Sharing True Peace

July 01, 2024   |   Read More

Reflecting His Light

Posted on Apr 01, 2024
According to Jesus, His followers are “the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14) who reflect His love to ...

Total Transformation

Posted on Jan 01, 2024
Scripture urges us, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, ...

Growing Souls for His Kingdom

Posted on Jul 01, 2023
The Bible says we should “desire the pure milk of the word, that [we] may grow thereby” (1 Peter 2:2)—and ...

Bringing Good News

Posted on Apr 01, 2023
God’s Word declares, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news” (Isaiah ...

Sharing the Living Water

Posted on Jan 01, 2023
I’m so grateful for the river of kindness flowing from your heart as you join hands with Jesus and Amazing ...

Sharing the Best News

Posted on Jul 01, 2022
Through your faithful stand with Amazing Facts International, you are working with the Lord to share ...

Rescued to Rescue

Posted on Apr 01, 2022
I deeply appreciate your faithful partnership with the Lord and Amazing Facts International in rescuing ...

Into His Light

Posted on Jan 01, 2022
I’m so grateful that despite the spiritual darkness intensifying worldwide, you’ve chosen to work alongside ...

Sharing Hope in Troubled Times

Posted on Jul 01, 2021
As the tribulations on our troubled planet increase daily, hurting people are overwhelmed with the growing ...

From Old Leaks to New Life

Posted on Apr 01, 2021
Many today are desperately chasing worldly excitement, hoping to fill the void in their Christ-less ...

Saved Through the Storm

Posted on Jan 01, 2021
The global pandemic did not make 2020 a year to remember for most people, as multitudes lived in a constant ...

A Voice on the Radio

Posted on Jul 01, 2020
The chaos raging across our planet is oppressing people everywhere and draining hope from their hearts. ...

Light in the Darkness

Posted on Apr 01, 2020
The past few months have brought unprecedented changes to our world. For millions, it has become a darker, ...

Transformed by Love

Posted on Jan 01, 2020
Over the past quarter, you’ve brought transformation to thousands of hurting souls through Spirit-filled, ...

The Missing Piece

Posted on Jul 01, 2019
After his early success in sales, Bill’s life looked great on the surface.

Transformed by TRUTH

Posted on Apr 01, 2019
As a young adult, Ashlee became weary of living a double life and needed to make a change.

Live On The Edge

Posted on Jan 01, 2019
With a chiseled face and rugged good looks, Andrew seems more likely to be a model or an actor than ...

Coming Full Circle

Posted on Jul 01, 2018
Like so many children do in our culture, Dee grew up in a difficult home. His parents divorced when ...

From Atheist to Child of God

Posted on Apr 01, 2018
Santosh grew up in India’s upper caste in a mixed religious home. His father was agnostic, while his ...

New Life With Old Scars

Posted on Jan 01, 2018
Chris vividly remembers the Ten Commandments plaque that hung in his parent’s house when he was young. ...

A New Look at God

Posted on Jul 01, 2017
Daniel was raised in a devout Catholic family in Slovakia. His country was under communist rule at the ...

From Hopelessness to a New Life

Posted on Apr 01, 2017
Rica’s early childhood was one that many would consider perfect. She was treated as a princess, and ...

If He Can Witness, SO CAN YOU!

Posted on Jan 01, 2017
Shortly after Giggy’s third birthday, he began to act oddly. The French bulldog would sit for a minute ...

Into His Marvelous Light

Posted on Apr 01, 2016
Tim Jones’s journey into God’s amazing truths has been full of mountaintops and valleys that testify ...

God's Grace in China

Posted on Jan 01, 2016
Despite many obstacles, by God’s amazing grace, you have now helped more than 216,000 precious souls ...