hi. Pastor Doug and pastor John, I really appreciate your ministry.

Doug: Well, thank you.

Dan: Is there biblical scriptural evidence or to prove that Christ kept the Sabbath after resurrection?

Doug: First of all, Jesus, He died on Friday afternoon, He rested in the tomb through the Sabbath. He died just before the Sabbath and He rose right after it was over. So, it's like He rested from His work of saving man. The disciples refused to embalm His body, at least they didn't finish embalming His body because it's as they went home and kept the Sabbath according to the commandment, came back Sunday morning to finish. If you're a Jew, you had three days to do complete the burial. And then of course, He rose Sunday morning, then He appears to the disciples on earth over a period of 40 days. And He taught them along the way that I think the closest you could come is Revelation chapter 1 where it says John is in the Spirit on the Lord's Day. And the only day that is called the Lord's Day in the Bible would be the Sabbath day. If you read in Isaiah 58 it says, calls it the Sabbath of the Lord, "On My holy day." And in the commandment, it says it's His day. So, that would be the only thing I can think of Pastor Ross because it doesn't tell what day He did different things.

Jëan: And after Jesus rose from the dead, He didn't spend as much time with His disciples as He did before. In other words, they traveled with Jesus. Christ was with His disciples 24 hours a day. He was teaching in the synagogues. That didn't occur after the resurrection. He appeared at different times to the disciples. On the very day Sunday after the resurrection, He appeared to the disciples that evening. And then He told them He would meet them again in Galilee. So, they journeyed up to Galilee and then Jesus appeared to them there. So, we don't see the same type of time that Christ spent with the disciples. It doesn't mean that He didn't appear on the Sabbath. The Bible just doesn't say.

Doug: Well, it does tell us also in Isaiah, "Speaking of the future that in heaven," it says, "It will come to pass it from one Sabbath to another. All flesh will come and worship before me." So that's in the future. He says, all flesh, not just Jews will come and worship before Him on the Sabbath. So, I think there's good evidence there.

Jëan: And of course, there's no evidence in scripture of Jesus ever changing the day of worship after the resurrection. You'd think that would have been noted in a big way if that would have happened, but that didn't. All right, we got Brad in California. Brad, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Brad: Hi, thanks for taking my call.

Doug: Yes, sir. How can we help?

Brad: I have a question. It's 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9, when it talks about idolaters will not inherit the kingdom of God. What exactly is meant by idolaters in that context?

Doug: Yeah, well, the sin of idolatry, it's mentioned in the Ten Commandments in the second commandment. "You'll not make unto you any graven images, the likeness of anything in the heaven above or the earth beneath or the waters under the earth, you'll not bow down yourself to them nor serve them." And it goes on to say, "For I'm the Lord, your God. I'm a jealous God." So, idolatry is forbidden from cover to cover in the Bible. That means anytime we're worshiping material things or any likeness of God, and we're putting it in the place or making a god of it. Now, that would mean, you know, praying to a statue or praying to a painting. And you know, even a porcelain figurine of Mary, some people pray to that's making idols out of things and worshiping them. God says, "I am everywhere I am a Spirit." He fills heaven and earth. Any plastic, concrete, stone, gold representation we make of God is going to belittle our concept. And John tells us, keep yourself from idols, my little children, the beast power causes the world to worship the image of the beast. And so, you can find from Genesis to Revelation that God tells His people do not worship idols. We serve a living God. We're to love people and that some people love things. So, idols for people today may not be a Buddha that they're praying to. It might be a Ferrari.

Jëan: All right, thank you, Dan--oh Brad rather. We got Carlos in Pennsylvania. Carlos welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Carlos: Good evening, Pastor Batchelor and Pastor Ross. How are you today?

Doug: Doing great. Thanks, Carlos. And your question.

Carlos: Awesome. On the account of John 20 between I know that between Mary Magdalene and Thomas, Jesus went to heaven to present Himself as a sacrificial lamb. And I know that in 1844 Jesus went to the most holy place to intercede for us. Now, my question is about Hebrews 9:12. I know that Hebrews 9:12 is speaking about that time frame between the encounter of Mary Magdalene and Thomas. The new King James version says that Jesus went to the most holy place. But the King James version says that Jesus went to the holy place. So, the big question is when Jesus ascended to heaven, did He go to present Himself as a sacrificial lamb? Did He go to the Most Holy place or to the Holy place?

Doug: It's easy to say that Jesus when He ascended, went into the presence of the Father who would be in the most holy place to inaugurate the earth, the heavenly sanctuary. When Moses built the earthly sanctuary, normally the priest only goes in once a year, except when it was first built. Moses went in to sprinkle all the implements with blood, to consecrate them, to inaugurate it if you would say and to activate it for lack of another word. When Christ ascended to heaven, He had His sacrifice declared adequate. He went before the Father, pled His blood, activated the heavenly temple if you will. And that would have been in the very presence of God, but He continued His work for us in what we would call the first apartment for the next 1800 years.

Jëan: And I think as you mentioned there, the word Most is sort of added in the New King James version. The King James version just says Holy Place.

Doug: The original Greek says that.

Jëan: That's right for the textus receptus. So, you know, holy place. Well, there's two compartments, the Holy and the Most Holy. So, that was sort of add a little bit with translators. And as you mentioned, Pastor Doug, there is an anointing. But if you keep reading in the Bible, you find that especially when you get to Revelation chapter 4 describes God the Father and He is in the first compartment of the heavenly sanctuary, talks about seven burning lamps before the throne. We know that to be the candlesticks. And then you're reading Daniel chapter 7, there is movement, the Ancient of Days goes from the Holy to the Most Holy. And then one like the Son of man, which is Jesus follows the Father in. The court is set and the books are opened and judgment takes place. So, there is movement in the heavenly sanctuary. Of course, it illustrates the plan of redemption and what God is doing for those who are trusting in Him.

Doug: Yeah, and we have a lesson that talks about the sanctuary and the judgment.

Jëan: You think of another one. God Drew the Plans talking about all the—

Doug: The one that more deals more about cleansing of the sanctuary.

Jëan: That would probably be the one. Yeah, Right on Time talks about the judgment. Yeah, if you'd like to learn more about it, the number to call is 800-835-6747. And the study guide is called "Right on Time" talking about the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary. Daniel 8:14. You can dial "#250" on your smartphone and just ask for that and we'll send you a digital download. Beverly in Florida. Beverly, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Beverly: Hello, thank you for taking my call. 2 Corinthians 11:20 and Proverbs 4:23. I was married to a narcissistic man for 13 years who nearly destroyed me. And now there is a woman in our church who is doing the same thing, and I don't know if I should flee this type of person because above all else guard your heart because all you do flows from it. Or is this something that I'm supposed to endure?

Doug: Well, you know, if you're in a bigger church, it's a little easier to avoid contact with one person that may be giving you a hard time. If you're in a small church, it becomes more difficult. keep in mind even Jesus had a Judas in His little church there of 12 apostles. So, sometimes you're going to have your love muscles challenged by people that may not be very lovable. And God loves these people. Even narcissistic people I think can be converted. So, we're all, you know, we all struggle with selfishness. So, what you should do exactly. I don't know. Hopefully it's not the pastor, which means you can go to the pastor and say, "What do you recommend?" They probably know the person and know the ins and outs and get some counsel.

I've got a book that we don't mention often, but it talks about this, and it's called "How To Survive And Thrive In Church" because sometimes we thrive in church and sometimes you say, "How do I survive in church?" Because there's challenges. So, if you'd like, I think we can send you a free copy of that. It's a small book, but I think it would be helpful for your situation. Jëan: The number to call for that is 800-835-6747. And again, ask for the book, "How to Thrive and Survive in Church." We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks, and you'll be blessed by reading that. Next caller that we have is Rebecca from Michigan. Rebecca welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Rebecca: Hello, how are you doing?

Doug: Doing good. Thank you for calling.

Rebecca: I have a question. In 2 Samuel chapter 22 verse 30. I'm doing a Bible study and stumped what was the meaning of it?

Doug: It says, "For by You I can run against a troop; by my God, I can leap over a wall." Well, David was saying that God gives him strength in a war to go against another army. And of course, David was Exhibit A of that and God giving him strength to go against the giant. And the Bible says that David was eventually promoted to be the armor bearer for Saul. And then he became one of the captains of the armies for King Saul. And to our knowledge, David never lost a battle. There's no record of his losing a battle, but he always went in to battle trusting God. And he's saying, "God is the one who gives me the strength to leap over an enemy's wall and to run against the troop." So, for us today, we're not usually charging over fields and fighting against Philistines. For us today, we have different armies that we fight against. It's God gives us strength to fight against difficulties and tribulations and sometimes spiritual battles. So, the Lord will strengthen us against those enemies.

Jëan: And of course, back in Bible times to go to war involved physical strength, your life was dependent upon how strong and fit you were when you had, you know, hand to hand combat. So here David, he's saying, "The Lord gives me the physical strength I need to be victorious." And I think you can apply that spiritually in our lives. God will give us spiritual strength to be victorious. And maybe we find ourselves in a situation where we need extra physical help. We can cry out to the Lord and say, Lord help me and He can help us.

Doug: Yeah, I can, I think while you're talking, I was thinking of several examples that in a battle where Jonathan was going, the men were so faint that they couldn't go on. Jonathan had a little honey, and it gave him strength. And when Gideon and his soldiers were fighting, they asked some people for bread, they said, "The soldiers are hungry. Can you give them something to eat so they can continue pursuing?" And there's one passage that says that they were weary yet still pursuing the enemy. So, there's several stories where David actually had to leave one third of his army because they were exhausted when they went against the Amalekites and Ziklag after they conquered Ziklag. So, they did, on a real basis, struggle with having the endurance to fight because it was pretty grueling back then.

Jëan: Next caller that we have is Grace in California. Grace welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Grace: All right. Thank you. My question is about Daniel chapter 9, and the 70 week prophecy. I was wondering why do people say that in the seven week, 70 week prophecy in AD 34 that the probation closed for the Jews and the gospel went to the Gentiles when I don't see anything in the chapter that says this.

Doug: All right. If you go to Daniel chapter 9, and Daniel is praying about, you know, "When will the Messiah come? When will the people be delivered from their captivity in Babylon?" Gabriel appears to him and he gives him one of the most amazing prophecies in the Bible. He says, "Seventy weeks are determined for your people." Then he gives a starting point. And keep in mind, 70 weeks, of course, has got 70 times 7. It's 490 days, but in prophecy a day is a year, nothing important happened 490 days after this prophecy. But he says, "From the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem." You find that in Ezra chapter seven. And it's a command of Artaxerxes and it's well established. It was given in 457 BC.

He said there would be 70 weeks until, that was allotted for the Jewish nation to embrace and proclaim the Messiah. And of course, it says, but seven days before that, it's in the same prophecy, the Messiah is going to be anointed. Seven years before 34 AD Jesus was baptized. He preaches personally for three and a half years. In the midst of that last week, He is cut off and He makes a sacrifice cease. Veil was rent in the curtain temple when He died. Then He preaches another three years says in Hebrews chapter 1 "Through those who heard Me." He says, "I will confirm the covenant through those who heard Me." In 34 AD, three and a half years later, Stephen then preaches to the Supreme court. The Sanhedrin tells about Christ but they plug their ears, they gnash their teeth, they do to Stephen what they had done to Jesus three and a half years earlier. They take him out, clothes are laid down at the feet of Saul. He is executed and he prays for the forgiveness of those who kill him just like Jesus.

At that point, the official time for the Jewish nation was up. Well, that doesn't mean that God doesn't have a plan for the Jews. Don't misunderstand but their job in accepting the Messiah as a nation that was cut off. Now, Christ said, "If you do not accept it, I will take it to a nation that brings forth the fruits." Right in that same chapter, it says that the apostle Paul, he's converted, the disciples go everywhere preaching the gospel. Paul becomes an apostle to the Gentiles and now the Gentiles embrace the gospel. But that--it was a pivotal time when Stephen was stoned, the first martyr.

Jëan: And you know, Grace, you mentioned--we're in the chapter that actually talk about the Jews? Well, it's right there in verse 24 Daniel 9:24 where the angel says, 70 weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city. Now, of course, the angel is talking to Daniel. Daniel's people are the Jews. So, it's quite clear from the—

Doug: The tribe of Judah, the holy city was Jerusalem.

Jëan: That's right. So, I hear the angel is saying there is a 70 week or 490 year, seven times 7, 70 times 7, 490 a time period that God had given to the Jewish people as a whole, as a nation. Now, of course, as Pastor Doug said, that doesn't mean individual Jews can't be saved. But the purpose that God had raised up Israel, unfortunately, they rejected their Messiah, they rejected Jesus and as a result, rejecting his, rejecting Him, they rejected His protection, and the Romans came and destroyed the city in 70 AD. So that's all contained in this prophecy. Very interesting, very important prophecy.

Doug: And Jesus said they'll not be left one stone upon another and all that happened. Now keep in mind Grace, I am Jewish. I mean, I'm very loyal. I think there's going to be a great revival among the Jewish people. But the principal purpose of the Jewish nation was to be the guardians of the scripture and to introduce the Messiah to the world which they did at Pentecost. But as a nation, the leaders rejected Him, not everybody because some of the priests and Pharisees accepted Him like Paul and Nicodemus and Joseph of Aramathea. But the nation as a whole, they said, "We have no king but Caesar." At the trial of Christ.

Jëan: You know, we got a study guide and I think Grace you'd really enjoy. It's called "Right on Time" and it talks about this time prophecy in Daniel chapter 9. The number to call is 800-835-6747. Ask for the study guide, it's called "Right on Time" you can also dial "#250" with your smart phone and just ask for it by name. Yvonne in California. Yvonne, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Yvonne: Hi, thank you for answering, Pastor Doug and Jëan.

Doug: Yes.

Yvonne: I have just one question. Ephesians 1:13. Summary it says, "If you believe and you have heard the gospel," the last part says, "You were sealed by the Spirit of promise." Now, is this the same in Revelation when God's people are going to be sealed in the forehead, the mark of the beast is on the forehead?

Doug: Everybody that has the seal of God will have the Holy Spirit. But if you think about it from the time of Jesus until now, when Paul wrote this, every believer has had the privilege of having the seal of the Holy Spirit in their heart. Christ, you know, it says, "Be baptized and you'll receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." And so, you know, every believer had that, but there's something special in the last days that becomes a mark in the life. It's more distinguishing and that's something above and beyond just the Holy Spirit while every believer will have the Spirit. And, you know, there are people who are marked for destruction in the Old Testament, but that's not the mark of the beast in the last days. There's something more distinctive. We do have a lesson that talks about the mark of the beast and the seal of God. And, I think it's by the same title.

Jëan: Called, "The Mark of the Beast." And it gets into that, that's what it's called. We have study guides.

Doug: Read it sitting down.

Jëan: Deep study. The number to call is 800-835-6747. It's called "The Mark of the Beast." talks about the Seal of God in the forehead in the last days and the Holy Spirit just important study. Thank you, Yvonne. We've got, Brett in Oklahoma. Brett welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Brett: Hello.

Doug: Hi Brett.

Brett: So, my question is, how can I teach the truth to other people and it be more effective without making them feel so judged because I get the same response 95% of the time. And it's, you know, don't, you know, "Who are you to judge me." Or, "Check the blank in your own eye." Or, you know, and, it just seems like, and I don't, you know, this is just my opinion, and I hope it's everybody else's too. I don't think it's a character issue as far as for me because I'm not demeaning. I like to make sure that my character is, you know, soft spoken and that I'm kind and things like that, you know. So, I don't really know if I, if it's an error that I'm making.

Doug: So, let me ask you a question. If you're sharing Christ with somebody, how do you introduce the subject?

Brett: I guess the doctrinal topic or so that can really vary depending on what it is. But I mean, if I, yeah, so, but I, so it's kind of hard for me to answer that question, I guess, but—

Doug: And you're finding that people are offended or they think you're judging them when you talk about the love of God?

Brett: Not necessarily the love of God. It's more of the doctrinal stuff because a lot of the people that I talk to because I'm kind of new to getting more out there and getting out of my bubble and really talking to more people about it.

Doug: I think the key is that you want to witness to people who are open and you pray for wisdom and tact to know what to say. If you float the spiritual subject to them and they put up the hand and they resist. Well, don't push. It's kind of like fishing. You got to wait till they're coming towards the boat before you reel them in. You don't want to, you can't fight people. Jesus never. You know, He said, "Please come and follow Me." And they might say yes, some said no. So, you, you need to see if you find people that are open and then you ask them, "You know, could I study with you or can we have a conversation." And some are going to resist but don't be discouraged because Christ said, "The harvest is great. The laborers are few." People out there want to know the truth. There is training you can actually take. Amazing Facts, offers an online course called AFCOE. It's The Amazing Facts College of Evangelism. And you can take this online training and it tells you got a whole course and win some witnessing. How can you be a witness in a positive way and engage people and not scare them off and how to evaluate different people and different approaches for different people?

Jëan: Yeah, the course you're thinking about Pastor Doug is called "Amazing Disciples." And it's following in the footsteps of Christ and applying the principles that Jesus used in reaching people with the gospel. Like He had a different approach when He spoke to the woman at the well and when He said to John and the other disciples, "Follow Me" and Peter. So, you know, learning from Christ's way of reaching people to try and be more effective in sharing our faith.

Doug: Yeah absolutely. And so Brett could go right to the Amazing Facts website and search Amazing Facts.

Jëan: Call the Amazing Disciples and you just go to Amazing Facts. We have a training link says AFCOE and you can get all the information you need. It's for anyone, it's translated into different languages. I think it's in Spanish. So, a very helpful course.

Doug: Yeah absolutely. You'll be blessed by that Brett because you know what it does take a little bit of training, Jesus walked with disciples three and a half years to teach them how to be positive witnesses.

Jëan: And we've got Sarah listening in New Jersey. Sarah we have about a minute. Welcome. And your question.

Sarah: Hi, good evening. I was studying my Sabbath School the lesson the other day and I came across Lazarus’ name and I got to thinking about Lazarus. You never hear his name again. And I know you're only, we only appointed to die but once so he could have died again. So, I'm wondering, did he go to heaven with Jesus?

Doug: Let's jump in there real quick and see if we can answer before we run out of time. You know, the scripture that says in Hebrews, "It's appointed unto man once to die. And after that, the judgment." Paul is not saying there was never any exception to that because Elijah resurrected a boy, he died, was raised and he probably died again. Elisha died, resurrected a boy who died again. Lazarus was resurrected. We don't know how long he lived, but he ultimately died again. I don't think that all of them were taken to heaven with Jesus when He ascended. So, that's sort of a general statement when there are a few rare exceptions where it says, "It's appointed unto a man once to die." Enoch and Elijah never died. There are exceptions. Hey, friends make an exception for us and give us a call again next week for another edition of "Bible Answers Live."

Announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast. We hope you understand your Bible even better than before Bible Answers live is produced by Amazing Facts International. A faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California. ...

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