The Gospel in Galatians | Sabbath School Study Hour

The Gospel in Galatians | Sabbath School Study Hour

Quarterly: The Gospel in Galatians. You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (60 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.

Duration: 60 minutes
Program Listings for The Gospel in Galatians

Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles - 2011

Paul's conversion experience and the impact it had on his ministry, and the church, throughout his l...

Paul's Authority and Gospel - 2011

A look at the origin, content and authority of the gospel message preached by Paul, which was challe...

The Unity of the Gospel - 2011

Paul's conflict with Peter over reverting to ceremonial Jewish customs shows how important the apost...

Justification by Faith Alone - 2011

Exploring the concept of justification by faith helps us understand who God is and why the issue was...

Old Testament Faith - 2011

Paul clearly outlines the consistency of the gospel message and uses Abraham's example to illustrate...

The Priority of the Promise - 2011

The law was "added" at Sinai to demonstrate the exceeding sinfulness of Israel and all mankind, but ...

The Road to Faith - 2011

A discussion about the law of God and its relationship to grace, the gospel and the New Testament be...

From Slaves to Heirs - 2011

Jesus Christ offers us freedom in the gospel, so Paul says turning back to a system of obedience to ...

Paul's Pastoral Appeal - 2011

Paul makes a personal appeal to the Galatians based on their previous relationship and his pastoral ...

The Two Covenants - 2011

A careful look at Paul's argument about the covenant promise of Isaac and its fulfillment in Christ ...

Freedom in Christ - 2011

Paul explores the boundless limits of the freedom we have in Jesus Christ freedom to serve God and e...

Living by the Spirit - 2011

Though everyone struggles with moral conflict, the converted Christian faces an internal war between...

The Gospel and the Church - 2011

The actions we sow result in a harvest, either for good or evil. This happens both in our individual...

Boasting in the Cross - 2011

Nowhere do our 'glorious' human wisdom, our riches, and our might appear more clearly in all their f...