Study with us in this edition of Bible Answers Live, where the pastors discuss dirty frogs and dirty... |
12/22/2024 |
Let's study together as we learn in this installment of "Bible Answers Live" about who the Angel of ... |
12/15/2024 |
Tune in to "Bible Answers Live" now to watch the pastors discuss some very important things ! Have ... |
12/08/2024 |
Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross host this week's episode to talk about food and diet, prophecy and Revel... |
11/24/2024 |
In this episode of Bible Answers Live, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross discuss with callers the timing o... |
11/17/2024 |
Join us in this edition of Bible Answers Live as Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross talk about the current ... |
11/10/2024 |
Tune in to this installment of Bible Answers Live and you'll learn about when the Ten Commandments w... |
11/03/2024 |
In this episode of Bible Answers Live, we'll learn about the seal of God and the mark of the beast. ... |
10/27/2024 |
The attempt on Donald Trump's life shook the whole world ! How should Christians respond, and does ... |
07/14/2024 |
This isn't it. This isn't it. There's so much more that we're not seeing. This isn't the happiest... |
05/12/2024 |
"Whatever is being lost momentarily, more is being gained eternally," (A. Voskamp). Sometimes it's ... |
04/28/2024 |
Pain brings you down. Pain brings you back to reality. Pain brings you back to God... pain means y... |
04/07/2024 |
"I and all that I have are yours."
What if we said this to Christ every hour, every day ? "I and a... |
03/31/2024 |
"And it repented the LORD that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart." Yet ... |
03/10/2024 |
From cover to cover, the Bible is filled with stories of temptations and attacks, betrayals and loss... |
03/03/2024 |
Our best Friend is Jesus - He who did not withhold His own life from us but for our sakes became poo... |
02/25/2024 |
Success should be defined by our faithfulness and obedience to the Lord. Success will be defined wh... |
02/04/2024 |
God has permitted a flood of light to be poured upon the world in discoveries in science. But even ... |
01/28/2024 |
If the erring one persistently refuses to heed the voice that calls him with pitying, tender love, h... |
01/21/2024 |
If "our chastisements are our promotions," and if that which is gained after many a struggle is a fu... |
01/14/2024 |
"As far as the East is from the West, so far has He removed our transgression from us." Sin is remo... |
01/07/2024 |
Satan's most successful scheme in deceiving man has been to conceal his real purpose and his true ch... |
11/12/2023 |
"Every act of life, however small, has its bearing for good or for evil... It is the little things t... |
10/22/2023 |
Christ entered into a mercy mission just for you. "The relations between God and each soul are as d... |
10/15/2023 |
It's our responsibility in the end to believe or not believe God's word, because it's our choice. W... |
10/01/2023 |
"Don't worry about Hell if you're planning on going to Heaven," but how do we even get to Heaven ? ... |
09/24/2023 |
Elohim, our Ruler and Lord... Jehovah, our covenant-God of the promise.
"Our hearts shall rejoice... |
09/03/2023 |
Nothing is ever nothing – not Satan’s minutest deceptions, not God’s quietest warnings, and the seem... |
08/27/2023 |
“The sweetness of the Bible lies in the possessive pronouns,” (Charles H. Spurgeon). The Lord is YO... |
08/13/2023 |
The Christian enjoys the beauty of nature with the highest appreciation, for he recognizes his Fathe... |
08/06/2023 |
“When the Spirit of God takes possession of the heart, it transforms the life. The blessing comes w... |
07/30/2023 |
Intelligence to wisdom, wisdom to recognition, recognition to need, need to reliance, reliance to fr... |
07/23/2023 |
Christ gave Everything to simply have the possibility that you could accept His sacrifice (T. Gibson... |
07/16/2023 |
"I have loved you... Fear not, for I am with you." Why do we worry so much ? Why are our eyes so s... |
07/09/2023 |
Some of us move to keep things whole. Some of us walk and it seems the air just moves in to fill the... |
06/25/2023 |
You must carry the cross before you wear the crown and learn to leave the time of the blessing in th... |
06/11/2023 |
One of the noblest features of a Christian is the readiness to forgive and the cheerfulness in recom... |
05/07/2023 |
We went about it all wrong, on our own, not consulting God. We put ourselves in front when our desir... |
04/30/2023 |
Is it that the heart is closed and dead, coffined, and a phantom... If you don't know what to do wh... |
04/09/2023 |
“Mold me, fashion me, raise me into a holy atmosphere,” (COL, 159). The earthly sanctuary was but j... |
04/02/2023 |
Each day we must do battle with evil. "Old habits, hereditary tendencies, will strive for the maste... |
03/26/2023 |
Regret is an ugly thing. When salvation He's made free, when His love He's made free, when freedom ... |
03/12/2023 |
“There is a science of Christianity to be mastered – a science much deeper, broader, higher than any... |
03/05/2023 |
How much longer can we remain in Satan's spell ? We've learned to lose ourselves, allowing sin to a... |
02/26/2023 |
We cannot imagine or fathom what God has prepared for those who love Him... Something Magnificent is... |
02/19/2023 |
God is the Creator of all the beauty and all the choreography around us, but these evidences in natu... |
02/12/2023 |
There is so little time left, we are in the crucible. "Tomorrow is not yours. Today you are to mai... |
01/22/2023 |
Why Satan fell, we cannot understand, and Christ's plan of salvation we will never comprehend ! Myst... |
01/15/2023 |
Our Father is faithful, no matter the circumstance, no matter the time. Our part is to receive His W... |
01/08/2023 |
We are weak. Let Him be your strength. Let Him keep you afloat. Let Him renew you. When you are ... |
12/18/2022 |
"Those who caviled at the words of Christ found ever-increasing cause for cavil," refusing the light... |
12/11/2022 |
"Only as God shall lead, guide, influence, inspire, can we perform our solemn trust," (C.H.S.) and t... |
12/04/2022 |
"Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand." Knowledge is increasi... |
11/13/2022 |
It feels like we are in the valley of the shadow of death, but HE is here with us. HE is here within... |
11/06/2022 |
"He must increase, but I must decrease," for "those who are true to their calling as messengers of G... |
10/23/2022 |
"Our Redeemer has opened the way so that the most sinful, oppressed, and despised... may have a home... |
10/09/2022 |
Men's hearts are still for evil continually, God's heart is still for love eternally; Satan stands f... |
10/02/2022 |
As the disciples gathered to pray, "they were weighted with the burden of the salvation of souls." ... |
09/25/2022 |
We have to fall in love with Christ again, we have to start from the beginning and see His love. For... |
09/11/2022 |
Do not look to yourself, but away to Jesus... You will find Him away from yourself (2MCP, 808). This... |
08/28/2022 |
Sometimes there is nothing we can do except pray, surrender and repent. Repentance is a tricky thin... |
08/21/2022 |
It is He that has made us, and not we ourselves. He knows us, knows our needs, knows our defects. ... |
08/14/2022 |
The Lord's love is written everywhere in nature and revelation, testifying to His tender character. ... |
07/31/2022 |
"With faith in your heart, courage in your soul, and determination in your mind, you must push the d... |
07/24/2022 |
The Lord is great and greatly to be praised ! He does not out us; He covers us, equips us and enabl... |
06/26/2022 |
It's difficult to let go of ourselves and cling to Him. Our worries assail us and we question if our... |
06/12/2022 |
Heaven begins here, do you believe it ? If we walk with Him in this life, His love fills and His pre... |
06/05/2022 |
Join us in this brand new edition of Bible Answers Live ! You'll learn about why God could consider... |
05/29/2022 |
"Give unto the Lord glory and strength." In trying to overcome old habits and carve out new ones, re... |
05/22/2022 |
Perfection in character means a full surrender to Christ, which means peace, which means happiness. ... |
05/08/2022 |
How much more can you take ? How much do you have left in you ? So many of us are struggling in ou... |
04/03/2022 |
The Bible appears intimidating, mysterious, confusing - God the Father shrouds His face, the image t... |
03/27/2022 |
In the word there is divine energy that can transform your mind and make you a new creation (E.J. Wa... |
02/27/2022 |
The brevity of time is catching up. Look around and you will see that the prevailing sins and the i... |
02/20/2022 |
"He that has My commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves Me." It is enjoined upon us to wa... |
02/06/2022 |
"In Christ you have the victory; when you are in Him the temptations assail Him, and not you by your... |
01/30/2022 |
He hasn't forgotten you. Nothing can befall us of which God takes no immediate interest (SC, 117). H... |
01/23/2022 |
God would have us take the short and straight way, we would take the rich and easy way, but neither ... |
01/16/2022 |
This enemy under the surface, this lack of faith, these attacks, these lies... have you ever felt th... |
01/09/2022 |
By our wrong habits we lessen our hold on life (CD, 45). If we keep willfully sinning, what are we t... |
01/02/2022 |
...And the life was the light of men. "Even when He laid down His life, He still had as much life l... |
12/19/2021 |
He is our Rock and our salvation, our foundation... why then do we find it so difficult to trust Him... |
12/05/2021 |
"When a man breathes an intensely earnest prayer to God, there is in that intensity and earnestness ... |
11/28/2021 |
Don't reject the measure of His blessings. Don't forget all that He's done; the only thing that limi... |
11/21/2021 |
Every true believer will catch the beams from Christ and transmit light to those in darkness, and as... |
11/14/2021 |
It starts with a thought... the small things that "don't matter" that you keep pushing to the limit ... |
10/10/2021 |
Religious persecution is throughout the world, transgender and homosexual cultures permeate everywhe... |
10/03/2021 |
"Herein is love... that He loved us and sent His Son" for us. Our Father's love is immeasurable ! H... |
09/26/2021 |
Isn't it something that we can devote ourselves to - to make it to Heaven ? To dive deep into Scrip... |
09/19/2021 |
"Wherever I am, I am what is missing," (M. Strand)... and it's true. Missing from our Father's side... |
09/12/2021 |
No matter what happens, Keep Your Head Up... no matter what happens, keep the faith. YOU are the obj... |
08/15/2021 |
The Christian life is an expected and constant fight with the enemy, with self. But each fight is a ... |
08/08/2021 |
Blameless and perfect, righteous and beautiful, one of God's greatest... until iniquity was found. ... |
08/01/2021 |
"In the light of the cross many who had never before known of the true God, began to comprehend the ... |
07/11/2021 |
Before the end, before the worst, we still have time. "The tempest is coming and we must get ready ... |
06/13/2021 |
“Ye must die that ye may live. Get ready, get ready, get ready... Sacrifice all to God. It will take... |
06/06/2021 |
Sometimes we go week by week, struggling. Sometimes it's day by day and sometimes we're hanging on ... |
05/02/2021 |
We must keep going and get back on the path. We must keep going with the Lord, never giving up. "And... |
04/25/2021 |
The end of prophecy means the beginning of new life. We bear the life here in this world, and we mu... |
03/21/2021 |
"The more closely believers have walked with God, the more powerfully have they testified of their R... |
03/07/2021 |
From desert to lush, from nothing to everything and all that's in between during this life, just kee... |
02/14/2021 |
No shame, just love. No captivity, just succor. Just trust. Let Christ calm the fears and hold yo... |
01/17/2021 |
"The separation is wide and fearful, but Christ has made provision again to connect us with Himself,... |
01/10/2021 |
It may seem that God doesn't answer prayers... why does He tarry or ignore ? Remember the greater p... |
01/03/2021 |
How do we defeat this sinful nature that plagues us ? Every day is constant war between the spirit ... |
12/27/2020 |
Betrayal, abuse, death... life has an active way of hurting us sometimes.
We're faced with life-ch... |
12/20/2020 |
Our Father's mercy has no boundaries ; from the Old Testament through to the New Testament we can se... |
12/13/2020 |
As a thirst and a famine for God's Word extends throughout, we in the family of faith always have a ... |
11/22/2020 |
Another week brings more callers and more questions ! In this installment of Bible Answers Live, dis... |
11/15/2020 |
From gambling to polygamy to smoking, from learning how to pray and how to fast and how to be truly ... |
11/08/2020 |
Studying the Bible often brings many questions or confusions. In this installment of Bible Answers L... |
11/01/2020 |
As we live our day-to-day, we must keep in mind what we are living for... are we honoring the faithf... |
10/25/2020 |
When the Holy Spirit leads you, do you listen ? Or do you instead wonder how far you can get away w... |
10/18/2020 |
So many of us doubt and fear ourselves and our temptations. We face troubles and plead to God, and ... |
10/11/2020 |
Our God understands the challenges we face daily ; the struggle is real, but so is He. When we fall... |
10/04/2020 |
Another week brings another batch of questions from listeners all over the country ! Join us in thi... |
09/27/2020 |
We wonder if the nation of Israel making headlines is prophetic; we should also notice God's constan... |
09/20/2020 |
... and Hope.
Whether hope is your first option or whether hope is resignation, never let go of y... |
09/13/2020 |
Our God is a God of second chances, of third and fourth and fifth chances. Do you feel you've lost ... |
09/06/2020 |
Under the Holy Spirit's working even the weakest will learn to improve & to become sanctified (AA). ... |
08/30/2020 |
The new Jerusalem, the white throne judgment and the exclusivity of the 144,000... the lake of fire,... |
08/23/2020 |
We are to fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in faithfulness, but what does that fear mean... |
08/16/2020 |
"The sheep's clothing seems so genuine, that the wolf can be discerned only as we go to God's great ... |
08/09/2020 |
Prophecy is unrolling and extending right before us, but are we really living in the last days ? Are... |
08/02/2020 |
Is God love ? We see throughout the Old Testament His orders to annihilate entire societies, women ... |
07/26/2020 |
As the Lord continually extends His hand toward us, we must accept and have a reason for our faith. ... |
07/19/2020 |
From current events to age-old concerns, from finances to metaphors and symbols, learn what the Bibl... |
07/05/2020 |
We tire of the banality, the insufficiency, the mediocrity, the falsity. We long for just that somet... |
06/28/2020 |
Discouragement and disheartenment are always just around the corner, but have you considered what th... |
06/21/2020 |
We are called to be self-sacrificing, meek and lowly of heart, to walk in the narrow path traveled b... |
06/14/2020 |
By the Spirit the heart is made pure (HLv). How do we really, and can we even, attain true perfecti... |
06/07/2020 |
The social unrest we are witnessing is dominating our thoughts and the media. What is the role of t... |
05/31/2020 |
Every week brings a host of Bible questions from listeners across the nation and the world. In this... |
05/24/2020 |
Let us confidently approach God's throne of grace, let us go to Him while He yet may be found, while... |
05/17/2020 |
Another week brings more callers and more questions ! In this installment of Bible Answers Live, dis... |
05/10/2020 |
We can do nothing by ourselves except make daily the decision to depend on Christ ; by His virtue we... |
04/26/2020 |
All who choose God's path are to rest in His care (HLv). As the world continues to slow and our pers... |
04/19/2020 |
A new week is another start, another chance, another chapter... won't you begin it by opening your B... |
04/12/2020 |
As anxiety and solitude continue, callers worldwide are tuning in to Bible Answers Live to look for ... |
04/05/2020 |
The image of the beast, the deadly wound healing, the small time of trouble... As we face these surp... |
03/29/2020 |
Every day is a new opportunity. As we continue in this crisis where our daily routines and work are ... |
03/22/2020 |
"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world..." Though ... |
03/15/2020 |
"... There shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places," and so it is... but... |
03/08/2020 |
Everyday life has its challenges, even in the small things. Join Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross in thi... |
03/01/2020 |
"In our own strength it is impossible... God reaches for the hand of faith in us to direct it to lay... |
02/23/2020 |
Every week brings a host of Bible questions from listeners across the world. In this edition of Bibl... |
02/16/2020 |
Temptations are different for each of us ; we each fight our own battles, but, not on our own. Whet... |
02/09/2020 |
Sometimes God isn't going to deliver you. Sometimes the darkness and the trials will continue. Why... |
02/02/2020 |
Murdering a weed ?... Killing in war, slaying your brother or God's demands for death penalties - in... |
01/26/2020 |
"I will give them a heart to know Me... they will return to Me with their whole heart." Our guilt be... |
01/19/2020 |
"God will do things for us when we pray that He will not do if we do not pray," (GC, 525). The new w... |
01/12/2020 |
Prophecy is unrolling and extending right before us, but are we really living in the last days ? Wh... |
01/05/2020 |
Tune in to this edition of Bible Answers Live and hear Pastor Doug help listeners with questions var... |
12/29/2019 |
Lines are being blurred between genders and gender roles ; society and religion create confusion, fo... |
12/22/2019 |
Another week brings more callers and more questions ! In this installment of Bible Answers Live, di... |
12/15/2019 |
"For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."
If you're struggling to do what's right,... |
12/08/2019 |
Did you know that turkeys are actually highly intelligent and affectionate animals? They even like t... |
11/24/2019 |
In this episode of Bible Answers Live, listen to the pastors search God's Word to guide callers thro... |
11/17/2019 |
"A Christian must be perfect"... that's what the world criticizes. That's what God demands. But ho... |
11/03/2019 |
The subject of life after death is always an intriguing matter. Tune in to this edition of Bible An... |
10/27/2019 |
Did God die ?
Why would Jesus answer the prayers of demons ?
Can I find total fulfillment in C... |
10/20/2019 |
Group prayer versus private prayer... does God pay attention to one more than the other ?... maybe H... |
10/06/2019 |
"... Repent, and do the first works."
The life that we are living here is a journey. Sometimes we ... |
09/29/2019 |
When you learn of the good news, don't you just want to share it ? But how do you share it when peo... |
09/22/2019 |
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go... |
09/22/2019 |
Loneliness, frustration, adultery and divorce ; judgment, prophecy, Heaven and the Trinity : all are... |
09/15/2019 |
From bishops to birthdays and from wine to worms, listen as Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross sift the Scr... |
09/15/2019 |
The more we study God's word, the more questions we have. Starting from the Holy Spirit's role duri... |
09/08/2019 |
'If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.'
It's a daily battle, but when you remember ... |
09/01/2019 |
Can my own faith save my unbelieving spouse ? Am I still saved after all these years ? How do I de... |
08/25/2019 |
Studying the Bible often brings many questions or confusions. In this installment of Bible Answers ... |
08/18/2019 |
Bible Answers Live is a live call-in radio program where listeners can have their questions answered... |
08/11/2019 |
Russia, Iran, Syria and Islam have all taken turns in the news spotlight... could it be possible tha... |
08/04/2019 |
Listeners from around the country tune in every week to discover more of the Bible and God's perfect... |
07/28/2019 |
Sometimes the Bible can seem to contradict itself, sometimes it's just hard to understand ! But tha... |
06/23/2019 |
Every week brings a host of Bible questions from listeners across the nation. In this edition of Bi... |
06/16/2019 |
Do you want to know what the Bible has to say about marrying a non-believer ? Have you heard people... |
06/02/2019 |
Have you ever wondered why Jesus asked, 'Why do you call me good?', or what kind of transportation w... |
05/05/2019 |
Our loving Father understands our needs and our temptations and He is willing and able to save us fr... |
04/28/2019 |
With there being hundreds of Bible translations, it's easy to wonder if the Book in your hands is ac... |
04/14/2019 |
Does God want us to fall ? Is He constantly testing us ? The Lord is faithful beyond our knowledge o... |
03/31/2019 |
God desires to help us in every way, in every problem, in every detail, every day. As you tune in t... |
03/17/2019 |
Tattoos and pepperoni pizza, what do they have in common ? Listen to this edition of Bible Answers ... |
02/03/2019 |
When you open your Bible, you're going to almost immediately have a heap of questions and curiositie... |
01/27/2019 |
Have you ever found yourself questioning your faith ? or perhaps you've noticed that your faith is ... |
01/13/2019 |
Without question, the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft are among the most successful scientific expedition... |
12/30/2018 |
Scientists from Italy have now enabled spiders to spin webs that can hold the weight of a human. Acc... |
12/23/2018 |
Throughout history, Jews from around the world had sought to have their remains laid to rest in Jeru... |
11/18/2018 |
Back in 1999, a small black and white kitten appeared in the backyard of Ann and Wally Collito. The ... |
10/28/2018 |
Back in October 2012, Gilberto, a poor car washer from the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil, had not see... |
10/21/2018 |
Born on June 15, 1959, Michel Lotito was a Frenchman with a very unusual diet. At the age of nine, h... |
09/30/2018 |
The volcanic eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia April 10, 1815, became the largest explosion in ... |
09/23/2018 |
Werner Forssmann, a 25-year-old doctor in Germany had a radical idea. He proposed a new way to exami... |
09/09/2018 |
For about 500 years, the Roman Empire was the undisputed military powerhouse that conquered most of ... |
09/02/2018 |
What are you supposed to do when your mother and your spouse don't get along ? Ever wonder how or i... |
08/19/2018 |
Have you ever wished your pastor's sermons were a little shorter? How long should a sermon be? 20 mi... |
08/12/2018 |
In 2006, Petaluma California animal control workers were called to investigate a home where a neighb... |
08/05/2018 |
Back in the 1950s, Bette Nesmith had a good secretarial job at a Dallas bank. This is when she notic... |
07/22/2018 |
Back in 1956, Harry de Leyer, a horse riding instructor from Long Island went to a horse auction. Be... |
07/01/2018 |
A 42-year old South African surfer, Chris Bertish, has just accomplished what many thought was impos... |
06/24/2018 |
Hermit crabs are comical looking crustaceans found around the world. However, unlike crabs, lobsters... |
06/17/2018 |
Would you like to hear an amazing fact about mushrooms? They’re not fruits or vegetables, but we can... |
06/10/2018 |
Hidden among the tropical beaches in the Gulf of Mexico in the Caribbean, you can find a harmless lo... |
05/27/2018 |
On November 30, 1954, Anne Hodges was taking a nap on her couch in the little town of Oak Grove Alab... |
05/20/2018 |
Don't let their saggy skin fool you. Iguanas are remarkable reptiles found mostly in the Caribbean i... |
04/29/2018 |
Bible Answers Live is a live radio call-in program where listeners can have their questions answered... |
04/08/2018 |
The record for hiding away from family and friends was made by young Chinese college student by the ... |
03/18/2018 |
You might be surprised to learn the world's biggest grapevine is not in France or Spain or Italy or ... |
03/11/2018 |
Doctors are mystified as to why a 55-year-old New York man who was blind for 20 years should suddenl... |
10/15/2017 |
It's used in everything from soda cans, to aircraft, to smartphones. It's light, strong, corrosion r... |
10/01/2017 |
In 2009, doctors in Russia hoped that 28-year-old Artyom Sidorkin had cancer. He was a smoker and he... |
09/10/2017 |
On thanksgiving day in 1936, two Minnesota boys named Harold and Charlie Peterson decided to go hunt... |
07/09/2017 |
Researchers intrigued by this habit decided to investigate. They discovered that this little fellow ... |
06/11/2017 |
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a world famous 183-foot bell tower in Pisa, Italy. Shortly after constr... |
05/14/2017 |
Dermatologists tell us that bathing too often may not be good for your skin but obviously not bathin... |
05/07/2017 |
One summer day in 2014, Booboo the cat went missing from her home, in Watsonville California. Three ... |
04/30/2017 |
The world's oldest person and last known to have been born in the 1800s, died April 15th, 2017. Asso... |
04/16/2017 |
We've all heard the expression before that, "Dog is man's best friend," but in the ocean a man's bes... |
04/09/2017 |
On June 21, 1963, marine pilot Cliff Judkins, was refueling in air on his way from California to Haw... |
04/02/2017 |
We're going to have an amazing fact now that's even a little sad. At least 35 people were killed and... |
03/12/2017 |
Back in 1942 a British forest guard in Roopkund India, while patrolling 16,000 feet up in the Himala... |
12/11/2016 |
Jason and Jenny Laurence from Midlands, England, decided to spend their holiday in New York City. Un... |
11/27/2016 |
Spiders are known for making some of the strongest fibers in the world. Spider silk in general is wi... |
11/20/2016 |
It turns out the fastest bird in the world just got passed up by a flying mammal. That's right, the ... |
11/13/2016 |
It might be hard to imagine, but there's a town within three hours west of Washington DC, where cel... |
11/06/2016 |
The world's longest commercial airline flight is from Dubai to Auckland, New Zealand, and it covers ... |
10/30/2016 |
Back in 1982, the Almeida family lost a beloved pet. The red-footed tortoise named Manuela, mysterio... |
10/23/2016 |
On July 30, 2016, American, Luke Aikins became the first person to jump from over four and a miles u... |
10/16/2016 |
On August 23, 1799, the American ship called Nancy was captured in the Caribbean by the English navy... |
10/09/2016 |
Back in January 1970, 30-year old David Kunst was inspired by the moon landing in the summer. He got... |
10/02/2016 |
When it comes to human rights and religious freedom, North Korea is one of the most oppressive natio... |
09/25/2016 |
August 2016, it was announced that a fisherman in the Philippines discovered what is probably the w... |
09/18/2016 |
The image of flying snakes might seem like the stuff of nightmares, but in the jungle of South East... |
09/11/2016 |
The largest building in the world by volume is the Boeing factory in Everett, Washington. This is wh... |
08/28/2016 |
Most people picture retirement as a time to relax, visit the grand kids, and maybe take a long cruis... |
08/07/2016 |
The human eye might be more awesome than we ever imagined. A new 2016 experiment conducted by the Ro... |
07/24/2016 |
June 1, 2016, the world's longest and deepest tunnel called the Gotthard Base Tunnel opened in Swit... |
07/17/2016 |
The beautiful village of Rjukan, Norway is situated in a deep valley where mountains block the sun's... |
06/26/2016 |
On February 15th, 2013, the Chelyabinsk meteor surprised everybody when it shot across the sky over ... |
06/05/2016 |
Religious services are not just good for your soul. They can evidently lengthen your life. A study r... |
05/29/2016 |
Among the first wave of English settlers that set foot on Plymouth Rock in 1629 was a Puritan named ... |
05/22/2016 |
In 1995, Mary Ann Franco was in a serious car accident that injured her spine, and consequently caus... |
05/08/2016 |
When you were growing up, did you ever hear your parents ask, "Well if your friends told you to jump... |
04/24/2016 |
The person who holds the record as the heaviest human being on the planet is a Saudi Arabian man, Kh... |
04/17/2016 |
We’ve all heard fascinating stories of people who are marooned alone on lonely islands but few peopl... |
04/10/2016 |
Victor Lustig was probably one of the smoothest con men in history. Born into a middle class family ... |
04/03/2016 |
We've all heard of homing pigeons, but have you ever heard of a homing penguin? That's right. Back i... |
03/13/2016 |
Contrary to their dirty reputation, pigs sometimes called hogs and swine are actually very clean ani... |
03/06/2016 |
In the summer of 1945, engineer, Percy Spencer, was conducting tests on a magnetron. That's a powerf... |
02/14/2016 |
The Angkor Temple Complex in Cambodia is the largest religious monument in the world. Covering more ... |
02/07/2016 |
The honeyguide is a bird about the size of a robin that lives in East Africa. It eats all kinds of i... |
01/17/2016 |
Today, the 33 square miles of Manhattan Island, in New York City, contains some of the world's most ... |
01/03/2016 |
The Artic Woolly Bear Caterpillars found in the far north around Greenland and Canada have a marvelo... |
12/20/2015 |
DNA is a miraculous thing, more precisely known as the deoxyribonucleic acid. The DNA molecule is th... |
12/13/2015 |
On December 4th 2015, the President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, announced that their country ha... |
12/06/2015 |
46-year-old Wilmer McLean was hoping that he was too old to serve in the Confederate Army when the C... |
11/22/2015 |
The world record for the fastest that a human being has ever run is held by a Usain Bolt, who was cl... |
11/15/2015 |
Little Tyke, a female African lion born and raised in America, lived her entire life without ever ea... |
11/08/2015 |
Did you know that the ocean is a very noisy place? I'm not talking about the sound of waves crashing... |
11/01/2015 |
For thousands of years, people have been using sponges in a multitude of ways. Early Europeans used ... |
10/25/2015 |
ave you ever longed for a quiet place away from the roar of traffic, blaring music and loud lawnmowe... |
10/18/2015 |
On February 1970, First Lieutenant Gary Foust was conducting practice maneuvers near the Malmstrom A... |
10/04/2015 |
In 2009, doctors in Russia thought that 28-year old Artyom Sidorkin had cancer. He was a smoker and ... |
09/27/2015 |
Larry Swilling's wife, Jimmie Sue, was born with only one kidney. They weren't entirely surprised wh... |
09/20/2015 |
We've all heard the expression 'fighting like cats and dogs' because normally, dogs and cats don't g... |
09/13/2015 |
Hulda Crooks was born in a log cabin in Saskatchewan Canada in 1896. One of 18 children Hulda gorged... |
08/30/2015 |
On July 15th 1942, a squadron of six P38 and two B17 bombers left from their secret air base in Gree... |
08/23/2015 |
Ferdinand Waldo Demara Jr., better known as Fred Demara, must have been one of the most prolific and... |
08/16/2015 |
On Christmas Eve, 1971, 17 year old Julianne Koepcke boarded LANSA flight 508 with her mother in Lim... |
08/09/2015 |
On January 10, 1954, a British-built de Havilland Comet, one of the first commercial jet airliners t... |
08/02/2015 |
A recent spike in cases of one of one of history's most feared diseases has been blamed on a less th... |
07/26/2015 |
Dogs have gone to war for a thousand of years but, during the First World War, one clever K9 rose ab... |
07/19/2015 |
From time to time when people lose faith in government, it can trigger a rapid devaluation of their ... |
06/21/2015 |
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, E-waste is the fastest growing category of waste ... |
06/07/2015 |
In 2011 Guinness World Record holder Jeff Kolodzinski set a new fishing record, using nothing more t... |
05/31/2015 |
In 2008 police broke into an apartment in Croatia to establish who owned the vacant property. Instea... |
05/24/2015 |
According to the <i>New York Daily News</i>, the most beautiful restaurant in the world is the Ithaa... |
05/17/2015 |
Back in February 1961, a young Russian physician, Leonid Rosa Gulf, started to feel tired, weak and ... |
05/10/2015 |
Kiyoshi Kimura, a businessman who owns a chain of sushi restaurants in Japan has once again set the ... |
05/03/2015 |
People were in awe back in 2013 when Harvard University scientists created a miniature flying robot ... |
04/26/2015 |
The Bowhead whale is a large stocky dark colored leviathan that haunts the fertile arctic oceans. Th... |
04/19/2015 |
77 year old James Currens had a chronic problem with sleepwalking. Then on November 26, 1998 the ret... |
04/12/2015 |
In August 1814 America nearly lost their Independence from Great Britain. The British army had succe... |
04/05/2015 |
If you struggle with arachnophobia, you would not want to have visited the Baltimore wastewater trea... |
03/29/2015 |
Back in the 1980s, Herman and Donna O’steen bought a farm about a half a mile outside of Reno Nebras... |
03/22/2015 |
In 1629, the emperor of India, Shah Jahan, went on a military campaign to crush a rebellion in his k... |
03/08/2015 |
Did you know that China produces and consumes about 60% of the world's cement? The Three Gorges Dam ... |
03/01/2015 |
Each morning like clockwork, they board at the subway off to the hustle and the bustle of the big ci... |
02/15/2015 |
His picture is on every $20 bill which is odd when you consider, he hated paper money much preferrin... |
02/08/2015 |
At first glance, the grasshopper mouse found in the deserts of the Southwest looks like a cute littl... |
01/18/2015 |
The call of a howler monkeys voice can travel three miles but an elephant's voice is deeper. The son... |
01/11/2015 |
Each winter in Alaska, the common wood frog freezes solid. It quits breathing, and its heart complet... |
01/04/2015 |
The world's oldest bird with the wildlife band is prepping to be a mom again at age 63. US Fish and ... |
12/21/2014 |
In 1983, a 61 year old sheep and potato farmer named Cliff Young decided to participate in the world... |
12/14/2014 |
According to the Guinness world records, Roy C. Sullivan holds a record for being struck by lightnin... |
12/07/2014 |
When I was a kid here's a popular corny joke we like to share. What is the smallest room in the worl... |
11/30/2014 |
Westminster Abbey in London is one of Great Britain's most famous churches. English monarchs since W... |
11/09/2014 |
Sir Isaac Newton is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time, this br... |
10/26/2014 |
The most powerful computer on earth is your brain. That’s right. The human brain processes about 100... |
10/19/2014 |
At 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, a bolt of lightning is hotter than the surface of the sun and one of t... |
10/12/2014 |
The city of Tehran has a super-sized pest problem. It is reported that the capital of Iran has more ... |
10/05/2014 |
On a beautiful Sunday morning June 10th, 1990 a British Airways jet was packed with passengers flyin... |
09/21/2014 |
On August 23, 1799 the American Ship Nancy was captured in the Caribbean by the English Navy and tak... |
09/07/2014 |
Jeanette and Alan, a couple from Melbourne, Australia love to run so much that they decided to run t... |
08/31/2014 |
For nearly thirty years a ghostly recluse haunted the woods of central Maine. Whether phantom or big... |
08/24/2014 |
I wonder would you like to hear a few amazing facts about the ocean? Well for starters did you know ... |
08/17/2014 |
After Stan Cathy and his wife Linda married, as part of the combining of households she urged him to... |
08/03/2014 |
Found in Africa, Australia, and Madagascar the alien looking Baobab tree is sometimes known as the t... |
07/27/2014 |
Weighing in at between 40 and 100 pounds the sea otter is the world’s smallest species of marine mam... |
07/20/2014 |
Back between the years 1939 and 1941 some massive oil storage tanks were excavated out of the solid ... |
07/13/2014 |
Many years ago, Al Capone virtually owned Chicago. He was notoriously enmeshed in the windy city in ... |
07/06/2014 |
On April 3, 2014, the National Institute of Standards and Technology launched the world’s newest ins... |
06/29/2014 |
There's a man from Gujarat, India called by many, "The man who made a forest." Back in 1979, 17-year... |
05/18/2014 |
On August 24th, 1875 Matthew Webb leapt into the water at Dover, England and 21 hours and 23 minutes... |
05/11/2014 |
Before Louis VII became King of France, he suffered terribly through treatment and indignities at th... |
04/27/2014 |
The record for hiding out was made out by a young Chinese college student, by the name of Cheng Lou.... |
04/20/2014 |
At one time, the government of Australia actually launched a war against birds. Yes, back in 1932 th... |
04/06/2014 |
Knights were also generally the wealthiest of the three types of soldiers. And this was for good rea... |
03/30/2014 |
There’s an island in the north Arctic sea called Kaldai which contains perhaps the most curious lake... |
03/23/2014 |
In 1913 the little country of Albania in Eastern Europe achieved its independence. There are many Mu... |
03/16/2014 |
Sooty Terns are large, common seabirds with white under parts and dark black upper parts; found thro... |
03/09/2014 |
In February 2013, a Northern California couple, while walking their dog on their country property ea... |
03/02/2014 |
Well, the story is still coming in. On January 30th, a man walked up onto a coral reef on Atoll in t... |
02/09/2014 |
In 1986, two and a half year old Michelle Frank was playing with her brother near their home outside... |
02/02/2014 |
For decades, futurists have talked about the day that computers would become as powerful and versati... |
01/19/2014 |
We have all heard of people that become sentimentally attached to their cars, the 1967 Austin Healy ... |
01/12/2014 |
Harrison Okene begged God for a miracle in turbulent seas 20 miles from the coast of Lagos. The Nige... |
12/22/2013 |
In 1964, a grad student, Donald Currey was working with forestry personnel in the white mountains of... |
12/01/2013 |
The Sahara desert is the world’s largest and hottest desert, at over 3.6 million square miles; it co... |
11/17/2013 |
Late one afternoon in 1901, a young cowboy named Jim White was looking for stray cattle in the New M... |
11/10/2013 |
On February 1970 first Lieutenant Gary Fowles was conducting practice maneuvers near the Malmstrom A... |
11/03/2013 |
3 year old AJ Hayes from Kaiser Oregon has set the world record, being the youngest person to make a... |
10/20/2013 |
In 1959 the US army launched an ambitious project only 800 miles from the North Pole. They began bui... |
10/13/2013 |
Did you know that super glue was discovered completely by accident during World War II? Dr. Harry Co... |
10/06/2013 |
The medieval knight was one of three types of fighting men during the medieval ages: knights, foot s... |
09/29/2013 |
In 1960, a poor Indian farmer from Gehlaur Village lost his young wife due to a lack of basic medica... |
09/15/2013 |
In 1997, a mystery was solved. For years, someone had been secretly giving away millions of dollars ... |
09/08/2013 |
Humans and birds are not the only creatures that sing; whales sing, too. In fact, the song of the hu... |
08/25/2013 |
Between the spring of 1959 and the end of 1961, China experienced one of the deadliest famines in ea... |
08/18/2013 |
During World War II the Nazis decided to allow the allied POW's to have some board games to pass the... |
08/04/2013 |
According to Roadside America the world’s smallest church can be found in Oneida, New York. Built in... |
07/28/2013 |
Scattered through the rain forests of Central and South America can be found some of the brightest a... |
07/14/2013 |
The Rocky Mountain locusts were an abundant species of grasshopper that ranged through the Western h... |
07/07/2013 |
Experts say the survival rate for a personal falling from a three story building is only about 50%. ... |
06/30/2013 |
A Chinese company called Broad Sustainable Building has been granted permission to begin constructio... |
06/09/2013 |
A man in India, Datta Phuge, has taken extravagance to a new level. He recently ordered the creation... |
05/26/2013 |
Astrology, fortune telling, palm reading are a global multi-million dollar business. In America, ove... |
05/19/2013 |
In 1994 Aaron B. Anderson of Oklahoma, was found guilty of crimes ranging from sexual assault and la... |
05/12/2013 |
Due largely to laptop computers, smartphones and email, the concept of leaving work at the office ha... |
05/05/2013 |
Did you know that the part of a dog's brain that’s devoted to analyzing smell is, proportionally spe... |
04/28/2013 |
Horses come in many colors shapes and sizes, black and white, hairy and smooth, big and small accord... |
04/21/2013 |
It’s hard to imagine an average size man killing a full-grown bear with a stick, but it happened. On... |
04/14/2013 |
With his steady bass, baritone voice, gospel singer and hymn composer, George Beverly Shea, has been... |
04/07/2013 |
In 2009, doctors in Russia thought that the 28-year-old Artyom Sidorkin had cancer. He was a smoker ... |
03/31/2013 |
Even though he lived in his quiet neighborhood for years, no on seemed to know Walter Samaszko. In f... |
03/17/2013 |
Frank Lloyd Wright was probably the most famous and productive American architect. He produced well ... |
03/10/2013 |
Tyrian purple also known as royal purple or imperial dye was a very rare ancient natural dye. This c... |
02/24/2013 |
PanAm captain, Robert Fort was flying passengers from San Francisco to New Zealand on December 4, 19... |
02/17/2013 |
According to a 2012 study by the British Charity OxFam, natural disasters have quadrupled in the 20 ... |
02/10/2013 |
Of the roughly 40 million cattle that make the ultimate sacrifice in the US each year, about 35 thou... |
02/03/2013 |
There is a small remote island in the south pacific called “The Yap” that’s known as, “The Island of... |
01/27/2013 |
Little Tyke, a female African lion born and raised in America lived her entire life without ever eat... |
01/20/2013 |
After 21-year old Trevor Wikre badly shattered his little right finger at football practice, the doc... |
01/06/2013 |
The Large Hadron Collider is the world’s largest high energy particle accelerator and the most expen... |
12/16/2012 |
Vladimir Lenin was the Russian leader of the Bolshevik revolution that brought the communist into po... |
12/09/2012 |
It’s the kind of thing that conjures up pictures, something like the Biblical plague that fell on An... |
12/02/2012 |
Malala Yousafzia, a 15-year old Pakistani girl, gained international recognition when she boldly wro... |
11/25/2012 |
You might be surprised to learn the most deadly animal in Africa is not the lion or the crocodile, i... |
11/18/2012 |
On April 7, 1862 at the famous civil war battle of Shiloh, Sam Houston, Jr., son of the famous Texan... |
11/11/2012 |
Men who live in Jerusalem’s ultra orthodox religious community openly object to women wearing tight ... |
11/04/2012 |
Estimates suggest that there are approximately 20,000 cases of snakebite in Nepal every year causing... |
10/28/2012 |
After her husband died in 2010, Adrianna Villarreal Buenos Aires made it a point to frequently visit... |
10/07/2012 |
Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor to unify greater China. During his rule about 250 B.C., he start... |
09/30/2012 |
If they can ever complete it, their house will be one of the largest private mansions in the United ... |
09/23/2012 |
In 1876, a handful of former counterfeiters botched a morbid plan to kidnap the body of Abraham Linc... |
09/16/2012 |
During World War II, the allies created an entire army of inflatable tanks, trucks, jeeps, phony art... |
09/09/2012 |
As a child in Santa Fe New Mexico, John Corcoran's reading ability stalled after second grade. Being... |
08/26/2012 |
On August 19th 2009, a burglar brandishing a knife had the shock of his life when he broke into an o... |
08/05/2012 |
Even before Herbert Fisher passed away at a 104 back in February 2011, he and his wife Zelmyra - 103... |
07/29/2012 |
In 1986, two and a half year old Michelle Funk was playing with her brother near their home outside ... |
07/22/2012 |
Icebergs generally range from about three to 250 feet above sea level. The largest icebergs come fro... |
07/15/2012 |
In 1983, a 61 year old sheep and potato farmer named Cliff Young decided to participate in the world... |
07/01/2012 |
Polyglottism is the ability to speak several languages with a high degree of proficiency. Perhaps th... |
06/10/2012 |
Early one morning, four years after Cheng’s disappearance, a pair of private detectives called by th... |
06/03/2012 |
How does the fish know just how far to leap and in what direction? Scientists have discovered that w... |
05/27/2012 |
On March 18, 1937, a spark ignited a thick cloud of natural gas that had silently accumulated in the... |
05/20/2012 |
Anna Jarvis deeply loved her mother. Following her mother’s death in 1905, Anna campaigned for years... |
05/13/2012 |
According to Guinness World Records, in 1978 in Scotland following weeks of record breaking snow sto... |
05/06/2012 |
Have you ever heard of “The Flat Earth Society”? Evidently, even after the launch of thousands of sa... |
04/29/2012 |
A young mother in Argentina was devastated when she woke up following child birth, to learn the baby... |
04/22/2012 |
We’re celebrating the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. I suppose celebrating is the ... |
04/15/2012 |
This week will mark the 100<sup>th </sup>anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, one of the worst... |
04/08/2012 |
On August 24, 1875, Matthew Webb slipped into the water at Dover England and 21 hours and 45 minutes... |
03/25/2012 |
On September 1st, 1859, the Carrington Super Flare, the largest solar flare in modern history, struc... |
03/11/2012 |
During World War II, a young marine laid badly wounded in a military hospital on a South Pacific isl... |
03/04/2012 |
According to the Guinness World Records, the largest library in the world is none other than the U.S... |
02/26/2012 |
On May 14th, 2007, at age 95, Nola Ochs became the world’s oldest college graduate when she received... |
02/12/2012 |
Did you know that if you took all of the stones from the three great Egyptian pyramids at Giza, you ... |
02/05/2012 |
On October 13, 2011, the nation of Israel traded over 1,000 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for th... |
01/29/2012 |
An emerald was found in Brazil that weighs more than 25 pounds, and that's after it was cut and poli... |
01/22/2012 |
How could an army with less than 600 people overpower a kingdom of over two million? Just a small cl... |
01/08/2012 |
Did you know that if you hold out a grain of rice at arm's length on a clear night, the little spot ... |
12/18/2011 |
Did you know it takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circulate the whole body? And while a... |
12/11/2011 |
A family in Virginia was devastated when their beloved dog, a three year-old terrier named Petunia, ... |
12/04/2011 |
Superman could supposedly travel faster than a speeding bullet, but now there's a missile that can c... |
11/27/2011 |
What do you think the chances for survival would be for an unarmed, 16 year-old who was attacked by ... |
11/20/2011 |
Can you imagine your dismay, if you are out scuba diving with friends in the open sea? As you’re enj... |
11/13/2011 |
Let me tell you a little bit about Thomas Parr. He’s a farmer that was buried in Westminster Abbey, ... |
11/06/2011 |
In February 1941, a German U-Boat torpedoed and sank the 400-foot long SS Gairsoppa. Only one out of... |
10/30/2011 |
In 1914, British World War I soldier Private Thomas Hughes tossed a green bottle in the English Cana... |
10/23/2011 |
It would be very disturbing to wake up and find out that you’re dead. But what would be even more di... |
10/09/2011 |
How could an experienced pilot take off from Brooklyn, New York, heading for California, and acciden... |
10/02/2011 |
John Cochran graduated from high school and from college. He even taught high school for 17 years – ... |
09/25/2011 |
Daniel Kitsch was born with an aggressive form of cancer which attacked the retina of his eyes. By t... |
09/18/2011 |
Despite his involvement with organized crime, Eddy loved his little boy. In fact, his love for his s... |
09/11/2011 |
Life magazine’s May 5, 1997 collector’s edition was titled, “Celebrating our Heroes”. Inside it prai... |
08/28/2011 |
I think we have all heard stories about twins. And how they might have been separated at birth and h... |
08/21/2011 |
The African crested rat was thought to be poisonous for many years. Locals call it the furry-furry a... |
08/14/2011 |
Well you know people have often wondered for centuries if the hair of a person who has been terribly... |
08/07/2011 |
Located on the Kansas State line, Picher was Oklahoma’s most northeastern city. Newspapers reported ... |
07/31/2011 |
Back in 1904 a mailman back in Havana, Cuba read in a newspaper that the Olympic Games would be held... |
07/17/2011 |
Way back in 1898 a young Rhode Island man named, Martin Dalton, was convicted of murder and sentence... |
07/10/2011 |
One stormy night in 1910, a group of traveling musicians arrived at the city of Riga on the Baltic S... |
06/26/2011 |
Someone said it couldn’t be done so, Ed Stafford decided to do it. After leaving the military to be ... |
06/12/2011 |
The war was over and The S.S. Sultana was loaded with soldiers heading home. The ponderous ship was ... |
06/05/2011 |
Did you know a member of the grass family is considered to be the fastest-growing plant in the world... |
05/22/2011 |
In the spring of 1977 in Northern Wisconsin, several ornithologists were making an aerial survey of ... |
05/15/2011 |
The largest iceberg ever recorded broke off the frost ice shelf in Antarctica in March of 2000. It ... |
05/08/2011 |
He may have been the worst serial arsonist in US history. Between 1984 and 1991, Federal agents beli... |
05/01/2011 |
The largest creature in the world of course, is the blue whale. Some have been measured at 100 feet ... |
04/24/2011 |
Living on New Zealand’s North Island is a very large cricket-like insect with thorny legs, called th... |
04/10/2011 |
Roz Savage is an intrepid ocean rower and environmental advocate, but the 1st half of Ross’s life is... |
03/27/2011 |
In September 490 BC, Darius, the Persian king sent an army of 25,000 to crush an army of 10,000 Athe... |
03/20/2011 |
Have you ever heard your parents say, “If your friends told you to jump off a bridge, would you do i... |
03/13/2011 |
When it was first built in the early 1930s, the Queen Mary was the largest ship in the world, even s... |
02/20/2011 |
There are no creatures on earth quite like cats. Today, there are about a hundred different distinct... |
02/13/2011 |
Lake Peigneur was a modest, shallow lake of fresh water near New Iberia, Louisiana. Early in the mor... |
02/06/2011 |
As a child and a teenager, Jack experienced very poor health. Addicted to sugar and junk foods, his ... |
01/30/2011 |
Hello friends, this is Doug Batchelor. How about an amazing fact? The European common cuckoo bird is... |
01/23/2011 |
Boston Central Artery/Tunnel Project, better known as the Big Dig, constitutes the largest construct... |
01/16/2011 |
Neutron stars are one of the mysterious wonders of the universe. They’re created when an aging star ... |
01/09/2011 |
Back in 2007, a French train set the locomotive speed record by reaching 360 miles an hour. While th... |
01/02/2011 |
Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, is a troubling condition where individuals— mostly childre... |
12/19/2010 |
On November 19, 2010, a 69-year old woman in Paris was found who had been trapped in her own bathroo... |
12/12/2010 |
How about an amazing fact? On October 5, 2010, three teenage boys from Atafu, a remote South Pacific... |
12/05/2010 |
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, more than 45 million turkeys were baked, boiled, fr... |
11/21/2010 |
Running 800 miles north to south, the Alaskan Oil Pipeline is one of the man-made wonders of the mod... |
11/07/2010 |
How did Halloween originate? Where did it come from and is it safe for Christians to celebrate and ... |
10/31/2010 |
President Bill Clinton was once accused of renting out the White House rooms in exchange for campaig... |
10/03/2010 |
Billionaire in New York City, real estate investor Leona Helmsley was a flamboyant personality with ... |
09/26/2010 |
There are some really incredible stories about the detecting abilities of dogs. Their ability to sni... |
09/19/2010 |
In August 2010, a large chunk of ice broke free in the waters of Greenland. Now this is not just any... |
09/12/2010 |
On February 4, 1974, nineteen-year old Patricia Hearst was kidnapped from her Berkeley, California a... |
08/22/2010 |
Despite his involvement in organized crime, Easy Eddie tried to teach his young son right from wrong... |
08/15/2010 |
Park Rangers were bewildered how to stop the carnage in a baffling five-year rampage of uncharacteri... |
08/08/2010 |
In the jungles and rainforest of Central and South America can be found an unusual member of the Igu... |
08/01/2010 |
Rachel Krishevsky truly believed the commandment to be fruitful and multiply. When the ninety-nine-y... |
07/11/2010 |
In July 1962, the United States performed a secret test. 250 miles above the earth, in this unique e... |
06/20/2010 |
February 12, 1908, over 250,000 cheering spectators gathered in Times Square to witness the start of... |
06/06/2010 |
Violet Jessop experienced and survived an almost unbelievable array of events. Violet was born in 18... |
05/23/2010 |
In 2009 Doctor Zimbrasha thought that 28 year old Artyom Sidorkin had cancer. He was a smoker and he... |
05/02/2010 |
The star-nosed mole is a weird and wonderful little creature that inhabits the low wetlands of East ... |
04/25/2010 |
Todd Lincoln, son of Abraham Lincoln, seem to have a life at the close calls. For starters, Todd was... |
04/18/2010 |
An Australian man who’s been donating his extremely rare blood for 56 years has saved the lives of c... |
04/04/2010 |
Mountain climbing can be a dangerous business. In one 1996 Everest expedition, 8 climbers were kille... |
03/21/2010 |
For as long as anyone can remember, the Lemba Tribe in Zimbabwe, South Africa has claimed to descend... |
03/14/2010 |
On Monday, January 10th, 2010, a minivan struck and killed a man crossing a Brooklyn street. This wa... |
03/07/2010 |
First recorded about a hundred years ago, the mysterious sliding stones of Death Valley have been a ... |
02/21/2010 |
Walking Catfish are a unique species of fresh water catfish found primarily in South East Asia. As r... |
02/14/2010 |
We usually don't think of birds as being smart creatures. After all, that's where we get the express... |
02/07/2010 |
They knew something was wrong when their drill suddenly seized up at about 1200 ft. and the large de... |
01/31/2010 |
Ancient Norse History speaks in the old sagas about a fearsome class of warriors called berserkers. ... |
01/24/2010 |
I’m sure, if they were human, the child labour laws would never allow this practice. Wyvern ants in ... |
01/17/2010 |
A 29-year old engineer from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Tsutomo Yamaguchi, was on a business trip ... |
01/10/2010 |
Bananas are a fruity miracle. They’re colorful and nutritious, not to mention the amusing shape is e... |
01/03/2010 |
On July 23, 1983, Air Canada flight 143, ran out of fuel at 41,000 feet. The New Bowing 767 jet was ... |
12/20/2009 |
Talk about a reversal of fortune, on December 1st, 2009, two homeless brothers--so poor they lived i... |
12/13/2009 |
For about 500 years, the Roman empire was the undisputed, military powerhouse that conquered most of... |
11/29/2009 |
Honeycomb worms live along the shallow seas off the California coast stretching from Baja California... |
11/22/2009 |
The record for hiding out was made by a young, college, Chinese student by the name of Cheng Lim. He... |
11/15/2009 |
On August 23, 1799, the American ship, Nancy, was captured in the Caribbean by the English Navy and ... |
10/25/2009 |
Dutch creationist, Johan Huibers, had a dream that someday Holland would be flooded. That lead to hi... |
10/18/2009 |
Not all garbage ends up in the dump. In fact, earth's largest landfill isn't on land at all. Every y... |
10/11/2009 |
Rachel Krishevsky truly believed the commandment to be fruitful and multiply. When the 99-year old, ... |
09/27/2009 |
In November, 1992, a farmer living near the village of Hoxne in Suffolk, England, lost a hammer in o... |
09/13/2009 |
The Goliath Bird-eating spider found in the jungles of Suriname in French Guiana is the largest spid... |
08/30/2009 |
Hanging from a single electric wire in an old Livermore, California firehouse there is a light bulb.... |
08/23/2009 |
Michael Sparks was visiting the Music City Thrift Store in Nashville where he bought a candle holder... |
08/16/2009 |
Most people would consider themselves fortunate should they get 150,000 miles out of a car engine. F... |
08/02/2009 |
Did you know that as you're listening to this broadcast right now, you're glowing? That's right. It'... |
07/26/2009 |
The lungfish of South Africa is an extraordinary creature with some remarkable abilities. While the ... |
07/05/2009 |
While exploring remote coal mines in Northeastern Columbia early in 2009, researchers led by Jonatha... |
06/29/2009 |
How about an amazing fact? In 1963, a man in Cappadocia, near Anatolia, Turkey was digging at a ston... |
06/14/2009 |
Flying squirrels can’t really fly but they're master gliders, easily covering 60 feet in one jump. W... |
05/31/2009 |
Hidden on a remote island near the Arctic Ocean, there's a bunker considered to be the ultimate safe... |
05/24/2009 |
Can you imagine living 4 centuries? A team of scientists from Bangor University in the United Kingdo... |
05/17/2009 |
When Dutch explorers first discovered Australia in 1606, there were no rabbits to be found throughou... |
05/10/2009 |
Chameleons are among the strangest creatures on earth. There are more than a 160 different species o... |
05/03/2009 |
Ancient sailor folklore is filled with frightening stories of monster rogue waves. These towering, s... |
04/26/2009 |
In 1963 archaeologists exploring the ancient fortress of Masada, found some date seeds that had rema... |
04/12/2009 |
Normally a person's core body temperature is around 97.8 degrees Fahrenheit. When exposed to cold fo... |
03/29/2009 |
On July 9th, 1755, during the French and Indian war, a force of fifteen hundred British soldiers wer... |
03/22/2009 |
Hidden nestled among the jungle, mountains of Puerto Rico, is a giant sentinel, an aluminum ear one ... |
03/15/2009 |
Stingrays, sometimes called “pancake sharks” are unique fish that looks like a flat flying wing, and... |
02/22/2009 |
On November 8, 2008, Jim O’Neill, 65, suffered a stroke that left him blind while flying alone at th... |
02/08/2009 |
We hear a lot today about banking corruption, but the problem isn’t new. In 11th century England peo... |
02/01/2009 |
666 ... for many people just saying the number conjure up ominous images of secret occult ceremonies... |
01/25/2009 |
Compulsive hoarding is where a person continually gathers or gets growing piles of useless possessio... |
01/18/2009 |
Cicadas have one of the longest life cycles of any insect. After hatching, the nymph will dig deep i... |
01/11/2009 |
The image of airborne snakes may be seemed like the stuff of nightmares, but in the jungles of South... |
01/04/2009 |
He was born in an obscure village, a child of a peasant woman. He grew up in another despised villag... |
12/21/2008 |
After World War I the leaders in Washington became concerned about the state of the Nation’s roads. ... |
12/14/2008 |
Who would spend 20 million dollars for a two week vacation? 60 year old Dennis Tito did with no regr... |
12/07/2008 |
The Black Ghost Knifefish found in the Amazon Rivers is a very strange looking creature. It has no f... |
11/16/2008 |
11/09/2008 |
The medieval knight was one of 3 types of fighting men during the middle ages, knights, foot soldier... |
11/02/2008 |
During World War II, a young marine laid badly wounded in a military hospital on a South Pacific isl... |
10/26/2008 |
One of the most outstanding flights ever made by any war time pigeon took place on October the 18th,... |
10/19/2008 |
Sand Tiger Sharks, also known as ragged tooth sharks, have a deceivingly ferocious look. They are la... |
10/05/2008 |
All around the world, stories and legends abound regarding flying dragons. Generally, legends are ro... |
09/28/2008 |
When Chad and Carrie McCartney say their infant daughter, Macy Hope, had been born again, they aren’... |
09/07/2008 |
Many years ago in the little town of Woodley England, Annie Grey grew up knowing she would one day m... |
08/24/2008 |
Camp Sumter commonly called Andersonville was the largest confederate prison during the Civil War. T... |
08/17/2008 |
The first woman to swim the English Channel was 19 year old American Gertrude Ederle. On August 6, 1... |
07/27/2008 |
According to Forbes magazine, the 27-story sky scraper now being built in Mumbai India, could soon b... |
07/20/2008 |
On July 7, 2008, Kent Couch settled down on his lawnchair with some snacks, a BB gun and a parachute... |
07/13/2008 |
Dogs often called man’s best friend are among the most diverse creatures on Earth. There are about s... |
07/06/2008 |
Henry Brown was born as a slave in Virginia in 1815. He worked for years in a tobacco factory in Ric... |
06/29/2008 |
On April 7, 1862 at the famous Civil War Battle of Shiloh, Sam Houston Jr., son of the famous Texan,... |
06/22/2008 |
Throughout history sailors have told many remarkable stories of dolphins helping humans. One outstan... |
06/15/2008 |
One of the greatest triumphs of endurance is held by Benoit Lecomte who swam across the Atlantic Oce... |
06/08/2008 |
75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak th... |
06/01/2008 |
05/11/2008 |
The Amazon is undoubtedly the greatest river in the world by many measures. For starters, the volume... |
05/04/2008 |
Corn is the most abundant crop growing in the US, more than twice that of any other. It’s also one o... |
04/27/2008 |
We all know the most populated country in the world today is China. In fact, China’s 1.3 billion peo... |
04/20/2008 |
During the days of the Persian Empire, the Grand Vizier was typically the most influential officer i... |
04/06/2008 |
In February 1891, the whaling ship, Star of the East, was off the Falkland Islands when the lookout ... |
03/30/2008 |
Few people have had more high adventure with balloons than Joseph Kittinger. In 1950, Kittinger join... |
03/23/2008 |
Phoebe Anne Oakley was born on August 13th, 1860 in a log cabin on the Ohio Frontier. Because of pov... |
03/16/2008 |
Hidden 2,000 feet beneath Cheyenne Mountain Colorado is the world’s most sophisticated military head... |
03/02/2008 |
Wilma Rudolph faced adversity from the very beginning. When she was born prematurely, the 20th of 22... |
02/24/2008 |
Icebergs are virtually indestructible by man. In theory, it would take about 1,900 tons of TNT to de... |
02/17/2008 |
Diamonds are the hardest natural material known to mankind. Their hardness is legendary since antiqu... |
02/10/2008 |
On December 20th 2007, Israeli scientists in Jerusalem announced that they had successfully inscribe... |
02/03/2008 |
On August 4, 1914, the magnificent British Luxury Liner Carmania was three days out of New York City... |
01/27/2008 |
All creatures require sleep. Some take brief cat naps. Others like the great anteater sleep as much ... |
01/20/2008 |
In 1913, the little country of Albania in Eastern Europe achieved its independence. There were many ... |
01/13/2008 |
The beam of light shooting straight out from the top of the Luxor Hotel of Las Vegas is the brightes... |
01/06/2008 |
The largest known cooperative organism living on earth is a single super colony of ants that stretch... |
12/16/2007 |
To produce one pound of honey, bees must make 25,000 trips between their hive and the flowers from w... |
12/09/2007 |
Wolverines are found from Alaska to Siberia primarily in isolated forests and mountains of the North... |
12/02/2007 |
Luxury took on a new dimension this month as Saudi billionaire, Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, signed a... |
11/25/2007 |
In September 1848, a 25 year old railroad foreman in Vermont name Phineas P. Gage was packing explos... |
11/11/2007 |
After his sister died in 1951, James Nelson Gernhart was outraged because relatives wanted to bury h... |
11/04/2007 |
In 1888, George Washington Vanderbilt, 26 years old at the time, visited the smoky mountains of Nort... |
10/28/2007 |
Living beneath the Strawberry Mountain wilderness in Eastern Oregon researchers have discovered what... |
10/21/2007 |
Prairie dogs are highly social, curious and playful creatures that live in large colonies or towns. ... |
10/14/2007 |
When the ark opened its doors in 2007, visitors were stunned by its size and think that Netherlands ... |
10/07/2007 |
John Porter Bowman was a wealthy tanner who made a fortune by selling leather goods to the North dur... |
09/30/2007 |
In 1851, Maha Mongkut, also known as Rama IV, ascended the throne as the king of Siam (now better kn... |
09/23/2007 |
The Battle of Stalingrad during World War II was arguably the bloodiest battle in human history, wit... |
09/02/2007 |
The race is heating up among the world's major cities for bragging rights to the tallest building. O... |
08/26/2007 |
Have you ever heard of Simon Stylite? Well, Simon Stylite was born in about 390 A.D. in Northern Syr... |
08/12/2007 |
There is more noise in the ocean than merely the lapping of waves or bubbling fish. Humans may not h... |
07/29/2007 |
It is well known that bats fly by sonar. They emit high frequency sounds which the human ear cannot ... |
07/22/2007 |
On Thanksgiving Day 1936 two Minnesota boys named Harold and Charlie Peterson decided to go hunting ... |
07/15/2007 |
Pure gold is about the most malleable and conductible of all metals. Because of this a skilled golds... |
07/01/2007 |
Little Tyke a female African lion born and raised in America lived her entire life without ever eati... |
06/24/2007 |
Gobies are small fish that during low tide like to swim in rock pools at the edge of the ocean. One ... |
06/17/2007 |
One stormy night in 1910 a group of traveling musicians arrived at the city of Riga on the Baltic Se... |
06/10/2007 |
In the spring of 1921 a small group of British soldiers patrolling the Sinai Peninsula became comple... |
06/03/2007 |
When the famous missionary and explorer David Livingstone died in 1873 his loyal friends Chuma and S... |
05/27/2007 |
On August 23, 1799 the American ship Nancy was captured in the Caribbean Sea by the English Navy and... |
05/20/2007 |
During the 2nd World War two American G.I.s stationed in Australia were driving their jeep along an ... |
05/13/2007 |
In 1692, the city of Port Royal in the island of Jamaica, literally slid into the sea when it was st... |
05/06/2007 |
In May 1996, Karen Watson age 20, gave birth to a 5 lb. 12 oz. baby boy in Albany, Oregon. This woul... |
04/22/2007 |
In Detroit, sometime in the spring of 1935, a young and evidently careless mother must have been ete... |
04/15/2007 |
Early in the 16th Century, Holland was ruled by Margaret of Austria, the clever daughter of the Germ... |
04/08/2007 |
During World War II a bomber carrying a chaplain ran out of gas over the Pacific and was forced to l... |
04/01/2007 |
In February 2007, police in Hampton Bay, New York received a call to investigate a report of a home ... |
03/25/2007 |
In 1803, John Colter was hired by Lewis and Clark to join them on their epic expedition as a hunter.... |
03/18/2007 |
On February 15th, 2007 while practicing for the world paraglider championships, German paraglider, E... |
03/04/2007 |
Distinguished scientist and chemist, James Macie, was born in France in 1765 the illegitimate son of... |
02/25/2007 |
In many ways, the ocean represents the last frontier on earth. Seventy-five percent of the world’s s... |
02/11/2007 |
On January 21, 2007, a Wisconsin man, Joshua S. Hanson and two friends were in Minneapolis for a dar... |
02/04/2007 |
Great birds of prey have always filled man with admiration, even fear. There are many legends regard... |
01/28/2007 |
One of the most magnificent aircraft ever built was the supersonic reconnaissance plane, better know... |
01/21/2007 |
In 1874, Methodists in Swan Quarter, North Carolina decided it was time to construct a permanent chu... |
01/14/2007 |
The tropical banyan tree is sometimes known as the “Strangler fig” because of its unusual growth hab... |
01/07/2007 |
Final plans have been approved and construction has begun for the new Freedom Tower to be built at t... |
12/17/2006 |
Before a bridge was built across the Niagara Gorge, several lives were lost as people attempted to f... |
12/10/2006 |
Back in 1987, on a commuter flight from Portland, Maine to Boston, the pilot, Henry Dempsey, heard a... |
11/26/2006 |
The record for hiding out was made by a young Chinese college student by the name Cheng Guan Lim. He... |
11/19/2006 |
One of the most outstanding flights ever made by any war pigeon took place on October the 18th, 1943... |
11/05/2006 |
The most famous Egyptian Pharaoh today is, without a doubt, Tutankhamen, better known as King Tut. I... |
10/29/2006 |
About 600 years before Christ, a Greek natural philosopher named Demarcates said that everything in ... |
10/22/2006 |
Howard Hughes was born in humble Texas on Christmas Eve 1905. Following the premature deaths of his ... |
10/15/2006 |
Did you know that you don’t technically see with your eyes or hear with your ears? Your eyes and ear... |
10/08/2006 |
Jeffrey Hudson was born of common parents North of London in 1619. On his 7th birthday, Jeffrey was ... |
10/01/2006 |
There is more noise in the ocean than merely the lap of waves. You can dive down into the sea and no... |
09/24/2006 |
The Honeyguide, a bird the size of a Robin that lives in East Africa, eats all kinds of insects, but... |
09/17/2006 |
The World Trade Center in New York City, stood as the tallest building in Manhattan and the second t... |
09/10/2006 |
Back in 1981 in the blazing desert near Barstow, California, the U.S. Department of Energy built wha... |
08/27/2006 |
Just about everybody in the western world has heard of the Lord's Prayer. Even if they don't remembe... |
08/20/2006 |
About 25 years ago, Hollywood produced a movie about an entire submarine-like vessel and crew that w... |
08/13/2006 |
Back in February 1994, a 21-year old Cuban windsurfer waded ashore in the Florida Keys and asked for... |
08/06/2006 |
Most Americans are acquainted with Washington Irving's story about Rip Van Winkle, an early American... |
07/30/2006 |
Consider the ear muscles of the bat. It is well known that bats fly by sonar. They emit high-frequen... |
07/23/2006 |
Passenger pigeons were once the most numerous birds in North America, and probably on the entire pla... |
07/16/2006 |
Little Tyke, a female African lion, born and raised in America, lived her entire life without ever e... |
07/09/2006 |
Did you know that the word "dad" may actually date back before the 16th century and it originated fr... |
06/18/2006 |
In September 1862, Confederate General, Robert E. Lee, made his greatest effort to carry the Civil W... |
06/11/2006 |
Have you ever dreamed about inheriting a fortune from a long-lost relative? To be in the will would ... |
05/28/2006 |
On a hot August night in 1942 the U.S. and Japanese were preparing to engage in the deadly naval bat... |
05/14/2006 |
Simon Bolivar was South America’s greatest General. He is known as the great liberator because his v... |
05/07/2006 |
In November 1942 in the middle of World War 11 a 25 year old Chinese seaman named Poon Lim was worki... |
04/30/2006 |
Most people believe that the deadliest plague in history was the bubonic plague that killed 2 millio... |
04/23/2006 |
Evidence continues to mount that the mystery of life can only be explained by intelligent, miraculou... |
04/16/2006 |
Cross breeding between animals of the same species is rare in the wild, but it becomes more common i... |
04/09/2006 |
John D. Rockefeller Senior was strong and husky when small and was raised as a devout Christian, but... |
03/19/2006 |
During World War II a twenty-one year old man entered an enlistment center and eagerly asked to join... |
03/12/2006 |
You have probably heard the expression before that he or she only eats like a bird. Well you might t... |
03/05/2006 |
When Alexander the Great was leading his victorious armies down through Asia Minor the great leader ... |
02/26/2006 |
Baron Fabian Von Schlabrendorff was born in Germany in 1907. Trained as a lawyer, he eventually join... |
02/12/2006 |
Giant blue fin tuna are the largest living species of tuna, some reaching up to 10 feet in length a... |
02/06/2006 |
In 1960, an American physicist with Fused Aircraft Company constructed the first working laser from ... |
01/29/2006 |
From the time baby boys first pull themselves us to walk, men seem to have a yearning to climb trees... |
01/22/2006 |
For starters, every day, 44 thousand thunderstorms occur throughout the world with lightning strikin... |
01/15/2006 |
When young Ned Green broke his leg during the late 1800s, his mother Hedy did her best to treat it f... |
01/08/2006 |
Rubies, next to diamonds, are the hardest material known on earth and are among the rarest and most ... |
01/01/2006 |
Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in America. It happens when someone wrongfully o... |
12/18/2005 |
Most people have heard of Welch’s Grape Juice. But not everyone knows the genesis of this grape juic... |
12/04/2005 |
Man is different from every other creature in regard to clothing. All of God’s other creatures were ... |
11/27/2005 |
Perhaps you've heard about the famous parasol, or leaf-cutter ants, ants that make gardens and raise... |
11/20/2005 |
Few people have lived as long and gallant a life filled with so many amazing memories as Sergeant Pa... |
11/13/2005 |
For as long as people have been exploring unknown lands, they've been returning with stories of mons... |
10/30/2005 |
Ladybugs are one of the most valuable, natural forms of pest control on earth. Farmers of the middle... |
10/23/2005 |
The word "volcano" comes from the little island of Vulcano in the Mediterranean off Sicily. Centurie... |
10/09/2005 |
Please listen to some amazing facts regarding the uncanny similarities between Presidents Abraham Li... |
10/02/2005 |
Wood rats are nocturnal rodents that are native throughout North America. These social creatures eat... |
09/25/2005 |
Our earth is filled with environmental extremes. High mountains, deep valleys, dripping wet jungles,... |
09/18/2005 |
Black Skimmers are graceful, black and white go like birds. They get the name "Skimmer" because the ... |
09/11/2005 |
All Americans have been stirred by the heartbreaking images of Hurricane Katrina; and we know it wil... |
09/04/2005 |
In Germany around 1904 Wilhelm Van Austin owned an extremely bright horse he named Clever Hans. He e... |
08/28/2005 |
In 1895 in San Marcos, Texas a team of well drillers were attempting to construct an artesian well f... |
08/07/2005 |
Every American knows about the infamous day December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor was attacked. But, few peo... |
07/24/2005 |
The Australian Koala bear sure looks like a round teddy bear, but the koala bear is actually a pouch... |
07/17/2005 |
Roots are of course the underground branches spreading out beneath plants and trees to anchor the as... |
06/26/2005 |
Mary Mallon also known as Typhoid Mary was an Irish immigrant who the first who was known to be a he... |
06/12/2005 |
If you have ever been to Arlington National Cemetery you have probably seen a sharp looking sentinel... |
05/29/2005 |
When Kim Peak was born in 1951 his parents knew he was different. He had an enlarged head and tests ... |
05/15/2005 |
When Marco Polo related his experiences living in China he said that the great Kublai Kahn demanded ... |
05/01/2005 |
Squirrels gather nuts; dogs bury bones. Camels store food and water so they can travel across vast d... |
04/10/2005 |
For many years, the Proctor and Gamble company had been working on developing a recipe for a high-qu... |
04/03/2005 |
Question: What was made by humans and is eight billion miles away? Answer: Pioneer 10, and this week... |
02/27/2005 |
Because there are so many pigeons in the world, we sometimes fail to appreciate these remarkable bir... |
02/20/2005 |
Did you know that it was 48 years after tin cans were first introduced before the can opener was inv... |
02/06/2005 |
It's hard to make heads or tails of the oyster. For starters, it has no head or tail. Yet, in spite ... |
01/30/2005 |
Few animals God made are more unusual than the seahorse. This bizarre creature is put together like ... |
01/16/2005 |
For the better part of recorded history, the earth was thought to be the stationary center of the un... |
01/09/2005 |
Tsunamis are among the most destructive of natural disasters. This is due, in part, to the fact that... |
01/02/2005 |
A few days before Christmas in 1938, a strange fish was caught in a net near the mouth of the Chalum... |
12/19/2004 |
On May 24th, 1844, Samuel Morse sent the first, electric telegraphed message from Washington D.C. to... |
12/12/2004 |
Among the ancient Aztecs red dye was considered more valuable than gold. That is because to acquire ... |
11/28/2004 |
There are over 300 hundred thousand species of beetles in the world. But, the bombardier beetle is o... |
10/24/2004 |
Hermit crabs are curious creatures found along the coasts of Europe and the Americas. Most marine, b... |
10/17/2004 |
Few marine animals are as mysterious and intimidating as jelly fish. These incredible animals can be... |
10/10/2004 |
Most plants and flowers must pollinate to survive. So the Lord has devised many ingenious ways to he... |
08/29/2004 |
It is a virtual definition of a monumental project. A dam more than one and one half miles wide and ... |
08/22/2004 |
Most Americans have heard of the legend of Johnny Appleseed. Who went about the frontier with a kett... |
08/08/2004 |
Scientists in Bulgaria claim they have invented an instant translator that will allow people talking... |
07/25/2004 |
No doubt, you've heard the American folk song, "Oh give me a home, where the buffalo roam, and the d... |
07/18/2004 |
Long before the initials XP were chosen as the name of a Microsoft operating system, XP was short fo... |
07/11/2004 |
The Liberty Bell, sometimes called the Bell of the Revolution or Independence, has been a symbol of ... |
07/04/2004 |
Vultures have long been perceived as abominable creatures because of their repulsive feeding habits.... |
06/20/2004 |
Crocodiles are among the largest, longest-living reptiles on earth. Just like a tree, they have grow... |
06/13/2004 |
One of the strangest creatures that God made is the grotesque-looking, deep sea Anglerfish. They mak... |
06/06/2004 |
After the first day of fierce fighting in the Civil War battle of Fredericksburg, hundreds of northe... |
05/30/2004 |
After a forest fire in Yellowstone Park, a National Geographic Photographer joined some forest range... |
05/09/2004 |
Until the end of the nineteenth century, traffic in large cities was largely uncontrolled chaos. Car... |
05/02/2004 |
It is nearly impossible to discuss the Renaissance without mentioning Leonardo da Vinci. Few of any ... |
04/25/2004 |
It is amazing how seeds can remain viable and remain intact for millennium. The oldest known viable ... |
04/11/2004 |
No words are adequate to describe the magnificent splendor of the natural display known as the Auror... |
04/04/2004 |
Years ago when visiting the northern part of Cairo, Egypt I saw the strangest cemetery on earth. It ... |
03/28/2004 |
One of the strangest animals in the world is the long-beaked echidna or spiny ant eater. Weighing ab... |
03/14/2004 |
A team of Russian scientists searching for oil and gas in the Sahara desert recently discovered an u... |
03/07/2004 |
Giant bluefin tuna are the largest living species of tuna, some reaching up to 10 feet in length and... |
02/29/2004 |
In 1859, as the California Gold Rush began to fade. A few prospectors wandered into Western Nevada f... |
02/22/2004 |
Ants are the most numerous creatures on earth. It has been estimated that the combined weight of all... |
02/08/2004 |
Salamanders are timid, yet fascinating little animals. They look like lizards, but they are actually... |
02/01/2004 |
Bioluminescence is an amazing phenomenon in which a chemical reaction in living organisms produces l... |
01/25/2004 |
Henry Ford's mansion, named Fair Lane, still stands in Dearborn, Michigan filled with elaborately-ca... |
01/18/2004 |
You might be surprised to learn that the word "carnival" comes from the Latin word "carneae," which ... |
01/11/2004 |
In 1967, the United Nations signed the International Outer Space Treaty, which forbids any governmen... |
01/04/2004 |
It has been discovered that there are several factories based in North America that are producing an... |
12/21/2003 |
Geckos are small insect-eating lizards that have an almost miraculous ability to scurry up walls and... |
12/14/2003 |
Earthquakes conjure up terrifying images of the ground rocking and rolling, as if moved from some di... |
11/30/2003 |
Penguins have an almost perfectly streamlined body profile that's ideal for chasing fish. In fact, t... |
11/23/2003 |
Scientists in Bulgaria claim they've invented an instant translator, that will allow people talking ... |
10/19/2003 |
When Robert was born in Alton, Illinois in 1918, he weighed a normal eight pounds, six ounces. He dr... |
10/12/2003 |
On April 14, 1912, the huge ship - Titanic - was steaming across the Atlantic gorge, New York. This ... |
10/05/2003 |
Hummingbirds are among the most fascinating of God’s incredible creatures. They are the only birds a... |
09/28/2003 |
Years ago in the Old Russian Empire, the ruling Czar, Nicholas the second, was strolling through his... |
09/21/2003 |
We see them come in the fall and leave in early spring, flying along in a V formation. The awesome m... |
09/14/2003 |
You might be surprised to learn that the most deadly poison on earth does not come from an animal th... |
09/07/2003 |
Dr. Evan O’Neill Kane was the chief surgeon at Kane Summit Hospital, in New York City. By the time h... |
08/31/2003 |