3rd Quarter 2023
Dear friend,
The Bible says we should “desire the pure milk of the word, that [we] may grow thereby” (1 Peter 2:2)—and that we should share it! That’s why I’m so thankful that you, by sharing the pure Bible truth, are working with the Lord and Amazing Facts to help others grow and thrive spiritually.
May you be encouraged by this report in the many ways God has multiplied your compassionate gifts to grow souls for His kingdom—souls like Stephanie, who found the answers she needed through Amazing Facts outreach and materials that you helped provide.
Doug Batchelor
President, Amazing Facts International
Growing Up on Amazing Facts
“Dear God, I want to keep Your Sabbath holy,” 14-year-old Stephanie prayed earnestly. “But my family says I have to go to the water park. What should I do?”
It was a sunny Saturday afternoon, and Stephanie had recently learned about God’s holy day during an Amazing Facts prophecy series.
Suddenly, unexpected storm clouds began darkening the sky—and, moments later, rain began to pour down.
“I mentioned that God wouldn’t have wanted us to go to the water park on Sabbath,” Stephanie remembers. “My mom argued that the storm would pass.” Yet the downpour didn’t stop until after sunset. “Looking back,” she says, “it was like Elijah praying for rain, although I wasn’t praying for rain, just for God’s will. When we are faithful to God, He’s faithful to us.”
Stephanie’s steadfastness didn’t develop in a vacuum. Your generosity nurtured her faith so that she, even as a young person, could stand strong for God.
“Teach me.”

Stephanie was born to atheist parents but picked up a Bible as a teenager. When she came to the Ten Commandments, she was convicted that the seventh day was God’s day.
She also began praying for the Lord to teach her how to read the Bible. The very next day, she saw an advertisement for an Amazing Facts Revelation seminar being held at her high school. She attended and was baptized.
Yet, as she grew older, doubts crept in and Stephanie drifted away from God. Ten years passed. “I was a complete mess, about as far away from God as I could get. But He eventually put my doubts to rest. I love God for what He’s done for me.”
Growing in Understanding
Amazing Facts has been essential to Stephanie’s spiritual growth since her reconversion. Through your support, the ministry has also helped her answer other people’s Bible questions, even close family members. She says, “I purchased the entire collection of sharing DVDs, and I share them whenever I can. They’re simply too important to keep to myself!”
Today, Stephanie joyfully shares, “Amazing Facts has been the answer to my prayers. It’s given me the knowledge I craved and helped me know God better. Only He knows where I would be today if it wasn’t for them.”
You are an important part of the Amazing Facts family and were God’s answer to Stephanie’s prayers! God is using your co-laboring gifts to help more people like her join the family of God.
Amazing Impact!
Life-Changing Truth on ION
You and your caring gifts have helped more than 497,000 people watch “A Woman Rides the Beast” on ION Television, transforming lives for eternity! Ann writes, “I’ve never heard teaching like this by any pastor. As I followed Pastor Doug on television, everything was definitely all truth from the Bible. It’s such a blessing to know God didn’t give up on me.”
Growing Disciples in Africa
Because of your kind heart, several Amazing Facts evangelists have been added throughout Africa, resulting in medical outreach, two church plants, 24,507 Bible studies, and 1,263 baptisms—impacting thousands of precious souls. Ludia shares, “I thank God for bringing Amazing Facts here to minister to our physical and spiritual needs!”
Pando Subscriptions Skyrocket
Your compassion led directly to a 127-percent growth in inmates discovering life-changing truth on the prison app Pando! Over 22,000 forgotten prisoners this year have subscribed, and many are being converted by present truth. James, a prisoner in Missouri, writes, “I watch you on Pando all the time. My heart was changed; you have transformed my life. Thank you!”
• Because of your loving gifts, 121,788 individuals recently found soul-nourishing Bible truth on sabbathtruth.com. Atul from India writes, “This ministry is a miracle! Now I am a Sabbath-keeper and am thankfull to be a Sabbatarian. Please go to sabbathtruth.com to receive your blessing!” 
• Your sacrifice helped grow the faith of more than 150,000 individuals using Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides. Terese, who struggled with depression, writes, “During this time of turmoil, I was sent a Study Guide. I needed to understand God and what He expects from me. My life has completely turned around.”
• You have deeply impacted lives in the Philippines through 28 evangelistic seminars, 4,093 Bible studies, 53,000 distributed materials, and 857 baptisms! Vilma writes, “I received an invitation to attend a prophecy seminar, and it changed my life. The truths filled me with happiness and hope, so I was baptized.”
• Your kindness broadcasts Bible Answers Live on radio stations worldwide—supporting thousands in their darkest need. Clifford, recently bereaved, was touched to receive a letter from Pastor Doug. He writes, “It was truly a blessing. Every Sunday I love to hear your question-and-answer program on our local station.”
Friend, your giving helps searching souls around the world find the food that leads to spiritual growth—the undiluted gospel found in God’s Word. Because of your overwhelming generosity, many more like Stephanie are growing and thriving in Jesus. Thank you!
The Quarterly Ministry Report is a publication of Amazing Facts International.
P.O. Box 1058, Roseville, CA 95678 | 877-506-1751 | amazingfacts.org