BAL 2024, Ep30 - Does the Bible Mention Visitors From Outer Space ?

Lesson: 1
Let's study together as we learn in this installment of "Bible Answers Live" about who the Angel of the Lord is, and why the idea of being saved once forever is inaccurate. Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross will also discuss the recent phenomenon of the mysterious drones and flying objects, and will look to the Bible to determine if there is life on other planets. Don't miss out and tune in now !

1.- Matthew 23 verse 9 says, “Call no man your father upon the earth.” Does that mean I should not call my dad “father” ?
2.- Could you explain what 1 Corinthians 15 verse 52 means ?
3.- Why was Judas replaced with Matthias ? Did there have to be twelve disciples ?
4.- What is the purpose of the Mark of the Beast ?
5.- Who is the “angel of the Lord” ?
6.- Why is the doctrine of “once saved, always saved” not accurate ?
7.- How can I know what my spiritual gifts are from God ?
8.- Philippians 1 verse 2 and Ephesians 1 verse 2 do not mention the Holy Spirit. Why mention the Father and the Son, but not the Spirit ?
9.- Can you talk about the rich man and Lazarus ? Is this relating to the fate of the wicked in the lake of fire ?
10.- How did Satan know that Adam and Eve were on the earth, and why was he allowed in the Garden of Eden ?
11.- Why did God allow the Egyptians to be part of the exodus from Egypt ?
12.- What is going on in Revelation 17 verse 16 ?
13.- Are the strange objects currently in the sky in America related to the signs and wonders of the end of time ?
14.- Are we descendants of Adam or sixth-day mankind ?
15.- If all the wicked perish before the millennial reign of Christ, who are the people that face death in Isaiah 65 verse 20 ?
16.- Is Satan the scapegoat mentioned in Leviticus 16 verse 8 through 26 ? if so, does he pay for the sins of everyone in Heaven ?
17.- If the Holy Spirit was in the Old Testament, why did Jesus say in John 16 verse 7 that He had to depart in order for the Spirit to come ?
18.- How do angels engage in spiritual warfare ?
19.- What does the Bible say about aliens ?
20.- If God is sovereign, do we have genuine free will ?

Teach Us to Pray

Teach Us to Pray
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Announcer: It is the best-selling book in history. No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted; and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious, should always be studied carefully. It is the Bible, the Word of God. Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate and practical answer to all your Bible questions. This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode. To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this broadcast, call 800-835-6747. Once again, that's 800-835-6747. Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International, Pastor Doug Batchelor.

Doug Batchelor: Hello, listening friends, would you like to hear an amazing fact? Most Christians would admit that they should pray more often and longer, but few have prayed as consistently as the early Moravians. Following the martyr Jan Hus, Moravian Christians are considered to be the first Protestants. They got their name because they fled from persecution in Moravia. Many settled on the estate of a wealthy Christian count named Zinzendorf in Saxony. As their numbers grew, the community at Herrnhut began to descend into various fractions and bickering. Then on August 1727, Count Zinzendorf suggested that they pray. This turned into an all-night prayer vigil. The spirit of forgiveness and revival was so promising, the group decided to start a continuous prayer vigil. They designated a place in the village, divided the week into 168 one-hour time slots, and they prayed in groups of two or three for one-hour increments. From then on, for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, two to three people were always praying in the place of prayer. What's more, this around the clock prayer meeting went on uninterrupted for over a hundred years. By 1791, 65 years after the commencement of that prayer vigil, the small Moravian community had sent out over 300 missionaries to the four corners of the earth. These were some of the first Protestant missionaries.

You know, Pastor Ross just reminds me of the, the power of prayer and how we need to pray more. And you wonder if Christians today, generally speaking, understand what it means when they sing "Sweet Hour of Prayer." How few people actually pray an hour, and Jesus, it says he spent a whole night in prayer. And here these folks, they were spending--they wanted someone in the community to constantly be in prayer. Now you and I have been at meetings where while we're preaching, there's someone in the prayer room and they're praying the whole time, which is comforting, and you sense it makes a difference.

Jëan Ross: Well, you know, the apostle Paul says, "We battle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers," and you know, prayer is a powerful weapon against the forces of evil. And when we get involved, especially in witnessing the evangelism and sharing our faith, it must be done with much prayer, because the devil doesn't like that. And so, a church that prays, a family that prays together, a church that prays together, is a church that is going to grow.

Doug: Amen, yeah, and they accomplished much in doing that. God seems to bless. The Lord does when we pray what He otherwise might not do. It makes a difference. Now, folks might be asking that question the disciples ask. You can read in Luke 11, verse 1, says, "It came to pass, as Jesus was praying, when he ceased, his disciples said to him, 'Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples--’" and when they saw Jesus come from prayer, He looked energized and invigorated, and He may have been glowing with God's glory. And they said, "Wow, that's real prayer. We--maybe we're not doing it right." And I think Spurgeon said, "I'd rather teach ten pastors to pray rather than preach, if they could just pray." And, friends, we'd like to offer you a free book that talks about how we could know more about what biblical prayer is and the power there.

Jëan: Yes, the book is called "Teach Us to Pray," and it's free to anyone who calls and asks. The number is 800-835-6747, you can ask for the book, "Teach Us to Pray." Or you can dial #250 on your smartphone, say "Bible Answers Live," and then ask for the book. We can send you a digital copy of the book, "Teach Us to Pray." And you know, Pastor Doug, we just want to encourage folks to take advantage of this, it's free. In the book, you actually give some guidelines, some principles. Sometimes people wonder, "Well, when it comes to pray, where do I start? You know, how do I keep my mind focused on the important things that I need to be praying about?" So, a number of practical principles are found in the book. It's called "Teach Us to Pray," and it's free. Call and ask for it.

Well, before we go to the phone lines, it's probably good for us to do the very thing we're talking about, and that is pray. So, why don't you join us as we open with the word of prayer? Dear Father, we are so grateful that we do have this opportunity to open up Your Word and study. Jesus said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free." And so, thank you for the truth of Your Word and bless those who are listening wherever they might be. And guide us, Lord, into a clear understanding of Bible truth today, for we ask us in Jesus’s name, amen. All right, ready to go to the phone lines, and our first caller this evening is Teresa from Canada. Teresa, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Teresa: Hello.

Doug: Hi, thank you for calling.

Teresa: I have a question. So, a few weeks ago, I was listening on YouTube, just every night of old programs that you have, and you had mentioned something about not calling anyone on earth "father." So, I was looking it up in Matthew 23:9. And I know I--like, lots of times I call my dad "Dad," but there's many times I call him "Father" also. Should I not do that?

Doug: No, nothing wrong with that. If you read the context of what Jesus is saying, He's speaking about in church relationships. And He starts out, for instance, He's talking about the Pharisees, the religious leaders. Chapter 23 begins with, "The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat." And then you can look a little later, and he says, "You don't--but you are all not to be called Rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you're all brothers. And call no man your father on earth." They used to call religious leaders "Father," and you can look in the Old Testament when Elijah goes to heaven, his apprentice said, "My father, my father," and in a sense, Elisha could say that more than others, because Elijah kind of adopted Elisha in that he left his family. But, so it became a custom, they were often calling religious leaders "Father," and, you know, in some churches, they call the priest "Father." And Jesus is saying, "Don't do that. You've got one Father in heaven. He is your spiritual Father." Nothing wrong with calling your dad "Father." That's--you know, He's not addressing that. He's talking about church relationships here.

Jëan: And, you know, great emphasis was placed upon the council or the teachings of the fathers, especially back in the time of Christ. The elders would often referred to, "Well, the fathers said," and they’re talking to patriarchs in the church, and they were considered to be the final word when it came to finding truth or doctrine. While Jesus is saying the One who you’re to seek for final truth is your heavenly Father. Go to the Word of God, don't go to some earthly person, think that they have the final word on doctrine.

Doug: Yeah, and even more than that, if you read just what it says after it, He talks about pride. They had titles, and they made a big deal out of the titles. And He said, "Neither be called instructors, for you have one instructor-" He said, "The greatest among you will be His servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled..." He's talking about wanting titles of preeminence above others. It--nothing wrong with calling your dad "Father."

Jëan: Okay, thank you, Teresa. We've got Allen in California. Allen, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Allen: Good evening, gentlemen. I'm calling from Bakersfield. My question is--regards 2--or 1 Corinthians 15:52, and it's regarding the rapture. It says, "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall be raised incorruptible." Now, "the last trump," now, unless President Trump has sons that go into politics, he's the last Trump, so the Rapture is in four years. Is that, is that accurate?

Doug: No, I don't think so. I, you know, I never thought to play it that way. I think it's talking about the trumpet that will sound, the instrument.

Jëan: Now, of course, if you read it in the New King James, it says "trumpet," so trump and trumpet, same thing.

Doug: Yeah. When you say "rapture" there, it--of course, we're talking about when that we are caught up to meet the Lord, and this is, this is also the same time as the general resurrection. So, you've got the Lord descending, the living who are righteous are transformed, and they get glorified bodies. The dead righteous, who are asleep, they are raised, they are caught up to meet the Lord in the air first. Then we are caught up to meet them, because they're already with the Lord when we get there. So, yeah, it's talking about the trumpet, and I think it says--it does use the word "trumpet" in a couple places when it speaks about that event.

Jëan: You know, we have a study guide. It's called "Ultimate Deliverance," and it's about the Second Coming of Christ. It gives you the biblical principles. It also helps to show certain signs. People are often wondering, "Well, how soon is Jesus going to come?" Well, there are certain signs that the Bible gives us, and that's also outlined in the study guide. We'll send it to anyone for free. The number to call for that is 800-835-6747. You can ask for the study guide called "The Ultimate Deliverance." You can dial #250 on your smartphone, and say "Bible Answers Live," and ask for that study guide by name. Thank you, Allen. We've got Donna in Maryland. Donna, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Donna: Hello, pastors, Pastor Doug, Pastor Ross. My question is: Why was Judas replaced with Matthias? Does that hold any significance? I don't recall any other disciple that was replaced.

Doug: Well, there's a difference, of course, between disciple and apostle. Jesus specifically chose 12 apostles. And the number 12, of course, is a, it's a number that God had used in the Old Testament for the leadership of His people. And 12 is a number that--you look, for instance, in Revelation chapter 12. The city where the saints live is 12,000 furlongs. It's got 12 gates, 12 foundations, a tree that has 12 kinds of fruit, 12 times a year, so the number 12. And there's a woman that's got 12 stars above her head in chapter 12, yeah. And so, you've got the number 12. And I jumped there between chapter 12 and chapter 21. You've got--the number just constantly appears in the Bible as a number for the leadership of God's people, the 12 tribes in the Old Testament. So even though ten of the tribes had been carried off to Assyria, Christ still chose 12 apostles. When one of them died, they wanted to fulfill that number, and so they said, "Well, you know, we should do something to replace Judas." Now, it's interesting, getting the number back to 12 is the last thing they do before the Holy Spirit is poured out. After they vote, and they cast lots, and they pray, and Matthias is chosen, the next verse says they are praying together, and the Holy Spirit is poured out, mighty wind, fire, the Pentecost happens. When you get to Revelation, the 144,000 is 12 times 12,000, and that number, of course, is divided by 12 many ways, and they do a special work in the last days. So, the number does mean something, and they felt that it was important to replace this missing apostle who committed suicide.

Jëan: All right, thank you, Donna, good question. Next caller that we have is Glenn in Ohio. Glenn, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Glenn: Good evening, pastors, and thank you for taking my call. You know, there's a situation in the Book of Revelation, where it’s called the white throne judgment. There were the wicked or prosecuted and sent to their final punishment. We can understand that, but there's one that I have difficulty understanding, and that's the situation of the mark of the beast. What is the purpose of the mark of the beast in the Bible?

Doug: Okay, well, the purpose behind the mark of the beast is not something that God wills. It's this beast power is, he's compelling the world to make an image to this first beast that had a deadly wound by the sword but yet comes back to life again. And God is saying that, you know, he's compelling, not God but the beast power, everyone to receive this mark, some mark of recognition. It's something they do that shows submission to the laws of the beast as opposed to the law of God. And the most fearful plague and punishment that you find anywhere in the Bible is in Revelation 14, where it talks about the wrath of God is going to be poured out on anyone that has the mark of the beast or the number of his name, and so, we need to know what that is, and that's why we have a lesson that explains that. And I sure hope, Glenn, you’ll request this free lesson and read it.

Jëan: The lesson is called "The Mark of the Beast," very important study, and we'll send this to anyone who calls and asks. The number is 800-835-6747. You can dial #250 on your smartphone and ask for that study guide, "The Mark of the Beast," and while you're at it, you might want to also ask for the study guide called the "Seal of God." There are actually two marks that you read about in the Book of Revelation. The righteous get the seal of God, and the wicked get the mark of the beast, so, important study. Thank you, Glenn. Next caller that we have is Jet in Florida. Jet, welcome to the program.

Jet: Hey.

Doug: Hi, how are you doing?

Jet: I'm good. So, my question is: who do you think the angel of the Lord is?

Doug: Well, it depends on what verse. The term "angel of the Lord" can sometimes mean a regular angel who is sent by the Lord. Sometimes we believe the angel of the Lord is what you would call a Christophany. That means Jesus is appearing in the Old Testament before His incarnation. And the word "angel" there means the messenger of the Lord. Now, some places you can go and you find out about that, in the Book of Joshua, it says that this mighty warrior appears to Joshua after the Battle of Ai, and Joshua says, "Are you for us? Are you for our enemies?" And He said, "Neither." But it's commander of the armies of the Lord. Then He tells Joshua, "Take your shoes off your feet," same thing that was said to Moses when Moses saw God at the burning bush. And so, he worships this angel. Well, we're not supposed to worship regular angels. And then, these angels, angelic-like beings, appeared to Abraham, and then later, Abraham addresses one of them as the Lord. Jacob wrestles with an angel, and later he says, "I have seen God." And the Bible says, "The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with the voice of the archangel," the Lord with the voice of the archangel.

So, many believe several of these occasions may be the one who appeared to Sa--Samson's parents, that these were Christ coming before His incarnation, and they identify Him as the Angel or Messenger of the Lord. Now, Jesus came into our world as the Ultimate Messenger. Jesus is not an angel, don't misunderstand, but the word "angel" means messenger. So, there may be times when Christ appeared, His divinity was cloaked, and He appeared as an angel, a messenger of God, in some of the Old Testament stories. And we have a book on "Who is Michael the Archangel?" It talks about that.

Jëan: Oh, that's a good one, yeah, that'll explain that. The number to call is 800-835-6747. You can dial #250 on your smartphone, ask for that book. It's called "The Angel of the Lord"--No, "Who is Michael the Archangel--?" it talks about the angel of the Lord. I'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks. If you want a hard copy, call for it or you can just dial #250 to get a digital copy of the book.

Doug: Yeah, just some free information, Jet. I typed in "angel of the Lord" in my computer. It appears 67 times in the Bible. We don't believe every one of those times is talking about Christophany, but some of them are.

Jëan: All right, thank you. Our next caller is John in Georgia. John, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

John: Hey, how you doing?

Doug: Doing much better than we deserve.

John: Same here, same here. So, my question is about the one thing, I always say, philosophy that a lot of the churches believe. I had a discussion with a friend of mine, and he insists that we're saved by grace as long as we believe that Jesus was raised from the dead and we believe that He's the Son of God. You'll be saved regardless of your works, and I know that's not true. And I'm trying to explain it to him, but it's hard because of the verses that he, he's misinterpreted.

Doug: Yeah, you know, at the heart of that teaching, the idea that once you're saved, you can't be lost, I think people want security. They're looking for security that they're saved. All of us, even after coming to Christ, we sin, and we think, "Oh no, I've just lost my salvation." And so, a lot of people are concerned about that, and they don't want to lose that sense of assurance, and so they're very passionate about preserving the idea that once you're saved, you can't be lost, but it's not biblical. Now, can you have assurance of your salvation? Yes, there's a lot of verses that tell us that if we cooperate, God is going to finish the work He started in our lives. He's the Author and the Finisher of our faith, and He which has begun a good work in you will perform it, and sin shall not have dominion over you. But the idea that your works are not involved, Bible says in Revelation, "Everyone is rewarded according to his works." And that verse, Pastor Ross, in Revelation, where it says, "If we don't repent, our names will be taken from the Book of Life and/or our candlestick will be removed out of its place," that's the first what? Chapter 2 and 3 in the message to the churches. This--Paul said, "Lest I preach to others, then I myself become a castaway," Paul said, "if I continue on." And so, just this, this--Paul said, you know, someone who is enlightened and filled with the Holy Spirit--Peter rather, "And if they fall away," actually that's Hebrews chapter 6, "If they fall away, it's impossible to renew them to repentance." Jesus said, "Every vine in Me that bears fruit, He'll prune it. But if it doesn't bear fruit," these are vines in Him, "doesn't bear fruit, they're cut off and thrown in the fire." So, all through the Bible, you've got examples, everyone from King Saul, who is filled with the Spirit of God, and yet he grieves away the Holy Spirit, and he commits suicide. It's just a very reckless belief to believe once you're saved, you can't do anything to be lost. I think our salvation, like a marriage, is something we nurture. Unlike a marriage, God will never leave us, but we can leave Him, and it's important for us to understand that.

Jëan: The verse you're referring to, Revelation chapter 3, verse 5, "Speaking about those who are faithful, God will not blot their name out of the Lamb's Book of Life."

Doug: Yeah, so we need to maintain faithfulness. Now, we have a free book that talks about this, has a lot more verses, and we can share in a few minutes, and it's called "Can a Saved Man Choose to Be Lost?"

Jëan: And the number to call for that is 800-835-6747. You can just ask for the book by name, "Can a Saved Man Choose to Be Lost?" You can also dial #250 on your smartphone and ask for the book that way. You can get a digital download, read it, and then share it to somebody else. Our next call is Anna, listening in Oregon. Anna, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Anna: Evening, pastors.

Doug: Good evening, thanks for calling.

Anna: My question is: how can I know what my spiritual gifts are from God?

Doug: Good question, practical question. First of all, how long have you been a Christian?

Anna: My whole life.

Doug: Well, now, you--nobody--I know, I know what you mean. You were probably raised a Christian, but there, there's some point in your life where you say, "Yes, I'm going to make this my own religion, and I want to surrender my life to the Lord," and maybe you are baptized. And how long has that been?

Anna: Not too long.

Doug: Okay, a lot of the spiritual gifts that I think I'm using now, I didn't even know I had until after I'd come to the Lord and it didn't all happen at once. So, once you surrender to the Lord, He begin--and He begins to develop certain spiritual gifts in you. Now, some people may have the gift of music and then they dedicate that to the Lord, and now they're singing for the Lord instead of the devil, so those are kind of obvious. But you might find some good Christian friends, and say--they know you, and say, "What do you think my spiritual gifts are?" They'll say, "Oh, you don't know? It's easy to tell, your gift is a gift of hospitality." And someone else might say, "You know, you've got the gift of organization." And someone else might say, "You've got the gift of music," or whatever it is. You know, some people have got gifts of teaching, and so, talking to Christian counsel, to mature Christians that know you, that's one way, praying that God reveals it. He will also show you what your gifts are. And then there'll be passions that God gives you, meaning there's something you're excited about, something you love to do, and assuming it's something good, that often develops into a spiritual gift. And it tells us in Psalm 37, "He gives us the desires of our heart." I think God puts spiritual gifts in us, then He gives us a desire to fulfill it. I don't think God put Adam in a garden and had garden--Adam hate gardening. He probably loved it. So, I hope that helps, Anna. You know, we need a book on spiritual gifts, I don't think we have one.

Jëan: You know, we do have the book called—

Doug: "Life in the Spirit?"

Jëan: Well, "Knowing the--God's Will?"

Doug: Yeah, "How to Know the Will of God," that's good.

Jëan: Yeah, kind of deals with that too. Number to call is 800-835-6747, you can call and ask for the book, "How to Know the Will of God." And dial #250 on your smartphone, you can get the book that way as well. Natasha in Nebraska. Natasha, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Natasha: Hello, and thank you. Okay, yeah, thank you for taking my call. So, my question, it stems from my morning devotion that I had today about the Holy Spirit, and I'm curious why do verses like Philippians chapter 1, verse 2 and Ephesians chapter 1, verse 2, they mention God the Father, they mention God the Son, but then the Holy Spirit is left out, and I know He's the third member of the Godhead, but I'm curious why He was left out.

Doug: Yeah, well, just keep in mind, you'll have many passages in the Bible that will just mention God, then you have passages that will mention God the Father and God the Son, then you have passages that mention all three. So, I want to build a doctrine out of wondering why two are left out in some passages and one is left out in one passage. The Holy Spirit, the disciples understood, was omnipresent, always involved, always doing the will of the Father and the Son, and so the work of the Spirit is a little different. So, I don't know why some are mentioned at some point and others at, at other points. You know, one of the last things it says in the Bible, it says, "The spirit and the bride say, come." And, you know, the end of the Bible, it says, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus." There are places where it mentions Jesus and the Spirit and not the Father. You see what I'm saying? So, I--it is interesting how the different Bible writers will highlight, you know, one member of the Godhead, or two, or three, and why they do it. They do it, probably the context of the book.

Jëan: You know, it's interesting, when you read the first chapter of Revelation and it lists the Father and the seven spirits, meaning the Holy Spirit, and then Jesus. So, it's a little different, the order that we have. Instead of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, it's the Father, the Spirit, and then Jesus. But if you read it, John gives a greeting from the Father and from the Holy Spirit, but when it comes to Jesus, then he goes on and he says, "The one who washed us from our sins and made us kings and priests." He has a lot more to say, so depending upon what the emphasis was that the writer was trying to bring to view, that would probably affect the order and the style that they would write those different referencing the Godhead.

Doug: In the Books Ephesians and Philippians, Paul is writing to churches that are new. They had no problem believing in the Spirit. They are problems believing in Jesus as the Son of God, and so he's spending more time emphasizing that truth for these particular churches. So, that may also have something to do with it, but good question.

Jëan: You know, we do have a book, we mentioned it earlier. It might be good to go along with the subject. It's called--well, two books. We have "Life in the Spirit." That's one of the books that talk about the Holy Spirit. But "The Trinity: Is It Biblical?" is another book. And we can send you both of those if you call and ask, the number is 800-835-6747, and ask for it, "The Trinity: Is It Biblical?" Or just dial #250 on your smartphone, say "Bible Answers Live," and then you can ask for the book by name, the book about the Trinity. Well, Pastor Doug, I'm looking at the clock, we might not have time to take another caller just before our break.

Doug: One more thought, I--while we're talking about the, the Holy Spirit, and Father, and the Son, it just occurred to me that the last four books--verses in the Bible talk about the Spirit, talk about God, talk about Jesus, and they're all, they have their own verses. So, you know, the, there's some churches that are struggling or some people that are struggling with "is the Holy Spirit God?" But right from the very beginning of the Bible, where it tells us, "The Spirit of God moved on the face of the water" to the very end, where it says, "The spirit and the bride say, come, take the water of life freely," you see the Spirit of God moving all through the Bible, and it's, I think, a very clear teaching that God--there's this triune God. God said, "Let us make man in our image." And the Holy Spirit is something that fills us, and--or I should say "He fills us" just as God the Father, and the Son do.

Hey, friends, we're going to take a brief break. I want to always remind people about halftime. Check out the Amazing Facts website, which is, lots of material there. But the Bible questions are just beginning. More to come in a few moments.

Announcer: Stay tuned, "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.

Announcer: The mysterious Book of Revelation, with its language and symbols, can be difficult to understand. However, Revelation holds a promise, those who seek to understand and keep its teachings will be blessed. "Revelation Verse by Verse" will deepen your understanding of this marvelous revelation of Jesus Christ, answer questions, and enable you to fully grasp the message and prepare your heart for earth's future events. Get yours today by calling 800-538-7275 or by visiting

Doug: I grew up mostly in New York City. I was sent to many different boarding schools. Most of these schools told me that there was no purpose in life. And I saw in my home, people were not very happy, and I would think about suicide. Sharing a personal testimony can be one of the most powerful ways to win souls to Christ. That's why I'd like to invite you to discover and share a new presentation of my "Richest Caveman" testimony. It's now available on a special DVD from Amazing Facts. We've even included the award-winning "Kingdoms in Time" documentary that recently aired on the History Channel. To get your copy of "The Richest Caveman," visit or call 800-538-7275.

Doug: Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me." All kids need to learn about Jesus, and you can enroll your children ages 8 to 12 in the free Amazing Facts kids’ Bible course. Students will receive a treasure map with their first lesson and progress stickers as they complete additional lessons. This free children's Bible correspondence course is available in English and in Spanish and offered only in North America, so sign up your children or grandchildren now by calling 844-215-7000 or email us at

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Announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live," where every question answered provides a clearer picture of God and His plan to save you. So, what are you waiting for? Get practical answers about the good book for a better life today. This broadcast is a previously recorded episode. If you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions on the air, please call us next Sunday between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. Pacific time. To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this evening's program, call 800-835-6747. Once again, that's 800-835-6747. Now, let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."

Doug: Welcome back, listening friends, to "Bible Answers Live," and if you have any Bible questions, we invite you to call in now. We'll try and get them in the last half of our program. That number again to call in with your questions, free phone call, of course, they're all free now, huh? 800-GOD-SAYS or 800-463-7297, and my name is Doug Batchelor.

Jëan: My name is Jëan Ross, and we've got some folks who have emailed their Bible questions to us, and if you'd like to do that, the email address is So, James is asking, Pastor Doug, "Can you talk about the rich man and Lazarus? Is this relating to the fate of the wicked in the lake of fire?

Doug: Yes and no, in that there is a lake of fire. It's not reflecting the timing. Jesus is telling a parable, and this is in a group of parables, so some people think that this parable means that as soon as a person dies, the saved are carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom, well, nothing else says that in the Bible, and don't ever build a doctrine on one verse, you need two or three witnesses, and that a person dies, and then they go to a place called Hades, where they can talk to the people in heaven. Well, that'd be horrible to think that the people in heaven could talk to the people in hell or that you could even--the people in heaven could see the people in hell. And so, the purpose of this parable, Jesus is basically using a paradox. He's speaking to the Jewish nation, who was rich in truth and feasting on truth, while the Gentiles, they are the beggars, were at their gates desiring the truth that fell from their tables. So, they both die, and it so happens that the poor Gentile beggar, Lazarus, he goes to the Jewish place of reward, Abraham's bosom. All the Jews wanted to be with Abraham. But the rich Jewish man, he goes to the Greek place of punishment, which is Hades. It’s--there's, you know, there's no Pluto, god of Hades, and there's no hounds of hell. That's all mythology. But everybody knew the stories back then. Like, if we should say "Alice in Wonderland," everyone knows you're telling an illustration. And so, Christ is just illustrating there's going to be a big reversal, and that it'll be too late, then, to change sides. The rich man says, "Oh, you know, if Abraham could--or if Lazarus could dip his finger and touch my tongue." And Abraham says, "There's a great gulf fixed." Once you're lost, probation is closed. Jesus is saying that if you don't care enough to share the truth with people that are starving at your gates, you might find that they love the truth, they're in the kingdom. You've not, you've not valued the truth, and you're going to end up on the outside. Luke spends a lot of time, and this parable is only in Luke, Luke spends a lot of time explaining that the gospel should go to the Gentiles because Luke was a Gentile, probably the only Gentile New Testament writer.

Jëan: Good answer. All right, Shelley's asking, "How did Satan know Adam and Eve were on the earth, and why was he allowed in the Garden of Eden?"

Doug: Well, Satan, I think, had a pretty vast knowledge, because he was the number one creation of God, and whenever God created anything, these angels were ministering spirits that would guard and, and--maybe not guard from danger, but they would provide for and minister to all the creatures. So Satan, he was Lucifer at one point, he knew about God making it a whole world with creatures in His own image, was not anything that could be hidden, and He really resented that God intended to replace the, the angels that had been cast out with these creatures made in God's image, and he went after them in a special way.

Jëan: All right, last question, email question that's coming, "Why did God allow the Egyptians to be part of the Exodus from Egypt? They just seemed to cause problems."

Doug: Yeah, well, you know, that just goes to show that God is a merciful God, and when the Israelite slaves were escaping, many of the Egyptian slaves were saying--they called them the mixed multitude, because they weren't just Egyptians. They could have been Edomites, Ammonites. They could have been people from Libya and all different parts of the, the Mideast world there, and they wanted to take advantage of that time and escape with the Israelites while the going was good. So, God was merciful, He let them tag along, but because they did not worship Jehovah and they tried to mix in their pagan beliefs with the worship of Jehovah, they often did a lot of the murmuring, complaining, and problem-causing.

Jëan: All right, very good. Well, again, thank you for your email questions. If you want to send us an email question, it's Back to the phone lines, we got Joshua in California. Joshua, welcome to the program.

Joshua: Quick question on ya--for ya, rather. Revelation chapter 17, verse 16, what's going on there?

Doug: Okay, let me read this for our friends that are listening. A lot of folks are driving down the road listening on satellite radio. And it says, "The ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the prostitute. They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire." This is basically saying, now, in in the beginning of chapter 17, you've got this woman, she's the prostitute, the harlot, Babylon. She's sitting on the beast. She's controlling, manipulating. She commits adultery with the kings of the earth. It's talking about a woman as a church. Kings of the earth are political. It's talking about the church-state corruption. They get involved in supporting each other, and in the end, they are going to turn on her. Now that's not the first time it's happened in history, but it'll happen in a big way in the end of time. During the French Revolution, the French became exasperated with the meddling of the church in France, and they killed many priests and basically demoted them or kicked them out of the country. Well, this is going to happen on a much grander scale just before the Second Coming, where the kingdoms that have been in conspiracy, they've been in cahoots and accomplices of the beast power, are going to turn on each other. And it says they're going to "devour her flesh." Darkness is on the seat of the beast. That is one of the plagues. And so, this is just talking about the final war where they, they sort of turn in on themselves and self-destruct.

You see this happening in a battle in the Old Testament, whatever you see in Revelation, you'll see somewhere in the Old Testament, where Jehoshaphat goes out against this threefold alliance. In Revelation, you've got the beast, the dragon, the false prophet. Jehoshaphat goes out against Edom, Moab, and Amon. They were neighbors of Israel that turned on them. Well, when it came time for the battle, Jehoshaphat and the priest, they just prayed and they sang. And it says the Ammonites, Edomites, and Moabites turned on one another, and they basically self-destructed. When the Israelites got there, there wasn't one left alive. So, yeah, that's what's going to happen.

Jëan: You know, we do have a study guide that talks about Babylon, and that's the name of this woman described in Revelation. Of course, a woman represents the church. And you can learn a lot more about that. It's called "The 'Other’ Woman," and we'll send it to anyone who calls and asks. The number is 800-835-6747, or you can dial #250 on your smartphone and say, "Bible Answers Live." Ask for the study guide. It’s called "The Other Woman," Revelation 17. Gerald in Michigan. Gerald, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Gerald: Hey, Pastor, okay, over in New Jersey and now they're saying from the West Coast to the East Coast, they're seeing drones, but also these spheres, and these spheres, are they--could they be biblical and related to the last days of the signs and wonders, such as Joel talks about in chapter 2?

Doug: It could be, yeah, well, and it talks about--and Jesus also says there'll be signs in the sun, and the moon, and the stars. I come at this from a different perspective. I'm a pilot, and my dad was a pilot, and my brother was a pilot, and we spent a lot of time flying. And some of these things that they're showing on the news, I'm looking at it, and I'm going, "That is an aircraft." It's at a distance, and it looks close, and the temperature, and the sky, and the humidity can all create an illusion of things being closer. So, some of these are just aircraft that they just don't understand. Some of them are drones, and I've got a lot of friends, we use drones in our media production. You can buy--anyone can buy a drone now. And more sophisticated drones, you're actually supposed to have a license for a production drone, but a lot of people are buying them, and they have no license. And they got the flashing lights. I mean, if I was spying, I'd turn off the flashing lights. So, I'm not worried about anyone spying, because why would the spies fly the drones with the red and green flashing lights on them? So, are people flying drones? Yeah, there's drones flying everywhere right now. Sometimes we hear them. It sounds like a swarm of bees overhead, because they're doing the "geee." You hear all those fans going up in the sky, and we see drones flying around.

So, a lot of people are flying drones. Are they all for nefarious purposes? Not necessarily. Could it be some of its satanic? Could be, the devil can use, you know, Satan can have, what do you call it, appears an angel of light. Satan could try and deceive people into thinking that messages are coming from outer space. So that wouldn't surprise me. All--everything happening now, I think, is a sign of the last days. I think AI is a sign of the last days. So, that's a meandering answer, but, yeah, tune into the sermon next week. I'm going to be talking about UFOs and drones.

Jëan: All right, Kimberly in Canada. Kimberly, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Kimberly: Hi Pastor, I have been dying to get this question off my chest.

Doug: Well, don't die. Well, hopefully we can help ya.

Kimberly: The other night, I had YouTube on, and Genesis came on an audio roll. So, I'm listening, "And on the sixth day, let us make mankind in our image," okay, got that. Then I'm wandering around doing this. Chapter 2: "Then he made Adam and blew life into Adam." I'm going, "Wait a second, mankind, then you made Adam?" So, and that would explain why Cain didn't want to leave, because they said they'd kill him, and then he built all these cities and took a wife. I'm confused.

Doug: All right, I'll help you a little bit with that. Just keep in mind that the Jewish writers, of course, the Bible is written largely by Jews, they often use what newspapers use today, where you start out with a headline, then you back up and give more detail. You find that in Revelation, a lot of the Bible stories. Chapter one is the headline: "In the beginning, God creates the heaven, the earth." It tells the days of Creation, "God made man on the sixth day." Soon, it backs up and it says, now, basically saying when God made Adam, and then it tells you about, also, how Adam named his wife. It's just backing up and giving you more detail on the outline to the chapter, and that's a writing technique that's used by a lot of authors. They sort of give what you call the headlines, a sweeping overview of the story. Then they'll back them, and they'll fill in the details.

Now, Cain, when it says he took his wife, you read in chapter 5 that Adam and Eve had sons and daughters, and there was nothing wrong with marrying your sister back then. Cain took one of his sisters, and Adam technically married his sister, you could argue, because they had the same Father in heaven. So, yeah, some people say there's two separate Creations happening here, but no, they're just--the Hebrew writers, it often gives a big picture, then it backs up and gives the detail. For example, in chapter 6, it says, "Wickedness filled the earth," when the sons of God came to the daughters of men. Then it backs up and says, "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord," and it starts telling the Noah--the story of Noah. But, yeah, you find that happening many times, where it gives a big picture, headlines, back up, details.

Jëan: Yeah, especially when you get to prophetic books, like Revelation in particular. It's not always written in chronological order, and it's even true of some of the historical books, as Pastor Doug mentioned, that gives the big picture and then fills in the details. And so, you got to kind of bear that in mind as you read through and study these various passages. All right, thank you, Kimberly. We've got Matthew in Tennessee. Matthew, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Matthew: Hey guys, thanks for taking my call. The question is: if all the wicked perish prior to the millennial reign of Christ and all those in Christ are raised incorruptible, who are these in Isaiah 65:20 that continue to see death?

Doug: Are you talking about when it says, "The wicked will die a hundred years old?"

Matthew: Yes.

Doug: Well, actually, the word there, "die," doesn't mean die. The word "die" there means cease. Well, I think it says a child will--won't even cease until it's a hundred years old. I'm actually misquoting it, so I need to go to Isaiah 65.

Jëan: Yeah, let me read it, I have it here. It says, "No more shall an infant from there live but a few days, nor an old man who has not fulfilled his days; for a child shall die one hundred years old, but the sin of being a hundred years old shall be accursed."

Doug: Yeah. So, he's basically saying there, when it says, "a child will die a hundred years old," use the word "cease." It means a child will not even cease being a child until they're a hundred years old. Now, that's easier to understand when you look in Genesis, and you see that some of the early patriarchs, they lived 900 years. They did not even get married till they’re a hundred. Of course, Abraham got married after a hundred and had more children. They lived longer, and--what, Isaac lived 180 years, Abraham 175 years, Jacob 145 years, Joseph 110 years. Then you get down to David, and he lived 70 years. And now we're living at what they call three score and ten. You know, you average of 70, 80 years and with a few rare exceptions. We have one of our members had his 101st birthday today actually. We celebrated yesterday, but he turned 101, and he was at church enjoying the program. So that word "death," and no one's going to die in heaven. Yeah, no more death in Revelation 21. Isaiah is using poetic language.

Jëan: Okay, next caller that we have is Leonard in Washington. Leonard, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Leonard: Yes, thanks for taking my call, Doug and Jëan. In Leviticus 16, it talks about two goats in verse 8, and 9, and 15, and then 21, and 22, and I'm wondering, is Satan the scapegoat? And if he is, does he have to pay the penalty for the sins of all the people who go to heaven?

Doug: Well, you get two goats here in Leviticus when it talks about the Day of Atonement. One is called the Lord's goat, so we don't have to guess what that goat represents. That goat dies, and its blood is applied. That is certainly a symbol of Jesus. The, the other goat, the Azazel, the scapegoat, it is not slain, it is not sacrificed, it's carried off by a fit man, and that means a responsible man, into the wilderness. And all the sins of the people were placed on that goat, and it was never to come back. And many believe, and I believe, that this is--let me just back up, because as soon as you say that Satan is bearing sin, you're saying, "Is he our sin-bearer?" No, some sins are born because of a substitute, Jesus as our substitute. If Christ does not pay for your sin, if you do not accept Jesus, are your sins paid for? Yeah, you paid for your sins. You will be punished for your sins if you do not accept Christ's sacrifice and follow Him.

Does the devil get to punish--suffer for the sins that he has instigated? Yes. And so, when it talks about this scapegoat that goes off in the wilderness, it's talking about the devil forever being separated from God's people. And Christ is not burying our sins forever. It says, oh, I forget the verse, He comes the second time Hebrews, "Without sin unto salvation." Yeah, so when He comes back again, He's not still burying our sins. So, ultimately, when Satan is cast into the lake of fire, sin and sinners will be forever done away with. In that sense, he is the scapegoat, he's going to pay for all the sins he's instigated. So, Christ is the Lord's goat. The other goat is the opposite of that. Now some people believe both goats represent Jesus, and, you know, I don't think that's a doctrine. It's what you would not call a salvation doctrine. If someone doesn't understand that, I don't think that's going to cost them their salvation, but that's the way I understand it.

Jëan: Yeah, and of course, it's important to note that the scapegoat was never sacrificed, so it can't be Jesus, because Jesus sacrificed.

Doug: No blood is shed--"Without the shedding the blood there's no forgiveness."

Jëan: Right, okay, thank you, Leonard--we got Trent in Texas. Trent, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Trent: Hey, hey, Pastor Doug, hey, Pastor John, how are you guys doing tonight?

Doug: Doing great, thank you for calling.

Trent: Hey, that's good. Yeah, I just want to let you guys know I'm actually, I was an AFCOE student back in 2015, so it's good to hearing from you guys again.

Doug: Oh, it's been ten years, congratulations.

Trent: Yeah, yep, almost ten years. Yup, that's right. But I--my question that I have for you guys tonight, I have studied this and I have not been able to figure it out. So, I, I know that the Holy Spirit was in the Old Testament, It’s working on everyone's hearts at that time, but why did Jesus say, in John 16:7, that if He did not depart, the Helper, or the Holy Spirit, would not come?

Doug: Well, the baptism--let's just back up. God's Spirit has worked all through Bible history. You can see everywhere, from Genesis, where it says the Spirit moves on the water, to where David was filled with the Holy Spirit, Saul was filled with the Holy Spirit, Samson, Spirit of the Lord came on him, so, God's Spirit’s working all through the Bible. The Spirit of the Lord rested on the 70 elders in Exodus, so, you've got the Holy Spirit working. But something special happens after Pentecost with the Holy Spirit.

Christ bought the right for a special baptism and manifestation of the Spirit. By His sacrifice being declared, that would not happen until He ascended to the Father, and they said He had lived a perfectly holy life, and He had suffered for all the sins of the world. He had purchased the right to send the Holy Spirit in a special power. Obviously, something extraordinary in history happened at Pentecost that continued all through the apostolic era. So, I think he's talking about that. He's not saying that, you know, you've not had the Holy Spirit. It was the Holy Spirit that led them to Jesus. It's the Holy Spirit that convicted them of sin. And you read also in John, in the upper room, He breathes on them and says, "Receive the Holy Spirit." But that was not Pentecost. Pentecost, He said, "Don't go preaching. Wait in Jerusalem until you receive this anointing," this special power of the Spirit. Something special happened there after Christ ascended and his sacrifice was declared accepted. He had purchased the right then.

Jëan: All right, excellent. We’ve got Derek in Alabama. Derek, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Derek: First time listener as of tonight. I just happen to be scanning through the radio and hear you guys, and I'm so glad you're there.

Doug: We're glad you called.

Derek: I appreciate you, gentlemen, it's a lot of weight on your shoulders for this. All right, so, this is complicated and simple at the same time, and it's something I've always wondered since I was a little kid, and what this is, is it's a spiritual warfare. I'm retired military. What I was trained is, if we're on the battlefield and you have the enemy, you terminate the enemy's life at worst case scenario. Okay, so anytime I've seen pictures of angels battling each other, you see them with drawn swords, fighting each other, but the idea behind a sword is you're going to thrust it through a body and kill it. As far as I know, angels can't die, neither can fallen angels. So, my question is, how do they battle each other? Can they hurt each other for real? Because as far as I know, they're spiritual beings, they don't have pain receptors. So, how do they actually fight each other and protect people? It, to me, it's-- since I was a little kid.

Doug: Kind of mysterious, yeah, well, it's a great question, because you read in Revelation 12, there's a war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought, and the dragon and his angels fought. So here, you've got the good angels and the evil angels engaging in some kind of a warfare. Do they fight? Yeah, the Bible's clear. It says, we don't wrestle, we fight against these spiritual powers. Now, you said something I need to correct. You said, "Angels can't die." I don't think angels kill each other. I think they bind. You've talked in Jude about angels that are bound in everlasting chains of darkness, and in Revelation, it says, "Satan is bound for a thousand years." So, there are restrictions, angels can be fenced in, they can be restricted. And you do see in Ezekiel chapter 9, talks about an angel with a destroying weapon. What those weapons are, you know, I don't think we can even comprehend. But the good angels do war with evil angels. You read, where is it? In Daniel 10, where it talks about Michael's fighting with the prince of Persia, meaning he's probably fighting with Lucifer, who is manipulating the king of Persia, and that went on 21 days.

Jëan: And of course, it's not only, you've got the angels that might war with one another. In other words, the good angels are protecting God's people, but there's also the devil and his angels that are trying to war against us, and that is through our mind, through temptation, putting thoughts, doubt in our minds, so that is a real battle too, but that's sort of the battle of the mind.

Doug: Yeah, but I think God sends, when we pray, He'll send good angels to dispel, waft away. And in the Book of Job, Satan said to God, "You have put a hedge about Job." Meaning, you're, like, surrounded him. And it says, "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who serve him." So, angels do, I think, surround and protect. They can drive away evil angels. Angels can die. I don't think they kill each other, but in the end, Satan and his angels are cast into the lake of fire, and they're ultimately burned up. They're destroyed, and they'll never be anymore, it says in Ezekiel. So, hope that helps a little, Derek, and I hope you call again, thank you for listening.

Jëan: Stephanie in California has a question. Stephanie, welcome to the program.

Stephanie: Oh, hi, thank you. I had a question, and actually, somebody previously asked about the drone, so my question is, what does the Bible say about aliens?

Doug: All right, does the Bible say anything about aliens or life on other planets? I would say yes. First of all, when you think about the infinite size of the cosmos, and, you know, just our, our solar system is huge, and then our solar system has one sun that is one star in one galaxy called the Milky Way Galaxy that is like a hundred light years across. So, you know, they--that means, he traveled the speed of light for a hundred years to get across it. There's so many stars out there. Is there other intelligent life? Oh, I believe absolutely there is. So, and you read in the Bible, it says, what? Hebrews chapter, is it chapter 1, verse 2? That "God through Christ made the world." There are other worlds. And then you read in Revelation about every creature in heaven and those creatures on earth. So, God has unfallen, intelligent creatures that are out there in the cosmos that have not sinned. Humans and angels are not the only thing that God has made. I believe that, you know, the universe is infinite. God did not just start creating creatures with man 6,000 years ago. I think that we are quarantined because of sin, and once sin is dealt with, we'll once again be able to interact with these unfallen beings. So, yes, I think there is intelligent life out there. When people say they've been captured by aliens, that I doubt, unless they had some kind of a demonic experience. I don't think the unfallen worlds are allowed to interact with human beings right now because we've got this disease of sin, and the only ones involved in the hospital right now are God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the angels. They're the hospital staff. Everyone else has to wait until we're purified from sin.

Jëan: Our next caller that we have is Jim in Nevada. Jim, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Jim: Thanks, Pastor Ross, my question is pretty simple. The Bible says that God is sovereign and that He has control over all things. So, in that sense, do we really have genuine free will?

Doug: Good question. I do believe that God is, ultimately, He's all powerful, but a part of His control is He has chosen to give His creatures, in order to love Him, we need to have a choice. If we're forced to love Him, that's not real love, that's just preprogramming. Love must come from an intelligent choice, and so, He gives His creatures freedom to choose. He may know what we're going to choose, but we are truly free to make that decision, and I think that's the most important thing. That's why there's sin in the world is because of the choice of the devil to rebel and the choice of some creatures in this world, or most creatures in this world, to listen to the devil instead of listen to God. So, yes, God gives us free will, and that's why the Bible says, "Whosoever will, let him come and take the water of life," whosoever believes in Him, we can choose to believe, and that's the good news, friends. I hope everyone out there has made that choice, to believe in Jesus, accept Him as your Savior, give Him your heart. He's got a big plan for your life. We'll study again together next week, God bless.

Announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast. We hope you understand your Bible even better than before Bible Answers live is produced by Amazing Facts International. A faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California. ...

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