3rd Quarter 2017
Daniel was raised in a devout Catholic family in Slovakia. His country was under communist rule at the time, but despite persecution at work and school, he and his family faithfully attended church every Sunday.
Most of what Daniel learned was straight from the catechism. “I do not remember even one priest referring to the Bible while teaching us kids,” he says.
As he grew older, Daniel never read the Bible. Instead, he trusted the priests to explain the truth to him. “I was relying on them too much. My argument was: They know. They’ve studied the topic. They must know better than me. That was a mistake.”
By college, Daniel had a deep desire to understand the Bible, but he couldn’t find anyone to explain to him. Eventually, he began to question many of the ritualistic ceremonies of his church—and even wondered about the God who apparently wanted people to do those things. How could these things ever really help him be a better person? It made no sense. “No answers were coming.”
A New Outlook
After moving his family to the United Kingdom for a few years to work as an engineer, Daniel moved back and settled into a comfortable life in Slovakia. Yet something kept telling him something wasn’t right with his spiritual life. Soon Daniel began reading religious literature and looking at websites that explained the book of Revelation, but he didn’t know what to trust.
Then one day, Daniel discovered one of Pastor Doug’s sermons on YouTube. He began to watch, “skeptically at first,” but he was impressed with the way Pastor Doug held a Bible in his hand and referred to it throughout the message.
Daniel then compared everything Pastor Doug said with his own Bible. “Everything was 100 percent the same.” Daniel was impressed that every question Pastor Doug addressed was answered from Scripture. “Things started to go rapidly forward. I was extremely attracted by those sermons and started to ‘eat’ them one by one, five or six a day.”
At the same time, God was working on his wife’s heart. She was shocked when Daniel told her to find the Ten Commandments in the Bible, to read them from beginning to end, and compare them with their catechism. She didn’t even know where to find them. “When I showed her, she read and then said, ‘What are we doing?’ ”
The two were convicted that they needed to keep the Sabbath holy. They continued to attend their Catholic church, but on Saturdays instead of Sundays. As they learned additional truths, however, they clearly saw that many more of their church’s teachings conflicted with Bible truth. “There were so many contradictions,” Daniel says.
It was difficult for Daniel and his wife to walk away from their lifelong church. They lost many friends, and some of their own family members turned away from them. But they knew that for their relationship with their Maker and Savior to continue to grow stronger, they had to follow the precious truth that God had revealed to them.
Today, Daniel and his wife are enthusiastic members of a small Sabbath-keeping church, and Daniel leads out in Sabbath School. “I often pray and ask God to send us people so we can share our faith and spread the good news.”
God bless you, friend, for making possible the videos and other materials that led Daniel to Jesus—and continue to lead so many others to the saving truth and everlasting life!
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Your Impact
The Good News Explodes in China
Amazing outreach in China continues to expand! New videos have been prepared and uploaded online for Chinese viewers—and even though the government shut down our Chinese-language website for six months, nearly 100,000 people have since found precious Bible truth. The testimonies keep pouring in! Mrs. Xun shares, “I have been visiting your website for years, and because of the work of Amazing Facts, I became a Christian and was baptized!” And thank you for your part in reaping the vast harvest in China!
Bible School Grows and Grows!
Through your support, more than 21,000 new students have enrolled in our Bible school courses through July of this year—and 168,000 lessons have been mailed. What a cause for rejoicing!
Broadcast Streaming Advances
As a result of extensive broadcast expansion on networks such as USA and Inspiration earlier this year, Amazing Facts has received nearly 16,400 requests from seekers wanting more Bible information after watching our programs.
Moreover, we are now reaching more than four million viewers every month across our network family—which is possible only because of your amazing support.
AFCOE Trains Up Disciples
Your recent gifts have provided the resources for our AFCOE team to conduct church training programs in Ohio, New York, and Toronto—where more than 240 attendees learned the keys to effective witnessing. Additionally, a special donation made it possible for AFCOE to visit Serbia and Montenegro, where 140 enthusiastic church members attended the weekend training, which taught them simple methods of impacting their communities with the gospel—vital training at this crucial time in earth’s history. Thank you!
The recently published Amazing Disciples, an intensive, 13-week lesson study book from the AFCOE, is enabling thousands of church members to learn personal evangelism skills to win hearts for Christ!
Praise Report!
Over the past year, you have helped more than four million TV viewers each month find, watch, and understand vital Bible truth through Amazing Facts. And the number discovering our programs has increased significantly on these stations:
Lifetime — Up 12% | TBN — Up 23%
Word — Up 26% | WWOR (New York) — up 29%
“A launchpad for reaching the world!” Thanks to your kindness and God’s gracious leading, construction has begun on the W.O.R.D. Center. In a heartfelt groundbreaking ceremony on June 9, Amazing Facts officers, including Pastor Doug Batchelor, dug in and threw the first shovelfuls of dirt. Praise the Lord!
What Your Gifts Are Doing Now!
The Foundations of Faith series starts November 3! Extending far beyond the live presentations, our evangelistic and revival series become sharing tools that provide years of programming and opportunities for lay workers and churches to reach more people like Daniel—and you are one of our dedicated team members making it happen!