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For many years scholars have argued over the meaning and interpretation of Jesus’ parables: How to interpret them, what they mean, why Jesus used them, what kind of lessons they were intended to reveal, and how literally they were to be taken, or whether they were purely allegory, and so forth. Obv

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The King’s Ambassador

The King’s Ambassador

There should be a difference in the way that Christians conduct themselves that shows what is in their hearts.

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Grapes, Grace and Grumbling

Grapes, Grace and Grumbling

The parable of the workers in the vineyard is one of the most important parables. It can also be one of the most difficult and controversial parables that Jesus shared.

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Stewardship: Christian Living
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Pastor Doug's Newsletter

The Best Investment in the World

Thomas was looking for answers to his Bible questions when friends led him to Amazing Facts. After watching our evangelistic series presented in New York City, his life was launched in a new direction. When you invest in Amazing Facts evangelism, you guide people to lasting truth. On September 20, we will present “Prophecy Odyssey” in the influential city of New York. Your gifts help win souls and are the best and most lasting investment you could ever make. Thank you for bringing truth to the world!

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AF Blog

An Assassination Fails: Does God Want Trump to Be President?

After Trump survived an assassination attempt, some believe God has ordained him to win the upcoming election this November. Could they be onto something?

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