Joining the First Angel Proclaiming the Seal of God!

An Amazing Fact: In October 2015, the nation of Fiji elected Major General George Konrote as president. This high-profile leader became a Sabbath-keeper just three years earlier—in part through the ministry of Amazing Facts! This reminds me of how a popular U.S. presidential candidate is causing many to consider the commandment, with some wondering if strict Sabbath-keeping would interfere with a president performing his duties. But either way, the rising profile of Sabbath truth is an amazing fact worth acting upon!

I’m sure you know well that prophecy teaches the neglected truth of the Bible Sabbath will be brought before the world in a very prominent way—becoming a pivotal issue in the last days.

Of course, governments trying to force God’s people to break His law is nothing new. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were tested about breaking the second commandment when ordered to bow to the golden image. And Daniel refused to break the first commandment when he was ordered to worship the king of Persia.

In the last days, this test will revolve around the fourth commandment.

The Seal of God

Revelation is clear: At the end of time some people will have the mark of the beast; others will have the seal of God. First and foremost, this seal is the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30), but there will be something very visible demonstrated in the life of believers. What is it?

From ancient times, a king’s seal always contained three main elements: his name, his title, and his territory. It’s no accident that within the law of God, you will find His seal. “The Lord made heaven, and earth, and the sea” (Exodus 20:11). There you have it!

His name, Yahweh; His title, Creator; His territory, the heavens and earth. The seal of God is found in the Sabbath commandment!

It’s Going to Happen Again
The Sabbath truth will soon become the proverbial “line in the sand”—indeed, it’s beginning to be drawn right now!

You surely noticed, as I did, how many were dazzled by the pope’s visit to the United States. Awestruck multitudes waited for hours just to get a glimpse of him. For the first time in history, he spoke before a special joint session of Congress. His words are swaying nations.

In a revealing Vatican radio address on August 12, the pontiff said Sunday “is so sacred that it is the conduit for every grace of Christ.” Later, in a Twitter post, he proclaimed, “Work is important, but so too is rest. Shouldn’t we learn to respect times of rest, especially Sundays?”

Prophecy teaches that the two beasts in Revelation 13, the papacy and America, will eventually join forces to compel Sunday keeping. Now with prophecy unfolding, it is paramount we hold up the banner of truth and warn all who will listen!

Let’s Work With the Angels
It is always shocking when you consider how few Christians know about God’s holy day! Millions assume the Bible abolishes the fourth commandment or changed it to the first day of the week. And they have no idea the role it will play in prophecy’s future events.

Satan is priming the world to embrace a clever counterfeit commandment.

Friend, public knowledge regarding the Sabbath is changing quickly. And God invites us, at the threshold of this new year, on the precipice of eternity, to be part of that loud angelic voice proclaiming, “Worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters” (Revelation 14:7).

Our first step in proclaiming the Sabbath this year was producing The Rest of Your Life sharing magazine; hundreds of thousands all over the world have now seen the truth!

I deeply desire to share the beautiful truth of the Sabbath with the confused and deceived like never before. Will you prayerfully join me in presenting an unprecedented seven-part TV series on the Sabbath truth in March 2016, from Charlotte, North Carolina? This powerful live outreach event, The Last Day of Prophecy, will make a great impact—but only with your help.

We know it will work because of the mail we constantly receive. Benny watches our programs every week and says, “By the way, I am a Baptist, but I have started to observe the Sabbath, God’s day of rest and prayer.” Elliot, from South Africa, became convicted about God’s day of worship after completing our Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides—and we even connected him to a local Sabbath-keeping church so he could enjoy fellowship.

Here’s the Plan!

With your support, Amazing Facts will …

1. Present The Last Day of Prophecy series from March 21–26 to cover the Sabbath topic from every angle—the law, in history, in prophecy, in health, how to keep it holy, and the beauty of resting in Christ!

2. Upgrade, the most popular Bible Sabbath website in the world, making it mobile-friendly and adding new articles and videos.

3. Broadcast the best of these programs on national networks, and offer free Bible studies to link searching souls with more truth and a Sabbath-keeping church!

A Call to the Sabbath
Your generous gift this month will immediately go into action, and each dollar you give will bring more souls to Jesus and His Sabbath truth.

Your friend in the Sabbath rest,

Pastor Doug Batchelor
President, Amazing Facts
Amazing Facts is a non-profit, donor-supported ministry.
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