Worship | Sabbath School Study Hour

Worship | Sabbath School Study Hour

Quarterly: Worship. You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (60 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.

Duration: 60 minutes
Program Listings for Worship

Worship in Genesis: Two Classes of Worshipers

Genesis records the earliest worship styles and demonstrates how easy it is to worship ourselves ins...

Worship and the Exodus: Understanding Who God Is

Exodus reveals that even when confronted with the presence of God, it is difficult to always know wh...

The Sabbath and Worship

The Sabbath commandment can be linked to several aspects of God including His role as Creator, Redee...

Rejoicing Before the Lord: The Sanctuary and Worship

The sanctuary outlines many major principles to guide our worship of the Lord....

Happy Are You , O Israel!

Though a God of mercy, God is also very particular about the kinds of worship that will lead to life...

Worship and Song and Praise

David's artistic life reveals to us how music and praise fit into worship....

Worship in the Psalms

The Psalms reveal the raw human emotional side of worship, as well as powerful lessons about God Him...

Conformity, Compromise, and Crisis in Worship

The Old Testament contains several stories that demonstrate the calamities that come when we adulter...

Trust Not in Deceptive Words: The Prophets and Worship

The Israelites were prone to turn pure worship into meaningless ritual, and the prophets helped stee...

Worship: From Exile to Restoration

Adulterated worship led to the exile in Babylon, so Jewish leaders emphasized a return to true worsh...

In Spirit and in Truth

Part of Christ's mission was to demonstrate that the religious rituals were only a means to an end, ...

Worship in the Early Church

The early Christian church, having learned spiritual truth from Jesus, placed an emphasis on proper ...

Worship in the Book of Revelation

From start to finish, the prophecies and controversies in Revelation focus on true and false worship...