2nd Quarter 2018
Santosh grew up in India’s upper caste in a mixed religious home. His father was agnostic, while his mother was a devout Hindu who regularly taught him about Shiva, one of the principal deities of her religion. Santosh even attended a Catholic-run school, but he never learned about Jesus.
The first genuine encounter Santosh had with Christianity happened when he took his mother to a doctor for an illness that left her partially paralyzed. When the doctor told her he had never seen anyone with her condition walk again, Santosh was distraught.
But before leaving the office, the doctor said, “I do know someone who can help you walk again—Jesus Christ.” Santosh never forgot these touching words, and it would later help to awaken something within his heart.
Santosh was living as an atheist at the time, but he admits he was troubled about spiritual matters. Some of his encounters with Christians left him confused as they seemed to lack a deep commitment to their religion. But one day, a group of friends invited him to a church function. He says, “I didn’t think it would cause any harm to attend.”
On a Wednesday evening, these Sabbath-keepers played the video testimony of Pastor Doug Batchelor—“The Richest Caveman.” The message gripped Santosh and moved his heart like never before. While watching, he recognized that he was not in a good place spiritually.
Then, while visiting a local Internet café, he found the Amazing Facts website. He resisted going back to the site but began having troubling dreams. Afterward, as he visited the site again and discovered more truth, his sleep improved.
Santosh eventually found the Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides online, and each day he would complete a lesson. He soon finished all the studies and found that the truths he learned brought him peace. Santosh says, “When I first studied the Study Guides, I didn’t think they would lead me to baptism.” This was a turning point in his life, and within three weeks he was baptized!
Staying Strong in Faith
When Santosh gave his life to Christ, it did not go over well with his parents. Though his family was close-knit, he recalls, “I was thrown out of the house.” To this day, he is still not on good terms with his family, but Santosh is at peace and finds strength in his walk with the Lord.
In 2015, Santosh was diagnosed with leukemia and was given only a year to live. After some treatments, he felt impressed to put his illness completely into God’s hands, praying, “Lord, I have this one year to do ministry for You.” He accepted whatever outcome God had in store for him.
At the time of this report, Santosh is teaching at a Christian university in India. He has a desire to equip more people to share the gospel with those in non-Christian religions. He shares, “I am thankful to the Amazing Facts team for the helpful information they provide on the Internet, for reaching people in places like India, and for leading people like me to personally know God.” He is especially grateful for the role Amazing Facts played in giving him a new identity in Christ.
Of course, his gratitude truly belongs to you! Thank you for making it possible to provide soul-winning resources to millions of people like Santosh in India!
"I am thankful to the Amazing Facts team for the helpful information they provide on the Internet, for reaching people in places like India."
*Photo and model used for illustration purposes only.
PAFCOE Training Trainers
Does 4 + 1 = 46? Not usually! But because of your gifts toward evangelism, God multiplied laborers through Philippines AFCOE (PAFCOE)! In 2017, placing four PAFCOE graduates into one church to train members added up to 46 extra trained lay evangelists reaching souls for Christ—all because of your generosity! Your impact is exponential! For instance, in December, PAFCOE graduated 20 students and God worked mightily: Together, they approached 1,521 people, conducted 526 surveys, and canvassed 975 persons—resulting in 155 baptisms. Praise the Lord!
Uganda for Jesus
You made a soul-winning event possible in the heart of Africa. Hundreds have accepted Christ through Pastor Doug’s evangelistic meetings in Uganda in April. Asiimwe Medius says, “I grew up Christian but never followed what I was taught. After these meetings, I placed the Ten Commandments on my wall at home and decided to follow them because I love Jesus.” Pastor Frances Kauta of the Pentecostal faith shares, “An Amazing Facts Bible worker came to visit me. I thought I would be teaching him, but when I saw the truth, it was me that was changed. I left everything but didn’t stand alone. God was with me!” We thank God for your sacrificial help that made these meetings possible!
Lifesaving Internet Radio! 
This past quarter, you helped upgrade Amazing Facts’ Internet radio station that makes hearing our programs easier without bogging down smartphones with excess data usage. You also brought 2,500 Christ-centered broadcasts from Pastor Doug to over 7,000 people monthly! (Find the app on iTunes and on Android!) You can also listen to Bible Answers Live at www.amazingfacts.org/media-library.
Praise Report!
You reached thousands amidst persecution! Despite recent violence against Christians in India, Amazing Facts’ meetings in Sangareddy reached an audience of over 1,000! Another 1,500 attended revival meetings at Spicer University to help build the faith of Bible believers.
- Thanks to your prayers, a door that appeared to close reopened in Hyderabad, India. Your mission-minded desire to impact souls with lifesaving truth helped Pastor Doug reach an unprecedented live audience—more than 25,000—with his life-changing “The Richest Caveman” testimony!
This past quarter, you helped take the lifesaving message of the three angels to millions, connecting them to truth like never before! Sabbath School Study Hour and Everlasting Gospel are now streaming on social media. So far, we’ve received 700,000 likes and 109,000 comments about these programs—demonstrating how much being on social media is appreciated and helpful to seekers.The average daily viewer count is now more than 204,000—and these individuals shared the program with 216,500 others! This year, you have helped plant seeds of truth through more than 3.6 million views!
Thank You!

Friend, you’ve brought the hope of the gospel to countless thousands through Amazing Facts Bible Studies, books, videos, websites, evangelistic series, AFCOE training, and many other ministries and materials. Thank you for your heartfelt prayers and gifts that provide life-transforming truth to Santosh and many others like him every day!