The Power of Words

Date: 08/05/2018 
In 2006, Petaluma California animal control workers were called to investigate a home where a neighbor had reported a terrible smell.
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Pastor Doug: Hello friends. Would you like to hear an amazing fact. In 2006, Petaluma California animal control workers were called to investigate a home where a neighbor had reported a terrible smell. When they knocked on the door of sixty seven year old Roger Deer, they expected to find a horde of cats or something. Instead they found one thousand pet rats, ranging from giant adults to little pink babies, all sharing this one room house with their owner.

Deer kept most of his small rodent friends in about 20 huge cages that were lined up around the house. The animal service manager said that a number of his rats were also allowed to run free. The infestation began when this softhearted owner took pity on a couple of baby rats he planned to feed his pet python. You know that a pair of rats can produce as many as 2000 descendants in a year if left to breed unchecked. That's why the Bible says big problems can grow out of very small beginnings. Stay with us friends we're going to learn more as amazing facts brings you this edition of Bible answers live.


Pastor Doug: Welcome listening friends to Bible answers live. And if you've never tuned in before, this is a live international interactive Bible study. You can participate by calling in with your Bible questions. Now is a great time, we've got lines wide open. Give us a call with a Bible question. We'll do our best to find the answers in the Word of God. We've got the Bible on our computers here in several different formats, where we can quickly search things. We've even got the original Greek and Hebrew. Just pick up your phone. Here's the number 800- GOD-SAYS, it's 800-463-7297. One more time, the phone number into the studio 800-463-7297, and I'm Doug Batchelor.

Pastor Ross: My name is John Ross. Good evening listening friends, and Pastor Doug as always, let's start the program with prayer. Dear Father in heaven, we thank you that we have this opportunity to open your word and study together and we want to ask the Holy Spirit to come and guide our hearts and minds. Thank you father that if we search you will lead in Jesus name. Amen. Pastor Doug you opened the program by talking about this incredible sort of just onslaught of rats, and not only were they there unwillingly, it was fed and taken care of by this very soft-hearted individual. You can just imagine just one or two rats in the house, but to have-- how many rats did he have?

Pastor Doug: He had a thousand rats in a one room house. Now I believe it, because when I was a kid in New York, my brother and I talked my mother into letting us have some pet mice. And again when our kids were little, they wanted pet mice and so we gave them an aquarium, one aquarium, and let them get a couple of mice. It is amazing how quickly they can multiply. Pretty soon we were taking little boxes of mice to the pet store trying to sell them back. We couldn't hardly give them away. Yes, they can proliferate exponentially.

And you know there's a scripture in the Bible that talks about how something small if if it's not monitored can totally get out of hand. In James 3:5, it says, "Even so the tongue, though it is little among the members of the organs in the body and it boasts great things, see how great a matter a little fire kindles." In other words see how a whole forest can burn from a match, is what James is saying here. And sometimes we don't appreciate the power of little things. Like our words. A couple of words kind words spoken to encourage, can turn a person's life around.

I could tell you several stories from history where a person, their genius was inspired because someone gave them a little bit of encouragement, and likewise others have been terribly discouraged by just a few careless or unkind words. Maybe you have been the victim of some reckless gossip and if you'd like to know what the Bible says about this subject, we have a free offer, and it's called Tiny troublemakers. Tell us about that Pastor Ross.

Pastor Ross: If you'd like to see this book just give us a call on our resource phone number, the number is 800-835-6747. You can ask for the book called Tiny troublemakers and we'll be happy to send this to anybody who calls and asks. That phone number again, this is the resource phone line, is 800-835-6747. Ask for the book Tiny troublemakers, and if you have a Bible question the phone line here to the studio is 800-463-7297. The number again is 800-463-7297. We're going to go to our first call this evening we have Diana listening from Washington. Diana welcome to the program.

Diana: Thank you, Pastor Doug, bless your heart for the work you do for Jesus.

Pastor Doug: Well thank you and thank you for calling.

Diana: I'm closer to God in large part due to your ministry. So thank you to you too. I wish I had a pen and paper, and wrote it down, but I heard you say once, about a method for reading the Bible. I did look online, but it's not the one that's online. You mentioned a method that makes it a little bit easier to get through, especially the parts that are not quite so easy to get through.

Pastor Doug: Well I've got a few formulas, I'll try a couple of them and see if anything rings a bell. Is that what you wanted me to do?

Diana: Well I only heard you say one, and the one online is a little bit dissected, the continuity isn't there for me. It was like two verses here and then two versions in another book of the Bible, per day. And two verses in another book the Bible, but that to me wouldn't give me the continuity I would like to have.

Pastor Doug: Yeah. Well what I've sometimes recommended, Martin Luther said you should read the Bible the way you pick apples, where first you shake the whole tree and then you shake the branches and you look behind the leaves and then shake the twigs. It's good to get the history, because in the New Testament, 10% of everything Jesus said, he's quoting from the Old Testament. Having the Old Testament history--, but some of it, you get into some of the chronologies and the numbers can get pretty dry, until you start studying that.

And so, what I found is helpful, is a person-- go ahead read Genesis through Chapter 50, read Exodus 1-12, where it talks about them beginning their journey through the wilderness. And then you can actually go to-- if you read the story of Joshua, Judges, First and Second Samuel, first and second kings. Doing that, you've got the bible history. You don't have to read First and Second Chronicles right away. That is a little bit of a repeat of first and second Kings.

Then you jump to the New Testament, so you're getting the history. Then as you back up and you read some of the major prophets like Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and then you read the minor prophets, when Jesus and the apostles are quoting from the prophecies, you'll say, "Ah. that's what they mean." When you go to the New Testament, you read Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Acts. That gives you the history. And so I find, for me I like to know the history of the Bible story, and that kind of gives you the whole history, in that you're only reading about a third of the Bible when you do it that way, your first time through. Then you go back and you delve into the other books.

Diana: I think this is what I heard you say before. And I did read the Bible through one time, but it took me a long time and I don't want to take that long this time. That sounds really good.

Pastor Doug: Now you know what I do, is every morning I wake up I read the Bible and I'm always reading through the Bible. I've got software so that while I'm reading it, it is reading out loud to me while I'm looking at the word. So I'm not only seeing it with my eyes, I'm hearing someone who's got perfect Bible pronunciation read it, and that helps, because there's sometimes difficult names and places in the Bible. We have a resource we can give you that talks more about that, and it's called The Ultimate Resource, talking about Bible reading. We'll be happy to send you a free copy Diana.

Pastor Ross: All you have to do is just give us a call on our resource phone line and that's 800-835-6747. You can ask for book called The Ultimate Resource, and we'll send that out to you for free or anyone who calls. You can also read the book online at Our next caller is Ricardo, listening from California. Ricardo, welcome to the program.

Pastor Doug: Hi Ricardo you're on the air.

Ricardo: Hi, you cut me off. Okay. Thank you for taking the call. I'm calling about Acts 6:8.

Pastor Doug: Okay.

Ricardo: People in my sphere of influence have a problem with the Holy spirit. I noticed, because we had a conversation, we had a bit of difference. I got home, I looked at the New King James version of Acts 6:8. It mentioned that the Holy spirit, it didn't even mention the Holy spirit, what it said was it was--

Pastor Doug: Full of faith and power.

Ricardo: Say it again?

Pastor Doug: It says he was full of faith and power.

Ricardo: Yes. My question is, is this just a part of the Holy spirit or are some of the Bible writers taking liberties with the Holy spirit?

Pastor Doug: No. When it says that he is full of faith, when you have faith and that faith can translate into room in your life for the Holy spirit to work, I don't think it's talking about him having power by himself. He was full of faith and power of the Spirit, is what I think is assumed. Because He goes on and He does signs and wonders. He's doing miracles, and that's always by the power of God's spirit. No man is doing that.

Ricardo: That's to benefit the church and bring people closer to God.

Pastor Doug: Yes.

Pastor Ross: Yes, there's another verse I'm just looking at Acts chapter 1 verse 8. You'll see the connection between power and the Holy spirit. Jesus said, "But you shall receive power when the Holy spirit has come upon you."

Ricardo: Yes. Thanks.

Pastor Ross: Stephen being filled with power, and here Jesus says that you will receive power when you have the Holy spirit.

Pastor Doug: Yes, good point. I hope that helps a little. We do have a book, Ricardo. We could send you a free copy that talks about life in the spirit. It may not address this verse particularly, but it does talk about what it means to be spirit-filled.

Ricardo: Yes.

Pastor Ross: Yes, we have that book, and there's one other I thought of dealing with the subject of the Holy spirit and that's called The Trinity. You can just call and ask for those books and we'll be happy to send it to you Ricardo or anybody who wants to learn more about what the Bible has to say about the Holy spirit. The phone line to call is 800-835-6747. You can ask for the book called Life in the Spirit. While you're at it, ask for the book on the Trinity just called The Trinity, and we'll be happy to send that to anybody who calls and asks.

Thank you for your call Ricardo. Our next caller is, let's see, we have Philip or Phil rather listening from New York. Phil, welcome to the program.

Phil: Yes. How are you doing? Can you hear me okay?

Pastor Doug: Loud and clear.

Phil: Okay. Great. You're doing a great job. My question is this, thank you very much for taking my call. My question, when Trump was in Moscow, he and Putin apparently agree that Assad will remain in power in Syria. That means that the Russian-Iranian alliance will now control Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon and substantially surround Israel. My question is are we seeing Biblical prophesy in today's newspapers? Is this the beginning of the war of Gog and Magog?

Pastor Doug: Some have wondered if-- and of course now we're delving into some Bible prophesy. Jesus said when these things come to pass, then you will know. Meaning, prophesies always best understood looking backwards. [laughs] There are some prophesies in Daniel 11, where it seems to suggest that at some point, the nation of Israel is going to be surrounded by hostile neighbors. You can read where Luke, I think it's chapter 21, where Jesus said, "Jerusalem will be trodden down of the gentiles until the times of the gentiles be fulfilled."

Some have seen what's happening politically, and wonder if steps are being put in place for where there could be a showdown of some sort. I don't know. That's been predicted since 1948 to the present. So far, everybody has missed that prediction. I want to be careful not to be saying that this is what's happening politically now. It is unnerving that you do see the whole religious landscape of the world changing from where, right now there's technically a Christian majority in the world.

By, I think it's 2025, I think Muslims are going to be the number one religion in the world. Knowing that some feel very hostile towards Christians, that could lead to another war that would be a religious war.

Phil: Okay. Thank you very much for your consideration. You're doing a great job, and it means a lot to me. Thank you very much.

Pastor Doug: Thank you for calling Phil. Appreciate your call. Now, I'm trying to think, I've got a series that we just did. You can watch it online for free. It's called Islam and Christianity in Prophesy. Yes, I think it might be posted, yes, it's at the Granite Bay website.

Pastor Ross: It is. That's right.

Pastor Doug: Yes.

Pastor Ross: You can go to the Granite Bay website to view that or just go to the Amazing Facts website and type in Islam in Prophesy and you can get more information, yes.

Pastor Doug: You can go to the whole series right there.

Pastor Ross: They're at the store. Thanks for your call, Phil. Our next caller is Seth, and he's listening, Seth listening in Hope, Michigan. Seth, welcome to the program.

Seth: Hi. I was calling with a question about 1Timothy chapter 1 verse 20. It says, "Of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I delivered to Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme." I was wondering why Paul would deliver them to Satan, so that they could learn not to blaspheme when Satan would be the one blaspheming. [unintelligible 00:16:03] to blaspheme.

Pastor Doug: Well, God blesses and protects us. When Hymenaeus and Alexander rejected the truth and gave Paul a very hard time, Paul basically said, "Look, I'm not going to intercede for God to bless you. You're just going to end up on Satan's territory. And after you find out how difficult Satan is to serve, you may learn that it's not good to blaspheme God." Several times through history when God's people would turn from him, he would let them be beat up by their enemies.

This happened with Israel and Assyria, with Judah and Babylon, and different kingdoms, when they would turn from God, the Moabites, the Philistines, the Edomites will come in and beat them up. Then they'd turn back to God. Paul is basically saying he's going to do the same thing with these two characters that had been blaspheming and giving the church a hard time. He's going to say, "Lord, don't bless them. Let the devil beat them up, so that they'll realize that they need to turn back to you."

Seth: Okay.

Pastor Doug: Okay?

Seth: Thank you.

Pastor Doug: Is that your understanding, Pastor Ross?

Pastor Ross: Yes, absolutely. When somebody rejects God's protection, well, you open yourself up to the devil and that's what was happening here it seems.

Pastor Doug: Hey, we appreciate your question. Thanks so much.

Pastor Ross: Next caller is Ronald listening from Bronx, New York. Ronald, welcome to the program.

Ronald: Hello?

Pastor Doug: Hi Ronald. Thank you for calling.

Ronald: Yes. I like to know what happens to a teenager when he died? Because there are some teenagers that are doing some horrible sins and is it possible for a teenager to go to hell? Because of the age of accountability?

Pastor Doug: Well, it's a very important question, that's also a very troubling question. There are two destinies. There's no third destiny. It's either life or death. God says either we get eternal life, we're covered by the blood of the Lamb, we receive forgiveness and we're in heaven. Or, we pay for our own sins. Now, if a young person dies before the age of accountability, where they really understand the consequences of right or wrong, or if they grow up in such a way where they just really don't understand faith in God. God factors all that in their judgment.

What that age is, I think the age of accountability varies with different children. You and I have known people, Ronald, that because of maybe some mental problem, you can have a grown adult that acts like a child, and they never understand. Because they just, they're mentally challenged. Some are very--. It's the same question as how old should a child be before they're baptized?

You want to make sure that they're old enough to understand the claims of the gospel and the difference of right and wrong. I heard one pastor say, well if they're old enough to be lost, they're old enough to be saved. It is troubling. Sometimes you hear about teenagers, they do some pretty difficult things or they die by suicide and everyone wonders will they be saved? Now, some people misunderstand what happens to the lost.

You'll hear preachers that will say that a teenager dies from a suicide and God puts him in hell right after death and burns him there for ceaseless ages that go on through ever and ever. Now, you think about that. A billion years from now, they're still burning. That's not what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches that people get punished according to what they deserve and it says they are consumed, they are burnt up, they perish, they're ashes. There's a lot very clear verses on that. We have a free lesson, we'll be happy to send you on that Ronald. You still there?

Ronald: I'm reading the daily news where there's a teenage guy, he killed himself because he figured nobody loved him.

Pastor Doug: I know, that's tragic when we hear things like that.

Ronald: I was thinking, was saying he's in the Lord's hands now, because first he ground himself.

Pastor Doug: That's heartbreaking when you hear those things, and as a pastor I've had to do funerals for young people that took their own lives and it's just a very difficult situation. All you could do is put them in God's hands and know that God loves people more than we do. We'll be happy to send you that study guide that explains what is the punishment of the wicked, and that's the part that people really misunderstand and it's called, Is the devil in charge of hell.

Pastor Ross: The number to call is 800-835-6747, and you going to ask for the study guide called, Is the Devil in Charge of Hell. We'll be happy to send this to anybody who calls and asks. If you have a Bible question, our phone line here to the studio is 800-463-7297, it's 800-463-7297. The next caller is Mike and he's listening from New Mexico. Mike welcome to Bible answers live.

Mike: Thank you for talking to me tonight. I had a question about what exactly Jesus meant when He said, "You say you are of the father, but you are truly the synagogue of Satan," and how does that relate to us living today?

Pastor Doug: All right, well the word synagogue, when Jesus talked about being of the synagogue of Satan-- by the way that's found in Revelation as well, that just means church or gathering. There are people who were saying, "We're a part of God's church," but they're really doing the work of the devil, they were prosecuting Christ, they were prosecuting the apostles, they were getting together and Jesus said, "You make long prayers and then you devour widows houses," meaning you take all the money of the poor widows, but you pray long prayers. He said, that's not the church, that's the synagogue of Satan that does things like that.

Or you pray to be seen of men or when you give an offering you blow the trumpets so everyone will see it. When you fast you advertise it, so that people would be proud of how holy you are. All that is from the synagogue of Satan, it's a synagogue of pride, selfishness, greed.

Pastor Ross: The verse you're looking at is Revelation chapter 2 verse 9, which talks about the synagogue of Satan. Then also in Revelation chapter 3 verse 9, same phrase is used.

Pastor Doug: Jesus told the scribes and Pharisees, "You're found of the devil." All in the same vein, Mike, you still there?

Mike: Yes I am. Jesus seems to like it when people are just reserved and quiet yet He wants us to spread the gospel around the world to all who will hear it, but he wants us to pray quietly and not make a big deal out of things.

Pastor Doug: He said that we need to be bold and humble, meaning when it comes to telling someone else the way of salvation, brave, outspoken, that's why Jesus said, "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father," not glorify you. At the same time believers need to be humble, He said, "When you give, don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. When you pray, enter into your closet and pray, don't make a spectacle." Doesn't mean that it's ever wrong to pray in front or in front of people, because Jesus did. But you shouldn't pray to be seen of men. Does that make sense?

Mike: I just discovered your show tonight. It sure does. I'm going to listen to your show more, I put this channel on my pre-set, I'm really glad I found it tonight.

Pastor Doug: Well bless your heart and thank you for the endorsement and tell all your friends and enemies as well. Appreciate that Mike.

Mike: I will do that.

Pastor Ross: Next caller is Neil listening from my Seattle Washington, Neil welcome to the program.

Neil: Hi, what did Jesus mean when he said, "Upon this rock I will build my church," Peter the rock.

Pastor Doug: Well, actually it's not Peter, if you look at that statement in the original Greek. First of all He said, "Who do men say that I am?" Some of the disciples, well some say you're Moses, some say Elijah, Jeremiah one of the other prophets, and Jesus said, "Who do you say that I am?" Peter's the one who spoke up and he said, "You are the Christ, the son of the living God," and Jesus said, "Flesh and blood did not reveal that unto you, but my father, which is in heaven." And he said, "I say unto you, your name is Peter." The word Peter there in Greek, it means a pebble, a rolling stone like you'd find in a creek.

On this Petra, He said, "On this rock I will build my church," the rock on which Jesus is building the church was not Peter, it was actually the statement of Peter that He was the Christ as the Messiah. You read a little further in the same chapter, I forget, it's Matthew?

Pastor Ross: 16.

Pastor Doug: Matthew 16. You read a little later in the same chapter and Jesus says to Peter, "Get behind me Satan." We would hope that Jesus is not building this church on someone that a few minutes later-- and that's verse Matthew 16:23, he turned to Peter and said, "Get behind me Satan, you're an offense to me, you're not mindful of the things of God." That's immediately after He says, "On this rock, I'm going to build my church."

Pastor Ross: Evidently Peter didn't think of himself as being the foundation of the church, because you read in Acts, where Peter got up and preached, he spoke of Jesus being the cornerstone of the church. Jesus being the rock, Him being the foundation. In Peter's mind he understood that the fact that Jesus is the Christ, that's the foundation upon which the church is built.

Neil: It's not denominational.

Pastor Doug: No, the church that Jesus-- now that doesn't mean Jesus doesn't have a truth. There's some people that believe it, some don't believe it, but I don't think Christ was speaking of for example the Catholic Church when He made that statement.

Neil: That's what I was thinking [cross talk] think was very smug, and they talk basically about how the Catholic Church was the rock that Peter built and the rest is not. I wondered when did it change, and how to think about it.

Pastor Doug: Well, you're asking the right question, Jesus never meant by that statement that He was building the church on Peter, He meant, "I am to build the church on the declaration that Peter made that I am the Messiah."

Neil: Thank you.

Pastor Doug: That's it. Thank you very much. I'm trying to think we've got The Search for the True Church.

Pastor Ross: That will be a great resource, the number to call for that is 800-835-6747, and Neil take a look at the book called The Search for the True Church, I think you'll find that very interesting.

Pastor Doug: We'll send you free copy, just call that number.

Pastor Ross: Again, that number is 800-835-6747.

Pastor Doug: Now, we're reaching the bottom of the hour, we're going to take a brief break, but we do still have some lines open. Now, if you call and the phone may ring a minute, but he that endures to the end, your call will be taken, because we do have our operators here. That number again if you want to make your phone call is 800, this brings your questions into the studio from around the country, 800-GOD-SAYS. That's 800-463-7297 and then we're going to come back with more Bible questions, so don't go very far.

Don't forget the website, we can do the live program just for one hour during the week, but 24 hours a day you could be streaming and beaming amazing facts television and a lot of other information. Coming right back.


Pastor Doug: Welcome back listening friends to Bible Answers Live. If you've joined us along the way, it is a live international bible study. You can call in with your bible questions at 800-463-7297. Free phone call in North America. My name is Doug Batchelor.

Pastor Ross: My name is John Ross. We are going to go straight back to the phone line. We have Steve who's listening from Georgia. Steve, welcome to the program.

Steve: Thank you very much Pastor Doug and sir. I keep the commandments and have the testimony of Jesus, which that of course includes the seventh day Sabbath. I had a question with regard to Isaiah 58:14, where he says I'm sure in a prayer of faith that "Delight thyself in the Lord, and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth."

Pastor Doug: Yes. You're wondering what is meant by the high places of the earth?

Steve: Yes, because I want to do that. [laughs]

Pastor Doug: I see. Well that's actually talking about, that you would just live a life in the glory. They often talked about who ever has the high place usually had the place of defense. Go ahead Pastor Ross.

Pastor Ross: I think clues to that also is in the very next part of the verse. It says "And I'll feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father." Now, the ultimate reward for the righteous, Jesus said, the meek shall inherit the earth. In Hebrews it talks about Abraham who was looking for a city who's builder and makerwas God. Abraham understood and Jacob understood that the little piece of land there in the Middle East, Palestine isn't their final home, but for the redeemed, their home is going to be the world-made new and that's the promise. It talks about riding on the high hills of the earth and inheriting the reward that God promised to Jacob. That's talking ultimately about the earth recreated that you read about in Revelation chapter 21.

Pastor Doug: If you read in Deuteronomy 32:13. Here Moses is talking about-- It's his final message to Israel. It says, he made him ride on the high places of the land. He ate the produce of the field. He suckled with the honey out of the rock and out of the flinty rock. Like Pastor Ross was saying, it was talking about the blessings of the land would be given or when there was war, if you had the high ground, you are usually the winner. It's just talking about God will bless you with the advantages and the blessings. It's not like the high places in the '60s. That was something else.

Steve: [laughs] I love the part about the high places of the earth, as the best defense, because we serve the most high. We're more than conquerors.

Pastor Doug: That's right. Good point. We hope that those listening can experience riding in the high places of the earth. Thank you very much for your call Steve.

Pastor Ross: Our next caller is Peter, listening from Canada. Peter welcome to the program.

Peter: Yes. Hello. Hi Mr. Ross, Pastor Ross.

Pastor Doug: Good.

Peter: I have a question on Revelation 14:6.

Pastor Doug: Do you want us to read that for people listening?

Peter: If you would like to.

Pastor Doug: Yes, because others listening, good part of our audiences are driving down the road and I want them to hear what we're talking about. Revelation 14:6, "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people." What's your question on that?

Peter: Is that speaking of this world to come or another world?

Pastor Doug: This world. Jesus said to the disciples when He went to heaven, go preach the gospel to all nations. Here before Christ comes, Revelation 14, what is it Pastor Ross-- verse 14, where Jesus comes? In verse 14, it says, "I looked and behold a white cloud and one sat on the cloud like the son of man." Verse 14 pictures the second coming. Verse 6 is talking about the gospel going to the whole world before the second coming. Jesus said in Mathew 24 "When the gospel is preached in all the world, then the end will come." The mission for Christians is to get the gospel around the world, of course that's what Amazing Facts is trying to do. Then the Lord comes.

Pastor Ross: Also, it's interesting to know obviously Revelation is filled with symbols in Bible prophecies. Angels are sometimes symbolized or are used as symbols representing messengers. The original Greek word for Angel is Angelos, which means messenger. When you have these three angels here in Revelation chapter 14, it represents a message being taken by God's people and proclaimed around the world. To every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. This is a great proclamation of God's last warning message, calling people to worship God as the creator, just before probation closes and Jesus comes.

Peter: I appreciate your answer.

Pastor Doug: All right. Peter, well thank you very much. I appreciate your question.

Pastor Ross: We have a study guide dealing specifically with the three angel's messages. We'll be happy to send this to you Peter or anybody wanting to learn. By the way this is a very important prophecy that you'll find right in Revelation chapter 14. We really encourage folks to call and ask for the study guide. It's called Angel Messages From Space. The number to call is 800-835-6747 and ask for the study guide on the Three Angels Messages or Angel Message From Space. We'll be happy to send it to anybody who calls and asks, or you can read it for free online at Our next caller that we have is -- let's see, we have Anne listening from Michigan. Anne welcome to the program.

Anne: Hello.

Pastor Doug: Hi Anne. You're on the air.

Anne: Thank you.

Pastor Doug: And your question tonight?

Anne: Well, my question is where in the bible does it say that Islam is a hostile religion? You said that when you were speaking about the prophecies in the Bible coming to pass. Dealing with Iraq and everything that's going on in Syria and Lebanon. You also made a statement that Islam is a hostile religion.

Pastor Doug: No. Well first of all if I said that, I don't remember saying that. I said there are nations that are hostile to Israel. I was talking about the prophecies in Daniel chapter 11. There is no prophecy about Islam in the bible, because Islam did not exist until 700 years after Christ. You're not going to find a statement in the bible that says the word Islam, because the word wasn't even known when the Bible was complete. There are prophecies that talk about nations. If you look in Daniel chapter 11, it'll talk about Egypt, Libya, Moab, Edom, Ammon, Syria, Ethiopia, which is partially Christian and Muslim. There were nations that are mentioned that today are predominantly Muslim. There's actually prophecies in Isaiah--

Anne: It's predominantly Islam. Muslim is a person. [unintelligible 00:39:28], Islam is a religion which means peace. The religion of peace. Cities or countries that are Islam not Muslim.

Pastor Doug: Right.

Anne: Because Muslim would be the person. One who practices the religion of peace.

Pastor Doug: Are you a Christian?

Anne: I'm not. I was Christian up until a few years ago.

Pastor Doug: Do you mind my asking what is your religion now?

Anne: My religion now is Islam. The religion of peace.

Pastor Doug: How do you feel in your religion about the nation of Israel?

Anne: To be honest, I'm not familiar with what's going on across these, because there's a battle here where I'm at with peace among our own people in this country, and the police in everywhere else, [unintelligible 00:40:11]. I don't know about the tragedy that's happening in Israel, because I'm African-American. I have a war in my own country, not against the police, just not being targeted by police. And not being targeted by people who hate my religion, because I put a scarf over my head. I want to be friendly, to know my neighbor to the left of me and the right of me.

Pastor Doug: Well obviously there's no reason to be offended by a person's religion, because of a modest dress custom. If people don't like a religion because they grow a beard or they cover their hair that's a pretty puny reason to be unhappy with somebodies religion. I think you would agree with me that there are some who come from the faith of Muhammad that advocate violence.

Anne: I don't believe that to be true.

Pastor Doug: You don't agree with it, but you admit that there are some who say at least that they are Muslims who advocate violence.

Anne: No because the religion [unintelligible 00:41:18], that what's the word-- [cross talk].

Pastor Doug: Well, I know that's what the word means but I'm saying you would admit there are some who claim to be Muslims who advocate violence?

Anne: [unintelligible 00:41:28], who claim, yes. But to be a practicing Muslim is not to be violent. Yes, I will say that there are some who claim to be Muslim and advocating violence just like there are some who claim to be Christian and advocate-

Pastor Doug: That's right.

Anne: -Violence.

Pastor Doug: I would say the same thing that you're probably saying, I'd say that any true Christian would never support that. The religion of Jesus, obviously he's called the Prince of Peace. Well, hey I thank you for calling and I hope that to clear things up a little bit you might enjoy the series that I recently produced that's called Christianity and Islam in prophecy. Now there are prophecies that talk about these nations. For instance, you can find the origin of Ishmael and it talks about that in the Bible, but the word Muslim wasn't used back then. You would enjoy that and I appreciate your calling in, thank you.

Pastor Ross: Thank you for calling. Our next call is, let's see we've got Robert listening from Washington. Robert welcome to the program.

Robert: Hi there Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross.

Pastor Doug: Hey, thank you for calling.

Robert: Yes, I had a question about the new covenant. Somebody was telling me online, that the new covenant that Jesus puts in our hearts is the law of love, not the 10 commandments. How would a person tell the other person that it's the 10 commandments, not just "the law of love"?

Pastor Doug: Well one thing you can do is just explain that Paul says, "Love is the fulfilling of the law." In other words, if you are really loving your neighbor, you're going to keep the 10 Commandments. The 10 Commandments spell out love. If you love your neighbor, you're obviously not going to lie to him or kill him or steal from him. The same thing with loving God. If you love God you're not going to use his name irreverently, you're going to want to spend time with him during the holy time appointments he's made, and you're not going to insult him by making images.

You go through the 10 Commandments and they're all about love for God and love for your fellow man. But they're not displaced, the new covenant is, I will write the law, 10 commandments, in the heart. Meaning love will be the motive for keeping them. Did that make sense?

Robert: That makes sense.

Pastor Doug: We do actually have a lesson that I think you'd enjoy Robert, that's called Written in stone. It talks about the new covenant and talks about law of love. We also have that book Does God's grace blot out the law? Talks about the covenants.

Pastor Ross: To receive that call us on our resource phone line that's 800-835-6747, you can ask for the book called Does God's grace blot out the law? You can also ask for the study guide called Written in stone. We'll be happy to send it to anybody who calls and asks. It's 800-835-6747. Our next caller that we have is Carol listening from Oakland California. Carol welcome to the program.

Carol: Hi. I have a question about Christmas decorations. My mother studied for a little while with the Jehovah Witness when I was a little girl and I don't know if that's why I've always since felt kind of uneasy about having decorations. I just thought I should just get that straightened out in my mind, because, I know it says in the Bible that if you think something's wrong, then you shouldn't do it. I guess that means if you have a personal conviction and it's not right to you. I just wanted to ask your opinion on that. I have a friend also who said that she doesn't believe in celebrating Christmas, because she believes that there's a section in the Bible that's says something about a tree.

Pastor Doug: Yes, they're reading Jeremiah, what is it chapter 10, I think Pastor Ross you're going to look at that for us. Now people have read that prophecy in Jeremiah and they said it's a Christmas tree, and it's not at all talking about a Christmas tree. You can read it and see where people get the idea. But back to your earlier question. There is no command in the Bible that you need to remember Christmas, there's no command in the Bible even tells us the date of Jesus' birthday or that it should be celebrated. In Romans 14, you read where one man regards the day to the Lord, another regards it not.

If you're going to regard the day, do it to the Lord. I'd say that if Christians are going to exploit Christmas time for witnessing and for remembering the gift of God to the world, there's certainly no flaw in that. We should be intelligent that it probably didn't happen in the month of December, let alone the 25th of December and there's Bible reasons for that. Again, as you said, anything that's not of faith, if the person feels uncomfortable about it, and then there's no command to do it, then don't do it by all means. You have that Jeremiah?

Pastor Ross: Yes I think the verse you're referring to Jeremiah chapter 10 and it's verse 3 and 4.

Pastor Doug: Why don't you read that?

Pastor Ross: It says, "For the customs of the people are futile, for one cuts down a tree from the forest, the works of hands of workmen with an axe. They decorate it with silver and gold, they fasten it with nails and hammers, so that it will not tumble. They are upright like the palm tree, they cannot speak, they must be carried. Because they cannot go by themselves, do not be afraid of them for they cannot do evil nor can they do good."

Pastor Doug: Jeremiah there is talking about the custom of taking a tree cutting it down, making an idol. Didn't even have the branches on it anymore. They made an idol, they plated it with silver and gold and they carried it around and they prayed to it. It wasn't talking about Christmas trees, so it's a stretch when people say that. It was a common custom for them to make idols out of wood and gold and silver. You can read that in Daniel chapter 5, that the Babylonians were praising their gods of wood and silver and gold. That's all he's talking about.

Carol: If I wanted to get together with family, and there would be nothing wrong with it? I think the only reason I felt uncomfortable with was because I thought-- Because when I said my mom studied with the witnesses, that it was prohibited.

Pastor Doug: I'll never forget. I studied with Jehovah Witnesses, must be 35, 40 years ago, when I was a baby, Christian. They were faithful about going around and they came knocking on our door, so I'd say, "Sure you want to study the Bible? Come on in." They gave me several studies and I heard their studies on-- very sincere, but they did the studies on the pagan feasts. It is true that the 25th of December springs from a pagan origin that date.

In the Northern hemisphere, the days keep getting shorter until the 21st of December and then you notice them getting longer the 25th. A lot of cultures celebrated the birth of the sun, and years ago Christians said, "Hey maybe we can reach the pagans if we'll tell them that the birth of the sun is really Jesus' birthday." They sort of commingled some paganism with Christianity there. No, I don't advocate that, but, I think when you're living in the world, Paul said, "I become all things to all men that I might reach some for Christ." I remember singing Christmas carols at this Jehovah Witness' home, we didn't know they were Jehovah Witnesses, we were there singing carols. They opened up the door, little kids were looking out and they said we don't believe in Christmas, they slammed the door.

I thought, well, that's not such a wonderful witness for Jesus to just say, you're singing about Christmas carols, we're going to slam the door and say we don't believe in Christmas. I think that if you're going to do something, do it to glorify God, don't have anything to do with the Santa Clause and the pagan trappings. Anyway, we do have a book we'll send you called Baptized paganism. We'll send your free copy if you like Carol.

Carol: Thank you.

Pastor Doug: All right thanks for your call.

Pastor Ross: The number to call is 800-835-6747 you can ask for the book called Baptized paganism, we'll be able to send it to anybody who calls and asks. You can also read it for free online. Just go to the amazing facts website. Our next caller is Brian and he's listening from South Carolina. Brian welcome to the program.

Brian: Yes thanks for having me.

Pastor Ross: How can we help you tonight?

Brian: My original question was on Revelation 3:9, but for some reason the spirit took it elsewhere. Basically I want to know where did the rapture theory come from or how did it begin when Daniel chapter 7, lest you know that the Saints are the Most High will be wearing out for a time and then in 2 Thessalonians, when they mentioned that before the day of the Lord--

Pastor Doug: Yes I think your call just popped off. Where did the origin of the rapture come from, you want us to talk about that for a moment?

Brian: Yes sir.

Pastor Doug: All right, first of all, the idea of us being caught up in the air when Jesus comes, goes all the way back to 1Thessalonians 4, when it says, the Lord himself will descend from heaven and we will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. The idea of a secret rapture is a fairly new doctrine. The Bible does not teach it's a secret or a surprise when Christ finally does come, he does come suddenly and he comes like a thief, but it says, when he comes like a thief and this is now 2Peter 3, "The day of the Lord will comes as a thief in the night, in which the heavens pass away with a great noise, the elements melt with fervent heat, the earth and the things end in it are burned up."

So when the Lord comes like a thief, life does not go on for seven more years. When the rapture takes place, the big debate that Christians have in the denominations, you've got some that are called your post-trib, your mid-trib, your pre-trib. They all agree tribulations happens, when does tribulations happen. Is it before the Lord comes and catches us up? During or after? Pastor Ross and I and many ancient Christians are in a group that believes the tribulations happens first. The Bible says he that endures to the end will be saved and God does not save us from, but through tribulation.

The idea of the secret rapture was originated by Francisco Ribera, a Jesuit Priest, he wrote it to fight against what was happening when the reformation took off and so many people were leaving the Medieval Church. That later was adopted by a Pastor named Darby, and then adopted by Pastor named Scofield, you've heard of the Scofield Bible. And then how Lindsey using the Scofield Bible, he printed his book The Late Great Planet Earth, and it made the secret rapture doctrine very popular, along with the left behinds books by Tim LaHaye. So it's a fairly new doctrine, it's not what the apostles taught, the idea of a secret rapture. We have a book, free book we can send you on that too.

Pastor Ross: Yes the book is called Anything But Secret, it's talking about the second coming of Christ and we will happy to send this to anyone who calls and ask. The number is 800-835-6747. You can ask the book called Anything But Secret.

Pastor Doug: Thank you Brian. Appreciate your call.

Pastor Ross: Next caller is Gina listening from Leolinda. Gina, welcome to the program.

Gina: Thank you so much. Hello Pastor Doug and Pastor John. Please my question is about Luke 21 verses 25 and 26, and regarding the Solar eclipse coming next month, a lot of people are talking about it, and I don't believe it to be the end of the world. I do believe we're definitely in end times. Please I was just wondering if Luke 21, 25 and 26 tie in to that at all.

Pastor Doug: Yes the Bible talks about there are-- and Pastor Ross, you have those verses, you want to read them.

Pastor Ross: I do-- Luke 21:25, I had it here, I was looking at the wrong book. "And there will be signs in the Sun, Moon and in the Stars and on the earth, distress of nations with perplexity, and the sea and the waves roaring. And men's heart failing them for fear and the expectation of those things coming up on the earth for the powers of heaven will be shaken."

Pastor Doug: Some have wondered this, there is another eclipse coming, they come every few years, this one is unique in that it's going to basically transect North America from coast to coast with a full eclipse, that's doesn't happen very often, but it has happened many times before. And a matter of fact, I'm thinking of going to visit one of my kids that lives right on the epicenter of one of the full eclipse spots and just take a look at it. In history, they often looked at the Sun being dark and there is an omen of bad things coming. Most of all that is talking about what happens before the second coming, when it says, the Sun would be dark and the Moon will turn to blood, the Stars will fall from heaven. This is talking about a great cosmic changes, I don't think it's talking about your regularly scheduled Solar eclipses. Some may see this as an omen from God, but I don't think God sets His calendar based on astronomy. After this eclipse, there will be another one some day, it doesn't mean bad things are always going to happen when there is an eclipse.

Gina: Thank you so much.

Pastor Doug: All right, thank you very much. Appreciate your call. Can we do a call in two minutes?

Pastor Ross: Yes, we'll have Gary listening from North Carolina. Gary, welcome to the program. We've just a few more moments left.

Gary: I don't know the exact verse, but there is a Scripture that talks about a sin unto death, and there is a sin not into death, and I was just wondering if you could-- one of you recall, that if you could expound on that and I'll go ahead and listen to you on the radio. God bless you.

Pastor Ross: Yes, I think the verse you're referring to is 1John chapter 5 verse 17.

Pastor Doug: You want to read that for us?

Pastor Ross: Yes, "All unrighteousness is sin and there is a sin not unto death."

Pastor Doug: And the next verse is what I think he wants.

Pastor Ross: Oh, let me get that one.

Pastor Doug: He's talking about the sin that you don't pray for.

Pastor Ross: That is 1John chapter 5 verse 16, that's actually the one before. "If any man sees his brother sin a sin that is not unto death, you shall ask and it shall be given him for life, and that sin not unto death. There is sin unto death, I do not say that you should pray for it."

Pastor Doug: The only sin that cannot be forgiven according to Jesus in Matthew 12, is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and it's unforgivable. Every other sin is not unto death, because it can be prayed for, repented of, covered by the blood of Jesus. And so I think here he's really talking about the unpardonable sin. John is using some unique language in describing that there-- but we do have a book we can send you if you call and ask for that our recent caller and it's called Beyond Mercy and it says, "What is the unpardonable sin?" If you like free copy that just call us at 800-835-6747.

Listening friend, we're coming to the tail-end of this program, we still have some important announcements to come, but I'll just like to remind you if you're enjoying this program, we know there is always some new listeners, let us know, send some support,. You can do it so easily online, just go to, drop us a note there. God bless you. Pass on the good word.

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