2nd Quarter 2022
“For He is the living God. … He delivers and rescues” (Daniel 6:26, 27). I deeply appreciate your faithful partnership with the Lord and Amazing Facts International in rescuing precious souls for the kingdom of God. Over the past quarter, your participation in an array of exciting ministry projects has brought hope to a multitude of hurting hearts!
May you be encouraged by a sampling of their testimonies and learn how you’re changing the lives of so many like Tony—a lost sheep who found his way home through Amazing Facts resources you helped provide. Thank you!
Doug Batchelor
President, Amazing Facts International
Sunset blazed across the sky as Tony waited for a final set of waves. He straddled his surfboard, alone in the stillness, yet peace eluded him.
Tony knew that he wasn’t ready for eternity. He’d grown up in a Sabbath-keeping church but had drifted away from God. Now a successful commercial pilot, he loved his partying lifestyle.
Tony’s parents divorced when he was ten, and, as a teen, he began to use alcohol and struggled with severe depression. “It was the kind of depression where you’re in agony for hours,” Tony explains. “I decided the best way to handle it would be to commit suicide.”
Miraculously, his attempt failed. Yet, as an adult, he continued to numb his pain with addictions, feeding a vicious, painful cycle from which he saw no escape.
Now, Tony tried to push away thoughts of eternity as he caught a wave to shore, but God was nearer than he realized. “God chose to rescue me even before I decided I wanted to be rescued.”
A New Start
Things changed after Tony met Darah; she had recently become a Christian and invited him to attend church. To his surprise, he enjoyed it.
When someone gave him the Amazing Facts Foundations of Prophecy DVD, Tony realized for the first time how much Jesus loves him. “I couldn’t stop watching those videos,” he shares. “Pastor Doug’s presentations were so clear and so easy to understand. They helped me decide to follow Jesus completely.”
Darah also accepted the full truths of the Bible, and the two were married and baptized!
Called to Service
Eventually, Tony and his family worked with a church plant on a Navajo reservation. “We shared Amazing Facts resources at health fairs and flea markets and had an Amazing Facts evangelist present a Bible prophecy series,” he says. Deeply interested in rescuing souls, they also participated in aviation mission trips.
In time, Tony attended the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism (AFCOE). He feels deeply blessed by what he learned. “It’s a tremendously useful program, so practical in the nuts and bolts of leading people to Jesus,” he says. “I look forward to sharing Jesus more effectively in the future.”
Thank you, friend! By sharing Christ’s transforming love and solid Bible truth through Amazing Facts, you’ve helped rescue Tony and so many others—and enabled them to become effective workers for Him!
Your Impact

TBN Inspire Television
You and Amazing Facts have partnered with TBN Inspire to broadcast life-changing truth in up to 46 million homes in the USA and more than 100 million overseas—changing lives for eternity! David writes, “Pastor Doug revealed mysteries that have eluded me my entire life. I renewed my walk with Christ after years of turning away. God bless and keep you.”

China Outreach
Thanks to you, 545,952 searching hearts in China found the words of eternal life this past quarter! Brother Duan shares, “I went to the Internet for information about the Bible. Since then, I’ve found the meaning of life. The most gratifying thing I found was Jesus. And to think before that, I wanted to die!”

Your thoughtful giving provides spiritual strength to precious souls in 125 countries, setting captives free through present truth that Amazing Facts is broadcasting on Pray.com! Teresa writes, “The Bible knowledge from Amazing Facts is a feast of truth. The Lord’s presence surrounds me as I listen to Pastor Doug. You are filling gaps in my heart that few others seem to reach.”

Your generosity has opened the door for the Hot Bird Satellite to broadcast AFTV, transforming the lives of countless thousands in Europe! Mitrofan from Romania writes, “The sermon on the mark of the beast has determined me to look for the true church. I’ve been born again!”

Your faithful support brought a 10-part revival series to Las Vegas! Inspiration: The Bible’s Greatest Stories was also televised and helped thousands renew their zeal for eternal life! Stephen writes, “Wow, you hit me with a ton of bricks, and now I SEE. Thank you all for such wonderful programming.”

You’re blessing the lost by placing strategic Google ad keywords, guiding hurting souls to Amazing Facts’ truth-filled websites. Jëan in Egypt writes, “I asked God to show me the true church and read online about hell, the Sabbath, and the dead. I found a Sabbath-keeping church in Cairo and was baptized.”

Your prayers change lives! We covet your earnest prayers as we serve hurting people around the world. Please pray that their hearts will be open to the gospel, that our staff will be Spirit-led, and that many will be healed physically and spiritually. God bless you!
Friend, through your compassionate gifts, you’re throwing out continual lifelines to reach countless thousands just like Tony in every corner of the globe—rescuing them from hopelessness and despair—and we thank God for you!
Thank you!
The Quarterly Ministry Report is a publication of Amazing Facts International.
P.O. Box 1058, Roseville, CA 95678 | 877-506-1751 | amazingfacts.org