Your gifts to Amazing Facts—a multifaceted, soul-winning ministry—proclaim the imminent return of Jesus and help people to know Christ and His truth. Your support provides people the biblical answers they need to develop a personal relationship with Jesus.
You can advance the gospel in many ways through Amazing Facts:
• Make a Cash Gift. You can bring the joy of Christ into someone’s life through Champions of Truth, our automatic monthly giving program, or through a one-time gift. You can give via wire transfer, check, bank account, and credit card—or send a gift in by postal mail to P.O. Box 1058, Roseville, CA 95678. You can print and mail this form to designate where you would like your gift to be used. You can also call in your donation Monday – Thursday from 8:30am to 6:00pm Pacific at 1-877-506-1751.
• Make a Non-Cash Gift . Share the gospel by donating real estate, stock, vehicles, or precious resources that Amazing Facts can convert into souls for God’s everlasting kingdom.
• Make a Deferred Gift . You can designate Amazing Facts as a beneficiary on your retirement account, life insurance, will, trust, charitable remainder trust, or gift annuity—making an eternal legacy of what God has blessed you with over your lifetime.

Ongoing Programs
• Television : Help broadcast Amazing Facts TV programs on cable and satellite networks all around the world—reaching more than two billion households worldwide!
• Radio : Support Bible Answers Live, a live call-in radio program hosted by Pastor Doug and carried on more than 100 stations around North America. It’s heard every Sunday at 7:00pm Pacific.
• Training : Provide dynamic training for lay people, Bible workers, and churches wanting to become effective soul-winners for Jesus.
• Internet : Make powerful Christian resources freely available to online seekers, including streamed video and audio, inspiring books, and articles.
• Bible School: Provide free Bible studies to individuals, many of whom are in jails and maximum security prisons, looking for a deeper walk with Christ through our correspondence and online Bible School.
• Publishing : Give seekers in-depth information on a variety of Bible topics through hundreds of books and CDs/DVDs, which address the most commonly asked spiritual questions.
• Local Evangelism : Send highly trained and experienced teams of evangelists to give gospel, revival, and prophecy seminars throughout North America and the world.
• International Evangelism : Support large-scale worldwide evangelism outreach via Internet, satellite, and live events in places like Indonesia, Africa, Australia, Brazil, India, Philippines, and China.
Special Projects : God opens doors to timely opportunities to advance His work. These projects focus on specific well-timed ways to share God’s end-time message with the world.
P.S. Stay Informed! Sign up for our monthly ministry eNewsletter to learn about our latest soul-winning initiatives.