From Anger to Joy

October 22, 2024    
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Sharing True Peace

Posted on Sep 17, 2024  | 
Through your generosity, precious individuals—people like Rej—are being introduced daily to the Prince of Peace and lives are being transformed for His kingdom.

Changed Lives: Crippled by Shame, Empowered by Faith

Posted on Sep 03, 2024  | 
John was overwhelmed by shame. He couldn’t shake his addictions and felt alone and helpless. Your gifts lead the broken into the healing arms of our loving heavenly Father. Thank you for sharing!

Counting God’s Miracles

Posted on Aug 20, 2024  | 
Ron should have been dead. Desperate for help after a major accident, he discovered Amazing Facts on TV, a miracle you helped make happen, and found freedom in Christ. Learn how your gifts brought hope to Ron!

Transformed Through TV

Posted on Jul 15, 2024  | 
Mario hit rock-bottom hard. His life of drugs and alcohol led him to prison. When he cried to God for help and was released early, he found an Amazing Facts television program produced in New York City, and it turned his life in a new direction. Thank you for sharing hope in a loving Savior who changes lives!

Mario - Reel

Posted on Jul 02, 2024  | 
Mario - Reel

From Rapper to Pastor

Posted on Jun 18, 2024  | 
Jose pursued a life of music that led him down dark pathways. But because of your generous gifts, he discovered Amazing Facts online, and it transformed his heart. Learn how your support brought truth to Jose!

Reflecting His Light

Posted on May 14, 2024  | 
According to Jesus, His followers are “the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14) who reflect His love to others.

Finding Freedom

Posted on Mar 19, 2024  | 
Brian’s life was marred at an early age by an older cousin who abused him. His inner pain led him into a life of alcohol and drugs. But, through your gifts and the Amazing Facts Study Guides, Brian found freedom in a relationship with Christ. Thank you for bringing liberty to this captive!

Total Transformation

Posted on Feb 13, 2024  | 
Scripture urges us, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2).

Back in the Fold

Posted on Jan 23, 2024  | 
Lindsey grew up in the church but turned from God as a young adult. She drank and partied—eventually, she got married and had two children. Then the pandemic hit, and God used your gifts to lead Lindsey back into His true church!

Finding Peace

Posted on Dec 31, 2023  | 
Ezekiel’s life plunged into chaos after his brother’s tragic accident. But because of your kind gifts, a friend was able to share an Amazing Facts DVD that ignited transformation. Discover how your support brought peace to Ezekiel.

Defender of Widows

Posted on Dec 28, 2023  | 
Sharyce’s world was shattered when her husband died suddenly, but a compassionate Sabbath-keeping plumber and you connected her and her daughters to healing Bible truth. Witness the peace you’ve helped bring this family through Jesus.

From Death to Life

Posted on Dec 26, 2023  | 
Sarah grew up in the Philippines and went to church only on special occasions. But her father’s passing raised questions. See how your generosity gave answers to Sarah and brought peace to her heart.


Posted on Dec 19, 2023  | 


Posted on Dec 19, 2023  | 
2023 Year-In-Review

God blessed your gift!

Posted on Nov 29, 2023  | 
Thank You!

Giving Tuesday Is Here!

Posted on Nov 28, 2023  | 
It’s Giving Tuesday—let’s work together to bring freedom to souls!

United with God

Posted on Nov 21, 2023  | 
Your gifts bridged the gap for Manjeet, a Sikh who felt distant from God. You helped her find solid Bible truth and a deeper connection with the Lord through an Amazing Facts broadcast. Thank you for making this transformation possible!

The Great Harvest

Posted on Nov 16, 2023  | 
Every day, hurting, lost souls are walking through life feeling burdened by deception and despair in these rapidly changing times. Learn how you can bring light to hurting hearts.

Growing Souls for His Kingdom

Posted on Sep 19, 2023  | 
“Dear God, I want to keep Your Sabbath holy,” 14-year-old Stephanie prayed earnestly. “But my family says I have to go to the water park. What should I do?”

Finding Deeper Truths

Posted on Aug 15, 2023  | 
Victoria was looking for answers to her Bible questions and was not finding deeper truths in her church. See how you led her to God’s last-day messages and His remnant people.

Happier Than Ever

Posted on Jul 11, 2023  | 
Amanda’s desire for the perfect image led her into an eating disorder. Her mood swings and obsession with social media made her unhappy. God used your gifts to lead Amanda into a new and healing relationship with God through Amazing Facts programs.

More Than a Coincidence

Posted on Jun 28, 2023  | 
Laura needed help from God. While still partying and drinking, she started searching for the truth. It was no coincidence that she found Amazing Facts—and it changed her life.

Journey of Miracles

Posted on May 16, 2023  | 
“Thank you, Lord!” Eric cried. God was leading Eric on a journey of miracles that began at

Streams in the Desert

Posted on Mar 21, 2023  | 
At college, Kevin was drawn into an aimless life of drugs, alcohol, and partying—and eventually, he dropped out. Needing real direction in his life, he began studying his Bible and watching Amazing Facts programs, which were made possible through your generous gifts. Kevin is now leading others to Jesus!


Posted on Feb 22, 2023  | 
When the pandemic exploded, Angela remembered her faith. On a lonely afternoon, when she was finally ready to listen, God led her to Amazing Facts.

Finding True Riches

Posted on Jan 17, 2023  | 
When Elijah’s girlfriend got pregnant, his life of pursuing worldly wealth took a dramatic turn. God used your generous gifts to help Elijah recommit to the faith of his youth and to become a full-time soul-winner. Now you can guide even more people like Elijah to devote their lives to sharing Christ!

Freed from the Prison of Unforgiveness - The Sabbath Changes Everything

Posted on Dec 31, 2022  | 
Matt was living a life of pain and despair. Merely to pridefully prove a point, he began searching his Bible and the Amazing Facts app—which someone had downloaded onto his phone. The wonderful truths he discovered on the app and in his Bible transformed his life and set him free from guilt and shame.

From Disc Jockey to Pastor

Posted on Dec 29, 2022  | 
When Kareem discovered Bible truth while watching Amazing Facts evangelism videos, it brought him true freedom.

Blessed Are You Who Weep

Posted on Dec 27, 2022  | 
Shay had hit rock-bottom. He was addicted to drugs and alcohol, his depression was dark, and his anxiety was out of control. But when he fell on his knees and opened the Amazing Facts Prophecy Study Bible that you helped provide, it changed his life.