Expanding Work in Africa

Amazing Facts has grown beyond Kenya and Uganda! Bible workers are now working in South Sudan and reaching Muslim hearts. Learn about Ibrahim’s conversion and other changed lives made possible by you.

The Call of Ibrahim

Ibrahim  grew up as a Muslim in South Sudan. As a child, he attended an Islamic school, where he studied the Quran. He was forbidden to study Western ideas, and he spent many hours memorizing the text of the Quran. The education he received was to prepare him to be a sheik or an imam.IMAGE-DESCRIPTION-HERE

While in school, Ibrahim was taught to regard Jesus as one of the prophets. He discovered several verses in the Quran that mentioned Jesus. He had an interest to know more, and he wondered how the prophet Jesus compared with the prophet Mohammed.

Ibrahim read in the Quran that Mohammed had died, and yet in the same Quran, he read that Jesus had ascended to heaven. “That means Jesus is alive,”  he thought.

He also read in the Quran that Jesus would come again to the earth and would resurrect the dead. Ibrahim longed to know more about the prophet Jesus. It seemed to him that this Jesus must be a very wonderful and powerful prophet, maybe even more powerful than Mohammed.

As the years passed, Ibrahim continued studying and memorizing the Quran, but the more he studied, the more discontented he became with the Muslim religion. He had read in the Quran about the “people of the book,” and that Mohammed had said that if anyone wants to know more about God’s way, let him ask the “people of the book”—a reference to Christians. The more Ibrahim thought about it, the more he wanted to get his hands on “the book,” the Bible, and read it for himself.

Eventually, Ibrahim managed to get a Bible, which he began studying in secret. He started by reading the Gospel  of Mathew, and as he read about the life of Jesus, he was convinced that Christ was indeed an extraordinary prophet. The more he read about Jesus, the more he felt drawn to Him.

Losing all interest in the Quran, Ibrahim turned fully to the Bible. He determined that He would accept Christ as his Savior and become a Christian, whatever the cost to him personally.

After leaving Islam, however, Ibrahim was dismayed at the confusing array of Christian churches. At first, he considered joining the Catholic Church, but seeing all the idols venerated in the Catholic religion, he decided he could never become Catholic.

Eventually, he joined an Episcopal church and was baptized by sprinkling, but the sprinkling left him unsatisfied because he had read in the Bible that Jesus went down into the Jordan River when He was baptized.

Ibrahim’s church began training him to be a local evangelist, a position he served in for three years. But he was still unsatisfied. He kept seeing inconsistencies between what the church taught and what he read in his Bible. Finally, Ibrahim decided to leave the Episcopal faith and join a local Pentecostal church.

It was at this time of transition when Ibrahim received an invitation to attend a Bible prophecy seminar conducted by a Sudanese evangelist named Alison, an Amazing Facts volunteer working in South Sudan. Someone told him that the meetings were connected with the Adventist Church. Ibrahim had heard of it and was curious to know what they teach and what makes them different from other churches.

At the first meeting, Ibrahim was amazed to see how the Bible had predicted the rise and fall of the great empires of history. He recognized that the prophecy series was different from anything he had ever heard or studied. He was determined not to miss a meeting.

IMAGE-DESCRIPTION-HEREAfter just two weeks of listening to the Amazing Facts evangelist explain the Word of God, Ibrahim was convinced that he had found the truth and the true church. He decided that he must become an Adventist.

Two weeks later at the conclusion of a month-long evangelistic effort, Ibrahim had learned and accepted all the Bible truths presented. He and 70 other candidates were baptized by immersion in a local river.

After his baptism, Ibrahim said something to the Amazing Facts evangelist that every Sabbath-keeper should thoughtfully ponder. He said, “If Adventists would live their message, very many who are now Muslims would accept Jesus Christ and join the church.”IMAGE-DESCRIPTION-HERE

He also told the evangelist that there are many Muslims who are unsatisfied with their religion, but they hesitate to leave Islam because they are confused by the multiplicity of Christian churches and their conflicting creeds.

Ibrahim’s desire now is to seek and win his fellow Muslims to the truths of God’s Word that he has discovered. Pray that God will use him as a mighty witness to bring many other Muslims to Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your prayers and support of Amazing Facts evangelism in South Sudan—and other countries on the continent of Africa!

Daniel’s Band

The Kaptoror community in Kenya has one high school, which is sponsored by the Catholic Church. Our Amazing Facts Bible workers approached the school’s officials to request permission to give Bible studies to students. They were initially granted permission, but after learning that the workers were Sabbath-keepers, the local priest barred the program.

Mr. Saustin, a leader from the local Sabbath-keeping church, decided to take a risk and shared some Amazing Facts Storacles lessons and coloring books with students who had already shown an interest. Initially, there was a group of five students who met after school in the evenings to study the booklets.

After a while, two students wanted to be baptized. A request was made to the Catholic school, and they granted permission. This motivated even more students to join the Bible study group, and soon, there were eleven students who wanted to be baptized.

Please pray for the students who plan to approach the school administration next year and request that they be allowed to have their own worship services.

Thank you for supporting Amazing Facts Africa. Your gifts make it possible for our evangelists and Bible workers to touch lives in hard-to-reach places.

Seeking a New Life

The Kaptoror community in Kenya has one high school, which is sponsored by the Catholic Church. Our Amazing Facts Bible workers approached the school’s officials to request permission to give Bible studies to students. They were initially granted permission, but after learning that the workers were Sabbath-keepers, the local priest barred the program.


Mr. Saustin, a leader from the local Sabbath-keeping church, decided to take a risk and shared some Amazing Facts Storacles lessons and coloring books with students who had already shown an interest. Initially, there was a group of five students who met after school in the evenings to study the booklets.


After a while, two students wanted to be baptized. A request was made to the Catholic school, and they granted permission. This motivated even more students to join the Bible study group, and soon, there were eleven students who wanted to be baptized.


Please pray for the students who plan to approach the school administration next year and request that they be allowed to have their own worship services.


Thank you for supporting Amazing Facts Africa. Your gifts make it possible for our evangelists and Bible workers to touch lives in hard-to-reach places.

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