The Villain of Revelation, Pt. 1
If God's in charge – if God is all-powerful – why did God make an angel that even could become a dev... |
02/02/2025 |
The Hero of Revelation, Pt. 2
The book of Revelation is about Jesus. He is the central figure and hero. Part 2 of 2... |
01/26/2025 |
The Hero of Revelation, Pt. 1
The book of Revelation is about Jesus. He is the central figure and hero. Part 1 of 2... |
01/19/2025 |
Signs of the Coming King, Pt. 2
The Lord says He is coming and that He's coming quickly. What can we know about Jesus' return? Par... |
01/12/2025 |
Signs of the Coming King, Pt. 1
The Lord says He is coming and that He's coming quickly. What can we know about Jesus return? Part... |
01/05/2025 |
Healing, Health and Holiness, Pt. 2
God says we are to treat our bodies as a temple of the Holy Spirit and to not defile our bodies. Par... |
12/29/2024 |
A Portrait of Mary
Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a great model of living with Christ in our hearts.... |
12/22/2024 |
Who Is Jesus?
Who is Jesus? Did God really come to Earth in the form of a man to save us?... |
12/15/2024 |
The Fullness of Time, Pt. 2
The prophecies in the Bible prove that Jesus is who He said He is. Part 2 of 2... |
12/08/2024 |
The Fullness of Time, Pt. 1
The prophecies in the Bible prove that Jesus is who He said He is.... |
12/01/2024 |
Healing, Health and Holiness, Pt. 1
God says we are to treat our bodies as a temple of the Holy Spirit and to not defile our bodies. Pa... |
11/24/2024 |
The King Returns, Pt. 2
The great climax of the world's history is going to be when Christ comes and He sets everything righ... |
11/17/2024 |
The King Returns, Pt. 1
The great climax of the world's history is going to be when Christ comes and He sets everything righ... |
11/10/2024 |
The Cause and Cure for Discouragement
It's a fact of life that people grapple with discouragement, despair, and depression. There are man... |
11/03/2024 |
Death Delusions
What happens to people when they die? We don't need to be afraid of death. (Recorded in Australia i... |
10/27/2024 |
Blessed are the Dead
Near-death experiences seem to reinforce the popular belief that the soul goes to heaven or hell as ... |
10/20/2024 |
Every Nation and Tongue
The last thing Jesus says before He ascends to heaven is to go to teach and baptize. The last words ... |
10/13/2024 |
The Hour of His Judgment
The first angel of Revelation 14 proclaims a judgment that occurs before Jesus comes in glory. Once... |
10/06/2024 |
The Devil’s Deadliest Deception
There will be many people in Heaven with different views on how to live but what we cannot get wrong... |
09/29/2024 |
The Arch-villain of Prophecy
Did God create a devil? Lucifer was a perfect angel. Yet he became self-obsessed, rebelled against h... |
09/22/2024 |
When Satan Goes to Church, Pt. 2
God wants us to feed and to grow and to blossom as Christians but the devil keeps planting his teach... |
09/22/2024 |
The Prophecy of History
A pagan king threatened to kill his wisemen because they couldn’t interpret his dream, but a Jewish ... |
09/21/2024 |
Signs of Christ's Return
While we cannot know the day or hour of Christ’s return, we can know it’s close by the signs given i... |
09/20/2024 |
When Satan Goes to Church, Pt. 1
God wants us to feed and to grow and to blossom as Christians but the devil keeps planting his teach... |
09/15/2024 |
The Temple of God
To teach His people the way of salvation, God instructed them to build a sanctuary. This temple had ... |
09/08/2024 |
Worshiping the Creator
Most Christians believe that the seventh-day Sabbath is only for Jews, but the Bible reveals that th... |
09/01/2024 |
The Laws of Life
Many Christians teach that the Ten Commandments were nailed to the cross. But if that were true, why... |
08/25/2024 |
The Coming of the King
While we cannot predict the day of Christ’s return, we can know that it’s close—“even at the doors”—... |
08/18/2024 |
The Everlasting Gospel
All of us have sinned, and the penalty is eternal death. That’s the bad news. The good news—the gosp... |
08/11/2024 |
The Truth About Angels
Lucifer was perfect—a glorious angel. Yet he became obsessed with himself and rebelled against his l... |
08/04/2024 |
The Goal of the Godly
Our spiritual commitment should take priority over every earthly competitor for our time and attenti... |
07/28/2024 |
The King’s Ambassador
There should be a difference in the way that Christians conduct themselves that shows what is in the... |
07/21/2024 |
Proving the Prophets
What is prophecy? Are there prophets? Can we believe what the Bible says about the future? How do w... |
07/14/2024 |
The Deadly Mark
666. What is it? What does it mean? How does one get it? Will you be lost if you have it?... |
07/07/2024 |
Bowing to the Beast
In the last days on this earth the devil is going to tell us to change one of God's commandments. W... |
06/30/2024 |
A Mother-Daughter Conspiracy
What do Herod, Herodias, Salome, and John the Baptist have to do with end-time Bible prophecy?... |
06/23/2024 |
Refusing Babylon’s Buffet, Pt. 2
What does the Bible say about how to take care of our bodies so that we could have a longer, stronge... |
06/16/2024 |
Refusing Babylon’s Buffet, Pt. 1
What does the Bible say about how to take care of our bodies so that we could have a longer, stronge... |
06/09/2024 |
A Woman in the Wilderness
In the center of Revelation, a woman that flees into the wilderness and brings forth a man-child, is... |
06/02/2024 |
Windows in Heaven
What does it mean when God says "I will open up the windows of heaven", speaking of tithes and offer... |
05/26/2024 |
A River of Life
We need cleansing from sin. Baptism symbolizes this important step.... |
05/12/2024 |
The Final Firestorm
Will there be a burning Hell? How long will the burning last? This presentation provides the Bible... |
05/05/2024 |
Cleansing the Sanctuary, Pt. 2
Most of the major prophets in the Bible talk about the Sanctuary, Temple, or Tabernacle. How do the... |
04/28/2024 |
Cleansing the Sanctuary, Pt. 1
Most of the major prophets in the Bible talk about the Sanctuary, Temple, or Tabernacle. How do the... |
04/21/2024 |
Spiritual Imposters
What does the Bible say about death and spirits?... |
04/14/2024 |
Bricks Without Straw, Pt. 2
The Bible is a story of how God calls people out of slavery into the Promised Land, Part 2... |
04/07/2024 |
The Only Way to be Saved
What is the only way to be saved?... |
04/05/2024 |
What Is the Abomination of Desolation?
What Is the Abomination of Desolation?... |
04/04/2024 |
The Parable of the Pharisee and Publican
The basic message of God is love. Our attitude shows our true heart.... |
04/03/2024 |
Jesus in All the Bible, Joshua
In Bible stories you find the gospel echoed through all the characters and the stories.... |
04/02/2024 |
Bricks Without Straw, Pt. 1
The Bible is a story of how God calls people out of slavery into the Promised Land, Part 1... |
03/31/2024 |
The Wonder of the Word, Pt. 2
Pastor Doug Batchelor's testimony.... |
03/24/2024 |
The Wonder of the Word, Pt. 1
The dozens of predictions and prophecies about Jesus' life could never have happened by chance alone... |
03/17/2024 |
Commands of the King, Pt. 2
How does the law of God relate to prophecy? Pt. 2... |
03/10/2024 |
Commands of the King, Pt. 1
How does the law of God relate to prophecy? Pt. 1... |
03/03/2024 |
The Glorious Kingdom
Heaven will be a glorious kingdom.... |
02/25/2024 |
The Supreme Sacrifice
God promised Abraham that through his son all the nations of this world would be blessed. When God ... |
02/18/2024 |
The Prince of Pride, Pt. 2
Satan is the prince of pride and he will do whatever it takes to separate us from God, but God's lov... |
02/11/2024 |
The Prince of Pride, Pt. 1
Satan is the prince of pride and he will do whatever it takes to separate us from God, but God's lov... |
02/04/2024 |
Dream of the Empires
Why did God give a prophetic dream to the king of Babylon and what does it mean?... |
01/28/2024 |
Coronation of the King, Pt. 2
How soon is Jesus coming again, and how will He come?... |
01/21/2024 |
Coronation of the King, Pt. 1
How soon is Jesus coming again, and how will He come?... |
01/14/2024 |
Walking in Integrity
Walking with God doesn't just mean that you occasionally think about God and you come to church once... |
01/07/2024 |
Babylon's Buffet
Aren't all foods clean now? So according to the Bible, Christians can eat anything that they want ev... |
12/24/2023 |
At Jesus' Feet
What happens when we humble ourselves at the feet of Jesus?... |
12/17/2023 |
The Mysterious World of Angels
Angels are mentioned over 300 times in the Bible. They are God's 'ministering spirits' to guard, pr... |
12/10/2023 |
A Cold Confession
Do you have deep dark secrets? Something that you haven't shared with anyone and you wonder if you'... |
12/03/2023 |
Back to Jerusalem
Discover how the lives of Old Testament characters often mirror and reflect the life and work of the... |
11/26/2023 |
The Flames of Justice
The idea that God punishes the wicked in hell for all eternity contradicts both His love and His jus... |
11/07/2023 |
The Great Judgment Day, Pt. 2
What happens when Jesus comes again? What is the truth about Hell? Part 2 of 2... |
10/22/2023 |
The Great Judgment Day, Pt. 1
What will happen when Jesus comes again? Part 1 of 2... |
10/15/2023 |
The Mark of the Beast
What is "The Mark of the Beast"?... |
10/08/2023 |
A Prophet in the River
If baptism is the first thing it talks about in the gospel, and the last thing it talks about in the... |
10/01/2023 |
144,000 and the Seal of God, Pt. 2
Who are the 144,000 spoken of in Revelation 7 and 14? What is the "Seal of God"? This group is call... |
09/17/2023 |
144,000 and the Seal of God, Pt. 1
Who are the 144,000 spoken of in Revelation 7 and 14? Is the number literal or symbolic? This group ... |
09/10/2023 |
A Woman Rides a Beast, Pt. 2
Who do the women and the beasts in Daniel and Revelation represent? Part 2 of 2... |
09/03/2023 |
A Woman Rides a Beast, Pt. 1
Who do the women and the beasts in Daniel and Revelation represent? Part 1 of 2... |
08/27/2023 |
The Law of the Lamb, Pt. 2
How do Christians relate to the Ten Commandments without being legalists? Is obedience 'legalism'? P... |
08/20/2023 |
The Law of the Lamb, Pt. 1
How do Christians relate to the Ten Commandments without being legalists? Is obedience legalism? Par... |
08/13/2023 |
The Villain of Revelation, Pt. 2
If God is all-powerful, why did He even make an angel that could become a devil? Part 2 of 2... |
08/06/2023 |
Kingdoms in Time
An extraordinary adventure through history where you will discover the astonishing evidence that Bib... |
06/25/2023 |
Is Sunday Really Sacred?
There are many differences in Christian church doctrines. If there is anything that is most essentia... |
06/18/2023 |
The Unchangeable Law
The most important words are the words of God that He engraved in stone. The Ten Commandments are no... |
06/11/2023 |
The Priority of Prayer
Why is prayer so important?... |
06/04/2023 |
Our Crucial Need for the Holy Spirit
Why do we need the Holy Spirit?
... |
05/21/2023 |
Mountain-Moving Faith
The Bible says faith can move mountains. What does that mean? How do we have that kind of faith?... |
05/14/2023 |
Receiving and Sharing Forgiveness
How do we receive forgiveness? How do we forgive others?... |
05/07/2023 |
Sincere Confession
What is the purpose of confession? How do we sincerely confess?... |
04/30/2023 |
Real Repentance
What is real repentance?... |
04/23/2023 |
The Thief on the Cross
How are we saved from sin?... |
04/16/2023 |
Ultimate Sacrifice
There are some things that God cannot do. He cannot lie and He cannot find a sinner He doesn't love... |
04/09/2023 |
Why I Believe in the Resurrection
Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Hear factual reasons why we can have confidence in the resurrec... |
04/08/2023 |
Turning Your Trials Into Triumph, Pt. 2
Why do we go through trials? How can we turn our trials into triumphs? Part 2 of 2... |
02/18/2023 |
Turning Your Trials Into Triumph, Pt. 1
Why do we go through trials? How can we turn our trials into triumphs? Part 1 of 2... |
02/11/2023 |
Seven Secrets To Postpone Your Funeral, Pt 1
Millions today, maybe even you, are at risk of going to an early grave—often due to a lack of knowle... |
02/05/2023 |
Seven Secrets To Postpone Your Funeral, Pt 2
Millions today, maybe even you, are at risk of going to an early grave—often due to a lack of knowle... |
02/05/2023 |
The Ten Virgins and Jesus’ Return
The parable of the ten virgins and Jesus' return is about people who are alive just before His secon... |
01/14/2023 |
Missing the Most Expensive Wedding
A wedding is supposed to be a lasting covenant and our coming to Jesus is supposed to create a lasti... |
11/05/2022 |
The Deadly Double-Ditch Where Christians Fall
Faith is crucial to salvation. Being a Christian involves both faith and works.... |
10/22/2022 |
Samson, Pt. 3 - Conquered by Compromise
Samson’s strength came from the Spirit of God, which is also available to us. Part 3 of 3... |
09/11/2022 |
Samson, Pt. 2 - The Jawbone of a Donkey
The story of Samson is a good reminder to be courageous and trust God. Part 2 of 3... |
09/04/2022 |
Samson, Pt. 1 - Honey From a Lion
How much trouble do we bring into our lives when we compromise how we know we should live? Part 1 o... |
08/28/2022 |
Is My Christianity Real? Pt. 2
Do you know if your Christianity is authentic? We get preoccupied with the actions and forget about... |
08/21/2022 |
Is My Christianity Real? Pt. 1
Do you know if your Christianity is authentic? We get preoccupied with the actions and forget about... |
08/14/2022 |
Worrying About Stuff, Pt. 2
There are problems and anxieties in life but God gives us enough grace to deal with the problems of ... |
08/07/2022 |
Worrying About Stuff, Pt. 1
Do you trust that God will take care of you? He commands us to not worry. Part 1 of 2... |
07/31/2022 |
The Angry Christian
When is anger appropriate?... |
07/24/2022 |
When a Christian Falls
The devil attacks stragglers, those who are on the edge of living a Christian life.... |
07/10/2022 |
Can the Saved Be Lost?
Can a saved person be lost?... |
07/03/2022 |
Stories of Triumph: Body, Mind and Heart
Here is a look at several Bible stories that tell about trials, tragedy, and ultimately triumph.... |
05/21/2022 |
The Beauty of Sacrifice
Why does God ask us to give? Does He need our money or is there something more to it?... |
03/27/2022 |
Fig Trees and Pharisees
Thou shalt not judge. What does that mean? Does it mean that if we see someone doing wrong, we shoul... |
03/20/2022 |
Seven Steps to Stronger Faith
Is your faith small? Do you struggle with trusting God? These 7 steps are for you.... |
03/06/2022 |
The Beatitudes - Eight Keys to Joy and Peace, Pt. 3
Everyone wants happiness. How do we find true, lasting happiness? Part 3 of 3... |
02/20/2022 |
The Beatitudes - Eight Keys to Joy and Peace, Pt. 2
Everyone wants happiness. How do we find true, lasting happiness? Part 2 of 3... |
02/13/2022 |
The Beatitudes - Eight Keys to Joy and Peace, Pt. 1
What are the beatitudes and what was Jesus trying to teach us through them?... |
02/06/2022 |
Open Our Eyes
If we keep our eyes on Christ, He will keep us through temptation.... |
01/30/2022 |
Hearing the Voice of God
What could be more important and more precious than hearing from God? How do we know when God is co... |
01/23/2022 |
The Keys to Christian Growth, Pt. 2
What are some keys to growing as a Christian? Part 2... |
01/16/2022 |
The Keys to Christian Growth, Pt. 1
What are some keys to growing as a Christian? Part 1... |
01/09/2022 |
The Sincere Hypocrite
Some of the strongest statements that Jesus made were about hypocrisy. When we grasp the goodness o... |
01/02/2022 |
How To Find Deliverance From Debt
Does God care how we manage our money? The Bible has over 500 verses about finances and property. O... |
12/05/2021 |
Fruits and Nuts in the Family Tree
Why does God make us love our families so much even though every family has an element of "baggage" ... |
11/21/2021 |
Walking With the Lord
How do we walk with the Lord?... |
11/14/2021 |
The Devil's Dungeon
There will be a time when Satan will be bound on this planet with no one to tempt or manipulate. Thi... |
10/30/2021 |
How Can You Know You Have Eternal Life?
How can we know if we will have eternal life?... |
09/18/2021 |
One of the most important issues of salvation is being aware of our sin, regretting it and turning a... |
08/22/2021 |
Seven Steps To Experience the Presence of God
We have been separated from God because of our sin. God created us to be with Him. The plan of sal... |
08/01/2021 |
The Mystery of the Trinity
The Trinity is one of the deepest and most profound subjects that we can explore. This message will... |
07/11/2021 |
Coping Through Tough Times
How can we triumph despite our trials? Why does God allow difficult things to happen?... |
07/04/2021 |
Surviving the Great Tribulation
Jesus said there will be a time of great trouble before He comes again. Do not worry about getting ... |
06/27/2021 |
Evolution, Creation and Logic
There are good reasons in geology, biology, archaeology, and paleontology that all support Creation.... |
06/13/2021 |
Living by Spiritual Priorities
The key to success in life is aligning your priorities appropriately. Our destiny depends on unders... |
06/12/2021 |
Can You Prove That God Exists?
Is there any solid proof of God's existence?... |
06/06/2021 |
Winning the War With the Flesh
It is possible for us to trade eternal life for the pleasures of sin here on earth. How can we win ... |
06/05/2021 |
Luther and the Reformation - Why It Still Matters
Do we still need spiritual reformation? The whole basis of the Protestant Reformation is evaporatin... |
05/16/2021 |
The Secret Code in Prophecy
There are stories in the Bible - codes of prophecy - that tell us Jesus is coming again, and coming ... |
05/16/2021 |
If Jesus Is Coming Soon ... What's Taking So Long?
If Jesus Is Coming Soon ... What's Taking So Long?... |
05/01/2021 |
The Magnificent Kingdom
What will Heaven be like? God is preparing a glorious kingdom for us.... |
04/11/2021 |
The Woman of Light
How does Revelation picture God's true church?... |
04/11/2021 |
Where Is the Temple Today?
Where is the temple today?... |
04/03/2021 |
The Words of Christ From the Cross
Everything in the last seven things Jesus said on the cross was calculated to tell us something abou... |
03/27/2021 |
Judas Iscariot - Apostle of Infamy
This message talks about Judas Iscariot and his call, character, camouflage, covetousness, choice, c... |
03/20/2021 |
The Priority of Prayer, Pt. 1
What is prayer? How important is prayer? How do we pray?... |
02/16/2019 |
When Christians Believe the Devil, Pt. 1
Some people want to be Christians but they believe the wrong source. Part 1 of 2... |
01/12/2019 |
The Battle of Armageddon, Pt. 3
Can we choose sides in the battle of Armageddon? If so how can we know what side we're on and ensure... |
05/05/2018 |
The Battle of Armageddon, Pt. 2
What exactly is this mysterious battle of Armageddon? And what’s involved in it? What’s at stake an... |
04/14/2018 |
The Battle of Armageddon, Pt. 1
Armageddon. This scary word from the book of Revelation is an enigma for most Bible scholars. What i... |
04/07/2018 |
The Value of a Soul
What is the value of your soul?... |
01/27/2018 |
When the Devil Goes to Church
The devil isn't afraid of church, he just wants to be the object of your worship.... |
01/13/2018 |
Feeding on Christ
What does "eating Jesus' flesh and drinking His blood" really mean?... |
01/06/2018 |
Blessed by Association
You receive a blessing, or a curse, depending on how you associate with others.... |
12/23/2017 |
Seeking After God
Does God want to be wanted? The first question in the Bible is God asking Adam, "Where are you?". T... |
12/09/2017 |
The Legacy of Andrew
The legacy of Andrew the apostle is that he frequently brought people to Jesus.... |
10/14/2017 |
The Prodigal Son
The story of the prodigal son is really about two sons, and the real hero is the father and his love... |
08/12/2017 |
Never Alone
We are never alone.... |
07/22/2017 |
Our Need of the Holy Spirit, Pt. 2
Why do we need the Holy Spirit? Part 2 of 2... |
07/08/2017 |
Our Need of the Holy Spirit, Pt. 1
Why do we need the Holy Spirit? Part 1 of 2... |
07/01/2017 |
Keys to Victory in the Battle With Temptation
We all struggle with an internal battle with temptations to go against the will of God. The devil t... |
06/17/2017 |
Changed by Beholding
You become like what you look at. Most of what enters our mind comes by our sight. What we choose t... |
06/03/2017 |
Through the Roof
Jesus came to save us from our sin. The miracles He did were not only to relieve suffering but also... |
05/27/2017 |
Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 3 - Critical Mass
The third and final part in a three-part series dealing with the subject of Christianity, Islam, and... |
10/29/2016 |
Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 2 - From Mecca to Rome
Where does Islam fit in Bible Prophecy?... |
10/22/2016 |
Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 1 - Sibling Rivalry
The first part in a three-part series dealing with the subject of Christianity, Islam, and Prophecy ... |
10/15/2016 |
Mighty Men of God
Pastor Doug gives Bible-based principles on how today's men can be men of God, faithful husbands, an... |
10/01/2016 |
Should a Christian Vote?
Should Christians vote in political elections?... |
08/27/2016 |
Spiritual Warfare, Pt. 2
Part two of Pastor Doug's series on Spiritual Warfare. There is a spiritual battle going on all aro... |
07/23/2016 |
Spiritual Warfare, Pt. 1
There is a spiritual battle going on all around us but we do not need to fear. As we near the end o... |
07/09/2016 |
Satan's Mark and God's Seal
Are the Mark of the Beast and the Seal of God visible marks? Or are we marked by our actions?... |
03/26/2016 |
The Final War over Worship
Prophecies show that the final war of the world will be about worship. We do not need to be afraid. ... |
03/26/2016 |
History's Holy Hoax
The Sabbath is a weekly celebration of our loving Creator. Mankind has tried to change His holy da... |
03/25/2016 |
The RESToration of Life
We should worship God every day. What is different about Sabbath? What is "Sabbath rest"?... |
03/24/2016 |
Treasure from the Golden Ark
The most valuable rocks in the world are the Ten Commandments written on stone by God's own hand.... |
03/23/2016 |
The Lost Day of History, Pt. 1
Real love requires spending time together. That is why God created the seventh day of the week as a... |
03/22/2016 |
The Lost Day of History, Pt. 2
Imprinted on the very fabric of time is a 24-hour period of rest for every human on the planet, a da... |
03/22/2016 |
Is it Easier to Be Saved or Lost?
Is it easier to be saved, or lost?
... |
03/12/2016 |
Seventh-Day Adventists: Facts and Fables
What is true about Seventh-day Adventists? What is fact, and what is fable?... |
11/21/2015 |
The Unsinkable Ship
You might be wondering what’s the most important direction for your life. The single most important... |
10/10/2015 |
The Storm of Jonah
Have you ever considered that your decision to serve God or run from God not only affects you, but i... |
10/10/2015 |
A Double Portion
It is absolutely essential for us to have the Holy Spirit. You cannot live the Christian life witho... |
10/07/2015 |
Rahab's Red Rope
What spiritual lessons can we learn from Rahab's red rope?... |
10/05/2015 |
From the Prison to the Palace
The devil wants to hold us as his prisoners to sin but Jesus offers us freedom and deliverance if we... |
10/03/2015 |
Broken Chains
Is there anyway to break away from the chains of addiction? From sin? Can we really live victoriousl... |
10/02/2015 |
Together for Life, Pt. 2
Why do so many marriages end in divorce? Does the Bible offer any guidance on how to have a happy an... |
09/19/2015 |
Together for Life, Pt. 1
Marriage is one of the most important covenants we can make. It is a public commitment before God. ... |
09/12/2015 |
Revelation: the Bride, the Beast and Babylon
Now you can understand the true identity of the two women in Revelation and better grasp the rest of... |
07/31/2015 |
The Woman of Truth
Is there one absolute truth about God? How do we know what is truth, and what is God's true church?... |
11/16/2014 |
Bewitching Spirits
No one in the Bible who is resurrected, ever makes a single comment about knowing or experiencing an... |
11/08/2014 |
The Richest Caveman - 2014
Happiness does not come from fame or fortune. Pastor Doug Batchelor shares his life story and how h... |
11/08/2014 |
The Rest of Our Work, Pt. 1
Real love requires time. That is why after God made the world in six days, He made one more day for... |
11/07/2014 |
The Rest of Our Work, Pt. 2
Real love requires time. That is why after God made the world in six days, He made one more day for... |
11/07/2014 |
Return of the King
How is Jesus going to come again? The Bible says the devil will attempt to impersonate Christ's retu... |
11/01/2014 |
Dream of the Ages
There are several times in history when God has given dreams so we can know where we are in the bibl... |
10/31/2014 |
Deadly Visions
Is it possible to talk to dead people? Is it dangerous? Can dead people even talk and if not, who ar... |
02/11/2014 |
Is there a right and a wrong way to confess? Is confession even necessary? What does the Bible say a... |
11/14/2013 |
Hearing God
How can we discern God's voice from all the other 'voices' that seem to be trying to intrude in our ... |
10/13/2013 |
A Greedy Heart
God placed in our hearts a desire to have a home, a spouse, a strong relationship with Him, and othe... |
06/29/2013 |
Adultery, Loyalty and Love
God's church should show the world what holiness looks like, and that includes our homes, and in our... |
05/25/2013 |
Honor Within the Family
What does it mean to honor your father and mother? Do you have to do whatever they say even if it is... |
05/11/2013 |
Laws of Love and Liberty
Our lives are regulated every day by law. The laws are there to protect your liberty and that's als... |
02/23/2013 |
Where Was God?
When tragedy strikes people ask, "Where is God? Is He happy that this happened? Does He care?" Ho... |
12/22/2012 |
How Did We Get Here?
Where did we come from? Were we created by God, or did we evolve from random particles after a "big... |
10/12/2012 |
Why Is There Evil?
If God is good, and if God is love, then why is there evil? Did God make a devil? Why would a good... |
10/12/2012 |
What Is Truth?
Nothing is more important than knowing the truth, but what is the truth? Is there more than one tru... |
10/11/2012 |
The Good News About Hell, Pt. 2
The real good news about Hell is God tells you about it because He wants you to avoid it. You don't ... |
10/06/2012 |
The Good News About Hell, Pt. 1
The traditional view of hell is not what is taught in the Bible. It has been distorted and exploited... |
09/29/2012 |
2012 Doomsday Myths
Is the Mayan calendar a reliable prophetic source? Rampant hype about the last days of earth’s histo... |
07/14/2012 |
How Perfect Should a Christian Be?
When we think about perfection and Christianity there are a lot of misconceptions. While some Script... |
05/19/2012 |
Home from a Far Country
Some Christians have become distracted in their relationship with the Lord. Many people get so invol... |
04/22/2012 |
Deadly Distractions
Many people come to Jesus and get involved in church, but over time the relationship begins to evapo... |
04/15/2012 |
Forgiving Friendly Fire
Sometimes there are people in the church who are sick and they do mean things. Don’t take it out on... |
04/08/2012 |
The Dangers of a Diluted Gospel
We are living in a time where there is great risk of receiving a diluted Gospel. We need to read th... |
02/12/2012 |
The Invisible World
Jesus came to help us see what God is like, how to live, and how much God loves us. Christ came to ... |
02/05/2012 |
The Purpose of Pentecost
Pentecost was a holiday that came 50 days after the Passover. It had an Old Testament meaning and a... |
01/29/2012 |
Pride Before a Fall
Christ teaches that in order for us to have Him living within us we must recognize our needs and hum... |
01/22/2012 |
Signs and Wonders
The Lord proved that He loves us when He died for us. When we ask for a sign of His love we are say... |
01/15/2012 |
More Praise in Your Days
Praise is mentioned over 290 times in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Praise can be misunder... |
01/08/2012 |
Adjusting to the Darkness
We are living in a time where there has never been more darkness. It is in this time of darkness th... |
01/01/2012 |
A Dedicated Soldier
There is a cosmic conflict – a battle raging between the powers of good and evil - and each one of u... |
12/18/2011 |
When you decide to be a Christian, you are saying “I’m going to take my cross and I’m going to follo... |
12/11/2011 |
How far can we take the assurance of salvation? “These things I have written to you who believe in ... |
11/06/2011 |
Weeds or Wheat?
If God is good, how can there be so much evil in a world made by a good God? If God is all powerful ... |
10/30/2011 |
Above the Crowd
If you are going to follow Jesus don't follow afar off. You want to be as close as you can possibly... |
10/23/2011 |
A Tale of Two Women, Pt. 2
If you are going to choose a church to join you must do it based on the church's doctrines. How do ... |
10/16/2011 |
A Tale of Two Women, Pt. 1
If you're going to choose a church to join, you must do it based on the church's doctrines. How do y... |
10/09/2011 |
Final Events Movie, Pt.2
Featuring stunning special effects and a rich music soundtrack, this presentation is packed with Bib... |
06/26/2011 |
Final Events Movie, Pt.1
Featuring stunning special effects and a rich music soundtrack, this presentation is packed with Bib... |
06/19/2011 |
Confusion in the Cemetery, Pt. 2
What happens when we die?... |
02/13/2011 |
Confusion in the Cemetery, Pt. 1
Death is one of the most important subjects in life to understand.... |
02/06/2011 |
The Two Great Motives
You know that you're getting where you're supposed to be as a Christian when it's not just what you'... |
01/16/2011 |
What Is the Main Thing? Pt. 2
Don't do anything that will hurt someone. Don't do anything that will hurt something. Don't do anyt... |
01/09/2011 |
What Is the Main Thing? Pt. 1
You can't obey God if you don't love Him. The essence of the Christian life is summarized in Micah ... |
01/02/2011 |
God with Us
How can you fit all of God into a baby? Jesus wants us to be with Him so much that He came into thi... |
12/25/2010 |
Bowing to Babylon, Pt. 2
The Sabbath day that God gave to Adam and Eve, and He put in the Ten Commandments, is the same one t... |
11/28/2010 |
Bowing to Babylon, Pt. 1
How can we know if we're bowing to Babylon or not? Are we standing faithful like Shadrach, Meshach,... |
11/21/2010 |
Unlucky Charms
Did Jesus say "wear" the cross? Or "bear" the cross?... |
09/19/2010 |
Broken People
We are never too little for God to use, but we might be too big for Him to use.... |
09/12/2010 |
Cleansing the Temple
Jesus cleansed the earthly sanctuary twice in His ministry. God wants to cleanse and inhabit our liv... |
08/22/2010 |
Assurance or Deadly Presumption
Can I know if I am saved? Yes, when we trust in God’s promises and not in our own works. We must con... |
07/11/2010 |
The Truth About Israel's 144,000
What is so special about the 144,000? Are they the only ones that will be saved in the end times?... |
06/20/2010 |
The Two Witnesses
Who are the two witnesses spoken of in the book of Revelation?... |
05/16/2010 |
The Devil Chained
What are the 1,000 years mentioned in the book of Revelation? Is it just a time of peace or is there... |
05/09/2010 |
Blood on the Throne
Is everyone going to be saved? Did Jesus die for everyone? What do we need to do to be saved? The... |
04/25/2010 |
The Dragon’s Egg
How did evil originate? Where did sin come from? Did God create a devil? The Bible explains how Luci... |
04/11/2010 |
The Richest Caveman - 2010
The extraordinary true story of Doug Batchelor, son of a millionaire father and show-business mother... |
04/04/2010 |
Voice in the Wilderness, Pt.2
Our lives are an advertisement for Christ.... |
03/07/2010 |
Voice in the Wilderness, Pt.1
Jesus said John the Baptist was the greatest prophet.... |
02/28/2010 |
The Mark of Cain
What was the mark that God placed on Cain after he killed his brother?... |
02/21/2010 |
A Jar of Oil, Pt.2
Part 2 - A woman who was the wife of one of the sons of the prophets was a widow and her sons were g... |
02/07/2010 |
A Jar of Oil, Pt.1
Part 1 - A woman who was the wife of one of the sons of the prophets was a widow and her sons were g... |
01/31/2010 |
Resting the Land
The Bible speaks about a millennium of time on this earth. What will happen when this black out come... |
01/24/2010 |
The Law of the King, Pt. 2
This sermon speaks about the law and the 10 commandments. Are they important and relevant today? Wha... |
01/10/2010 |
The Law of the King, Pt. 1
What does God have a law and are Christians still required to keep it?... |
01/03/2010 |
Cosmic Conflict, Pt. 2
How could sin invade a perfect world made by a loving God? (Part 2)... |
12/31/2009 |
Cosmic Conflict, Pt. 1
How could sin invade a perfect world made by a loving God? (Part 1)... |
12/31/2009 |
Cities of Ash, Pt. 2
Does hell burn forever or are sinners completely annihilated?... |
12/27/2009 |
Cities of Ash, Pt. 1
Why would God burn people forever and ever for the sins of a brief lifetime? Is that what the Bible ... |
12/20/2009 |
Ten Times Wiser
This sermon discusses what the Bible says about health. What was the original diet of mankind? Are t... |
12/06/2009 |
Clothed With Light
Is there one true church? If so, how do we find it?... |
11/11/2009 |
Healthy Living
Is health part of true Bible teachings? In 3 John verse 2 it says, "Beloved, I wish above all thing... |
11/10/2009 |
The Rebellious Prince, Pt.2
In the battle between good and evil, God can only use truth. The devil can use any combination of t... |
11/08/2009 |
Drowning the Old Man
Baptism is said to be the public expression of the internal change in our life. Christ himself was b... |
11/06/2009 |
The Rebellious Prince, Pt.1
In the battle between good and evil God can only use truth. The devil can use any combination of tr... |
11/01/2009 |
The Sabbath, Pt. 1
The longest commandment begins with the word “Remember” and the devil has been attacking that comman... |
10/31/2009 |
The Sabbath, Pt. 2
Time is the stuff that life is made of. God tells us in the Bible to show our faith in Him by honor... |
10/31/2009 |
My Testimony - The Richest Caveman - 2009
Happiness does not come from fame or fortune. Pastor Doug Batchelor shares his life story and how h... |
10/30/2009 |
Inside the Lost Ark
The greatest treasure inside the ark was God’s word, which we have today in the Bible. We are not sa... |
10/28/2009 |
God truly loves us and the only cure for sin is Jesus' blood.... |
10/25/2009 |
The Coming King, Pt.2
How near are we to the return of Jesus?... |
10/25/2009 |
Why Is There Suffering?
When Adam and Eve chose to listen to the word of the enemy instead of the word of God, they handed t... |
10/24/2009 |
Return of the Cosmic King
God's people were not ready the first time He came. Could it happen again?... |
10/24/2009 |
The Coming King, Pt.1
Jesus is coming soon. The signs are clear and abundant now. Are you ready?... |
10/18/2009 |
Jesus Throughout the Bible, Pt. 3
This program looks at the way Gideon, Jonah, Mordecai, Stephen and others were types of Christ. God... |
10/17/2009 |
Back to Jerusalem - 2009
How can we understand the deep things of the Word? We have to go back to the basics.... |
10/11/2009 |
The Millennial Man
Many people are concerned about what the future holds. We can find only one source of prophecy that ... |
10/04/2009 |
The Rich Man and Lazarus, Pt. 2
There are varying degrees of reward and punishment.... |
09/27/2009 |
The Rich Man and Lazarus, Pt. 1
Much argument has taken place over whether the words of Jesus in Luke chapter 16 were intended to be... |
09/20/2009 |
The Rest of the Story, Pt. 2
Why won't Bible Christians take a stand? So many Christian movements have come out of the dark ages ... |
09/13/2009 |
The Rest of the Story, Pt. 1
Why won't Bible Christians take a stand? So many Christian movements have come out of the dark ages ... |
09/06/2009 |
The Battle of Armageddon
The battle of Armageddon spoken of in Revelation 16, is often understood as a local battle in the Mi... |
08/23/2009 |
Jesus Throughout the Bible, Pt. 2
This is the second in a series on "types" of Christ symbolized throughout the Bible. In this program... |
08/22/2009 |
Defeating Demons, Devils and Evil Spirits
The Bible has a lot to say about how to defeat the devil and evil spirits.
... |
08/16/2009 |
Jesus Throughout the Bible, Pt. 1
Get ready for an incredible journey as we examine the symbols of Jesus throughout the Bible. See the... |
08/01/2009 |
Double Portion
What does "In the spirit and power of Elijah" mean?... |
07/26/2009 |
Divided or United
The devil is intent on dividing people and churches. Sin ultimately separates us from God and Satan ... |
07/05/2009 |
The Bride of Antichrist, Pt. 2
Who is the antichrist? The animals spoken of in the books of Revelation and Daniel represent nations... |
06/01/2009 |
The Bride of Antichrist, Pt. 1
Who is the antichrist? This sermon delves into Revelation 12, 13, and 17 along with Daniel 7. A pow... |
05/31/2009 |
The Tree of Life
God's wants us to be in good health, he has provide for us principles in His Word that will teach us... |
05/17/2009 |
Evolution/When the Rocks Cry Out
Archaeology plays a key role in validating the Bible.
... |
04/26/2009 |
Days of Noah and Lot
This sermon considers the days of Noah and Lot, as referenced by Jesus. Perilous times will come, bu... |
04/19/2009 |
The USA in Bible Prophecy
How does the USA fit into Bible prophecy?... |
04/12/2009 |
In the Lion's Den
This sermon is about the story of Daniel in the lion's den. Daniel's dedication to God is shown when... |
03/29/2009 |
Gender and Discipleship
Were there women disciples of Jesus?... |
03/15/2009 |
Understanding Tongues
What does it really mean to "speak in tongues"? God is not the author of confusion.... |
03/01/2009 |
Nicodemus: Born Again
Can we have all the trappings of religion, but our hearts are not born again?... |
02/22/2009 |
The Day of the Lord
This sermon from the "Here We Stand" series is titled "The Day of the Lord." What does the Bible say... |
02/15/2009 |
Miraculous Medicine, Part 2
There is a lot of sickness in the world despite the advances in medical knowledge. We should treat... |
02/08/2009 |
Miraculous Medicine, Part 1
There is a lot of sickness in the world despite the advances in medical knowledge. We should treat ... |
02/01/2009 |
Abiding Vine
There are two choices. We have to learn what it means to abide in Christ to have a vital relationsh... |
06/15/2008 |
The Care and Feeding of Your Conscience
The subject of your conscience focuses on understanding your self and what your values are. It is an... |
06/08/2008 |
Armageddon Countdown
What is Armageddon? Many people think that Armageddon is an ominous battle that is destructive and ... |
05/11/2008 |
Elijah's Return
The Bible says the same way that John the Baptist prepared the world for Jesus' first coming, there ... |
05/04/2008 |
The Millennium of Peace, Part 2
After Jesus comes again there will be 1,000 years of peace while Satan is imprisoned and his true ch... |
04/27/2008 |
The Millennium of Peace, Part 1
After Jesus comes again there will be 1,000 years of peace while Satan is imprisoned and his true ch... |
04/20/2008 |
Solving the Messiah Mystery, Pt. 2
Is Jesus the Messiah? Does He fulfill the hundreds of Old Testament prophecies?... |
02/10/2008 |
Solving the Messiah Mystery, Pt. 1
Is Jesus the Messiah? Does He fulfill the hundreds of Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah?... |
01/27/2008 |
The Dragon and The Woman, Pt. 2
How do we find God's church? Just before Jesus comes back everyone will be separated into one of tw... |
01/20/2008 |
The Dragon and The Woman, Pt. 1
Did God make the devil? Where did the devil come from? If God is more powerful than the devil, why... |
01/13/2008 |
Second Coming or Second Chance?
People missed the prophecies of Jesus' first coming. Will they miss Him again?... |
08/12/2007 |
Predestination, Free Will and Security
This sermon deals with the topic of salvation, predestination, and freewill. Does salvation truly sa... |
07/22/2007 |
Lazarus Come Forth
Here is the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead. It is not only the story of God's power but... |
07/08/2007 |
Extravagant Giving
Is God's gift of salvation extravagant?... |
06/24/2007 |
The Mystery of Israel
What is the role of Israel today? It is constantly in the headlines and still considered to be a hol... |
06/03/2007 |
The Great Judgment
God wants everyone to be saved. He already knows what we will choose, but we do have a choice.... |
05/20/2007 |
Has Holy Wedlock Become Unholy Deadlock?
The reason so many marriages fail today is because people marry somebody for what they can do for th... |
04/15/2007 |
God's Health Plan
Does God really care about what we eat or drink or our health in general? Does the Bible say anythin... |
04/08/2007 |
Deadly Delusions (2007)
What does the Bible teach about death?... |
02/25/2007 |
Days of Destiny, Pt. 6: Parting Words
The final episode in the Days of Destiny series, studying Jesus' final words before ascending to Hea... |
06/17/2006 |
Days of Destiny, Pt. 5: Resurrection
A study focusing on the resurrection of Jesus.... |
05/27/2006 |
Days of Destiny, Pt. 4: Calvary
Follow Jesus through the scenes of the cross.... |
05/13/2006 |
Days of Destiny, Pt. 3: Accused and Abused
The third in a six part series on the final scenes of Christ's life on earth. This begins with the b... |
04/29/2006 |
Days of Destiny, Pt. 2: Gethsemane
The final teachings of Jesus... |
04/22/2006 |
Days of Destiny, Pt. 1: The Last Supper
A study of the Last Supper to teach us more about Jesus.... |
04/15/2006 |
How to Keep the Sabbath
Does the Bible say anything about how to keep the Sabbath? Is it a holiday or a Holy Day and how sh... |
11/02/2003 |