Catching the World's Most Valuable Fish

An Amazing Fact: On January 5, 2013, the owner of a Tokyo-based sushi restaurant chain paid 155.4 million yen, or about $1.76 million, for one 488-pound Bluefin tuna. That’s about $3,600 per pound—the most that has ever been paid for a single fish!

Dear friend,

As you’re reading this, Amazing Facts is out fishing … and the fishing is good! “Boatloads of fish” are being caught—fish that are far more valuable than any Bluefin. In fact, they are priceless. Every week, 125,000 individual souls are searching for Bible truth at the dozens of ministry websites made possible through your support.

Thousands are discovering the last-day truths of God’s Word and finding freedom in Jesus because of your generous heart. Incredibly, over 2,900 emails are received every month from those seeking more truth after browsing our websites!

The great news is that the opportunity to spread the gospel net online is still wide open, and I’m convinced there are still MILLIONS more spiritually starving people you and I can reach in this way. Vast multitudes are searching for spiritual truth!

Internet ministry is unhindered by geographical boundaries or travel limitations. But Internet ministry is hindered by a lack of human and media resources for website development and new material. And with our evangelistic YouTube videos having been viewed well over 10,250,000 times already, it’s too much to risk losing it now when the world needs it most.

So I’m asking you to do what the disciples did when Jesus told them to cast their nets toward Him: Come on over and help bring the harvest in through your prayers and gifts this month so YOU can share in the enormous catch as well!

Lighting the Way

Here’s an example of what you accomplish through your faithfulness. When anyone searches Google for the word “Sabbath,” millions of websites pop up. But did you know that Amazing Facts’ very own website is still the second site listed … out of more than 46 million possibilities? That’s a direct result of our work together!

From to, people are getting solid biblical answers that lead them to Jesus. Yet we must do more quickly to reach additional people with much-needed truth online—people like Tanya …

Tanya grew up atheist, but after a neighbor invited her to church she accepted Christ and even became a children’s Sunday School teacher, yet she felt empty inside and started drifting. For a year and a half, Tanya stopped going to church.

One night she prayed, “God, I need to know the truth. I feel like I’m going nowhere with You.” And God answered her! “Tanya, there is a whole lot you don’t know. If I reveal the truth to you, you will be accountable. Are you ready? If you are willing to follow truth, I will help you.”

Tanya began searching for God’s truth, but found nothing. One night, in desperation, she did a hasty Google search for “what is truth?”

Do you know what happened next? A video popped up called “The USA in Bible Prophecy” by Doug Batchelor. Tanya had never heard of me, but she listened out of pure curiosity. “Only a few minutes into the topic, I nearly fell off my chair.” She ran to get her Bible. “I thought maybe this guy had a secret Bible. But he spoke straight from the Bible. Not just his own opinions. The Bible.

After that program, she kept listening. “Lunchtime, weekends, early in the morning, I listened to the whole seminar in two weeks. By the end of the seminar, I was impressed and shaken.” So she went back to her knees and said, “God, now I am accountable. You said you would help me.”

And God gave her strength. Tanya found a Sabbath-keeping church where she was warmly welcomed. Soon her husband also accepted the remnant truth!

Tanya gets very enthusiastic when talking about the impact of your generosity on her life. “The Amazing Facts website is everything to me! I send people there all the time, and they have the same reaction I did.”

A New Kind of Bible School!

A major goal here is to expand and enhance our online study resources by launching a new, interactive Bible School, including video lessons for each of our major Study Guides. With an increasingly visual culture, this is an urgent need and, with God’s blessing, will attract many more people. These new video studies will:

1. Make the truth even easier to comprehend
2. Make the lessons more personalized
3. Increase the number of participants who come to Christ

I’m talking about reaching hundreds of thousands each month with the life-saving message of Jesus Christ and the power of the three angels’ messages!

It’s hard to believe someone would pay $1.76 million for a single fish, but Jesus tells us people are worth infinitely more than birds, sheep, or fish! (Matthew 10:31; 12:12). So please pray about the kind of gift you will make to catch “boatloads of people” for the Lord!

Whatever you can give, I want you to know it’s important. Thank you for standing with Amazing Facts to make a difference in the lives of people every day, everywhere!

Yours for reaching the world for Christ,

Pastor Doug Batchelor
President, Amazing Facts
Amazing Facts is a non-profit, donor-supported ministry.
We greatly appreciate your prayers and financial support.

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