Managing for the Master - Till He Comes | Sabbath School Study Hour

Managing for the Master - Till He Comes | Sabbath School Study Hour

Quarterly: Managing for the Master - Till He Comes. You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (30 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.

Duration: 30 minutes
Program Listings for Managing for the Master - Till He Comes

Part of God’s Family

In this week’s study, we will explore the privileges and responsibilities of being a part of the fam...

God’s Covenants With Us

This week we will study some very significant bilateral covenants between God and His children. Let’...

The Tithing Contract

Why is it important to understand that tithing, like the Sabbath, was not something that originated ...

Offerings for Jesus

This week we will review what the Bible has to say about offerings as part of our management of God’...

Dealing With Debt

This week we will consider the reasons for debt and how to deal with it. You may be debt-free, but y...

Laying Up Treasure in Heaven

This week we will review texts and illustrations that show us how to store up treasures in heaven an...

Unto the Least of These

Because we are managers of God’s business, helping the poor is not just an option. It is following t...

Planning for Success

This week we are going to look at the idea of “success” in the context of basic stewardship and fina...

Beware of Covetousness

Covetousness, right up there with extortion, idolatry, fornication, and adultery? That’s what the te...

Giving Back

This week we will review God’s counsel regarding our last years. What are things that we should do, ...

Managing in Tough Times

How do we strike the right balance between doing what we can, for instance, to be financially secure...

Rewards of Faithfulness

From the biblical perspective, prosperity is having what you need when you need it. It is not the ac...