A Violence Within

Lesson: 1
Why Satan fell, we cannot understand, and Christ's plan of salvation we will never comprehend ! Mystery and enigma, miracle and grace... praise God for the hope He gives us ! While Satan's position made his guilt unpardonable (2Red, 18), our Father promises to receive us again into His favor if we respond to Christ's sacrifice by obeying His law, and testify of Him through love for others. Join us now as we study about Christ and His return, for He is the Author, and the Finisher, of our faith.

Did God Create the Devil?

Did God Create the Devil?
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Announcer: It is the best-selling book in history. No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted; and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious, should always be studied carefully. It is the Bible, the Word of God. Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate and practical answer to all your Bible questions. This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode. To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this broadcast, call 800-835-6747. Once again, that's 800-835-6747. Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International, Pastor Doug Batchelor.

Doug Batchelor: Hello, friends. Would you like to hear an amazing fact? Back in 1922, after a minor slip and a fall at work, an Iowa man started hiccupping and he didn't stop for 68 years. Over the weeks, months, and years, Charles Osborne tried everything to get rid of his pesky condition. He traveled cross country to visit doctors and even resorted to hormone therapy, but it seemed that nothing could cure his chronic hiccups. Not wanting experimental surgery, Osborne eventually learned to hiccup quietly and live with his annoying condition. He did marry and had a job and had a family, but one day in 1990, after 68 years of nonstop hiccups, when Osborne was 96 years old his hiccups mysteriously stopped. His last months of life were thankfully hiccup-free. Osborne's condition also earned him a place in the Guinness Book of World Records in an interview with Johnny Carson on "The Tonight Show." It's estimated that between the ages of 29 and 96 Osborne hiccupped 430 million times and doctors never did figure out precisely what caused his lifelong affliction. You know, Pastor Ross, that's what you would call a mystery, a conundrum, an enigma. Where did his hiccups come from, and where did they go? They just stopped after 68 years. And the Bible talks about--oh, I think 22 times it uses the word mystery. There are some mysteries. You know, you get the mystery of godliness, and then the Bible tells us in, what, 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 about the mystery of iniquity. People want to know, where did sin come from?

Jean Ross: That's right. One of the questions that we often have is, if God is a God of love and He's all-powerful, why do we live in a world where there is sin and suffering and death? Well, the Bible gives us the answer. However, there is that element of mystery. The Bible speaks about the mystery of iniquity, that self-centeredness that arose in the heart of a beautiful angel, Lucifer, in heaven. And, you know, we do have a study guide that talks about this. It's an important subject. People often wonder, "If God is good, why is there bad in the world? Did God create a devil?" That's one of the questions people have. Well, we have a study guide, part of the Amazing Facts study guide series, and it talks about the origin of evil. And we'll send this lesson for free. It's called "Did God Create a Devil?" You might be surprised when you read and study this. We'll send it to anyone here in the United States and Canada. All you need to do is call the number 800-835-6747 and you can ask for the study guide. It's called "Did God Create a Devil?" And if you have a cell phone, you can also just dial #250, say "Bible Answers Live," and ask for the study guide "Did God Create a Devil?" We'll be happy to send you a digital copy or through the mail. And if you're outside of North America, you can just go to the Amazing Facts website. Just AmazingFacts.org.

And, Pastor Doug, it's probably a good time for us to greet our friends who are watching and listening across the country and in other places through the internet around the world. I know our program is rebroadcast on a number of different television networks as well. So we'd like to greet our friends listening. And if you'd like to see what's happening here, this is live this evening, you can just simply go to the Doug Batchelor Facebook page or the Amazing Facts Facebook page. We're also live on YouTube, and you can call in with your Bible question. The number here to the studio is 800-463-7297. It's 800-463-7297 and you'll be able to get your Bible question on the air this evening. Well, before we go to the phone lines, let's start with a word of prayer. Dear Father, we thank You that we have this time where we can just open up Your Word and study. Lord, we know the Bible is Your book, so we do pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us. Be with our friends who are listening, wherever they might be, and lead us into a clearer understanding of the teachings of the Bible. In Jesus's name, amen.

Doug: Amen.

Jean: Well, Pastor Doug, our first caller this evening, we're going to get right to it, we've got Gary listening in Illinois. Gary, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Gary: Well, my question is there are four angels standing at the four corners of the earth holding back the winds that would harm the earth until the servants of God are sealed in their forehead. So what is to be sealed mean, and how does that play up against the thought that Jesus did it all? If I have to do one thing to secure my salvation, I'm saying that Jesus's crucifixion wasn't good enough.

Doug: Okay. Well, let's actually deal with the last part of your question first, the idea that because we need to do something means that Jesus's sacrifice wasn't adequate. Let me just see if I can explain it this way. If somebody writes a check to pay 100% of your million-dollar debt and yet the bank still repossesses your home and puts you in jail and you say, "But I thought he paid everything." They say, "Well, you never took the check to the bank." So there is something that everybody needs to do. We need to reach out and take the gift that He's offered. So there is something that needs to be done. It doesn't mean that Jesus's sacrifice is inadequate. We must respond to that sacrifice. So when it says that we must receive the seal of God, we must be born again. Jesus said, "Unless you are born of the water and the Spirit, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven." You look in Ephesians chapter 1, verse 13 it says, "In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in Whom you also have believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise." Now, there's the word seal. Read again in Ephesians 4, verse 30, "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by Whom you were sealed for the day of redemption." Now, we just read there in Revelation chapter 7, at least that's what you were quoting, Gary, about people must receive the seal of God if they're going to survive these plagues and this wind of strife, but there's something deeper than just the Holy Spirit. What I mean by that is, why does it say in the forehead? If you look in the Old Testament it says that God's people-- this is Deuteronomy chapter 5, is where you have the Ten Commandments repeated. Chapter 6 is where Moses said, "These words that I command you today shall be in your heart. They shall be in your hand. They shall be between your eyes." So one way that we know that we have the Holy Spirit is by the fruits of the Spirit. There's obedience in the life. You read in Isaiah chapter 8, it says, "Bind up the testimony. Seal the law among My disciples." So in the law of God is a seal of God, and it shows that we've got the fruits of the Spirit. We have a whole lesson that talks about the seal of God we could send to Gary or anyone that wants to know what that is. Jean: That's right. It's part of our Amazing Facts study guide series, and you can just call and ask for the study guide "The Seal of God." We'll be happy to send that to anyone who calls and asks. The number, again, is 800-835-6747. And, you know, Pastor Doug, it's interesting in the Book of Revelation not only do you have the righteous sealed, not only do they have something symbolically in their forehead but you also have those who are lost. The wicked, they're also marked. They get the mark of the beast. So at the end of time everyone is divided up into two groups: those with the seal of God, obedience to God's commandments; or the mark of the beast, obedience to the beast commandment. We want to be amongst those who have the seal of God in the last days. Thank you for your call, Gary. Next caller that we have is Junith listening in Nevada. Junith, welcome to the program. Junith: Hello? Can you hear me, Pastor Doug?

Doug: We do. Junith: Hello? Good evening. Okay, great. Wonderful. Thanks for taking my call again. My question is related to Matthew chapter 5, verse 48, that we're perfect in the eyes of God. My question is we are the--still in the midst of the great controversy between Christ and Satan and once saved will not always be saved. It's a daily sanctification process and a personal relationship with Jesus. So what would you recommend biblical, I would say, to stop to give us a warning sign and the good luck signs that we are not maintaining perfection in the eyes of God? What would be your input as to biblical promises that will maintain our spiritual purification daily? Thank you for your answer.

Doug: Yes. Well, when Jesus says here in Matthew chapter 5:48, "Therefore be perfect just as your Father in heaven is perfect--" He talks about in the previous verses--so always read something in its context. In the previous verses he talks about loving your brother. When Jesus quotes that same verse in the Gospel of Luke, he says, "Be therefore merciful, even as your Father in heaven is merciful." And so God wants us to have a perfect love and a perfect mercy, and we are called to holiness. Don't misunderstand. The Bible says blessed are the pure in heart. They'll see God. But as soon as we accept Christ he then gives us a new heart, and this is the new covenant, and we begin to think differently instead of being--and it may not all happen in one day. It's called sanctification. But instead of being motivated by selfishness and sin, now we start being motivated by love and a desire to please God. And so there's a change that happens in the heart. Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments." And so as we get to know Him better, we fall in love with God. As we love Him better, we obey Him better. And Jesus said that He that has begun a good work in us will perform it. He is the author and the finisher of our faith. So if we keep dying to self, we take up our cross daily and follow him; we die to self and we follow Jesus, we're being transformed into His image. Jean: That's right. You know, we do have a study guide that talks about--actually one of our books talks about--it's called "Three Steps to Heaven." Talks about these different aspects of trusting in God and experiencing that deliverance, that cleansing that only comes from the Spirit. We'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and ask. The number is 800-835-6747. You can ask for the book. It's called "Three Steps to Heaven." We'll be happy to send that for free to anyone in the US and in Canada. If you'd like, you could dial #250 on your phone and say "Bible Answers Live" and then ask for the book "Three Steps to Heaven." And you can also receive it that way. Thank you for your call, Junith. If you have a Bible question, just another reminder, friends, our phone lines are open. It's 800-463-7297, 800-GOD-SAYS. That's 800-463-7297. Next caller that we have is Jimmy listening in Texas. Jimmy, welcome to the program. Jimmy: Yes, sir. Thank you. Hello, pastors.

Doug: Thanks for calling. Jimmy: My question is I be--I think this is the truth. I'm not really sure. Christ comes back after the seven last plagues, but it's also written that He comes as a thief in the night. Does that occur after the seven last plagues or during it?

Doug: Well, let's read it here. If you look in Revelation chapter 16 and you go to verse 17, it says, "Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl--" These are the bowls filled with the plagues. So the seventh angel is the seventh plague. "The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, 'It is done.' And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and a great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth. Now that great city was divided in three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. And great Babylon was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath. Then every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And a great hail from heaven fell upon men, each hailstone about the weight of a talent, and men blasphemed God because of the plague of hail, since that plague was exceedingly great." So it's understood this great earthquake and the hail are mentioned other places with the second coming of Christ, that the seventh plague is really the end for the world because every island fled away, the cities are destroyed. You can read in Revela--I'm sorry. In Jeremiah chapter 4, it talks about the cities are broken down by the presence of the Lord and through His fierce anger. So when you read that he's coming like a thief, it just means that it's going to surprise people. When these plagues begin to fall, people are going to just be blindsided by it all. So yeah, I think it's--since no one knows the day or the hour, it's going to surprise people.

Jean: Let me just read that verse, Pastor Doug, because it's interesting. 2 Peter chapter 3 and verse 10 it says, "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night." And there you have it. But it says, "In which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; and the earth and the works thereof will be burned up." So there you have Jesus coming as a thief in the night, but when He comes it talks about the heavens passing away and the earth melting with fervent heat. So there's nothing secret about the coming of Jesus. So when Christ comes as a thief, it's not the manner of Christ coming but it's the unexpectedness. He comes and catches the majority of the world by surprise.

Doug: Right. And this is right at the conclusion of the seven last plagues.

Jean: You know, we do have a study guide talking about the second coming, and it's called "Anything But Secret." It's actually one of our books, and we'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks. Again, that number is 800-835-6747 and you can ask for the book. It's called "Anything But Secret." We'll be happy to send it to anyone. Dial #250 on your phone and just say "Bible Answers Live," and you can receive the book that way as well. Next caller that we have is Brittany listening in Jamaica. Brittany, welcome to the program.

Brittany: Hi, Pastor Doug. Hi, Pastor Ross.

Doug: Evening.

Brittany: Hi. I just wanted to ask, how can you know if God is calling you to evangelism?

Doug: Well, if you read in Matthew chapter 28, Jesus said to His disciples, "All power is given unto me. Go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." Teaching--he's telling us to go and teach and make disciples. And so that invitation to make disciples using our various spiritual gifts was not just for the apostles, but I think every believer to some extent is supposed to be sharing their faith. Now, whether you're called to full-time evangelism or not, I don't know, I think that a lot of people have the gifts or--certain gifts that can be used in evangelism, and they maybe just need some training or discipling. Amazing Facts actually has a program called AFCOE, and it's the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism where we teach men and women how to do. What are some of the different aspects of evangelism?

Jean: There are different parts to evangelism. You've got what we think of, the evangelist standing in front of a group of people and they preaching the Bible. But there's also parts of evangelism that we don't always think of. One is Bible work where somebody's actually doing Bible studies one on one or maybe in somebody's home, in a group. That's an important part of evangelism. There's something else we call literature evangelism where people are actually going out and they're using material and they're sharing it with other people. That way the people can read and come to an understanding of truth. So there are different ways in which we can let our light shine, and we want to say, "Lord, what are the gifts, what are the talents that You have given me? How can I use this for the furtherance of Your kingdom?" That might involve preaching. Others have the gift of music, and they can use their music to glorify God and bring people knowledge of the truth. So each person has got different gifts, and we want to use those gifts the best way we can.

Doug: If people want to know more about the Amazing Facts evangelism training, and we've got thousands of graduates around the world now, you can simply go to AFCOE--A-F-C-O-E, afcoe.org. And I think they can even do a lot of it online.

Jean: That's right. We have several of the classes available online, and, again, just go to the Amazing Facts website or AFCOE. You can--if you can't remember AFCOE, just go to Amazing Facts and you can click on the training link and you can get all the information about our evangelism training program that we have.

Doug: Now, Brittany, real quick let me just give you more of a direct answer to your question. You're saying, "How do I know if He's calling me?" You tell the Lord, say, "Lord, I am willing to go," and watch and see if He opens the doors. If you're willing to go and do something more full-time, say, "Lord, if this is Your will, open the doors." In the meantime, do what lies closest to hand with all--you know, all your might. Be faithful in whatever your current work is. Say, "Lord, open the doors." He's done it for me several times, and that's one way I knew.

Jean: Okay. Next caller that we have is Jesus listening in Florida. Jesus, welcome to the program.

Jesus: Hello, how are you guys doing tonight?

Doug: Great. Thank you for calling and your question.

Jesus: Thank you for taking my question. Yes. Okay. So in Acts chapter 2, verse 13 it talks about new wine specifically in the context of people mocking those who were in the upper room that had received the Holy Spirit, and I'm assuming that it's insinuating that they're drunk. Now, I've always heard the context that new wine symbolizes unfermented wine, right? Like the first miracle of Jesus as well when He talks about it later. So I'm wondering, does that conflict with that idea? How are we supposed to understand that?

Doug: Yeah. Well, when the--let me just--for our friends that are listening, when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the apostles there in Acts chapter 2 and they began to preach with power and they were speaking in other languages to the people present so--you know, I think it mentions 16 different language groups there by the time you get to verse 12. And so it sounded like babbling to some that were listening. And so some of the Jews were mocking, and they said, "Oh, they're full of new wine." And the word new wine there--new wine is clearly not fermented, but people would stumble around sometimes and they say, "Oh, I thought it was new wine." They'd be drinking old wine and then they'd say, "Oh no, but I thought it was new wine." So that was sort of like a cop out, and they're mocking the disciples saying, "Oh, they're full of new wine." But no, new wine doesn't get you drunk. They were just using this as sarcasm, I guess you would say.

Jean: Yeah. There's also something else interesting in the Greek there. If you look up the word new wine, it can also be translated as sweet wine. Now, the Passover--or Pentecost, rather, occurred somewhere around June, but you'd have the harvest of the grapes not until August. So what they would do is they would somehow try and concentrate this juice and then they'd add water and they could use it as grape juice. It would be sweet. So you could use the word sweet wine instead of new wine because new wine is the juice that comes fresh from the grapes, and you didn't have that all year round. That was something that was at the harvest. So yeah-- Doug: If you're drinking juice out of grape, unless they're very old grapes they're not fermented.

Jean: That's right. Yeah, it's fresh.

Doug: You know, we do have a book, and you may have some questions about this, Jesus, and it's called "Alcohol and the Christian." We can send you or anyone who wants to know what does the Bible say about alcohol. We can send you a free copy.

Jean: The number to call is 800-835-6747 and you can ask the book. It's called "Alcohol and the Christian." You can also dial #250 on your phone and say "Bible Answers Live" or "Amazing Facts" and ask for that book "The Christian and Alcohol." Next caller that we have is Richard listening in Canada. Richard, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Richard: Hello.

Doug: Hi.

Richard: I have a question and it revolves around something Jesus said in Matthew 23, verses 8 through 10. Is it appropriate for Christians to call each other or accept to be called by each other by honorific titles like pastor, bishop or is that--or should we refer to each other by our names, whatever position we may hold?

Doug: Yeah. Well, it's not wrong to address a person by an appropriate title. If you're going to see your doctor, you know, his name might be Robert, you don't necessarily need to say, "Hey, Bob." You know, the--I think people are due certain respect based on offices. I know if you're in the military and you've got a sergeant and you call him buddy; well, you might end up getting thrown in the brig. So it's appropriate to call people by certain respectful titles. But when it comes to the church, Jesus said, "Call no man father for you have one Father." So there's at least one term there. And then, you know, Pastor Ross and I people say, "Should we call you reverend? Should we call you father?" We say no. The Bible says holy and reverend, meaning revered, is His name. And so we don't use the word reverend. But the word minister or title is also a descriptive word, and there's nothing wrong with using a descriptive word. If you say a person is wearing a gray suit doesn't mean that you're giving them any kind of undue honor. It's just a descriptive term. So to call a person by their descriptive profession and saying Pastor Doug or Pastor Jean, nothing wrong with that. We just don't want to take the reverence belongs to God, and we have really one Father. We should not be giving a man that title. God is our Father. Did I make sense, Richard?

Richard: It does. He also talks about rabbi and master. Those were also honorific titles that were used-- telling His disciples.

Doug: Yeah, and I think Jesus is talking more specifically about the teachers and the scribes. They loved the titles. They loved the greetings. They loved the best seats. They wanted the honor of men. And if a person wants to be a pastor or a minister so that they can get a title; well, that's certainly the wrong reason. But I think it's important to use some terms of respect, you know, with our kids. When we--when your children are young and they're talking to other adults, it's good for them to call Mr. Brown or Mr. Smith. We don't have our kids talk to another adult when they're young and say, "Hey, Stanley." It just doesn't sound right. It used to be--you know, you'd address them with more respect. And so there's nothing wrong with terms of respect, but we shouldn't be craving titles for prestige.

Jean: You know, just to add a little bit to that, Pastor Doug, you know, in our church it's interesting we have a weekly bulletin. We put together the different positions connected with our service, and in our bulletin we don't put titles. We don't say doctor so and so or pastor so and so. Now, on the back of the bulletin it mentions who the pastors are in the church. But when it comes to the church and it comes to worshiping, it is valuable for someone that might be visiting to know who the leader of the church is, who's the pastor of the church. There's nothing wrong with that. But as we interact with each other, you know, we try to minimize the titles that would sort of--in God's eyes we're all brothers and sisters in Christ. And sometimes the term brother so and so you'll hear in the church or sister so and so more so than you'll hear a title like doctor or some other person.

Doug: Good question.

Jean: All right. Thank you for your call. Next caller that we have is Nel listening in California. Nel, welcome.

Nel: Hi. Thank you so much, pastor. My question is in regards to investing. I'm a little bit new at it, but I know that some of the--some things like that--if you invest in--like I'm using the wrong term, but in a composite bit manner, some of those might contain things that we may not necessarily believe in. Like you might invest in an alcohol company or something like that. And so if you're doing that, is it a problem or do we have to, like, seek different--you know, separately seek things to invest in?

Doug: Right. That's a great question. So if you're a Christian and you're going to invest--and it is appropriate to invest. Jesus talked about the unfaithful steward that does bury the money, and Jesus said, "You could have at least put it in the bank." Now, when you put your money in a bank, the banks invest your money. They might invest it in some companies that, you know, you might not support. It might be an entertainment or an alcohol or tobacco company. Usually that's not all of it, but that might be in the bouquet. You can't always control what your bank is going to do, but on a personal level stock advisors and financial advisors do tell Christians and--just anybody with some morals, they might say, "I want to invest in a mutual fund that doesn't have the sin companies." Sometimes they'll use a term like that. It's not investing in, you know, the alcohol or the tobacco or some of these other dubious companies. People can choose to invest in a sector of just technology or something or medicine or whatever. So I think as Christians you need to be careful not to try to exploit companies or make money off companies that have-- are morally questionable. That's a good thing for you to ask. You may not always be able to control what your bank does with the money. That's a different issue, but--just like when you go to the supermarket and you buy your oranges. They may also sell alcohol, but you don't buy the alcohol. Hey, we'll be back with more questions, friends. Don't go anywhere.

Announcer: Stay tuned. "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.

Doug: Hi, friends, Pastor Doug Batchelor. It's time to make your plans and mark your calendars to attend our third annual Amazing Facts Youth Conference. The dates are June 7th through the 10th, 2023. This year's mission and title is called Eyedentity: Changed by Beholding." Come and learn how to turn your focus from the world to the Word and make some great friends along the way. For more information about the speakers and how you can register, go to afyouth.com.

Announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live," where every question answered provides a clearer picture of God and his plan to save you. So what are you waiting for? Get practical answers about the good book for a better life today. This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode. If you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions on the air, please call us next Sunday between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. Pacific Time. To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this evening's program, call 800-835-6747. Once again, that's 800-835-6747. Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."

Doug: Welcome back, listening friends. For those who tuned in somewhere along the way, this is a live international interactive Bible study and we encourage you to participate. We've got some lines open, Pastor Ross. If people want to call in, all they've got to do is call that toll-free number 800-463-7297. And we're streaming on Facebook right now. They can watch the program. It's the Doug Batchelor Facebook page or the Amazing Facts Facebook page. It's on YouTube, Amazing Facts YouTube. We're airing, I think, live on AFTV and rebroadcast in other stations. But you've got a Bible question, now's the time. Pick up the phone, give us a call. We've got some room left for the second half of the program. We'd love to hear from you. My name is Doug Batchelor.

Jean: My name is Jean Ross. And also, friends, if you can't call in--maybe you're listening to a rebroadcast of this program and you'd like to ask a question, you can all do so by sending an email. And I'll give you the address. It's BALquestions@amazingfacts.org. Just BALquestions@amazingfacts.org. But right now we are live. So if you'd like to call in and ask your question, 800-463-7297. We're going to go to Bob listening in Washington. Bob, welcome to the program.

Bob: Hey, gentlemen. Thank you, brothers Doug and Jean. My question is, when the latter rain comes and the 144,000 are spreading the three angels' messages, the other Christians on the planet that are not part of or counted part of the 144,000, will they be doing the same thing?

Doug: Yeah, well, I think as we near the end of time every believer is engaged in sharing the good news. I think the key to understanding who the 144,000 are can be found in Acts chapter 2. In Acts chapter 2, we know that they were--the first thing that happens actually in Acts chapter 1 is they do a headcount and they say, "You know, we are short one apostle." There were 12. Jesus wanted 12, even though there were not 12 tribes of Israel left because they had been scattered. He said, "We need 12 apostles." And Judas had killed himself. So Peter said, "Let's pick a replacement." And I trust he was led by the Spirit. They cast lots. They picked a replacement. As soon as they got back to the number 12, the Holy Spirit is poured out and there's a great revival. Now, the Holy Spirit did not just fall on the 12 apostles in the upper room. It says there were 120 in the upper room. So it's 10 times more than just the 12. The ones who received the special filling in the last days are not just the 144,000. The 144,000 are very much like last-day apostles. They have a special work to do, a special calling and--but they're not the only ones saved. There's a great multitude that was saved from the preaching of the apostles and the disciples in the upper room, and they were baptized at Pentecost. In the last days the Holy Spirit is going to fall on thousands, way beyond just the 144,000. And I think there'll be a revival that will sweep the world as it did in the first centuries with Christianity. And we have a book, talks about the subject.

Jean: That's right. It's called "Who Are the 144,000?" We'll be happy to send this to you, Bob, or anyone wanting to learn more about that. Just before we give the number again, Pastor Doug, just to add to that a little bit, you know, he asked about the latter rain. There might be some folks who are wondering, "Well, what is it talking about the latter rain?"

Doug: Yeah. Well, in Bible times they had what they called the former rain and the latter rain connected with the harvest. They were an agricultural society, and they always prayed especially that there'd be this good rain that would sprout the seed and then just before the harvest there would be another rain that would help it to plump up before the harvest. And in the same way Jesus scattered the seed of the gospel with His 3 1/2 years of ministry, then the Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost and you had, like, the former rain before Christ comes to harvest; and He pictures Himself coming with a sickle in His hand in Revelation to harvest. It's a symbol. There'll be the latter rain of the Holy Spirit to prepare the crop of souls. So it uses that farming terminology in connection with the second coming.

Jean: Okay. The book that we mentioned, it's called "Who Will Sing the Song? Understanding the 144,000." And that is for free. We'll send it to anyone in the US or in Canada. The number to call for that is 800-835-6747 and you can ask for the book "Who Will Sing the Song? Understanding the 144,000." Or you can just dial #250 on your phone and say "Bible Answers Live" and then ask for the book about the 144,000. Next caller that we have is Kim, and he's listening from Iowa. Kim, welcome to the program.

Kim: Thank you.

Doug: Oh, Kim is a she. Sorry, Kim. There's a couple of different Kims out there.

Kim: Okay. No worries. I have a question. I had this discussion with a lady that I work with. It's 1 Timothy chapter 4, verses 4 and 5 and--about unclean and clean meats to be eaten and not to be eaten, but she claims that the Scripture negates everything.

Doug: Oh, let's read this for our friends that are listening. If you look in 1 Timothy chapter 4, and I'll read 4 and 5, it says, "For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be ref--is to be refused if it's received with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by the word of God in prayer." Now, you need to go back to verse 3 really where it says that there'll be this, you know, fallen power in the last days that will command people not to marry. Right? That's a clue right there. There's going to be a religious movement that will tell its priests they can't marry. Ten seconds you got to figure out the answer to that. And then it says they'll command people to abstain from foods that the Bible says can't be eaten because they're sanctified by the Word of God. Well, they say, like, you can or can't eat fish on a certain day clean or unclean. And so this is talking about a particular movement in the last days.

Now, when Paul says for every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused, there was a big debate in the church in Paul's day where the Christians were being told by the Jewish believers, these are believers in Christ but they're coming from a Jewish background, that they couldn't eat any meat that was sold in the Roman-Greek marketplaces because it had been offered to idols before it was sacrificed, and they said you will be participating in idolatry even if you buy that chicken that's hanging there in the meat market because before they slaughtered the chicken they did it in front of a little idol to some god. Well, Paul said the idol is nothing if you don't--if that doesn't bother your conscience, don't do it. If it does bother your conscience; well, just eat vegetables and don't eat the meat. If it bothers your brother, don't do it. There's a big debate in the New Testament about can you eat things that were offered to idols, and Paul said, "Well, if you're not offering it to an idol and you're just buying it in the market, then don't ask any questions for conscience sake." It's something like today--my wife and I love going to a Thai restaurant. One of the Thai restaurants we go to, it's got like a statue of Buddha in there when you walk in. Well, that doesn't bother me. I'm not going to worship Buddha, and I don't feel like God thinks I'm worshiping Buddha by eating there. Someone--if I went with a brother and sister and they said, "Oh, Doug, we can't eat here. There's a statue of Buddha at the entrance." I'd said, "All right. Well, let's go somewhere else."

So there was this kind of debate. It had nothing to do with the clean meats so much as things sacrificed to idols. Paul is saying every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused if it's received with thanksgiving, he's talking about, for it is sanctified by the Word of God. There are some animals that the Word of God says you can eat. They're called clean animals. And there are some you cannot eat. They're called unclean. It's called an abomination. God is not saying that you just pray over anything and it becomes clean. It's really absurd to think that you tell your children, "I don't care what you eat for breakfast. Just make sure you pray over it." No, you know that there's nutritional value and you're going to reap what you sow. So we have a study guide that we can share, and she can give this to her friend.

Jean: Study guide is called "God's Free Health Plan," and we'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks. The number is 800-835-6747. Ask for the study guide "God's Free Health Plan." Or dial #250 on your smartphone and say "Bible Answers Live" and ask for that study guide "God's Free Health Plan." Next caller that we have--thank you, Kim. Next caller that we have is Carlos listening in Florida. Carlos, welcome to the program.

Carlos: How are you doing, pastors?

Doug: Doing great. Thanks for calling.

Carlos: So my question is--I'm watching a Joe Crews on--sermon here on Sabbath and--so this is in regards to Sabbath, if it should be kept--if us Christians today should keep Sabbath or not, and he came to a verse that was--he's reading out something that Billy Graham wrote and it came to Romans 10:8 through 10. But he didn't really read the verse, he just kind of kept-- I don't think he read the verse anyways. I was looking for what the verse in the Bible as he was talking, but I couldn't tell if he was really talking--it didn't seem like he was speaking Scripture. How does that eight--Romans 8-10--Romans 10:8-10 relate to keeping of the Sabbath or keeping of the laws?

Doug: All right. Well, first of all, you're talking about--and I don't mean to jump in, but you're talking about a Scripture reference that is given during a sermon that you are watching. Is that correct?

Carlos: Yes, sir.

Doug: All right. It is entirely possible, I've done it before, that he misquoted the reference or quoted the wrong reference in the wrong place. So I'll read this for our friends. I'm not sure that could be the problem, but let me read what it says here in Romans chapter 10. I think you said verse 8 through 10, and it said, "But what does it say? 'The word is near you and in your mouth and in your heart.' That is, the word of faith which we preach: that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and if you believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you will be saved. For with a heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Now, that is a powerful verse that is often used in-- person accepting Christ and receiving forgiveness and righteousness by faith. I don't know that I would use that connected with the Sabbath.

Jean: I think maybe what--and, Carlos, if we understand what the argument is, I think some people say, well, this verse says you just need to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart. That's all you have to do. You don't have to keep the law. You don't have to worry about that.

Doug: But Billy Graham believes you should keep the law too—

Carlos: I had a feeling he was on the wrong--made a mistake on the Scripture there, but what he was saying was something along the lines of what should we do now that we're living through faith. Does it mean that we could just continue to sin?

Doug: Right. That's--that would be Romans chapter 6. "Shall we continue in sin that grace might abound?" God forbid. That--you know what? It's--he may have quoted--it's Romans chapter--well, there's two places. You got Romans chapter 6, and you've got Romans chapter 7 talks about that. Let me see. Romans 6, verse 1, "What then shall we say? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?" God forbid. "Certainly not. How shall we who are dead to sin," meaning lawlessness, "live any longer in it?"

Carlos: Amen, that's the one I was looking for.

Doug: Yeah, so it may mean he may have meant to quote that one, I don't know. Of course, I don't know what sermon you're listening to—

Carlos: Do you know the service I'm looking at?

Doug: No, I--Joe Crews has preached thousands of sermons, so don't quiz me on that. I have no idea which one you're listening to.

Jean: Hopefully that helps, Carlos.

Carlos: --about the Sabbath. And yes, this has helped a lot actually. So that's Romans 6, right?

Doug: Yeah. Romans 6, verse 1. And there's another one in Romans 6:2. Well, he says, you know, he that is dead is freed from sin, but--let me see here. Yeah. Do not let sin reign in your mouth--" You read all of Romans 6. You'll--the whole thing is good. Hey, thanks, Carlos. You know what? I would offer Carlos that book "Does God's Grace Blot out the Law?" because he quotes that there. Jean: The book, again, is called "Does God's Grace Blot out the Law?" The number is 800-835-6747 written by Joe Crews. We'll send that to anyone who calls and asks. You can also dial #250, say "Bible Answers Live," and ask for the book "Does God's Grace Blot out the Law?" Next caller that we have is Cami listening from California. Cami, welcome to the program.

Cami: Hello, pastors. Good evening. Thank you for taking my call.

Doug: Yes.

Cami: So my question this evening is dealing with the story about Saul and the Witch of Endor in 1 Samuel chapter 28. And when you get down to the 15th verse it says, "And Samuel said to Saul, 'Why hast thou disquieted me to bring me up--'" et cetera, et cetera. And so I'm wondering is, why does the Word of God say that it was Samuel when we know that it wasn't?

Doug: Well, I think it's just saying through the perspective of those that were present that day, this apparition, this spirit said who--she says is, you know, Samuel says, "Why did you disturb me?" Now, later we read that they are the spirits of devils working miracles, and Satan--then you can read in 2 Corinthians chapter 11 Satan himself can be transformed into an angel of light. So if the devil and his angels can transform themselves and to create illusions and they're the spirits of devils working miracles, and then you can also read in Kings where it talks about lying spirits where Michael the prophet came before Ahab. They said they are lying spirits. So I think it's pretty--and you've got that other verse where it says-- consulting a medium.

Jean: Yeah, 1 Chronicles chapter 10, verse 13 it says, "So Saul died for his unfaithfulness in which he committed against the Lord because He did not keep the Word of the Lord and also because he consulted a medium for guidance." So yeah, there it is. A familiar spirit is another term that's sometimes used.

Doug: So I know when you read it they're just--you know, they're saying that this thing obviously looked and sounded like Samuel or it was impersonating Samuel so that's the name that was given to it, but it wasn't really Samuel. And I'm looking--where is it? Isaiah chapter 8, verse--yeah. Isaiah 8:19, "And when they say to you, 'Seek those who are mediums--'" A medium supposedly connects you with the dead world, the spirit world. "'Seek those who are mediums and wizards, who whisper and mutter,' should not a people seek their God? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living?" And then you read where Solomon says the living know they'll die but the dead know nothing. So--and then obviously does the devil have the ability to resurrect dead saints? No. Only Jesus has. He's got the keys of life and death and the resurrection. So by all other counts it's what you would call the preponderance of evidence. This was a satanic impersonator. Does that make sense?

Cami: I know that--it does. I just wanted to say too before I go that in verse 14 it says, "And Saul perceived that it was Samuel and he stooped with his face to the ground and bowed himself." And so realizing that the so-called Samuel did not immediately correct him and say, you know, "Don't bow to me. You should only bow to the Lord," as an angel would do, we know too that that couldn't have been Samuel.

Doug: Yeah, and, you know, when we go--they weren't supposed to consult witches because what's happening is you're going on enchanted ground. You're going on the devil's ground and then we're wide open to deception, and that's what happened to Saul. And because he went to that witch and he believed the message of the evil spirit, he did get discouraged. The next day he had no courage to lead his men into battle. They lost miserably, and he killed himself. Committed suicide like Judas. So that was a lying spirit. We have a whole lesson that talks about the Witch of Endor. Jean: That's right. And you're thinking about the lesson-- Doug: In Storacles. It's called the Witch of Endor.

Jean: That's right. Now, that's available online. If you go to the Amazing Facts website and just look up the study guide, it's called "The Witch of Endor." And it actually goes into more detail on the subject. Next caller that we have is Linda listening in South Carolina. Linda, welcome to the program.

Linda: Hello, guys. How are you?

Doug: Doing wonderful. Thank you for calling.

Linda: I have a question about the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. What did it signify, and what is the sign for us again? Is it the drying up of the Euphrates river?

Doug: All right. That's--you've asked a big question. First of all, what did it signify, the destruction of the temple? Well, God instructed the children of Israel to build the temple originally because it's where they learned the plan of salvation. They had the tabernacle in the wilderness. That was a mobile temple that they first built. Then David gathered material, and Solomon built a beautiful temple that was the biggest and the best of the three. Then that was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, and then they came back in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah. They rebuilt the third temple. It was later refurbished by Herod the Great. Jesus said because they did not accept him, He said, "Your house is left unto you desolate. There would not be left one stone upon another." Christ had destroyed this temple made with hands, speaking of His body. "And I'll make one without hands," the church. So when Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the temple was torn, signifying the whole purpose for the earthly temple pointing to Jesus the lamb of God was fulfilled. And so there was no need to sacrifice lambs anymore because Christ is now the real lamb of God that all that pointed to. But they continued with their sacrifices even after Jesus ascended to heaven. That temple was destroyed in 70 AD, and it's never going to be rebuilt again.

Now the temple is the church. The Bible says what? "Don't you know that ye are the temple of God." Christ built a temple, and you and I are that temple. Peter says we are living stones in the temple of God. That's actually in Ephesians. So that's what's indicated by the temple being destroyed back then. The emphasis now in the New Testament is not on the physical temple because that kind of takes you to the old sacrificial system. The emphasis now is on Christ and the church, and Christ is ministering before the real temple of God in heaven. He is our high priest, and that's in Hebrews chapter 8 and 9 if I'm not mistaken. So now you asked about the angels and the river Euphrates. That's connected with the sixth plague. Jean: Were you referring to the drying up of the river Euphrates?

Linda: Yes. Is that a symbol for us to leave the cities and get ready for the coming of the Lord?

Doug: Well, the physical drying up of the river Euphrates, I think, is interesting, but it's not the final fulfillment of the sixth plague. The sixth plague--well, boy, I'm looking at the clock and thinking, "I don't know if I got time to go into--" When the city of Babylon fell back in the days of Daniel, the children of Israel were captive in Babylon. They dried up the Euphrates river--the Persians dried up the Euphrates river, Babylon fell, and the Cyrus the Persian general let them go back to the Promised Land. When it says Euphrates is going to dry up, it's talking about Babylon falling--ancient spiritual Babylon falling. God's people will go to the spiritual Canaan, Promised Land. So it is interesting that the literal Euphrates is drying. Of course, many rivers in the world are drying right now just because of droughts and war, but that--there are signs when we should flee to the cities. I've got a book called "Heading for the Hills." It's called "The Beginner's Guide to Country Living." I talk about what is the sign to flee to the cities. You may want to go to Amazing Facts and pick that up.

Jean: Just go to the Amazing Facts website, just AmazingFacts.org or .com, and type in the name of the book called—

Doug: "Heading for the Hills."

Jean: "Heading for the Hills" and you'll be able to learn more about how you can get that book. Next caller that we have is Bessie listening in Wisconsin. Bessie, welcome to the program. Bessie: Hello.

Doug: Hi, Bessie.

Bessie: Thanks for taking my call. I've been working on an article that I was writing and I read John 13, verses 34 and 35 and it's talking about the idea of loving one another. And the way that it says--it says it twice and I am wondering it's talking--if it's meaning to say to love one another the way that Christ—

Doug: Yes. Yeah. Well, of course Jesus does want us to love one another. He said, "By this all men will know you are my disciples, by your love for one another and--" You know, Paul says love is the fulfilling of the law. If we love our neighbor, we keep those commandments between ourselves and our fellow man. And yeah, there's no question that that is the great commandment. John in his first letter he says, "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God and everyone who loves is born of God. He that does not love knows not God, for God is love." And so this was the central theme of the apostle John, the--is he highlighted Jesus's teaching on the quintessence of Christianity is love, and the best way for us to show our love for God is by loving each other. In the great judgment Jesus is going to say, "I was hungry and you fed me. I was thirsty and you gave me drink." And the believers are going, "When did we do these things for you?" And He says, "Inasmuch as you did it for the least of these, you did it for me." So that's the big testing criteria for if our hearts are changed. Do we love each other? Thank you very much, Bessie. And, Pastor Ross, we've got 1 minute and 42 left. You think we can do something?

Jean: Yeah. Let's go to Barbara in Florida. Barbara, welcome to the program. We have about a minute and a half.

Barbara: Hello, good afternoon or good evening, pastors.

Doug: Evening.

Barbara: I just have a question in Revelation 21, also in Philippians 3:21. It talks about we having a new body, like a glorious body like Jesus Christ. So I'm wondering since we won't have flesh and blood anymore, we will be immortals. So are we not going to be able to eat anymore, shower, brush our teeth, get hungry? Stuff like that.

Doug: Well, let's talk about that. It's--Jesus when He rose from the dead, He ate in front of the disciples even though he had a glorified body. He said, "Touch me. Feel me. A spirit does not have flesh and bone as you see that I have." It tells us in the new earth we will plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them and we will eat from the tree of life. So we are definitely going to be real and eating. God is not taking away our physical side. He is adding a spiritual dimension. So the physical is not taken away; the spiritual is added. We will still have bodies like Adam and Eve had bodies, but we'll be able to see God and talk to angels and dwell in that spirit realm along with the three dimensions we have now. So yes, you'll be doing real things. Hey, listening friends. We are going to sign off here in a moment. We do this in two phases. We say farewell to our friends listening on satellite radio. They're on a different clock, but stay tuned. The rest of you, we're coming back for some rapid fire internet Bible questions in just a moment.

Announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast. We hope you understand your Bible even better than before. "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International, a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.

Jean: Hello, friends. Welcome back to "Bible Answers Live," and we're going to take some of the email questions that you have sent in. If you'd like to email us your Bible question, the email address is just BALquestions@amazingfacts.org. So, Pastor Doug, question number one. Were animals reproducing in the Garden of Eden? There had to be more than two sheep or goats for God to make clothing for the fallen couple. And this is coming from Joseph.

Doug: Yeah, well, you know, as soon as God made Adam and Eve, He told them to be fruitful and multiply. And I'm sure the other creatures were being fruitful and multiplying. We don't know how long it was from the time that God made Adam and Eve until they sinned, but keep in mind sheep the gestation period is not as long as it is for humans. So it's very likely that there were already some flocks and they had multiplied at that point.

Jean: Okay. Next question that we have Harrison is asking, why does the Bible seem so hard to understand?

Doug: Well, you know, it depends on where you're coming from. For me it was very hard because I did not grow up with a Christian home in biblical context and background. I think it's easier for those raised in Christian families that grow up hearing the Bible and hearing the stories and hearing preachers explain it. For me when I started reading the Bible, and I think first one was like King James no less, I struggled but-- like learning any new language. There's a certain language, so to speak, in the way the Bible is written. As I read it, I understood more and more. Now it's fairly easy for me to, you know, know what the basic context of the Bible is. I'd say keep reading and you will understand it. And it's just wonderful because even those who study the Bible for, you know, their whole lives continue to find more and more. It gets deeper and deeper. The treasures are fathomless in the Bible.

Jean: Our next caller is asking, do you think God has a sense of humor? That's from Gala.

Doug: You know, virtually every emotion that humans have we inherited from God because we're made in His image. So people can feel anger. The Bible says God has anger. People can feel love. We learn that from God. People can have jealousy. God says, "I am a jealous God." People laugh. The Bible actually says God laughs. And I think that the reason that we find certain things ironic or humorous is because we've learned that, that's something that we're wired from. Now, every emotion that God has, He has those emotions perfectly. We often corrupt those things. You know, we can have wrong wrath, wrong jealousy, and wrong humor. God does all things well. Hey, listening friends. It's been a delight. We look forward to studying His Word with you again next week. Check out AmazingFacts.org, keep us on the air, and we'll study with you again next week.

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