Multiple Prophecy Seminars Across the Philippines

God is blessing the new TOP3 program that you and your gifts helped launch. TOP stands for Training, Outreach, and Preaching. This three-month program of the Philippines Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism (PAFCOE) resulted in many baptisms in 2023.


You made it possible for 15 prophecy seminars to be conducted throughout the Philippines during the second quarter of 2023, resulting in 221 baptisms. Your caring gifts also trained Bible workers to distribute literature, conduct Bible studies, and hold evangelistic meetings that reached people from all walks of life. During the third quarter, you also made it possible for evangelistic meetings to be held in Capiz, Sipalay, Cauayan, Bukidnon, Bayawan, and Leyte, bringing an additional 154 precious souls to Christ through baptism.

With COVID-19 lockdowns over, our PAFCOE team is preparing for a full-course training in January 2024. Thank you for making possible this four-month evangelism course, which will teach students how to conduct different types of evangelism, such as public, personal, child, health, and literature evangelism. In addition, you will help busy individuals obtain outreach training on the PAFCOE campus for 13 Sundays.

Please watch how God used you and PAFCOE to change another life. Learn how you helped Jeffrey move from confusion to conviction after watching an Amazing Facts program during the pandemic. Click here to watch!

Thank you for being a fellow laborer with PAFCOE! Though Satan tries to cause confusion to lead people away from God, you are working with heaven to bring conviction to many hearts in this beautiful land of islands in the Pacific Ocean.

A Beacon of Hope

IMAGE-DESCRIPTION-HEREJino’s life was a constant struggle. As a young adult, he indulged in alcohol and cigarette smoking. Poverty forced him to abandon his education. He worked hard at a young age just to survive.

When his family told him about the nearby “Revelations of Bible Prophecy” seminar—a series made possible only through your generous support—his desire for a life free from addictions compelled him to attend. In the meetings, Jino learned about the guiding principles of the Ten Commandments and that Jesus was his ultimate hope and Savior. He said, “It was a revelation that touched my heart.”

Jino quit drinking and smoking. He chose to follow Jesus and was baptized. He explains, “It was a declaration of my yearning for salvation, a desire to transform my life and secure a place in heaven alongside Jesus Christ.” What a joy it will be to meet this new friend in heaven!

“I am profoundly grateful,” Jino shares, “to the Amazing Facts ministry for bringing this seminar to our community. Their unwavering dedication to serving the Lord is nothing short of inspiring.” He concludes, “Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for being an instrument of change and renewal in my life!”

Saved From Despair

Jim was a young businessman who was focused solely on his work. He and his partner had a son, but Jim didn’t spend much time focused on his family. After many conflicts, he decided to leave and find work in another town. A month later, his partner moved on with someone else. He was devastated.

But God hadn’t forgotten about Jim. One day, while depressed and sitting on the front steps outside his home, a stranger handed him a flyer and invited him to attend a seminar. He decided to give it a try. After all, it might help him forget his pain and fill some empty hours.

When Jim attended the seminar—conducted by one of the PAFCOE evangelists that you support—he discovered it was something much more than a time filler. He learned about God’s wonderful plan for his life and the hope of following Jesus. He heard that when earthly friends abandon you, Someone in heaven who loves you will never leave you.

Before the seminar, Jim tried to drown his sorrows in alcohol. He used to isolate himself from others and saw his family as enemies. But through your caring gifts, he underwent a transformation. He worked to reconcile with his family and found God would sustain him through any trials.IMAGE-DESCRIPTION-HERE

Jim committed to follow Jesus and His commandments. He made the Bible his guide in life and now cares for his body as God’s temple. He shares, “To the people in this ministry [that includes YOU], I can only say that you were sent by God to rescue me, to illuminate my mind with His love and truth. You showed me that living in Jesus brings happiness, and I now consider you my family, my fellow travelers on this beautiful journey of faith.”

Won’t it be exciting someday to meet brothers and sisters in Christ, friends we were privileged to help find Jesus?

Passion for Mission

When Nemia prayed for her mother’s recovery, God miraculously answered her prayers. As a result, she felt convicted to give her life to Christ in service. Not long after, her sister asked Nemia to help her with a one-month evangelistic meeting with PAFCOE in Caloocan. During this experience, she was drawn to do child evangelism work.IMAGE-DESCRIPTION-HERE

When the one-month series ended, her sister asked if she would enroll in the next PAFCOE student training course, a program you made possible. She says, “I wholeheartedly agreed!” The experience deepened her walk with God, taught her many valuable skills—such as time management—and helped her grow in Christ.

When Nemia graduated, she initially worked with PAFCOE helping with food preparation, Bible work, and conducting evangelistic meetings. After she got married, Nemia and her husband worked with a church plant in Binayoyo to nurture newly baptized members. During this time, this house church was able to construct a new church building. While building the structure, a drunken neighbor tried to stab Nemia’s husband, but God protected him. After finding temporary shelter away from the church, family members of the drunken man showed interest in the Bible and began attending the studies.

Nemia and her husband continue to work in this district. They have conducted three evangelistic series in the last few years and are preparing for another one. Though Satan tries to thwart their work, your ongoing support and prayers are advancing truth to those who are seeking light in a corner of the Philippines. Thank you for remembering our friends in this island nation!

Your earnest prayers for our Amazing Facts team in the Philippines are highly valued. The Lord is doing a powerful work among these beautiful islands. Because of your faithfulness, many hearts are being prepared for the soon coming of Jesus. Thank you for supporting PAFCOE!

Amazing Facts is a non-profit, donor-supported ministry.
We greatly appreciate your prayers and financial support.

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