The Teachings of Jesus | Sabbath School Study Hour

The Teachings of Jesus | Sabbath School Study Hour

Quarterly: The Teachings of Jesus. You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (60 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.

Duration: 60 minutes
Program Listings for The Teachings of Jesus

Our Loving Heavenly Father

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"This week we will explore what Jesus taught about our Father and about His infinite love for us. W...

The Son

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Sooner or later, everyone has to answer the question of 'Who is Jesus?'. ...the answer must be genu...

The Holy Spirit

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"Of the Three Persons of the God head, the Holy Spirit is the least understood. It is ironic that t...


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"The Bible is clear. We have only two choices regarding our sins: either we pay for our sins in the...

How to Be Saved

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"This week we will look at Jesus' teachings regarding the simple practical steps needed for salvatio...

Growing in Christ - 2014

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"The new life in Christ is not a patched-up life with a few external reformations. It is not a modi...

Living Like Christ

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"The supreme proof of genuine Christianity is loving our enemies."...

The Church

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"We need to remember that love without truth is blind, and truth without love is fruitless. Mind an...

Our Mission

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"Our task is to invite people to follow Jesus, which means to believe in Him, to obey His teachings,...

The Law of God

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"One would be hard pressed to find in the life and teachings of Jesus anything implying that the Ten...

The Sabbath

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"The same God who created humanity with the need to rest also provided the means to rest: a weekly d...

Death and Resurrection

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"The Bible teaches that God will judge the lives of every human being, deciding the eternal destiny ...

The Second Coming of Jesus

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"When Jesus comes, the destiny of each human being will already have been decided... The fact that ...