Coming Full Circle

3rd Quarter 2018

Like so many children do in our culture, Dee grew up in a difficult home. His parents divorced when he was only four years old—and, he recalls, “I was basically unchurched for most of my life.” But through your support, Dee found new life in Jesus! Coming Full Circle image twoAs a teen, he faced the same self-esteem challenges that most do, but he didn’t realize that he was living a “horrible life,” as he explains it, using foul language and partaking in other vices. He explains, “I had a girlfriend who told me that she had to break up with me because I wasn’t a Christian. I thought, ‘That’s weird. I believe in God. Why would she say that?’ ”

In 2001, the terrorist attacks of 9/11 were a personal and spiritual wake-up call for Dee’s father.  A few years later, his dad found Amazing Facts on television—something that you helped make possible—and began watching the evangelistic series Most Amazing Prophecies.

Coming Full Circle image oneDee’s father eventually asked him to watch too. Says Dee, “When I first watched the series, I thought, ‘I’ve never heard that before about the state of the dead—or the Sabbath, or the Ten Commandments, or the rapture—But that’s what the text really says!’ The more I watched, the more helpful it became. I realized there’s so much stuff in the Bible that no one is talking about, stuff that people need to know.”

Coming Full Circle image oneDee felt called to find ways to share what he was learning. Once again, your loving support came to his aid. “One of the things that helped me was Amazing Facts’ websites—,, and If I needed an answer to a Bible question, there was a 95 percent chance that these sites would have something I could use. It made witnessing easier.”

As a young believer, Dee also valued his Amazing Facts Prophecy Study Bible— and he especially appreciated the Bible Study Guides in the back. He grew rapidly in his walk with God, eventually attending an evangelism training school and being baptized.

An Amazing Full Circle Experience

After working in ministry for about five years, Dee discovered that Pastor Doug was going to be the key speaker at a youth event where Dee would also be con-ducting a seminar. It was “kind of an amazing full-circle experience” for Dee to meet Pastor Doug—the first preacher to share with him the Bible’s full message. An Amazing Full Circle Experience image one“To be able to do ministry with him meant the world to me,” Dee shares, “and to be able to tell him my story and thank him was a blessing.”

Today, Dee continues to grow spiritually and share Christ passionately. He is involved in sharing the last-day message as a full-time evangelist and through video ministry. He says, “God gave me a precious gift in finding Pastor Doug on television.” Thank you, friend, for changing not only Dee’s life, but so many others as well!

Your Partnership Changes Lives!

Coming Full Circle begins with you! Your gifts draw rings of truth around the globe through our television programs, Bible School, AFCOE, and many more facets of ministry—so that more people like Dee can anchor themselves in the love and salvation of Christ. You start circles of love that embrace lost souls, bringing them the truth they have been seeking, drawing them into fellowship with God, and inspiring them to share with others.   Thank you!

Your Amazing Impact!

Amazing Disciples: An AFCOE eCourse

Your Amazing Impact! image oneFor years, Amazing Facts has been conducting outreach training at limited local venues, but now—thanks to you—we’re able to bring proven evangelism training to the world! Amazing Disciples, our first of many planned Internet eCourses, debuted August 5—and more than 550 students have already enrolled. One student says, “This online class is an answer to prayer. I am so happy! … I was once lost. Now, it’s my turn to go find the lost with Jesus by my side. Thank you, Jesus and AFCOE!” Discover more at online.afcoe. org, and please share the opportunity with all your family and friends.

Don’t Miss the New Amazing Facts Website 

Your Amazing Impact! image two

Did you know you helped people in 234 countries and territories know Christ and His truth through our websites, which are now available in 21 languages? Your faithful support also helped launch the updated—now more user and mobile friendly. You also helped kick off our new iPhone app, which has been downloaded 5,750 times. The new app includes more video content, daily devotionals, and AFTV. Be sure to download it—FREE—today!

End-Time Truth Proclaimed!

Your Amazing Impact! image threeThank you for helping Amazing Facts create the captivating 32-page sharing magazine The Final Events of Bible Prophecy, which unveils astonishing predictions about our planet’s final days. Packed with full-color graphics and compelling Scripture, it examines seven last-day events, including signs of the end, Christ’s return, the millennium, and more! You are sharing a message of hope in these end times, as 26,802 copies have already been distributed in at least 35 countries!

Praise Report!

Praise Report! image oneBecause of your caring support, Amazing Facts is able to consistently share throughout the Middle East the truth about prophecy— on such expansive networks as Daystar, Trinity Broadcasting, and Middle East Television. Thank you for helping us reach millions of households that might otherwise never hear the remnant message!

Praise Report! image twoThe evidence that you’re making a difference in Israel was seen personally by Pastor Doug in Jerusalem, as many locals walked up to thank him for changing their lives. A woman, Philomena, approached him to say that she had been baptized as a result of watching our programs. Amen!

Praise Report! image threeAmazing Facts is now broadcasting on many major television networks—including Lifetime, Inspiration, The Word, and Trinity Broadcasting—with more than 750,000 souls watching every week. And 196 nations are now receiving the everlasting gospel through Amazing Facts radio programs. Thank you for your empowering gifts of support!

Thank You! Together, we make a difference!

Amazing Facts is boldly moving forward only because of the grace of God and your essential prayers and gifts. Together, we are taking the full gospel to every part of our planet, bringing new life to millions more, like Dee, desperately searching for truth and hope. Thank you!


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