3rd Quarter 2022
The apostle Paul said, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16).
Through your faithful stand with Amazing Facts International, you are working with the Lord to share the best possible news with a perishing planet—that the power of Jesus transforms lives for eternity!
I pray that you’ll be blessed as you read about your loving impact on individuals around the globe, including a disabled woman in Africa who found hope and new life through Amazing Facts resources you made possible. Thank you for all you do!
Doug Batchelor
President, Amazing Facts International
Dankin knocked on the door and waited; the sun was hot on his back. He heard movement, and then something bumped against the door.
“One moment!” a woman called.
Soon the door cracked open, revealing a sick woman in a wheelchair. Dankin watched her struggle to maneuver her chair so she could open the door fully.
Dankin greeted the woman cheerfully, but it wasn’t long before her sad story came pouring out. Her husband had left her, and then she became sick. Finally, an accident that resulted in two broken legs led to her confinement in the wheelchair. She felt completely alone.
Dankin looked down at the book in his hands—At Jesus’ Feet by Doug Batchelor. Though neither knew it then, this book would change her life.
Staying in Touch
Dankin thought about the story of the woman in the book. Mary Magdalene’s life had been difficult because she had no one who truly loved her. But meeting Jesus had changed everything.
“Please take this book,” Dankin urged the woman, hoping she’d discover the same love that transformed Mary’s life. Before leaving, he also left his phone number with her.
Not long after, he received a call. The woman had finished reading At Jesus’ Feet and loved it! “Where can I get more books by this author?” she asked.
Unfortunately, this was the only book by Pastor Doug published in her language, but Dankin promised, “I’ll do my best to get you another book.”
Meanwhile, Dankin directed her to the Hope Channel, where Pastor Doug’s sermons are often broadcast. As the woman listened to the messages, she learned about Jesus’ love, the Sabbath, and the Bible’s end-time prophecies. She and Dankin also became good friends.
Partnering Together
Today, Dankin’s friend belongs to a Sabbath-keeping church. Her husband eventually returned, and they’re now happily married.
Dankin shares, “It is a very good thing to lead someone in a simple way to the information that saves their life.” His friend now invites others to her home to watch Pastor Doug and the Hope Channel. “She’s equipped for ministry,” Dankin says with a smile.
As a master’s student in India, Dankin often uses Amazing Facts resources in outreach. He reports that another contact has studied their way into Christianity and Sabbath-keeping just from the resources on amazingfacts.org!
Amazing Facts International’s work across the globe can only be accomplished as we join together for the salvation of others. Thank you for being a fellow laborer in ministry!
GEB Television
Thank you for helping people discover present truth on GEB! Through this network, you’re reaching an estimated 62 million viewers on DirectTV and Roku—making an eternal impact in countless lives! Calvin shares, “Writing to your ministry was one of the most important decisions I’ve ever made! I’m eternally grateful to the staff of Amazing Facts.” We pass on his gratitude to you!

AFCOE Africa
You’ve lit a fire of evangelism in Africa! Your support of 76 evangelistic students, a health expo, seminars, and AFCOE radio program has led multitudes into truth—resulting in more than 1,000 baptisms this year. You even helped a former Anglican pastor choose to follow the Sabbath truth over taking a promotion to bishop.
Setting Spanish Captives Free!
Your gifts helped translate 200 Amazing Facts videos into Spanish; sponsor 22,000 Spanish-speaking students through the online Bible School; create 30 new Spanish products; and set thousands free through YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram outreach! Jose writes, “I’ve been using your [Spanish] books and Study Guides, and I thank you. Over the past two months, we went from nine Spanish members to 31.”

* Your gifts helped 565 students in the Philippines give seminars and 1,275 Bible studies—resulting in 130 new lives in Jesus! Miriam writes, “I watched the Amazing Facts seminar and was convicted. It was like a bright beam of light that swept away the darkness!”
* Your generosity has made it possible to distribute 60,000 copies of a new, urgently needed sharing magazine about the three angels’ messages—impacting thousands of searching hearts! Eddie writes, “How much I’ve enjoyed your magazine! It has helped me through personal hard times and has been shared with many others!”
* Because of your dedication, Pastor Doug was able to share Bible truth with thirsting souls through revival seminars in Poland and Czechoslovakia! Gloria shares, “I never understood the Word of God like you presented. I’m preparing myself for Jesus’ return thanks to Amazing Facts.”
* You helped distribute 10,000 “Sabbath to Sunday” tracts to precious individuals responding to our television programs in India. Leela shares that one lady who was impressed by Pastor Doug’s messages requested prayer for her family: “While sharing Amazing Facts India with all her coworkers, she called so we could pray with them also!”
Friend, through your kindness, you are sharing the ultimate best news in every region of the world. As a result, thousands more—including Dankin’s friend and so many like her—are accepting Bible truth and salvation in Christ while there’s still time. And for that, we’re grateful every day!
The Quarterly Ministry Report is a publication of Amazing Facts International.
P.O. Box 1058, Roseville, CA 95678 | 877-506-1751 | amazingfacts.org