Jesus Through the Eyes of Mark | Sabbath School Study Hour
Jesus Through the Eyes of Mark | Sabbath School Study Hour
Quarterly: Jesus Through the Eyes of Mark. You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (60 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.

Duration: 60 minutes.

Program Listings for Jesus Through the Eyes of Mark (Audio)


Buried—But Risen!

Christ is buried but rises again! He appears to many after His resurrection to announce God's triump...

Introducing Jesus, The Son of God

Each gospel emphasizes a different aspect of Christ's ministry. Here we look at Mark's....

Predictions of the End

Jesus foretells of the fall of Jerusalem and of His return to bring an end to sin....

Teaching The Disciples

Christ's apostles can't drive out certain demons, and Jesus teaches on divorce and riches....

By Galilee

The next phase of Christ's ministry brings Him to the Sea of Galilee and its surrounding areas....

Confrontation In Galilee

Christ's popularity reaches a turning point with the feeding of the 5,000, and controversy follows H...

Amazing Miracle Worker

Mark's gospel launches directly into stories of Jesus actively engaged in ministry....

Betrayed and Arrested

Judas betrays Jesus and His other apostles scatter after His arrest....

The Final Journey

The last week of Christ's life begins....

Sabbath Healings and Hard Hearts

Christ's ministry continues with lessons about the Sabbath, ministry, and remaining faithful amidst ...

Last Days in the Temple

Christ's final Tuesday before His death is filled with conflict from every angle....

The Passion Predicted

Christ's ministry continues with a prediction of His death and the transfiguration on the mountain....

Tried and Crucified

Christ is tried, beaten and crucified, all in fulfillment of the Scriptures....