Religion in Relationships | Sabbath School Study Hour
Religion in Relationships | Sabbath School Study Hour
Quarterly: Religion in Relationships. You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (30 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.

Duration: 60 minutes.

Program Listings for Religion in Relationships (Audio)


How to Relate to Non-Christians

How should Christians relate to people of non-Christian faiths?...

Religion in the Workplace

With God's guiding principles, we can glorify Him through our workplace relationships....

Parenthood - Joys and Responsibilities

Parenthood has blessings, but also challenges. The Bible has advice....

Supporting Our Leaders

The Bible calls us to submit to authorities and support our leaders....

Respect for Authorities

The Bible helps guide those living in the world but not of the world....

Marriage Is Not Out-of-Date

Biblical principles for marriage to build a healthy home....

Embracing the World

God wants His church to send His message to the whole world....

Love Our Enemies?

Christ calls His followers to love their enemies....

Honor Your Father and Your Mother

A look at the fifth commandment....


Biblical teachings about friendship....

Brothers and Sisters in the Faith

We are all siblings in Christ, but church families often face conflict from within....

Christ's Other Sheep

The Bible helps us understand how to relate to Christians of other faiths....