Pronghorn - American Goat Antelope

Date: 07/18/2004 
No doubt, you've heard the American folk song, "Oh give me a home, where the buffalo roam, and the deer and the antelope play." North America does not really have any antelope, but we do have the...
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Hello friends! This is Doug Batchelor. How about an amazing fact? No doubt, you've heard the American folk song, "Oh give me a home, where the buffalo roam, and the deer and the antelope play." North America does not really have any antelope, but we do have the Pronghorn, or American goat antelope. Not really a goat, deer or antelope, it's the only member of its species in the world.

One feature that makes the Pronghorn unique is its horns. Animals that have horns, like cows, do not shed them, nor do they fork or branch, as with deer and elk antlers. But the Pronghorns have horns made something like a rhino's horn; and they're the only animals in the world who have horns with a branch or a prong; hence, the name.

In addition, they're the only animals in the world that shed and grow back their horns yearly. The Pronghorn once covered the Midwest in great numbers, greater than the Bison, perhaps as many as 100 million. But because of hunting and disease by the 1920's that number was decimated to about 30,000 remaining.

Gradually, programs were set in place to protect the Pronghorns so, currently, there are about a million now. If you ever see a Pronghorn on the prairie, you can be sure he saw you first. Their exceptional eyes can pick up any movement about three miles away and those powerful eyes are complemented by excellent hearing and a sense of smell, making it very hard for a coyote to sneak up on them.

But the Pronghorn's greatest defense is its speed. It is arguably the fastest land mammal in the world. It can sprint 65 miles an hour and can sustain a speed of 35 miles an hour over rough terrain for miles. The African cheetah, on the other hand, can only sprint for 70 miles an hour for a few seconds, and then he quickly tires.

No other land mammal can keep up with the Pronghorn over a long distance. When a herd must run, they do it in perfect unison in a very tight, oval-shaped formation, much like a flock of birds or a school of fish. One of the strangest behaviors of these creatures is how they relate to the basic wire fence.

Even though they can easily jump six or eight feet high, whenever a Pronghorn encounters a fence, he'll usually try to crawl under it. They just don't seem to know their own ability. Stay with us friends and we'll learn more as Amazing Facts brings you this edition of Bible Answers Live.


Pastor Doug: Welcome once again listening friends to the best purpose for talk radio, talking about eternity and the Word of God. This is Bible Answers Live. If you have any Bible questions, we have lines open, lots of them. Pick up your phone. It's a free phone call. The number is 1-800-GOD-SAYS. That's 1-800-463-7297 with any Bible-related question. I am Doug Batchelor, the President of Amazing Facts.

Pastor Dick Devitt is up at a Christian Redwood camp meeting this week so I'm going to be winging it with our staff here in the studio. But as always, we want to begin our program asking for God's blessing.

Father in heaven, we want to thank you for this privilege, opportunity, even the technology, that makes this miracle of radio possible, where we can communicate with thousands of friends around the world and learn more about what Jesus says. Be with us now. I pray that You will illuminate our minds with the Holy Spirit, and that through all that happens here Your truth can be glorified. We ask in Christ's name, amen.

Well listening friends, we're glad that you are tuned into Bible Answers Live. In a minute I'll say something more about our opening devotional and our free offer, but if you want to call in with any Bible question, just type in or dial in 1-800-GOD-SAYS, 1-800-463-7297. You can even listen to this program just by going to

You'll also find a number of the resources that we reference at that website. I thought that this illustration about the Pronghorn was fascinating because here they've got this incredible ability. They're one of the fastest animals in the world. They can sprint and jump, but yet when they come to a fence, for some reason they just feel like they could never get over it. So they either run along the fence line or they try to crawl under it.

It made me think of what the devil has done to many Christians. So many people the world over who take the name of Christ believe that the purpose of Jesus' death is simply to cover their sins; and they forget that it's not only for pardon but for power that Jesus died. He not only forgives our sins, but He gives us power to resist temptation and to live a new life.

Old things are past away, all things are made new. Without Christ, we can't do anything but through Christ, we can do the impossible. In the same way Peter walked on water, you can live a holy life. You can jump higher than you think with God's help.

We have a free offer that's going to address a very interesting question. It's a classic written by Joe Crews entitled, "Is It Possible to Live Without Sinning?" a very thought-provoking title. "Is It Possible to Live Without Sinning?" I remember a couple of years ago, I was flying cross-country and put the plane on auto-pilot. It was a monotonous trip and I read this book again, and it just touched my heart and inspired me.

I'd like to share that with you. If you want a free copy of Joe Crews' classic, "Is It Possible to Live Without Sinning?" you'll be surprised by some of the answers you find in there, and it's all Bible-based. Pick up the phone now and dial the resource number. It's a free resource, free phone call, and that's 1-800-835-6747.

Now that's a different number than the one that comes into the studio with your question. Once again, for the free offer, "Is It Possible to Live Without Sinning?" dial 1-800-835-6747. Tell them you're listening to Amazing Facts and you would like to get "Is It Possible to Live Without Sinning?"

While you're calling in your questions, I like to always take a couple of Internet questions and I'll do my best here. Someone wrote in and they want to know about the relationship between a Christian and their pastor. "How far should one go in loyalty to their pastors in following their teachings?"

Now the Bible is clear, of course, we should respect those in positions of authority. The Bible asks us to obey the laws of the land, as long as those laws do not conflict with the law of God. But how far do we go in listening to the teachings and mandates of various pastors and people in ministry?

I would say that you only go as far as it's in harmony with the teachings of Jesus. That's why it is so crucial for every Christian to know their Bibles for themselves. When I preach, I tell people you check on me and you make sure what I'm saying is in harmony with the blessed book, the Bible.

There's something that Paul says in 2nd Thessalonians 3, verse 7, "For you yourselves know how you ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you." Paul is saying follow us for one reason because our example was consistent. And then he goes on to say, "Not that we have power, but to make ourselves an example unto you to follow us." Peter says the same thing.

The shepherds are examples to the flock, not overlords that are to be tyrants. So a shepherd is to lead the sheep, not to drive them. People should respect and follow the teachings of the pastor. He is a vehicle through which the Lord should be communicating biblical truth. As long as you find that his teaching is in harmony with God's Word, then you should assume that God is using him to communicate.

The next question we have is, "Please give me some Scriptures where I can better understand information on a Christian wearing jewelry." This person says, "I felt convicted to take off my jewelry and put it in the jewelry box." Well you know, this is not a very popular teaching, but the Bible does talk about it.

A number of Scriptures that I can reference deal with the subject of jewelry. For one thing, I think it's interesting if you go to the very end of the Bible, there are two women that are highlighted there. One is the woman representing God's church in chapter 12 of Revelation; and she is simply clothed with the light of God, the sun, the moon, the stars. She's a symbol of God's church.

Then you have a woman in Revelation chapter 17 who is adorned with worldly adornment, gold, and pearls and stones; and she is a symbol for the counterfeit church. As you read on, she's called "Babylon, Mystery, The Mother of Harlots," so there's no question about that. But when you read in the Bible, it tells us that Christians should be known as those who are adorned on the inside.

The gold in the temple that God built was on the inside. Outside was simple white marble. We should have that inner adorning. Peter says in 1st Peter chapter 3, "Let it not be the outward adorning, the wearing of gold, and putting on of apparel, but let it be the inner man of the heart."

You can also read in 1st Timothy 2:9, "In like manner also, the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array." And you have to ask yourself, the bottom line is, whether you're a man or a woman, and we are Christians following Christ, "What would Jesus do?"

Can we picture Jesus poking holes in His nose, or eyebrow or ears and hanging minerals and baubles and beads off His body? Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and I think that we should be clean and neat. I think we should probably dress in the fashions that are healthy and respectful.

You don't want to stand out and make a spectacle of yourself; but people should not be attracted to Christians because of our clothing or the jewelry we wear. I actually have a book on that. I'll tell you what, if you want more information on that, you can go to the Amazing Facts' website. I've got a book I've written called, "Jewelry: How Much is Too Much?"

Also, Joe Crews has a book there called, Colorful Cosmetics and Jewelry, if you want more biblical information and references. But, having said that, I think it's time that we get to the telephones. So I'm going to start by going to New York, New York and talking to Emmanuel, who's listening on WMCA. Welcome to the program Emmanuel. Emmanuel, are you there? Alright, well we're going to have to put Emmanuel on hold.

We're going to try somebody else. I think Emmanuel got distracted with something else. Let's go to Derek who's listening in Minneapolis, Minnesota, first-time caller. Welcome Derek.

Derek: Thanks. I'm a big fan of the show. My question is I have kind of this weird theory, and I was just curious what you thought of it. Okay. You know at the end of the Old Testament it says that Elijah will come and he'll have a sign of fire? I was curious if maybe there is going to be another Elijah that (unintelligible) like the Jews and the Muslims, that will really literally have fire? I was wondering if that's the false prophet (unintelligible) would be even larger than just persecution from the apostate church? I was just curious what your thoughts were on that?

Pastor Doug: Alright, well I appreciate that. The Bible tells us that in Malachi chapter 4, before the coming of the Lord, He would send Elijah the prophet. Well, of course, Elijah did come during Christ's first coming. He appeared to Jesus, Mark chapter 9. But it says in Malachi 4 that before the great and dreadful day of the Lord; and that has led us to believe that the spirit and power of Elijah would come again before the second coming.

When Jesus came the first time, John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah to prepare the world for His first coming. And I believe that there will be another Elijah, or Elijah's, that will prepare the world for the second coming. Some have thought maybe this is the 144,000.

I've actually got a book, Derek, called The Last Elijah Message. You can probably read more about that on the Amazing Facts' website. It's not one that we can give out because it's just a bigger book.

Derek: But do you think that the false prophet is going to kind of say he's Elijah?

Pastor Doug: I was going to go to the second half of your question, because you're wondering about the miracle of bringing fire down from heaven.

Derek: Yeah

Pastor Doug: It is possible that there will be a counterfeit who will come claiming to be Elijah, in the spirit and power of Elijah, and work miracles for the purpose of deceiving, and that's very possible. Whether or not that individual will be connected with the Muslim religion, I don't think so. I think he's actually going to identify with the Christian religion predominantly. That's why it'll be so effective to deceive Christians.

Derek: Okay

Pastor Doug: Probably Christians and Jews.

Derek: Okay

Pastor Doug: Okay?

Derek: I have another question. I want to get this radio station in Minneapolis and I was wondering how would be a good way to promote it, or what do you usually do?

Pastor Doug: We'd love to have it on there. All you've got to do is try and find out some of the talk stations that you have. You can call our office. We'll put you in touch with people that will give you some tips on how to get Bible Answers Live on in Minneapolis.

Derek: Okay

Pastor Doug: Alright, God bless.

Derek: Thanks a lot.

Pastor Doug: Bye bye. I'm going to try Emmanuel again. He looks like he's waiting. Emmanuel, are you there? Emmanuel, WMCA, New York? If you're not close to your phone, get close.

Emmanuel: Hello?

Pastor Doug: Hi, you're on the air.

Emmanuel: Hello Pastor.

Pastor Doug: Hi, your question?

Emmanuel: My question is what do you say about hell? Is it real, or what's your belief about hell?

Pastor Doug: Very good. Well I hope that my belief is a Bible belief. The bottom line is the Bible tells us there is a lake of fire where the wicked will be punished. Jesus talks about Matthew chapter 25, "Depart ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels." And so, obviously, there is a place of punishment where the wicked are cast into hell.

You can't escape that. The Bible is very clear. The area where many Christians disagree is on how long will hell burn. Some teach that God is going to actually torture people through endless ages, where a zillion years go by, and they're still rolling and blistering in sulfur and brimstone. That's a teaching that really can be traced back to the Middle Ages and pagan religions.

The Bible says that the soul, Jesus' own words, I'm quoting Christ in Matthew chapter 10, "The soul and body will be destroyed in hell." I'm pretty sure that's Matthew chapter 10. I'll try and get that Scripture for you. Furthermore, John 3:16, "God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

We've got two alternatives, everlasting life or perish. It doesn't say "everlasting life in the fire," or "everlasting life in heaven." So the wicked are punished in the lake of fire and the Bible says in Revelation "this is the second death." It tells us in Malachi they are burnt up, Malachi chapter 4.

It tells us they are consumed; they are devoured; they are destroyed, and so that's the issue. Some people say if you don't believe in everlasting hell, that you don't believe in hell. That Scripture I was looking for is Matthew 10:28. Does that help you a little bit Emmanuel? Are you there?

Emmanuel: No, no, in the beginning [tape delay]

Pastor Doug: You need to turn the radio off and [tape delay]. You know, I apologize friends. Emmanuel, I think, has a radio on in the background. He's getting our tape delay and so everybody's confused.

You know what Emmanuel? Let me make a suggestion, and anybody that has questions about that, one of the popular lessons that we have is, "Is the Devil in Charge of Hell?" and it talks about hell, where it is, when it will burn, how long it will burn, according to the Bible. It is absolutely saturated with biblical references. So you read this lesson. It's free.

If you'd like to ask for "Is the Devil in Charge of Hell?" it's a four-color lesson with lots of Scriptures in it, we'll send that to you. You can even read that online for free. If you want the lesson, call 1-800-835-6747. Now I think we're going to talk to Gina who's calling from Spokane, Washington. Welcome Gina.

Gina: Hi Pastor Doug. My question is about placing yourself in a situation that is going to be slightly tempting. My husband and I are Christians. We have a friend who just found out her live-in boyfriend is still married and is wanting to move out. We are willing to give her a place to stay for a few days, but in the past - -

Pastor Doug: You're wondering about it being an awkward situation because you'd have another female living in the house?

Gina: Well, in the past my husband and I have had a problem with sexual immorality with females. So, we're not real sure about whether even a few days is going to be a good idea, or whether we should just wait and see if she can find something else.

Pastor Doug: There are a couple of principles here. First of all, as much as you may care for and love your friend and want to help her, your best friend is your husband.

Gina: Right

Pastor Doug: And it should be mutual.

Gina: Right. Well he is here with me.

Pastor Doug: Okay. In 1st Thessalonians 5:22, it says abstain from all appearance of evil. If he's got two eligibly-aged women walking in and out of the same house, some people could think that you're a polygamist. It could have the wrong appearance; and if you have just stated that maybe there have been situations in the past that have been challenging in that area, Jesus said you don't want to tempt the Lord.

Of course, Christ was quoting Deuteronomy. So, it might be different if it was a grandma, you know what I'm saying?

Gina: [Laughs] Yeah

Pastor Doug: But if somebody is in that window of eligibility and potential temptation, then you might want to avoid a situation. I'm a Pastor, and you know, I can't tell you how many times things like that evolve into something that is unhealthy. If you bring a friend into your home because she's in crisis and you say just a couple of days, you've heard the expression about the camel getting his nose in the tent?

Gina: Yes

Pastor Doug: Sometimes she may not find another alternative; temporary things can become permanent. It could become very awkward and it could challenge your friendship if you say, "Alright, its been a week. You've got to get out."

Gina: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: So I think you're probably better off just being honest with your friend and saying, "You know, we don't want to give the wrong impression. We want to help you. Maybe we can help you find another place." Maybe you can buy her a hotel room for a couple of days.

Gina: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: But it might be awkward to do it, based on what you've told me.

Gina: Okay

Pastor Doug: Alright?

Gina: Thank you very much.

Pastor Doug: Thank you. Hope that helps a little bit.

Gina: Yes, it does.

Pastor Doug: Alright. God bless Gina. We're going to see if we can get another call or two in here before our break. Talking now to Boston, Joe, on WROL. Welcome Joe.

Joe: Hey, nice talking to you.

Pastor Doug: Thank you

Joe: It has been a long time. I've been wondering; I've been talking with people. Did the apostles keep the Sabbath after Christ died?

Pastor Doug: Did the apostles keep the Sabbath after Christ died?

Joe: Yes

Pastor Doug: Well, we could start right at the death of Jesus. It tells us that when Christ died, that they would not even finish embalming His body because the Sabbath was coming.

Joe: Right

Pastor Doug: And this is Luke chapter 23, last verse. They said they went home and they kept the Sabbath according to the Commandment; so, follow me. Obviously nothing in the teachings of Jesus for three and a half years led them to believe that the Sabbath would be altered.

Then if you go to the book of Acts Sabbath is mentioned many, many times. For instance, in Acts chapter 16, I believe it is, it says, "And we went out of the city on the Sabbath day, a place where prayer was customarily made; and we sat down, and talked to the women that resorted thither." That's Acts 16:13.

Here it's telling you that they recognized a place on the Sabbath day where they would just be resting and be able to share and fellowship. Acts is written by Luke, who's a Gentile, - -

Joe: Right, I know that.

Pastor Doug: - - and he's still keeping the Sabbath. Then Paul says not only would he preach to the Jews on the Sabbath, he preached to Jews and Gentiles. Then finally, you get to the last book in the New Testament, which is Revelation, - -

Joe: Right

Pastor Doug: - - chapter 1, verse 10, it tells us that he was in the Spirit on the Lord's day. A lot of people say, "Well the Lord's day, yeah, that must have been Sunday" but there's really nothing in the Bible that calls Sunday the Lord's day. The Bible says the Sabbath is, "My holy day."

So here John, he was imprisoned on Patmos where they made him work in the mines. He would not work on Sabbath; and there he was meditating, and he was in the Spirit. He was praying on the Lord's day, the Sabbath, and he had the vision of Revelation.

Joe: Right

Pastor Doug: So I think there's lots of evidence; and I've just cited a few examples of the apostles keeping it.

Joe: Oh, no, that was great. Could I ask a favor?

Pastor Doug: Sure

Joe: I've been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Sarcoma. I just had my first chemotherapy operation.

Pastor Doug: Would you like us to pray?

Joe: Would you?

Pastor Doug: Absolutely. Tell you what, why don't we pray right now Joe?

Joe: Alright

Pastor Doug: That would be okay?

Joe: Yeah

Pastor Doug: Father in heaven, we just want to come before You in Joe's behalf and solicit our listening family to lift their prayers, that You will accelerate his healing and raise him up that he might serve You. Give the attending doctors and physicians wisdom in decisions and treatment that is made. And I just pray that, ultimately, the Great Physician will touch him and heal him, because we pray in Christ's name, amen.

Joe: You've been wonderful. I've been following you for years. You are the best, holy, guardian, counselor that we have on the planet.

Pastor Doug: Well, I wouldn't go that far. Thank you very much Joe. That's very nice and undeserved. I think we might even get another question or two in here before our break. Talking to Sherry in Spokane, Washington, listening on KEEH. Welcome Sherry, you're on the air.

Sherry: Hi

Pastor Doug: Hi

Sherry: My question is tonight, where can I find the text to show that Moses was raised from the dead? I know about the one in Jude 1:9, but the person I'm talking with doesn't really feel that that's enough. Is there any other evidence to let us know?

Pastor Doug: Well, I believe that the other obvious evidence is in Mark chapter 9, where Moses appears to Jesus alive.

Sherry: Right. I told him that. He thinks that God raised - -

Pastor Doug: That, of course, is also found in Luke 9 and Matthew 16, but go ahead.

Sherry: He also believes that God raised Moses to life to appear with him, and then he died again, or was laid back to rest again.

Pastor Doug: Well now see, that teaching is very bizarre because everything in the Bible says once a person is raised and given a glorified body, they don't ever taste corruption again.

Sherry: Right

Pastor Doug: If you read in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4, speaking of the resurrection, it says, "So shall we ever be with the Lord." So for a person to be raised and given a glorified body and then put back in the grave again, why would He do that?

Sherry: Well that's what I asked and he didn't really have a good answer for that.

Pastor Doug: He didn't give you a Scripture for that?

Sherry: No

Pastor Doug: Well then I would tell him he's the one that needs the evidence, not you.

Sherry: Right

Pastor Doug: I mean, we've got three examples in Matthew, Mark and Luke where Moses appeared to Jesus; and plus the reference there in Jude that talks about when Michael resurrected him. So, there's no question that Moses is in heaven.

Sherry: Right

Pastor Doug: The burden of proof lies with him to prove that Moses was put back in the grave.

Sherry: I guess part of the problem is that he doesn't believe that people ever go to heaven, that they stay down here for a thousand years.

Pastor Doug: Oh well, that sounds like one of the teachings that has been tainted by the, kind of, the left behind scenario. There's nothing in the Bible that teaches that.

Sherry: Uh-huh

Pastor Doug: The resurrection takes place when Jesus comes back at the end of the world.

Sherry: Right

Pastor Doug: The Bible is very clear. We've got lots of Scriptures on that. So I don't know if that helps answer your question.

Sherry: Is there anything that I could get for him, maybe, that would help him with this, that we go to heaven and we are not on this earth for a thousand years?

Pastor Doug: We do have two lessons I'd recommend. One is called, "Are the Dead Really Dead?" and it addresses a number of Scriptures about the resurrection and when it happens. Then the other one is on the second coming of Jesus. That's our lesson called, It's Headed Straight Towards You and You Can't Outrun It.

Sherry: Uh-huh. What was that one called again?

Pastor Doug: It's called, It's Headed Straight Towards You and You Can't Outrun It. Just ask for the study guide on the second coming of Jesus.

Sherry: Okay

Pastor Doug: That has a lot of references about the scenario of how things will happen, and it has the Scripture quotes there for you.

Sherry: Okay, alright.

Pastor Doug: So those two lessons; once he gets that clear in his mind it would probably really help. One more thing Sherry. I wrote an article two months ago that should be up at our

website now. You can read it for free, and it's called, The Glorious Mount. It's dealing with Moses being resurrected and appearing to Jesus. So there's more information there as well.

Sherry: Alright, thank you.

Pastor Doug: Hope that helps a little.

Sherry: Thank you

Pastor Doug: Friends, you hear the music in the background--God bless Sherry. That simply means that we're going to be taking a break at this time. Got a few announcements that Pastor Dick will be sharing. In the meantime, don't forget about all the resources that we have at the Amazing Facts' website.

You click the top bar, for those of you on the Internet. You just click on Free Library; and we'd encourage you to look through not only the sermon books, there are Inside Report articles, and books and a lot of other resources. You can just download this. Use it when you teach.

If you teach a Bible class or you're leading a study group, then you're really missing out and robbing yourself by not utilizing these study guides in virtually every major Bible subject in question. So we'll be back in just a few minutes with more Bible questions and answers.


Pastor Doug: Welcome back listening friends. If you have just tuned in, we are Bible Answers Live, coming to you live from the capitol of California. If you have a Bible question, we do still have a couple of lines open. It's a free phone call. All you need to do is pick up and dial 1-800-GOD-SAYS. That makes it easy to remember the numbers, which are 1-800-463-7297.

1-800-GOD-SAYS for Bible questions, and we also will be sharing another number in a little bit that is the number for our free resources that we offer during the program. Also, you might want to have that handy to jot down the websites that we mention. We're getting ready to go back to the phones. So we're going to talk to Gary in Onalaska, Washington; and your question?

Gary: Okay, in Matthew 17:36 the parable of the hidden treasure, - -

Pastor Doug: Yes

Gary: - - or 44 to 45 I should say. Looks like that was Luke 17:36. It talks about two men in a field, one will be taken, one will be left.

Pastor Doug: Uh-huh

Gary: And then we find in Matthew 13:44 and 45, we find the parable of the hidden treasure.

Pastor Doug: Yes

Gary: Okay. It's my understanding that the hidden treasure represents God and the field represents the Bible. What I want to know is, in this prophetic language of Luke, the two men working in the field, are those two men possibly prophets, and is that literally working in a field physically, or does that represent their working at the Scriptures of the Bible?

Pastor Doug: Well I'm impressed that you're already dealing with the meat of the Word and I'm pleased to hear that. I would agree with you that when He talks about the kingdom of heaven being like someone who finds a pearl, or finds a treasure in a field, that could be someone who's looking in the Word of God for the Gospel and God.

Gary: Right

Pastor Doug: But the parable in Luke and Matthew, dealing with the second coming, you have to apply the symbols differently because the context of the parable is different.

Gary: Uh-huh

Pastor Doug: Let's state real quick what they are. Matthew gives two. He talks about two men working in a field, two women grinding at a mill.

Gary: Right

Pastor Doug: Luke has a third one, two men sleeping in a bed. Let's look at that real quick. When Jesus comes back, there are two kinds of people sleeping. What does sleep represent biblically? Jesus said, "Our friend Lazarus is asleep." Two kinds of people asleep, the saved and the lost; the dead in Christ and the damned, the Bible calls them.

Gary: Right

Pastor Doug: You have two resurrections, the first and the second.

Gary: Correct

Pastor Doug: And so that's what the sleep represents. Two women grinding at a mill; a woman is a church. The grain is what they're working with. That's two kinds of churches working with the bread of life. One is true, one is false.

Gary: Right

Pastor Doug: Two men out in the field. Jesus said, "The harvest is great, but the labourers are few. Pray the Lord will send labourers into his field." Then in the parable of the sowers, the field is the world. So there are two kinds of gospels being preached in the world by these laborers, the true and the false.

So the analogies that you're using, you're on the right track, but you have to, I think, apply them differently because it's about the context of the second coming; whereas the other parables are dealing with the kingdom of God.

Gary: Okay, so the field, then, just represents the earth?

Pastor Doug: The field represents, yeah, the world; - -

Gary: The world.

Pastor Doug: - - and Jesus just uses that very phrase. He says, "The field is the world" when He interprets His own parable.

Gary: So the Scripture verse He would use to back that up would be the fact that Jesus is going to come and harvest the earth.

Pastor Doug: Exactly

Gary: Okay, and the two men there, are those representations of the two prophets in Revelation, one being a false prophet and one being a true prophet?

Pastor Doug: Hadn't thought of that but that could be. That would fit also.

Gary: Okay, because that's what I originally had; but then when studying and reading some of this other, I thought, "Well wait a second, could that field represent...."

Pastor Doug: Well if back up just to the beginning of the question, He's basically saying one is saved and one is lost.

Gary: Right

Pastor Doug: So that covers a whole gambit of scenarios.

Gary: So now, could that field represent in the early sanctuary, the heavenly sanctuary was here on earth, that field represent the outer court, or the outside wall of the sanctuary that was - -

Pastor Doug: Well yeah, it would represent outside the courtyard, the world, where the lost are wanting to hear the Gospel.

Gary: Okay

Pastor Doug: I hope that that helps a little bit Gary. You and I are getting in deep into the Word. I'm afraid we're losing some of our audience.

Gary: [Laughs] Alright, well I thank you very much.

Pastor Doug: Alright, God bless. Appreciate that. We get questions that range from milk to meat here and that's the way we like it. Next, we're going to talk to Celia in Tullahoma, Tennessee on WSGM. Did I say your name right Celia? Cella?

Celia: Yeah

Pastor Doug: Yes, you've been waiting patiently. You're on the air.

Celia: Yeah I'm here.

Pastor Doug: Thanks for your question.

Celia: My question will be quick and simple.

Pastor Doug: Okay

Celia: Okay. Is there anywhere in the Bible that says you will go to hell if you commit suicide?

Pastor Doug: Well, the Bible tells us that sinners are cast into the lake of fire, and then the Bible defines murder as a sin.

Celia: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: Obviously, self-murder is still murder.

Celia: Yeah

Pastor Doug: Whether you're killing another person or yourself, you're talking life, which is sacred. I'm not saying that there are not exceptions. There may be people who, because of medical conditions or some - -

Celia: To be honest, that was the reason, my son.

Pastor Doug: I see. Did you have a son that committed suicide?

Celia: Yeah, - -

Pastor Doug: Oh.

Celia: - - he did, on the account of medical reasons.

Pastor Doug: Well, there are some cases, as I was saying, where people are either suffering from chemical imbalances, or psychological challenges, or even such pain that we can't comprehend, that they do things that they would not have done as a rational Christian; and God will factor that in in the Judgment.

I think we'll be surprised that He will have mercy on some of those people. Samson, basically, was a suicide. Is it Celia? Is that how you say your name? Cella? Samson basically said, "Let me die with the Philistines," and he pushed down the building and killed himself with his enemy.

Celia: Yeah

Pastor Doug: And Hebrews tells us he'll be in heaven. So, you know, I know your heart is aching over your son, but the Bible says, "Now abides faith, hope and love." So you do still have hope.

Celia: Yeah

Pastor Doug: Okay? Hang on to that. The Bible calls it in 1st Thessalonians we have a "blessed hope." We don't need to sorrow as other people that have no hope. So all you can do is hope and pray.

Celia: He was saved; he lived for God for years. He was saved and he was baptized; and he had cancer and he had a heart attack.

Pastor Doug: Ohh. Keep in mind, your Lord loves your son more than you do and He is more desperate to see him saved than even you are, isn't that right?

Celia: Yeah

Pastor Doug: Well, I hope that helps a little bit, and just wanted to give you a few Scriptures. Could I have prayer with you?

Celia: Yeah, if you would please.

Pastor Doug: Yes I will. Father in heaven, I pray that You will please be with my sister here. I know her heart is aching and breaking over this devastating loss. And especially, give her the comfort of Your Spirit with some of the doubts that may be plaguing her. I just pray, Lord, that she'll find peace in the knowledge that Jesus loves her and her son, even more than His own life, because He gave His life to save them. We ask this in Christ's name, amen. I hope that you find comfort in that, Celia, and God bless you.

Celia: God bless you Doug Batchelor. I listen to you every time you're on the radio.

Pastor Doug: Well thank you very much, and you keep it up.

Celia: I will.

Pastor Doug: God bless. Alright, let's talk next to Ivan who's calling from Queens, New York, listening on WMCA. Welcome Ivan.

Ivan: Hello

Pastor Doug: Hi, thanks for your patience.

Ivan: I've been hearing lately about this notion of church ages ending. What does it mean? I hear people talking about it, - -

Pastor Doug: Well - -

Ivan: - - that there's going to be no more churches.

Pastor Doug: There may come a day just before Jesus comes back when the beast power is in control, and true Christians must flee into the wilderness. Jesus said that when we see the abomination of desolation, let him that is on the roof not even come down into his house; and we are to flee.

"Let those that be in Judea flee into the mountains." When that day comes, it may be hard for us to gather in organized fellowships. But the teaching that is circulating, and there's one minister who, I think, has very poor judgment who is the one who is espousing this, is a very bad teaching; because the Bible is clear in Hebrews chapter 10 that we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, and the church is whenever we assemble together.

If we assemble together in a building that we are renting, or if we assemble together in a home, we're still a church. So for someone to teach that the age of the church is gone while we are still able to spread the Gospel and assemble together and worship corporately, is really absurd. It's the only way I know how to say that.

Ivan: So he is wrong then?

Pastor Doug: Dead wrong; and the minister who's teaching those things also predicted the second coming of Jesus in, what was it, 1995 or 1996? It really breaks my heart that there are people out there being deceived by this.

Ivan: Right, right

Pastor Doug: Now, I will agree that there are many churches that are in apostasy. Well don't go to those churches. Go to the churches that are still preaching the Bible and worshiping the Lord and filled with the Spirit, you know what I'm saying?

Ivan: Uh-huh

Pastor Doug: But just because there are some churches out there that are worldly doesn't mean the age of the church is over with. The church is the body of Christ; and it is actually an insult to the body of Christ to say that His body is no longer in the world, - -

Ivan: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: - - or that we're not to gather in an organized way. So the teaching is very wrong and I would encourage anybody out there who is hearing this nonsense about the age of the church ending, it's a doctrine of devils that Paul warned us about; and we should just shed that like chaff right away. Okay?

Ivan: Okay, thank you.

Pastor Doug: God bless, and thank you for your call Ivan. Next, we're going to talk to Johnathan, who's name in Hebrew is "Gift of Jehovah." Johnathan, calling from Monterey, California. Welcome Johnathan.

Johnathan: Hi Pastor Doug, how are you doing?

Pastor Doug: Good, how about you?

Johnathan: Pretty good. My question is why does NIV bible have so many missing verses?

Pastor Doug: It's because the Bible manuscripts that are used for the New Testaments, keep in mind, virtually all of the Bibles use similar manuscripts for the Old Testament because that was in existence all the way back to the time of Christ.

Johnathan: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: But the New Testaments, there are principally three manuscripts, and one is called the Textus Receptus; then there's the Vaticanus; and the Sinaiticus. The King James Version, New King James and some of the others, I think that they're a little more dependable. They came from what we call the Textus Receptus.

The other versions, like the NIV, they use these other manuscripts that I think are questionable; and they were missing some passages, and so they left them out. I think, based on the scholars that I have read, that the versions that are translated from the Textus Receptus, like the King James and the New King James, are a little safer.

For instance, in the NIV version, there's that whole story about the woman being caught in adultery in John chapter 8.

Johnathan: Yeah

Pastor Doug: Well they leave that out, or at least, they put a footnote that it wasn't in there.

Johnathan: Oh, which version is that?

Pastor Doug: That's the NIV.

Johnathan: Oh okay

Pastor Doug: But that's such a precious story where Jesus said, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."

Johnathan: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: Boy, it would be terrible not to have that in your Bible. So, folks that come to my church and listen to me preach, I take periodic shots at the NIV; but I know the Lord uses even that version to save people.

Johnathan: Yeah. I also noticed that, from NIV, the part of Matthew 6:13, the Lord's Prayer, - -

Pastor Doug: Yeah

Johnathan: - - which is said directly by Jesus, it's missing.

Pastor Doug: They leave out "...the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever" right?

Johnathan: Yeah, yeah. I was wondering why they omitted this verse?

Pastor Doug: Because it's not in the Sinaiticus manuscript that they used, which was found in St. Catherine's monastery in a garbage can.

Johnathan: Okay

Pastor Doug: I would think it would be very reckless to use that kind of manuscript for a Bible translation.

Johnathan: Okay

Pastor Doug: Alright?

Johnathan: Yeah. I just want to say I enjoy your program a lot and uh - -

Pastor Doug: Johnathan, let me interrupt you before I lose you.

Johnathan: Uh-huh

Pastor Doug: I forgot. We've got a book that actually talks about that more we'll send you for free.

Johnathan: Okay. What's the title?

Pastor Doug: It's called, The Faithful Witness.

Johnathan: Okay

Pastor Doug: It talks about the Bible versions and how they came about, and what manuscripts were used. Call the resource number, 1-800-835-6747. Anyone listening, if you'd

like a copy of that and you have questions about Bible versions, it's a simple book to read, 1-800-835-6747.

Johnathan: Okay, and I'm looking forward to seeing you in So-Cal camp meeting.

Pastor Doug: That's right. I'll be there this week.

Johnathan: Okay, alright

Pastor Doug: God bless Johnathan.

Johnathan: Thank you

Pastor Doug: Bye bye. Next, let me see, where are we going, we're going to talk to Jimmy on line 4, calling from Lynn, Massachusetts, listening on WROL. Welcome Jimmy.

Jimmy: Hi Pastor Doug

Pastor Doug: How are you? Get real close to your phone. I can barely hear you.

Jimmy: Okay. Yes, I have a question on "slain in the spirit."

Pastor Doug: Yes

Jimmy: What's your view on that?

Pastor Doug: Alright, for our friends who are listening, "slain in the spirit" is a term that is used to describe, perhaps you've seen people come up to a minister, he lays hands on them and they drop to the ground, and seem to maybe convulse or lose control for awhile. I mean, just pass out and lay there placidly, or they may shake violently.

They may not even be touched by a minister. It might be just while they're sitting in the pew, or it could happen in a variety of places. People say this is the baptism of the spirit or being "slain by the spirit." I don't really find evidence of that in the New Testament.

There is one unusual story in the Old Testament where King Saul was overcome by the Spirit and he took off his clothes and kind of laid on the ground and prophesied; but that's different from what we're seeing happen in these churches. I don't see anywhere where Jesus slaps somebody on the head or blows on them and knocks them over and they start to shake, or the apostles.

So the Bible tells us that God is not the author of confusion, but of peace. It says Jesus came and He cast out devils and He gave them back their dignity; and the man was sitting clothed, when Jesus cast out a devil, sitting clothed at His feet in his right mind. So Jesus didn't come to take away our dignity and make us act strange and bizarre. He came to give us our right mind and save us from bizarre behavior.

Jimmy: Okay

Pastor Doug: Does that make sense?

Jimmy: Makes sense.

Pastor Doug: Now, one thing you'll find if you study into other ancient religions of the world, in many of the pagan religions, people would go into a trance and be "slain by the spirit." Somehow, that found its way into the Christian churches about 100 years ago; and that's very unfortunate because it really finds its roots back in a number of pagan religions.

Jimmy: Okay

Pastor Doug: Okay?

Jimmy: Thank you

Pastor Doug: Thank you Jimmy. Good question. Alright, that opens up a line. We're going to talk now to Bruce who's calling from Long Island, New York, listening on WMCA. Welcome Bruce, and your question?

Bruce: Hi, how are you?

Pastor Doug: Very good.

Bruce: I'd like to know what the Lord means when He says, "Refrain from silly talk and idle chatter, foolish speaking," things like that? What, exactly, is entailed?

Pastor Doug: Well when I answer you now, I'll probably condemning myself, because that's one of the areas I'm praying for victory. But Jesus said in Matthew 12 in the Judgment, we'll give an account for every idle word that we speak.

Bruce: Right

Pastor Doug: "By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." Christians should not be involved in frivolous, empty conversation. That doesn't mean you can't sit with your friends and enjoy their dialog, but Paul says in Philippians, "Whatever things are noble, whatever things are true, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue, if there is any praise," - -

Bruce: Edifying, right.

Pastor Doug: - - our conversation should be elevating. So the idle chatter and gossip of the world, if you want to find out what that is all you need to do is surf through the television stations. You can hear a whole lot of it. It's just frivolous, empty chatter that really has no value and, if nothing else, it's not even innocent. Much of it is evil.

Bruce: Right, right. I see what you're saying. But I also wondered if it could possibly mean this, like when you speak about good luck and things like that, that, not being a concept in the Lord's plan, luck, could it possibly mean that?

Pastor Doug: It's interesting you would ask that. I just thought about that yesterday. I'm sorry, I interrupted you, go ahead.

Bruce: Could it possibly mean that? Like when you say, "Oh, you better wish that that doesn't happen," or "Boy, was I lucky," something like that?

Pastor Doug: Well typically, when someone says that, it's a colloquialism in English that is like telling them good fortune, or farewell, or "I hope things go well with you." It is true that God doesn't operate under luck.

Bruce: Right

Pastor Doug: And typically, I'll tell somebody, "God bless you." I don't say--I probably have said it--but I don't every often say, "Good luck," because it almost sounds like the casino language.

Bruce: Right

Pastor Doug: But, you know, you meet people where they're at; and I don't usually take the time to correct somebody when they say, "Good luck," and say, "There's no such thing as luck." They may just be wishing you well. You know what I'm saying? It's an acronym.

Bruce: Right, habitual talk sometimes. You almost can't help but say it sometimes, yeah.

Pastor Doug: Well you know what bothers me some times more than that, since you brought it up, when someone says, "Good luck," that doesn't bother me. I'm bothered when people use these halfway, slang words. They would never use God's name in vain, but they'll say, "Gosh," or "Gee whiz," or "Golly."

Bruce: Yeah, yeah. You know what they're implying, right.

Pastor Doug: That all is really sort of a corruption of the curse word itself. I think we ought to, as Christians, avoid those expletives that are bordering on using God's name in vain. I hear Christians do it.

Bruce: Even "doggone," like "doggone," when you say that, yeah.

Pastor Doug: Yeah, or people just even say, "Oh my god;" and they're not saying it because their invoking God. They're using it in kind of a careless way and that bothers me. I think the name of God should be taken with real reverence.

Bruce: Right. Like it said, it bothers you; because I see it on TV where they say "GD" all the time. They take "JC" all the time, they'll say it, you know. And yet, [cross talk].

Pastor Doug: Yeah, well you're just like me. I don't even like to say it on the radio.

Bruce: Yeah I know. I say "GD" and it bothers me. Yeah, I'm conscious of it, you know.

Pastor Doug: Because your mind then fills in the blanks - -

Bruce: Right

Pastor Doug: - - and it bothers you to even fill them in. Your right down the line with me.

Bruce: Yeah

Pastor Doug: Well I think that speech is a gift. Jesus is the Word made flesh, and we should use that gift very carefully; and we will be judged by our words because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Hope that helps a little Bruce.

Bruce: Yes it did, yeah. It shed some light. Thank you very much.

Pastor Doug: Thank you and God bless. Alright. Going to talk now to Jessica in New York, New York on WMCA as well. Welcome Jessica.

Jessica: Thank you

Pastor Doug: Your question?

Jessica: I wanted to know, I think it's in Hebrews, at the very end where it talks about when you believe in something, that be careful not to shrink back or God will be unhappy with you?

Pastor Doug: Don't draw back.

Jessica: Yeah

Pastor Doug: Yeah, do you want me to find that for you?

Jessica: Please

Pastor Doug: Alright, let me see. I'm using my Bible. Here it is, Hebrews 10:38. "Now the just will live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him."

Jessica: Right

Pastor Doug: "But we are not of those who draw back unto perdition; but of those who believe." Is that the verse you're talking about?

Jessica: Yes it is. Now is that talking about, like, just believing in Christ, or is that something of the Scripture that might happen in something you believe because of that, and then drawing back?

Pastor Doug: Well keep in mind, Hebrews is one letter and earlier in his letter, he talks about those who were once enlightened, that have tasted the heavenly gift, and this is chapter 6 of Hebrews. If they turn away, if they fall away, it's nearly impossible to renew them to repentance, seeing they crucify the Son of God afresh.

So when he says "draw back," he's saying those who draw back from believing; because his next verse is talking about - -

Jessica: Unbelieving.

Pastor Doug: Yeah. Chapter 11 is all about faith. So drawing back - -

Jessica: Believing in Him.

Pastor Doug: Exactly. Don't draw back from faith in God.

Jessica: Right, because he says to stand firm until the end, - -

Pastor Doug: Yeah

Jessica: - - even when everything is about to happen.

Pastor Doug: We're saved by faith. That's why he says, "We are not of those who draw back unto perdition; but of those who believe to the saving of the soul." So when we draw back and cease to believe, we're lost.

Jessica: Right

Pastor Doug: That's why it's very important to keep the faith, as they say.

Jessica: Okay. I just wanted to make sure I was on the right track with that.

Pastor Doug: I think so. Hope that helps. Don't you draw back, okay?

Jessica: I won't. Thank you.

Pastor Doug: Alright, God bless.

Jessica: God bless you.

Pastor Doug: Now we're going to talk to Yvette. Hi Yvette, are you listening from WMCA?

Yvette: Yes, hi. God bless you.

Pastor Doug: I've only got a couple minutes before we run out of time. Can we answer a question?

Yvette: Okay, real quick. I just wanted to find out if someone is in the hospital sick, my dad is sick, and I have a sister that has turned away from the Lord. My older sister is telling my younger sister that maybe she should go to the hospital, like, say a repentance prayer with my dad before he dies. Now, I object to that, because I think that if she's living in sin, how could she help my dad?

Pastor Doug: Well, keep in mind that there's power in the Word; and even if a sinner hands a Bible to your father, or if a sinner quotes a Scripture to your father, there's power in the Word. God can speak through a donkey, can't He?

Yvette: That's true.

Pastor Doug: Balaam the prophet, his heart was in the wrong place, but he prophesied the truth because he couldn't even say what he wanted. There are some ministers who got into big time trouble that were very popular evangelists that lead many to the Lord a few years ago. Then we found out that their lives were a big lie. But a number of people found the Lord under their ministry because the power was in what they read from the Bible, not in them.

Yvette: So do you think that are sins separate us from God?

Pastor Doug: Yes, that's what Isaiah says.

Yvette: And can we just go to Him and just begin to pray and ask for something without first confessing that sin to Him?

Pastor Doug: Your sister and everybody will be a lot more effective in sharing their faith if it's already reflected in their lives. Don't misunderstand, I'm all in favor of our being consistent, but I'm not putting it past God to reach somebody, even through an imperfect instrument.

Yvette: Oh

Pastor Doug: Okay? You see what I'm saying?

Yvette: Yeah. I just felt like it was like the blind leading the blind. That's how I was thinking.

Pastor Doug: Well, and that may be the case because I don't know what she's going to say, and I don't know what her spiritual relationship is.

Yvette: Right

Pastor Doug: But I've also seen situations where a person has drifted from the Lord, and in their effort to reach someone else, they come back. So, who knows? God can use us to touch several hearts.

Yvette: That's true. Okay.

Pastor Doug: Alright?

Yvette: Thank you so much.

Pastor Doug: God bless.

Yvette: God bless you too, bye bye.

Pastor Doug: Do I have time? I'm asking my engineer. I've got one minute left? He's shaking his head. Let's see here. Joel, real quick Joel. I've got a minute. Are you there?

Joel: The book of Jasher, mentioned in Joshua and 2nd Samuel.

Pastor Doug: The book of Jasher. Yes. Is it authentic?

Joel: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: It probably was, but those who are saying we have a modern copy of it now, those copies are very suspicious. It seems like they suddenly appeared and they were manufactured. But there probably was a prophet named Jasher, just like there's also the book of Gad, and the book of Nathan the prophet.

We know that they were authentic and parts of them are in the Bible. I hope that helps you a little bit Joel.

Joel: Thanks a lot.

Pastor Doug: Thank you for your question. Friends, before we sign off, just give me a moment. You have to admit we've tried to dedicate the majority of our time to simply answering your Bible questions and sharing the Word of God. Keep in mind, we are entirely listener-supported.

We'd love for you to tell us you're listening. The only way we know is if you contact us. You can do that, of course, by using the address we're going to give in a moment. Go to our website. You can even email me there. I'd love to hear from you. It's If you go there, it'll say how to contact us and you can send Pastor Doug a note.

That's how some of you send us your Internet questions. If you want to make a donation, you can do that right online and help us keep this program on in your area. Give us your station ID when you do it; and in the meantime, until we get together again for another version of Bible Answers Live, remember that Jesus is the Truth that sets you free.


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