Walking in Their Shoes

What’s it like to walk the dusty roads and climb the hills of Uganda’s villages as an Amazing Facts Bible worker? To find out, follow along as the volunteers from one AFCOE Africa evangelistic team report on their weekly activities.

Gabriel and the Angel

In the far northeastern part of Uganda is a region called Karamoja—about 27,000 kilometers of territory considered by travel agencies to be one of the most undiscovered areas in the country.

One of the prominent towns in this region is Moroto, of which it could be said, as it was of Nazareth, “Can anything good come out of Moroto?” Most of the town’s more than 16,000 residents are addicted to a local illicit brew, something they use as freely as water.

Into this “Nazareth” of Uganda a star of hope arose. An AFCOE Africa evangelist arrived with his team of Bible workers to conduct evangelistic meetings. Because Moroto is such a hotbed of crime, even some of the residents feared for the safety of the newly arrived missionaries.

Despite the insecurity and unrest, God kept the team of soul-winners safe, and He led them to many honest-hearted locals who were longing for a better life. One of those locals was a man named Gabriel, a devout Roman Catholic.

Over a year before Amazing Facts came to Moroto, Gabriel had a dream in which an angel spoke to him. The angel said God would remove him from a bad work environment, and immediately after losing his job, God would send someone from a far distance to teach him the way of life from the Bible. For more than a year, Gabriel waited for the dream to be fulfilled. Meanwhile, the pressure from his work increased, leaving him no time to attend church.

One evening, after returning home from an exasperating day at work, he fell on his knees and prayed, “Lord, give me a better job. This job allows me no time for worship, and there is too much exploitation, abuse, and corruption in the workplace. I cannot manage these conditions much longer.”

Upon arriving at work the next morning, Gabriel received a notice that left him dazed: He had been fired and was to remove his things from the office immediately. No reason was given. As he gathered up his belongings, he wondered if this was God’s answer to his prayer from the night before.

When Gabriel returned home, he told his wife he had been fired and then, without knowing why, asked her to set two chairs outside in front of the house. After putting his things away, he sat down in one of those chairs, wondering what to do next. It was then that Evanson, one of the Bible Workers for Amazing Facts in Uganda, approached him to ask if he would be interested in Bible studies.

Evanson sat down in the empty chair and introduced himself as a missionary from Kenya. As he showed Gabriel a Storacles of Prophecy lesson, Gabriel remembered his dream. “This is it!” he thought. “Today I lost my job, and this very day someone from a far distance has come to teach me the way of life from the Bible.” Eagerly, Gabriel accepted the offer to study with Evanson.

That morning was the beginning of a new life for Gabriel, who would learn many truths from the Bible. When he learned the truth about baptism, he made his decision to get baptized by immersion. At the conclusion of the evangelistic series, he was among a group of more than 50 people who were “buried” in water. He was born again, and his life was filled with joy and satisfaction.

Today, Gabriel is the office clerk at the local Sabbath-keeping church. He is also an active Bible worker, having learned how to give Bible studies from an Amazing Facts Bible worker who remained in Moroto for follow-up.

Timothy and the Prophetess

Eighteen-year-old Timothy grew up surrounded by religious forms and ceremonies. His father was a Catholic priest, and his mother was a Pentecostal prophetess who led a large church in Yambio, South Sudan. Timothy’s mother still claims to be sent of God to teach the people of her region the importance of strictly observing Sunday and Friday as religious holidays. She has many followers who believe her to be a prophetess. The ones who fail to live up to her requirements are punished with fines or something worse—even for such a minor infraction as being late for church.

In the providence of God, Timothy began attending a local Sabbath-keeping school. During Bible classes, he was astonished to discover that his father’s Catholicism and his mother’s Pentecostalism were not in harmony with the Bible. He especially began to compare the teachings of his mother’s church to God’s Word. The more he studied, the more he was convinced that the Sabbath-keeping church was teaching the truth and his mother’s church was not.

When Amazing Facts Africa launched a prophecy seminar in his town, Timothy was determined to attend every meeting. His mother was extremely displeased when she found out. In her mind, her son was to succeed her as the next prophet in her church. She tried every avenue to keep him from attending, but her efforts were fruitless except for one night during the entire series.

During the meetings, Timothy was delighted to discover truth so plainly taught in the Bible. When AFCOE Africa evangelist Alison shared the topic of “Modern Prophets,” Timothy became convinced that he needed to leave his mother’s church and become a Sabbath-keeper. That night, he made his decision to be baptized and to follow all the truths he had been learning from God’s Word.

At the conclusion of the series, young Timothy was among the group who sealed their decision for Christ in baptism. He told the evangelist, “I want to get even more acquainted with the Word of God and with Jesus Christ so that I can share Him with others.”

The young convert paid dearly for his decision. The day after his baptism, his mother gathered all the elders of her church for a council meeting and ordered her son to attend. At the meeting, the elders tried to pressure him into returning to his mother’s church. They finally gave him an ultimatum—either recant the Sabbath faith and return to his mother’s religion or leave home and lose all support, including help for school fees. Refusing to recant, Timothy was ordered to pack his belongings in preparation for leaving home.

Later that evening, his parents brought him to the local Adventist church. They told the pastor that Timothy’s new faith could no longer exist with theirs in the same compound. They were turning their son over to the Sabbath-keeping church to care for him.

Today, Timothy lives with the local pastor in South Sudan. He actively helps with church work and local soul-winning activities in the area. Please pray that God will bless Timothy for his commitment and continue to guide his future.

Ronald (Evangelist & Team Leader):

While doing Bible Study Interest Surveys, God led Ronald to the home of the village chairperson (similar to the city mayor), and he began studying with his children. The chairperson was not happy to see Ronald studying with his family, that is, until a few weeks later.

When Ronald arrived for the Bible study, he found the village chairperson’s wife sick with malaria. They prayed together for God’s healing, and the next morning, when Ronald returned to the home, she informed him that God had miraculously healed her!

She was very excited about the cure and told her husband that God had healed her of malaria, in direct answer to Ronald’s prayer. This incident softened the heart of the village chairperson, and now he is always happy to see Ronald studying the Bible with his family. Thank God for the healing wrought in this woman’s life. It opened up more doors for ministry in that village.

You may never have the chance to step foot on the continent of Africa to share Bible studies like these Amazing Facts Bible workers and evangelists. But your prayers and faithful support are what keep them walking, working, and carrying the message of salvation to those who are in darkness. From the highlands and lowlands of Africa, Amazing Facts missionaries send their grateful thanks to you for your support!

Conversion of a “Child Witch” in Congo

Ann was only nine years old when her grandmother initiated her into the rituals and sacrifices of witchcraft. 

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, where Ann lives, witchcraft is common. Ann was given an orange and a piece of bread and led out in the darkness of night to a shrine of witches. Following her initiation, Ann and other child witches were assigned to go to different homes in the region to lay charms and cast spells on the targeted family members. Using the power of evil spirits, these child witches would create conflict, sickness, and even death on those that they cursed.

Ann’s first assignment from her grandmother was to target her own mother. Following the instructions, Ann performed the incantations and charms against her mother. She was amazed at how well they worked. Severe conflict began between her mother and father, and eventually, Ann’s mother lost her reason. She left her husband, home, and children and began to wander the streets of Kinshasa.

After her mother ran away, Ann’s father eventually remarried and moved 2,000 kilometers from Kinshasa to Likasi, a city near the southern border of Congo. It was here in Likasi that Ann—now 14—discovered Amazing Facts and was delivered from witchcraft.

With five years of experience as a witch, Ann was given the assignment in 2023 to again create conflict within her own home between her father and stepmother. Her spell was working well, there was fierce conflict in Ann’s home, when one day her stepmother received an invitation to attend a Bible prophecy series. Not only did Ann’s stepmother decide to attend, but so did Ann and her father.

That night, as the truths of God’s Word were presented by an Amazing Facts evangelist, Ann and her parents were convicted that the Bible had the answers to the problems and struggles they were facing in life. They decided to return the next night.

Ann began to see a better, brighter future than casting spells and causing conflict, disease, and death. Surrendering her life to Christ and serving Him seemed so much more appealing and peaceful than serving evil spirits. 

When the meetings were nearing their conclusion, Ann invited the speaker to visit her home. In the presence of the evangelist and a local church elder, Ann confessed to her father and stepmother the dark chapter of witchcraft she had been hiding in her life. She confessed to the conflict and pain that she had brought to their home through the agency of evil spirits and asked them to forgive her. Then Ann stated her decision to renounce witchcraft to serve and follow Christ. Together with the evangelist, the whole family knelt and prayed together.

A few days later, Ann and her stepmother joined many other candidates who took the step of baptism and became members of the church. Thanks to the mission of Amazing Facts in Africa, Ann is no longer a child witch but a child of God!

Thank you for your prayers and support of Amazing Facts evangelists and Bible workers in Africa!

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