Are you looking for Amazing Facts programming in your local area? You’ve found the right place. There are many ways to enjoy listening to Pastor Doug and other speakers share God’s truth for our times. Here you’ll find a list of satellite, cable, and internet outlets for Amazing Facts.

Internet Listings

777 Radio
Bible Answers Live
Bible Answers Live (rebroadcast)
Advent Broadcast
Amazing Facts with DB
Bible Answers Live (rebroadcast)
Bible Study Guides
All Nations TV
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor
Amazing Facts TV Online
Amazing Facts with DB
Bible Study Guides
Christian Talk Radio FM
Bible Answers Live (rebroadcast)
End Times TV
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor
Glory Light Ministries
Bible Answers Live (rebroadcast)
Joe Crews Classic
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor
InformInspire Internet Radio
Amazing Facts with DB
Bible Study Guides
Joe Crews Classic
Bible Answers Live (rebroadcast)
Jam Vibes Radio & TV
Bible Answers Live (rebroadcast)
Lancashire's Lighthouse Radio
Joe Crews Classic
Life Radio UK
Bible Study Guides
Bible Answers Live (rebroadcast)
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor
MelVee Broadcasting Network
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor
Bible Answers Live (rebroadcast)
Proclaim Gospel Radio
Bible Answers Live (rebroadcast)
Reconnect Radio Timmins
Amazing Facts with DB
Bible Study Guides
Bible Answers Live (rebroadcast)
Joe Crews Classic
Revive Reform Radio
Bible Answers Live (rebroadcast)
RVSM Radio Network
Bible Study Guides
Voice of Hope Media
Bible Study Guides
Bible Answers Live (rebroadcast)
Voice of Truth (ET)
Bible Answers Live (rebroadcast)
Joe Crews Classic
Bible Talk
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor