1st Quarter 2016
Despite many obstacles, by God’s amazing grace, you have now helped more than 216,000 precious souls in China discover life-transforming truth through the videos and links on our Amazing Facts Chinese language website! Here are a few thrilling testimonies that speak to the life-transforming power of your support.
Although Mr. Chen and Mr. Zhang were acquainted, neither of them knew the other was searching for spiritual truth. Mr. Chen had been a Christian for more than a decade. He loved to study the Bible but had questions that his pastor couldn’t seem to answer. In desperation, he began scouring the Internet. One Saturday night he found the Amazing Facts Chinese-language website and was soon watching Cosmic Conflict and Final Events of Bible Prophecy, which answered many of the questions he’d had about the future. Too excited to sleep, he spent the rest of the weekend watching The Most Amazing Prophecies series and other videos. Afterward, he checked the Bible references presented in these videos, came to the conclusion that Saturday is the real Sabbath, and decided to find a like-minded church. At the same time, God had led Mr. Zhang through a similar experience. On one Sabbath, both men found and went to the same church. As surprised as they were to see each other there, they were even more surprised when they discovered they had both been convicted of the Sabbath through Amazing Facts videos!
Big Questions and Big Answers
Mr. Huang accepted the gospel in the Anglican Church in Zhejiang province. As he was studying the Ten Commandments, however, some questions arose in his mind. When he asked his Sunday school teacher why they were worshiping on Sunday instead of the Sabbath, her answer was unconvincing. Mr. Huang determined he would find the truth.
“Praise God,” he says, “I found my answer on the Amazing Facts website.” In just three months he watched all of the available videos. He says, “They have completely changed my life. I have quit smoking, a habit I had for 30 years! I also quit gambling, changed my diet, and I’m planning to move out of the city to the country. Every word and sentence on the Amazing Facts website speaks to my heart!”
Internet Church
Sometimes new believers cannot attend a Sabbath-keeping church because of the distances involved. Ms. Zhu, who has been carefully studying the truth on the Amazing Facts website, is one such person. With no church in her area, she keeps the Sabbath at home by watching Amazing Facts videos and studying website materials.
When Mr. Lei first accepted Christianity, he found the Bible difficult to understand. Thankfully, he discovered the Most Amazing Prophecies series on the Internet and also located our website, which he found very exciting. He says, “Visiting your website has become my hobby. Pastor Doug’s preaching is dramatic and clear; it helped me a lot. The fulfillment of prophecy has helped me realize that God truly exists and is by my side. Praise Him!” Mr. Lei is now preparing for baptism.
A New Home
There are many home churches in China, and it’s especially thrilling when a group has the opportunity to explore new truths together. Ms. Lu writes, “My husband and I attend a small home church with only eight members. Last December, I found a link for The Most Amazing Prophecies series on my brother’s Wechat page. At our home church we spent two months playing the sermons for our worship services. After we played the video ‘Worshiping Babylon,’ we all agreed that since God’s Sabbath day is on Saturday, then we should worship on Saturday.” From that time on this small church group has been worshiping on the true Sabbath day. Ms. Lu extends her gratitude to Amazing Facts and all its supporters “for helping people like us in faraway places to see the truth of the Bible.”
Can you see, friend, why we are praising God for your genuine concern and love for others as shown through your steadfast partnership with Amazing Facts? And with your help, we will continue reaching out to our brothers and sisters across the great land of China and beyond!
Amazing Facts: God Turns a Mistake Into a Blessing

It’s incredible the ways in which God can turn a mistake into a blessing. When it came time for the fifth printing of the Amazing Facts Study Guide books in China, the printer outsourced the job, and the second printing house printed in black and white instead of color. The original printer offered to sell them to Amazing Facts China at a greatly reduced price. But, unexpectedly, the second printing house refused to sell the books. Why? Partly because the second printer discovered the original printer was trying to make a profit from his error. At that point, the father of the second printer, who is a member of a Sunday-keeping church, told his son, “Don’t sell them these books. I’d like to give them as a gift to our church.” Our worker reports, “Praise God! He used this mistake to help a Sunday church see truth!”

The thriving Philippines Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism recently graduated 31 students from the iShare, Bible Worker Intern, and full course training programs. Last November and December, teams spread out across the Philippines to conduct the Prophecies of Hope seminar. One person to benefit from this series was Eliseo Nulla. After being invited, he desperately wanted to attend but couldn’t without help because he is blind. A friend led him to the meetings each night. Delighted to learn Bible truth, Eliseo chose to follow Jesus all the way. Since his baptism, the Lord has lifted the depression caused by his blindness, and he looks forward with great anticipation to satisfying his greatest desire. He says, “With my eyes wide open, I will soon see Jesus face to face.”
YOUR IMPACT: TBN Reaching the World

After three years of prayer and through your dedicated support, Amazing Facts programs can now be seen on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, the third largest in the world. While this network covers 98 percent of the United States, the even better news is that it reaches more than two billion people internationally, including cities in France, Australia, India, and the Philippines!
YOUR IMPACT: Praise Report!

- Because of your faithfulness, Amazing Facts programs are now being seen on Australia 7 Network, the highest-rated TV network in Australia.
- Out of the four million new visitors to AmazingFacts.org last year, nearly 1.5 million came from outside North America—including Cuba, Netherlands, and even North Korea!
- In the last quarter, Pastor Doug preached to thousands of seekers in Budapest, Hungary, in January, and in February, he shared messages of revival and Bible training with AFCOE in South Africa! Thank you for helping God’s message go global!