1st Quarter 2017
Shortly after Giggy’s third birthday, he began to act oddly. The French bulldog would sit for a minute then get up; then he’d sit for another minute and get up. He went on like this for an hour, and it was obvious he needed medical attention. Over the next 24 hours, Giggy went from normal to paralyzed in his hind legs. The veterinarian didn’t understand what happened but told Mike and Spring, his owners, to be prepared for Giggy to live only a couple more days.
Shortly after Giggy’s third birthday, he began to act oddly. The French bulldog would sit for a minute then get up; then he’d sit for another minute and get up. He went on like this for an hour, and it was obvious he needed medical attention. Over the next 24 hours, Giggy went from normal to paralyzed in his hind legs. The veterinarian didn’t understand what happened but told Mike and Spring, his owners, to be prepared for Giggy to live only a couple more days.
“That was many months ago,” Mike says, “and Giggy,” who now uses a doggy wheelchair to get around, “has become an attraction to all who see him. More than an attraction, too, for he opens the door for us to invite those who are curious for a Bible study.”
As one could imagine, the family was devastated when Giggy got desperately sick, wondering why God allowed this to happen to an innocent pet. “The following Sabbath, the speaker taught that God might allow certain things to happen to eventually bring about something good. Over the next several days, my wife and I began to praise God that it wasn’t worse and reversed our negative emotions toward our heavenly Father.
"Through this event we discovered that we had placed God on the shelf. We were heartbroken at the chasm that had developed between us and the One who died for us.” They recommitted themselves to God and promised to devote their lives to His service, even if to bring just one person to Jesus.
The Lord wasted no time accepting their commitment, which was obvious when Mike and Spring received a call from a traveling nurse agency to which she had never even applied. “When you pray in sincerity and claim that you will go anywhere at any time, you’d better start packing your bags!”
Their first task was to obtain a truck and an RV. “Not many apartments will allow two full-grown Boxers, a French Bulldog in a wheelchair, and a large cat.” Soon they made the long haul from Huntington, West Virginia, to Texas and arrived at an RV park in north Houston. “During the second week, we were impressed to begin some Bible studies,” Mike shares. “However, I had no material nor idea on how to begin. We earnestly prayed that we would be given instruction and wisdom.
The very next Sabbath at the Spring Creek Church, we met Pastor Robson and he stood at the front with ten large packages.” He announced that the packages contained materials to begin a home Bible study.
“This was the answer to my prayer; it gave me chills.” Inside the package were Amazing Facts Study Guides and Amazing Health Facts! magazines. “With newfound confidence, my wife and I got to work. Over the following two weeks, each time we were out walking Giggy, people would come over and want to see him in his wheelchair.
Through this interaction, we were able to get the health magazines out to numerous residents and share Jesus.”After moving to another RV park, they discovered the Landmarks of Prophecy video series online and downloaded the free advertising materials. They also created Bible study invitations the size of business cards. As before, Giggy attracted people from all over the park and they passed out cards to as many people as possible.
“The first week that we hosted the series, two seekers showed up. The next week there were three. During the meeting, we found out that Patricia and Ken, two of those attending, had been praying about a Bible study for some time. Patricia had wanted to begin a group study but had no idea how. She knew God had answered her prayers and collectively our faith grew.”
Patricia and Ken not only accepted the truth presented through the Landmarks of Prophecy series, but they have decided to continue sharing the series at the same RV park and with others they may visit in the future.And it’s your generous heart that make the power-packed Amazing Facts Study Guides—now newly updated—plus our many other outreach programs and materials available to thousands of seekers and sharers each year!
Millions of people still need to learn the truth about God. That’s why we thank you for helping to open doors of truth to people through our many websites and TV broadcasts. Your gifts are moving hearts everywhere!
AFCOE Creates Waves in Puerto Rico
Because of your generous support, 20 new AFCOE graduates flew to Puerto Rico in December to present the gospel at nine different sites around the beautiful city of Ponce. Pastor Doug kicked off the opening week of the Prophecy Speaks Hope seminars with a large rally.Students then conducted meetings, assisted in two church and school construction projects, taught health classes, and provided children’s programs.
On the night Gil, an AFCOE student, was to speak on baptism, everything that could go wrong went wrong. The decision cards were not passed out at the right time and it started raining at the altar call.
It poured down on the metal roof of their building and was so loud people could not hear him speak! So Gil prayed for guidance and then asked those who wanted to be baptized to stand. People heard his voice above the storm and streamed forward, some with tears streaming down their cheeks.
On the last Sabbath all the speakers, members, and guests from each site gathered for a large baptismal service. Your support led 57 precious souls into the waters of baptism!
Isn’t the Lord so good? God takes your wonderful, heartfelt gifts and stretches them beyond what anyone could ever imagine! Heaven pours out blessings in so many different ways. Thank you for being a powerful ally of Amazing Facts for the kingdom of God!
Miracles in the Philippines
Your partnership with Amazing Facts often produces a ripple effect of souls brought to the Lord. On December 7, 2016, the Philippines Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism celebrated its tenth graduating class, including fourteen full-course trainees and five Bible workers. One of those who found Jesus through their dedicated work was Christine Laraño. Soon after her baptism, another prophecy seminar was held in her community, and she spent many hours handing out flyers and inviting as many people as she could to attend the seminar—including her mother and a close friend. Christine was ecstatic when, after the month-long seminar, both ladies chose to give their lives to Jesus. Even her father who did not attend was positively influenced and is now taking Bible studies. Praise God!
At another PAFCOE prophecy series, an altar call brought Romulo and his daughter toward the front. As they walked, someone from the audience dashed forward to give him a warm embrace—his brother who had been praying for him! While still attending the meetings, Romulo began to invite others, starting with his son, who gladly came; two of his children were attending the children’s program. Philippines Flag Romulo feared that his Catholic wife would resist the truth, but she had been listening to the meetings from across the street where they owned a small store. Toward the end of the series, she began to attend. And when the last altar call came, Romulo, his wife, and three others from his family chose to make Jesus the ultimate Ruler of their lives!
USA Network News

You helped Amazing Facts step forward and broadcast on one of the largest channels in North America—the USA Network. We’re now seen in nearly 93 million homes each Sunday at 7:00am. Thank you for helping to share God’s last-day message in more places than ever before!
Praise Report!
In just the first four weeks of this year, 4,253 people called Amazing Facts requesting more Bible truth after seeing one of our television programs, and 112 called us after hearing one of our radio programs. In the same time period, individuals came 1,124,458 times looking for more Bible answers on one of our truth-sharing websites.
Our Bible School continues to thrive, with 41,183 new seekers enrolling in our mail or online courses in 2016. There were 5,578 graduates completing the whole course, with over 1,800 expressing an interest in being baptized! Praise the Lord!
With the help of financial partners like you, we recently produced a brand new, three-part series entitled Islam, Christianity & Prophecy, which will soon be available for purchase in our online bookstore at afbookstore.com.