Sabbath School Study Hour

Sabbath School Study Hour

You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (30 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.

Duration: 30 minutes
Program Listings for Sabbath School Study Hour

Themes in the Gospel of John - 4th Quarter 2024


The Testimony of the Samaritans

At the time of Christ, this animosity continued. The Jews avoided Samaria as much as possible. Thoug...

Witnesses of Christ as the Messiah

This week begins with the powerful witness of John the Baptist. Other witnesses come on the stage as...

The Backstory: The Prologue

This week’s lesson will begin with the Prologue (John 1:1–18) and summarize its major themes. These ...

Signs of Divinity

This week’s lesson looks at three of Jesus’ greatest signs of His divinity. What is striking is that...

Signs That Point the Way

Why did John write his Gospel? Did he wish to emphasize Jesus’ miracles? Or to emphasize some specif...

The Book of Mark - 3rd Quarter 2024


The Risen Lord

The crucifixion of Jesus proved the death knell to the hopes and faith of His disciples. It was a da...

Tried and Crucified

Mark 15 is the heart of the Passion Narrative. It presents the trial of Jesus, His condemnation, the...

Taken and Tried

This week’s lesson focuses on Mark 14, beginning with the fifth Sandwich Story, which interlinks two...

The Last Days

This week’s lesson starts with a very brief story at the end of Mark 12, where Jesus makes a profoun...

Jerusalem Controversies

In this week’s lesson, when Jesus arrives in Jerusalem, He has a series of six controversies with th...

Teaching Disciples: Part II

This week covers Mark 10, completing the special section in which Jesus teaches His disciples in pre...

Teaching Disciples: Part I

In the last part of Mark 8 through the end of Mark 10, Jesus focuses on teaching His disciples about...

Inside Out

This week’s study is Mark 7 and the first half of Mark 8. At the beginning of Mark 7, Jesus stirs up...

Miracles Around the Lake

The main goal of Mark's Chapter 5 dramatic stories is to let the reader see who Jesus is. He is the ...


For many years scholars have argued over the meaning and interpretation of Jesus’ parables: How to i...


The Gospel writer uses a technique that is called “Sandwich Stories.” This narrative pattern appears...

A Day in the Ministry of Jesus

The Gospel of Mark recounts the calling of four disciples and describes a Sabbath in Capernaum and w...

The Beginning of the Gospel

This week's first step will be to learn about Mark as reported in Scripture, to see his early failur...

The Great Controversy - 2nd Quarter 2024


The Triumph of God’s Love

In this quarter’s final lesson, we will see Christ’s steadfast love during the most exciting time in...

Earth’s Closing Events

The aim of this week’s lesson is to reveal what the prophetic Word says about the closing events and...

The Impending Conflict

The aim of this week’s lesson is to reveal the coming conflict over worship. This week’s study empha...

Spiritualism Exposed

The aim of this lesson is to show that our only safeguard against Satan’s last-day delusions is a pe...

The Foundation of God’s Government

The aim of this lesson is to show the link between the sanctuary, God’s law, the Sabbath, and the co...

Light From the Sanctuary

This week we explore Christ’s ministry in heaven. *Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 22...

Motivated by Hope

In this week’s lesson we will examine why the second coming of Christ has filled the hearts of belie...

The Two Witnesses

This week, we explore one of the most vicious attacks on the Scriptures and the Christian faith. *...

Faith Against All Odds

In this week’s study, with examples from the Reformation, we will explore how the life-changing teac...

Standing for the Truth

This week we will look at some biblical principles that motivated the Waldenses and later Reformers,...

Light Shines in the Darkness

Yet even in life’s most difficult times, God was continually with His people. They found Jesus, “the...

The Central Issue: Love or Selfishness?

We will study Satan’s twofold strategy both to deceive and destroy God’s people. What the evil one f...

The War Behind All Wars

If God is so good, why is the world so bad? How can a God of love allow so much evil to exist? Why d...

The Book of Psalms - 1st Quarter 2024


Wait on the Lord

If there is a final word that we can draw from the Psalms, it should be “wait on the Lord.” Waiting ...

Worship That Never Ends

The Lord’s people are identified with the righteous, who worship the Lord and whose hope is in Him a...

Longing for God in Zion

The blessings of Zion overflow to the ends of the earth because the Lord’s person and grace exceed t...

Lessons of the Past

Each generation of God’s people plays a small but significant part in the grand historical unfolding...

Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord

In all the Psalms, through the psalmists’ laments, thanksgivings, praises, and cries for justice and...

Wisdom for Righteous Living

Wisdom for righteous living is gained through the dynamics of life with God amid temptations and cha...

Your Mercy Reaches Unto the Heavens

God’s people take comfort in the fact that the Lord is faithful to His covenant....

I Will Arise

The Lord is longsuffering and holds His wrath in His great forbearance, not wanting anyone to perish...

Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land

As we already have seen, the psalmists acknowledge God’s sovereign rule and power, as well as His ri...

The Lord Hears and Delivers

We should remember that the proper response to the Lord’s nearness consists in a life of faith in Hi...

The Lord Reigns

God has both the perfect knowledge of us and of our circumstances, and also the means to help us. Th...

Teach Us To Pray

This week we will look at the role the Psalms played in helping God’s people traverse their life jou...

How To Read the Psalms

The Psalms are inspired prayers and praises of Israel, and so in the Psalms the voice is that of God...

God's Mission - My Mission - 4th Quarter 2023


The End of God's Mission

In this quarter’s final lesson, we will see that Revelation is a missionary book focused on a missio...

Esther and Mordecai

In its own unique way, this story shows how God’s people, even in foreign environments, can witness ...

Mission to the Unreached: Part 2

What is the difference between faith and belief? Why might people who have the correct belief be fou...

Mission to the Unreached: Part 1

What bridges and points of contact can you think of that would open opportunities for deeper convers...

Mission to the Powerful

Why must we be careful of the trap of thinking that because “we have the truth”, then the knowledge ...

Mission to the Needy

Whatever the situation, we are called to be God’s helpers for all people in need, regardless of thei...

Mission to My Neighbor

How can we learn to distinguish between working for salvation, which is a fatal mistake, and reveali...

Motivation and Preparation for Mission

What are some of the experiences you have had with the reality of God and His love? Why are these ti...

Excuses to Avoid Mission

Winning souls is hard, too hard for humans to do on their own. How can we learn, instead, to let God...

Sharing God's Mission

How can praying for others in need help us grow spiritually and experience more the reality of God’s...

God's Call to Mission

How would you define the word “mission” as you apply it to your own life? In what ways could you, da...

God's Mission to Us: Part 2

God has chosen to manifest Himself to us in such a way that we can understand His nature and purpose...

God’s Mission to Us: Part 1

What are ways that you experience God’s presence in your life?...

Ephesians (2023) - 3rd Quarter 2023


Ephesians in the Heart

What important truths embedded in Ephesians should continue to shape our lives as believers?...

Waging Peace

In what ways can we, as a corporate body, work together in the great controversy, in order to help e...

The Call To Stand

What should Paul's warning that we fight not against flesh and blood but against supernatural enemie...

Practicing Supreme Loyalty to Christ

Practicing Supreme Loyalty to Christ...

Husbands and Wives: Together at the Cross

Paul cites the example of Jesus to both wives and husbands. What can you learn from Jesus about lovi...

Living Wisely

What are some of the “empty words” that in our day and age we need to be wary of? What strategies m...

Christ-Shaped Lives and Spirit-Inspired Speech

Think about the power of your words. How can you use them to be uplifting, encouraging, and faith-bu...

The Unified Body of Christ

Paul’s picture of a healthy, unified body helps us understand God’s goal for us: to be parts of a fr...

The Mystery of the Gospel

How can we learn to trust God and His ways amid what can be very trying circumstances?...

Horizontal Atonement: The Cross and the Church

How might your church play a positive role in actualizing the unifying work Christ already has accom...

How God Rescues Us

Who hasn’t experienced just how corrupted our own nature is, even after we have given ourselves to J...

The Power of the Exalted Jesus

Why is it important always to thank God in prayer for what you have to be thankful for?...

God’s Grand, Christ-Centered Plan

What does it mean to you that through Christ’s atoning sacrifice you are forgiven and redeemed? What...

Paul and the Ephesians

How can the message of Ephesians be summarized? From prison, Paul sets forth a vision of God’s Chris...

Three Cosmic Messages - 2nd Quarter 2023


Ablaze With God’s Glory

Christ has given us these last-day messages so that, knowing what is coming, we can prepare for it. ...

The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast: Part 2

Though living in anticipation, even expectation, of final events, why must we be careful about not g...

The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast: Part 1

The devil is preparing professed Christians by compromises in their lives to receive the mark of the...

Satan’s Final Deceptions

In this week’s lesson, we will continue looking, not only at Babylon’s deceptions but at Jesus’ plan...

A City Called Confusion

In this week’s lesson, we will study the two women of Revelation and probe, more deeply, the conflic...

The Sabbath and the End

Satan has made every attempt to distort the idea of Creation because he hates Jesus and does not wan...

Worshiping the Creator

The central issue in the book of Revelation is worship. We were created as worshiping beings. Every ...

The Hour of His Judgment

At the cross, Christ was judged as a condemned sinner so that we could be judged as righteous citize...

The Good News of the Judgment

This week we will explore the deeper themes of the judgment in relation to the great controversy rag...

Fear God and Give Glory to Him

The purpose of the book of Revelation for our generation is to prepare a people to be ready for Jesu...

The Everlasting Gospel

In this week’s lesson, we will begin a detailed study of Revelation 14:6–12, but will do so through ...

A Moment of Destiny

What can we do to more fully allow the Holy Spirit to transform us to be more like Jesus? ...

Jesus Wins—Satan Loses

The theme of the Bible’s last book, Revelation, is this: Jesus Wins, Satan Loses. The heart of this ...

Managing for the Master - Till He Comes - 1st Quarter 2023


Rewards of Faithfulness

From the biblical perspective, prosperity is having what you need when you need it. It is not the ac...

Managing in Tough Times

How do we strike the right balance between doing what we can, for instance, to be financially secure...

Giving Back

This week we will review God’s counsel regarding our last years. What are things that we should do, ...

Beware of Covetousness

Covetousness, right up there with extortion, idolatry, fornication, and adultery? That’s what the te...

Planning for Success

This week we are going to look at the idea of “success” in the context of basic stewardship and fina...

Unto the Least of These

Because we are managers of God’s business, helping the poor is not just an option. It is following t...

Laying Up Treasure in Heaven

This week we will review texts and illustrations that show us how to store up treasures in heaven an...

Dealing With Debt

This week we will consider the reasons for debt and how to deal with it. You may be debt-free, but y...

Offerings for Jesus

This week we will review what the Bible has to say about offerings as part of our management of God’...

The Tithing Contract

Why is it important to understand that tithing, like the Sabbath, was not something that originated ...

God’s Covenants With Us

This week we will study some very significant bilateral covenants between God and His children. Let’...

Part of God’s Family

In this week’s study, we will explore the privileges and responsibilities of being a part of the fam...

Life Everlasting - 4th Quarter 2022


All Things New

During this week we will reflect on the glorious promise of a new heaven and a new earth, including ...

The Judging Process

During this week we will consider the end-time judgment process with its three main phases: the pre-...

The Biblical Worldview

How can you, today, be ready for the return of Jesus were He to return today?...

End-Time Deceptions - 2022

During this week we will consider some end-time deceptions. These are dangerous subjects that we sho...

The Fires of Hell

As unfortunate as the fires of hell are, what does the truth about hell reveal to us about God’s lov...

Contrary Passages?

This week we will study some intriguing passages that people use to justify the natural immortality ...

The New Testament Hope

Every passing day brings us one day closer to the glorious appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ in the...

Christ’s Victory Over Death

This week we will look at Christ’s resurrection and all the convincing evidence He gave us to believ...

He Died for Us

This week we will focus on Christ’s death and what it means for the promise of eternal life....

Resurrections Before the Cross

This week we will reflect more closely on the resurrections that occurred before Christ’s own death ...

The Old Testament Hope

This week we will reflect on how the notion of the final resurrection unfolded in Old Testament time...

Understanding Human Nature

Is there an immaterial soul or spirit that consciously survives physical death? This week we will co...

Death in a Sinful World

This week we will reflect on the fall of Adam and Eve, on how sin and death took over our world, and...

Rebellion in a Perfect Universe

Christ speaks of God’s unconditional love for all human beings as the pattern for all our own intera...

Genesis (2022) - 2nd Quarter 2022


Israel in Egypt

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Though God intimately knows the future, we are still free in the choices we make. How do we reconcil...

Joseph, Prince of Egypt

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What are ways that others should be able to see, from the kind of lives that we live, the reality of...

Joseph, Master of Dreams

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How can we learn to trust God and cling to His promises when events don’t appear providential at all...

Jacob - Israel

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What are the idols of our culture, our civilization? How can we make sure we aren’t worshiping anyon...

Jacob the Supplanter

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How can we learn to trust God when we don’t see “justice” being done, when we see people who do evil...

The Promise

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Why is it so comforting to know that while not all things are God’s will, He is still in charge?...

The Covenant With Abraham

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How can we learn to keep focused on Christ and His righteousness as our only hope of salvation? What...

The Roots of Abraham

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What kind of influence do our actions have on others? What kind of message are we sending about our ...

All Nations and Babel

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What example do we have from history, or even the present, of the trouble that can come from those w...

The Flood

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What lesson can we learn from the Noah story regarding our role in warning the world about coming ju...

Cain and His Legacy

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Why must we do all that we can in God’s power to eradicate sin from our lives?...

The Fall

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If Satan was able to deceive a sinless Eve in Eden, how much more vulnerable are we? What is our bes...

The Creation

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Think about the vast power of God, who upholds the cosmos, and yet can be so near to each of us. Why...

In These Last Days: The Message of Hebrews - 1st Quarter 2022


Let Brotherly Love Continue

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Why is it important to remember that God is leading us as a group? What are my responsibilities to t...

Receiving an Unshakeable Kingdom

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The shaking of the heavens and the earth means, then, the destruction of the earthly powers that per...

Jesus, Author and Perfecter of Our Faith

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Why is it important to recognize that our faith results from and feeds on God’s faithfulness? How ca...

Jesus Opens the Way Through the Veil

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Why should the reality of what Christ has done, not only on the cross but what He is doing now in he...

Jesus, the Perfect Sacrifice

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The sanctuary sacrifices teach us that the experience of salvation is more than just accepting Jesus...

Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant

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By living a perfect life, and then by dying in our place, Jesus mediated a new, better covenant bet...

Jesus, the Anchor of the Soul

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What do you feel when you think that God has made an oath to you? Why should that thought alone help...

Jesus, the Faithful Priest

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God is holy, and sin cannot exist in His presence; so, our own corrupted nature separated us from Go...

Jesus, the Giver of Rest

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What two things does the Sabbath rest commemorate, and how are they related?...

Jesus, Our Faithful Brother

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What are ways that you can learn to experience more deeply that reality of just how close Christ can...

Jesus, the Promised Son

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Look at all the promises God fulfilled in the past. How should this help us to trust Him for the pr...

The Message of Hebrews

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Paul wrote Hebrews to strengthen the faith of the believers amid their trials. He reminded them (and...

The Letter to the Hebrews and to Us

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Why is it good at times to remember how God first worked in your life to bring you to Him?...

Present Truth in Deuteronomy - 4th Quarter 2021


The Resurrection of Moses

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How does the story of Moses’ death and later resurrection show us how the New Testament, though ofte...

Deuteronomy in the New Testament

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Whether using direct Old Testament quotations, or allusions, or references to stories or prophecies,...

Deuteronomy in the Later Writings

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This week we will focus on how the book was used by later writers. What parts of Deuteronomy did the...

Remember Do Not Forget

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God often tells His people to remember all the things that He has done for them; to remember His gra...

Turn Their Hearts

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Because we are sinful, repentance should be a central part of our Christian existence. And, this wee...

Choose Life

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Right from the start, the Bible presents us with just one of two options: eternal life, which is wha...

Law and Grace

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Deuteronomy could be seen as one big object lesson in grace and law. By grace God redeems us, doing ...

For What Nation Is There So Great?

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What does it mean to add or to take away from God’s commands? Outside of the obvious, such as the at...

The Stranger in Your Gates

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Loving your neighbor as yourself is the highest expression of God’s law....

To Love the Lord Your God

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Loving God with all the heart and soul and strength means that our love for Him should be supreme ov...

The Everlasting Covenant

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God out of His saving grace and love offers you a salvation that you do not deserve and cannot possi...

Moses’ History Lesson

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Just as the children of Israel are finally to enter Canaan, Moses gives them a history lesson, a the...

Preamble to Deuteronomy

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Why must love, to be love, be freely given?...

Rest In Christ - 3rd Quarter 2021


The Ultimate Rest

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This week, we look at how we can rest in Jesus in the face of global unrest and our own personal unk...

The Restless Prophet

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This week, let’s look at Jonah and what we can learn from his restlessness and lack of peace....

Longing for More

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How can you help others find rest in Jesus when they think that their sins have been too grievous, t...

Sabbath Rest

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Sabbath is a celebration of freedom from all the things that keep us in bondage. On Sabbath, we are ...

The Rhythms of Rest

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During this week, we will study God’s wonderful invitation to enter into a dynamic rest, again and a...

Free to Rest

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God wants to cure us on the inside first. Sometimes He chooses to bring us immediate physical healin...

Rest, Relationships and Healing

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This week we will look at forgiveness and what it can do for restless human hearts. Without forgive...

Finding Rest in Family Ties

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This week we turn to the story of Joseph and his family ties in order to watch God at work bringing ...

Come to Me

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Why is living a life of obedience to God’s law one of more restfulness than one in which we disobey ...

The Cost of Rest

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This week we look briefly into the life of the man after God’s own heart to find out how he discover...

The Roots of Restlessness

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The Roots of Restlessness...

Restless and Rebellious

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Though it’s always easy to be critical of church leadership, at any level, how much better would our...

Living in a 24/7 Society

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Acknowledging Jesus as the Lord of our lives also involves taking seriously our responsibility to ma...

The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant - 2nd Quarter 2021


The New Covenant Life

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Why should we feel joy? What is it about the covenant that should free us from the burden of guilt? ...

Covenant Faith

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Why must salvation be a gift? Why could only Someone equal with God ransom our souls? How can we ma...

New Covenant Sanctuary

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The old covenant-sacrificial system was replaced by the new; instead of animals being sacrificed by ...

The New Covenant

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The “new covenant” is, in a sense, a “renewed covenant.” It is the completion, or the fulfillment, o...

Covenant Sign

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Where does the Sabbath have it origins? What evidence proves that the Sabbath existed before Sinai? ...

Covenant Law

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God’s law was an integral part of the covenant. Yet, it was a true covenant of grace. Grace, however...

Covenant at Sinai

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Whatever God asks us to do, our relationship with Him must be founded upon faith. Faith provides the...

Abraham’s Seed

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Our study this week focuses on the identity and role of God’s true Israel in every age, including ou...

Children of the Promise - 2021

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What is the greatest of all the covenant promises? What effect should God’s promise of a new earth h...

An Everlasting Covenant

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God called Abraham into a special relationship with Him, one that would reveal the plan of salvation...

All Future Generations

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In what ways is God’s grace revealed in the covenant with Noah before the Flood? What does the coven...

Covenant Primer

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This week is a quick summary of the whole quarter, as we take one day each to look at the early cove...

What Happened?

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The biblical account of the Creation of humanity is one filled with hope, happiness, and perfection....

Isaiah (2021) - 1st Quarter 2021


Rebirth of Planet Earth

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Why is the promise of eternal life in a new heaven and a new earth so basic to our Christian belief?...

Desire of Nations

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Sin can destroy our relationship with the Lord and thus lead to our eternal ruin—not because sin dri...

Waging Love

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What will better attract people to the truth as it is in Jesus: strict adherence to dietary laws or ...

Doing the Unthinkable

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The weight, the guilt, the punishment for the sins of the whole world—every sin, by every sinner—fel...

To Serve and To Save

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Deliverance requires a Deliverer. God’s servant nation would be delivered by two deliverers: Cyrus, ...

“Comfort My People”

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What do Bible promises about the end of suffering mean to you now, amid your present suffering? What...

Defeat of the Assyrians

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In response to the cry of a faithful king, God saved His people and showed who He is: the omnipotent...

Playing God

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Ever since sin was born in the heart of a mighty angel, pride has not respected the boundaries of re...

Noble Prince of Peace

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Though time and again God seeks to woo us by revealing His love and character, He will also allow us...

The Hard Way

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What can we do, now, today, to learn to keep our faith intact, so that when tomorrow’s calamities co...

When Your World Is Falling Apart

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What does this study teach us about God’s forbearance and willingness to bring all of us to salvatio...

Crisis of Leadership

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Not only does God’s sanctuary throb with awesome power; it’s a place where weak and faulty people su...

Crisis of Identity

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God does not cut off anyone who responds to Him. He appeals as long as there is hope for a response....

Education - 4th Quarter 2020


Heaven, Education and Eternal Learning

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We are promised that we will be given an understanding of things that, for now, remain hidden to us....

Sabbath: Experiencing and Living the Character of God

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Jesus wanted to emphasize that the Sabbath should not be a burden. It was created as a unique opport...

The Christian and Work

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Christians need to learn how to work God’s way. Work is more than an economic necessity. Rightly und...

Education in Arts and Sciences

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This week we will look at some principles involved in how we can teach the arts and sciences from th...

The Church and Education

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If the church is to be a place of education, it must provide the space for genuine dialogue to occur...

Education and Redemption

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Learning to know God is our foremost response to His grace. We cannot earn such grace, but we can le...

Worship in Education

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Worship, proper worship, is so important that, in fact, it becomes central to the issues in the last...

More Lessons from the Master Teacher

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True Christian education must be about pointing us to the only solution for our rather dismal state....

Jesus as the Master Teacher

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In sending His Son to this planet, the Father sent the Master Teacher on a mission: to show humankin...

The Eyes of the Lord: The Biblical Worldview

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As human beings, we never look at the world from a neutral position. We see it, always and only, thr...

The Law as Teacher

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This week we will study the role of God’s law in the whole question of Christian education. As part ...

The Family

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What does the Bible say about education in the family, and what principle can we take away from it f...

Education in the Garden of Eden

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True education will lead to true knowledge, the knowledge of Christ, and thus not only will we becom...

Making Friends for God: The Joy of Sharing in His Mission - 3rd Quarter 2020


A Step in Faith

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Heaven will be worth any sacrifice we make on earth. There will be sacrifices along the way, but the...

A Message Worth Sharing

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In this week’s lesson, we will study Revelation’s relevance for a 21st century contemporary society....

Sharing the Story of Jesus

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If our witness about Jesus comes from a heart that has been transformed by His grace, charmed by His...

An Exciting Way to Get Involved

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"Small group ministry is ordained by God to enable each church member to grow spiritually, experienc...

Developing a Winning Attitude

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"Our attitudes often determine our ability to influence others. A harsh, critical, and unfriendly at...

Ministering Like Jesus

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"The living witness of a Christ-like life committed to ministering to others is a powerful testimony...

Sharing the Word

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'In all of our witnessing, we must keep three biblical principles in mind: what we say, how we say i...

Unlimited Possibilities

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'God calls us to witness for Him. Witnessing is not a special spiritual gift that only a select few ...

Spirit-Empowered Witnessing

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'As we witness for Jesus, it is crucial to remember that we are cooperating with the Holy Spirit. He...

Prayer Power: Interceding for Others

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'When we pray for others, we become a channel of God’s blessing to them. He pours out the river of t...

Seeing People Through Jesus’ Eyes

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'By watching the way Jesus worked with people, we learn how to lead others to a knowledge of salvati...

Winsome Witnesses: The Power of Personal Testimony

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'Why is knowing Christ personally so essential to our being able to witness about Him?'...

Why Witness?

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'Why witness? When we understand who He is and have experienced the marvels of His grace and the pow...

How to Interpret Scripture - 2nd Quarter 2020


Living by the Word of God

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'The best method of studying the Bible is of no use if we are not determined to live by what we lear...

Dealing with Difficult Passages

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'In the Bible are many mysteries that finite human beings find difficult to comprehend and that are ...

The Bible and Prophecy

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'Prophecy provides an internal and external mechanism to confirm the accuracy of God’s Word.'...

The Bible as History

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'The Bible is constituted in history. Biblical history moves in a linear direction from an absolute ...

Creation: Genesis as Foundation, Pt. 2

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'The Bible opens with the most sublime and profound words, words that are simple but that simultaneo...

Creation: Genesis as Foundation, Pt. 1

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'The first chapters of Genesis are foundational for the rest of Scripture. The major teachings or do...

Languages, Text and Context

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'Some people not only have the Bible translated into their native language but even have various ver...

Why Is Interpretation Needed?

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'If we approach and interpret the Bible wrongly, we will likely come to false conclusions, not just ...

By Scripture Alone - Sola Scriptura

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'This week we will look at sola Scriptura in greater detail. We will learn that sola Scriptura impli...

The Bible - The Authoritative Source of Our Theology

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'How do we distinguish between the Word of God and human tradition? Why is it so important that we m...

Jesus and the Apostles’ View of the Bible

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'Jesus taught His disciples obedience to the Word of God and the law. There is never a hint of Him d...

The Origin and Nature of the Bible

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'This week we will look at some foundational aspects of the origin and nature of the Bible that shou...

The Uniqueness of the Bible

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'So many different writers, in so many different contexts, and yet the same God is revealed by them ...

Daniel 2020 - 1st Quarter 2020


From Dust to Stars

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'Amid the pains and struggle of life, how can we draw hope and comfort from the promise of the resur...

From North and South to the Beautiful Land

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'How can we draw comfort from knowing that, in the end, God and His people will be victorious?'...

From Battle to Victory

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'How often do you think about just how closely tied heaven and earth are? How might you live differe...

From Confession to Consolation

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'Christ’s sacrifice in our behalf is our only hope. How should this help keep us humble and, even mo...

From Contamination to Purification

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'What should this study tell us about how precious and important the knowledge of biblical truth rea...

From the Stormy Sea to the Clouds of Heaven

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'With the coming of the Son of Man, God’s dominion is restored to those to whom it properly belongs....

From the Lions’ Den to the Angel’s Den

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'What kind of witness do we present to others in regard to our faithfulness to God and to His law? W...

From Arrogance to Destruction

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What are ways in which our society and culture profane the truth of God’s Word? How can we be carefu...

From Pride to Humility

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'God continues to change lives today. No matter how proud or sinful people may be, in God there is m...

From Furnace to Palace

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'We show real faith when we pray to the Lord for what we want but trust Him to do what’s best for us...

From Mystery to Revelation

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'Whenever we face a big problem, we also should recognize that our God is great enough to resolve ev...

From Jerusalem to Babylon

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'As we face the challenges of the twenty-first century, we need to recapture the perception of God t...

From Reading to Understanding

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'Amid struggles, trials, or even times of great happiness and prosperity, how can we learn to keep C...

Ezra and Nehemiah - 4th Quarter 2019


Leaders in Israel

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'It could be said that both Ezra and Nehemiah had a purpose in life. They had a vision of where they...

Dealing With Bad Decisions

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'The Bible gives us formulas for practices that will keep us grounded in God and are designed to max...

Backslidden People

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'The seventh-day Sabbath was, and remains, a powerful means of helping keep faith alive in those who...

Worshiping the Lord

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'Excellence must always be a goal in worship. Praises must come from the heart and be expressed in t...

Trials, Tribulations, and Lists

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'God knows all about us. This is comforting and gives us security and the assurance that we are in H...

God and the Covenant

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'Covenant is a legal establishment of a relationship. We broke it with God, but He is always faithfu...

Our Forgiving God

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"Confession of our sins does not save us; only Christ’s sacrifice in our behalf does. Confession, al...

The Reading of the Word

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'How do you relate to the Word of God? That is, even though you claim to believe it, how is that cla...

Violating the Spirit of the Law

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'We need to be careful not to let rules and regulations become an end in and of themselves rather th...

Facing Opposition

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'When opposition gets in the way of doing what we believe God calls us to do, we have the tendency t...

God's Call

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'What excuses do we often find that keep us from doing the things we know the Lord would have us do?...


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'Nehemiah doesn’t begin with a cry for help, but rather first states the truth about who God is, Gre...

Making Sense of History: Zerubbabel and Ezra

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'Our best performance comes from a realization of who God is and what He has done, and from knowing ...

The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need - 3rd Quarter 2019


A Community of Servants

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'Both evangelism and the desire for justice spring from recognizing God’s love for lost, broken, and...

To Love Mercy

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'If it is real, our faith will cause us to die to self and live more for others. Our faith helps us ...

Living the Advent Hope

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'How can and should the hope and promise of Jesus’ return impact how we live now, especially in the ...

Living the Gospel

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'We can accept that God loves people other than just ourselves. He loves those we love, and we rejoi...

Ministry in the New Testament Church

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'If you were to pass away, would your contribution be mourned and missed like the ministry of Dorcas...

The Least of These

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'Jesus’ teaching is practical, focused on what it means to live as a follower of God. As such, we ca...

Jesus and Those in Need

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'Among other reasons for His incarnation, Jesus came to show us what God is like. He did this by His...

Worship the Creator - 2019

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'True worship is not just something that happens during a religious ritual. True worship is also abo...

The Cry of the Prophets

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'Throughout the reigns of the kings of Israel and Judah, one of God’s responses was to send prophets...

Mercy and Justice in Psalms and Proverbs

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'Psalms and Proverbs depict the experience of living with God in the common things of life, not just...

Sabbath: A Day of Freedom

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'God created the Sabbath as the final act of the Creation week. It has been said that on the seventh...

Blueprint for a Better World

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'How important is it to you that God is a God who sees the suffering of people in the world and hear...

God Created...

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'This world and all life on it, our own life and all we do with it, the lives of everyone around us ...

Family Seasons - 2nd Quarter 2019


Turning Hearts in the End-Time - 2019

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"All the eloquent sermons, all the logic and biblical presentations, aren’t enough: The world needs ...

What Have They Seen in Your House? - 2019

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"What have people seen in your house? What have heavenly angels seen? What kind of spirit permeates ...

Families of Faith - 2019

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"Being a Christian is more than belonging to an organization with a history and a dogma. True faith ...

Little Times of Trouble

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'We all have things that anger us, even to the point of pain. And, in some cases, we probably are ju...

Times of Loss

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"This week, as we continue to look at family life, we will look at it in the context of the various ...

Season of Parenting

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"This week we will spend time exploring the season of parenting with its challenges, fears, satisfac...

Keys to Family Unity - 2019

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"It’s one thing to quote Bible texts about oneness in Christ; it’s wholly another to actually experi...

The Royal Love Song - 2019

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"How can we protect ourselves against cultural and moral forces that either make sexuality into noth...

Wise Words for Families - 2019

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"How have your actions, either for good or bad, impacted others, especially children? In what ways m...

When Alone

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"This week we will look at the question of companionship and loneliness at the various times of life...

Preparing for Change

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"This week, let’s look at some of the changes that sooner or later, in one way or another, most of u...

The Choices We Make

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"This week, we will look in a very broad way at the question of the choices we make, how we should m...

The Rhythms of Life

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"This week let’s look at the seasons and rhythms of our lives, especially as they impact us and our ...

The Book of Revelation - 1st Quarter 2019


“I Make All Things New”

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"Why is this promise of a new existence in a new world so central to all that we believe? What good ...

Judgment on Babylon

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"In the very end, as today, and as has always been the case, the masses of the people get it wrong. ...

The Seven Last Plagues

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"How can we maintain so close a walk with the Lord that, if tragedy strikes, we know enough of God’s...

God’s Everlasting Gospel

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"How is our view of Creation and Salvation related? Why is resting on the Sabbath as God did so impo...

Satan, a Defeated Enemy

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"Revelation 12 is intended to provide God’s people with an assurance that Satan will not succeed."...

The Seven Trumpets

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'The seventh trumpet signals the conclusion of this earth’s history. The time has come for God to re...

The Sealed People of God

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"The opening of the seven seals shows us that every person who claims to believe in Christ will rece...

The Seven Seals

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"Why must we always remember that, in Christ, we are on the winning side, regardless of our immediat...

Worthy Is the Lamb

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"The central issue in the great controversy between God and Satan is about who has the right to rule...

Jesus’ Messages to the Seven Churches

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"There are Christians who always talk in glorious terms of their past faithfulness to Christ. Unfort...

Among the Lampstands

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"The same Jesus who came to John with the words of hope and encouragement in the midst of his hardsh...

The Gospel from Patmos

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"The primary purpose of biblical prophecies is to assure us that no matter what the future brings, G...

Oneness in Christ - 4th Quarter 2018


Final Restoration of Unity

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"The Bible speaks confidently of the time this earth will be re-created and the ravages of sin erase...

Church Organization and Unity

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"Our acknowledgment of Christ as the Head of the church helps us remember to whom our ultimate alleg...

Unity in Worship

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"What does it mean to worship God? And why do we do it? Worship happens when God’s creation responds...

Unity and Broken Relationships

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"How can we learn to forgive those who have hurt or disappointed us? At the same time, why does forg...

The Most Convincing Proof

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"What kind of witness do you present to others? What would one find in your life that would make the...

Unity in Faith

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"How is an appreciation of our forgiveness and justification in Christ a basis for our fellowship an...

When Conflicts Arise

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"One of the most difficult tasks of any Christian community is to maintain unity when differences of...

Images of Unity

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"The New Testament uses different metaphors to illustrate both the nature and mission of the church....

The Experience of Unity in the Early Church

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"The early church experienced rapid growth because Jesus’ disciples intentionally prepared themselve...

The Key to Unity

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"How can we have unity even when we don’t always agree on everything?"...

That They All May Be One

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"Jesus said that eternal life is to know God. What does it mean to know God? How do we demonstrate o...

Causes of Disunity

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"We are all fallen beings, and if left to our own devices, if left to follow the inclinations of our...

Creation and Fall

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"Any attempt at understanding the nature of unity in the church must begin with God’s original plan ...

The Book of Acts - 3rd Quarter 2018


Journey to Rome

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"Despite everything he had gone through, Paul never gave up his faith or his mission. What can we do...

Confinement in Caesarea

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"How much are we willing to sacrifice in order to see the gospel spread?"...

Arrest in Jerusalem

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"How often have you humbly acknowledged God’s providence in your own life despite the trials and suf...

The Third Missionary Journey

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"Misunderstood, maligned, mistreated, and often reviled, Paul nevertheless pressed on in faith. How ...

The Second Missionary Journey

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"How can we as a church show the same understanding Paul had of cultural differences and the same wi...

The Jerusalem Council

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"When disputes arise, how can we learn to sit together, to listen to each other, and in a spirit of ...

Paul’s First Missionary Journey

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"Based on Paul and Barnabas’s example, what can we individually and as a church do to nourish or str...

The Ministry of Peter

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"What does it mean to you to be called a “Christian”? What about your life is truly Christian? That ...

The Conversion of Paul

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"In what ways does Saul’s conversion illustrate the operation of God’s wonderful grace? What can you...

The First Church Leaders

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"Why must we be careful not to be so locked into some of our cherished notions that we close out new...

Life in the Early Church

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Five main points characterized early Christian preaching: Jesus was the suffering Messiah; God resur...


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"The outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost revealed a crucial truth about what happened in heav...

You Will Be My Witnesses

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"How can we learn to keep the reality, and promise, of the Second Coming always before us? How shoul...

Preparation for the End Time - 2nd Quarter 2018


The Return of Our Lord Jesus

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"Only one of two endings awaits every human being who has ever lived on this planet. Either we will ...

Babylon and Armageddon

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"Scripture presents Armageddon as the ultimate climax, not between squabbling nations, but between t...

God’s Seal or the Beast’s Mark?

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"Why is the Sabbath so important, and what special significance does it have for Christians?"...

America and Babylon

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"This week we will focus mostly on Revelation 13 and the events and powers portrayed in it, as alway...

End-Time Deceptions - 2018

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"This week, we will look at some of the devil’s most effective deceptions and how we can be protecte...

Worship the Creator - 2018

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"Take time to dwell on the incredible marvels of the created world. What can and do they teach us ab...

Matthew 24 and 25

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'What is it about obedience to what God tells us to do that strengthens our faith? That is, why is f...

The “Change” of the Law

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"God’s law, the Ten Commandments, is still binding, and that law includes the seventh-day Sabbath. W...

Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary

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"What is Christ doing for us in the heavenly sanctuary, and why is it so important for us to underst...

Salvation and the End-Time

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"One fascinating but crucial difference between Christianity and non-Christian religions is that whi...

Jesus and the Book of Revelation

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"Revelation is all about Jesus, about who He is, about what He has done for His people, and about wh...

Daniel and the End-Time

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"If we are not faithful now in what is “least,” what makes us think we will be faithful in something...

The Cosmic Controversy

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"The cosmic controversy, sometimes called “the great controversy,” is the biblical worldview. It for...

Stewardship: Motives of the Heart - 1st Quarter 2018


The Results of Stewardship

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"How often might we intellectually believe in God and in His love and care for us, and yet worry our...

The Habits of a Steward

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"Of all the good habits a Christian could have, seeking God first thing every day would have to be t...

Debt: A Daily Decision

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"Managing money requires wisdom, budgeting, and discipline."...

The Role of Stewardship

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"This week we will look more at the roles that stewardship plays in Christian life. We will do so, t...

Offerings of Gratitude

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"Giving generously, whether from means, time, or talent, is a powerful means of living our faith and...

The Impact of Tithing

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'The greatest blessing tithing teaches us is to trust God.'...

Honesty with God

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"In this week’s lesson we will study the spiritual concept of honesty through the practice of tithin...

The Marks of a Steward

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"We don’t obey to be saved; we obey because we already are saved. Obedience is the practical stateme...

Stewards After Eden

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"Why is it so important for us to learn to trust in and believe in spiritual things that we don’t fu...

Escape from the World’s Ways

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"What do you pray for? What do your prayers tell about your priorities? What other things might you ...

God or Mammon?

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"Whether we are rich or poor, how can we make sure we keep the right relationship to the things of t...

I See, I Want, I Take

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"It’s hard to imagine anything in the human character that is less reflective of the character of Ch...

The Influence of Materialism

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"Materialism is one of Satan’s weapons of choice against Christians. After all, who doesn’t like mon...

Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans - 4th Quarter 2017


Christian Living

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"What kind of example do you present? Would you feel comfortable with having others, particularly yo...

Overcoming Evil with Good

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"If you knew for certain that Jesus was coming next month, what would you change in your life, and w...

The Elect

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This week’s lesson covers Romans 10 and 11. These two chapters have been and remain the focal point ...

Children of the Promise - 2017

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"How can knowing what God’s character is like help us to stay faithful amid trials that seem so unju...

No Condemnation

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"Dwell on this idea that the Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from death, is the same one dwelling in...

Who Is the Man of Romans 7?

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"Left to ourselves, without Christ, we are helpless against sin. With Christ we have a new life in H...

Overcoming Sin

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"How have you experienced the reality of a new life in Christ? What tangible evidence can you point ...

Adam and Jesus

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"Paul contrasts Adam and Jesus, showing how Christ came to undo what Adam did, and showing that by f...

The Faith of Abraham

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"As justified sinners, we have been made the recipients of grace and undeserved favor from God, agai...

Justification by Faith

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"With the good news of salvation being so good, what holds people back from accepting it? In your ow...

The Human Condition

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"How often do you, even if only in your own mind, condemn others for things that you, yourself, are ...

The Controversy

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"What are some of your favorite Bible promises? How often do you claim them? What choices are you ma...

The Apostle Paul in Rome

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"What kinds of issues are agitating your church at present? What role are you playing in these debat...

The Gospel in Galatians (2017) - 3rd Quarter 2017


Boasting in the Cross - 2017

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"How differently do you live now than you did before giving yourself to the Lord, who died for you?"...

The Gospel and the Church - 2017

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"The church should be a place where the Spirit leads us to put others before ourselves. Understandi...

Living by the Spirit - 2017

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"We possess two natures, the flesh and the Spirit, and they are in conflict. Although our sinful na...

Freedom in Christ - 2017

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"What does Paul mean when he speaks about “freedom,” which he does so often? What does this freedom ...

The Two Covenants - 2017

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"In what ways has your lack of faith in God’s promises caused you some pain? How can you learn from ...

Paul's Pastoral Appeal - 2017

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"How much compromise has crept into your life, and what have been the ways you have justified it? Ho...

From Slaves to Heirs - 2017

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"What is it about human beings that makes them so afraid of the idea of grace, of salvation by faith...

The Road to Faith - 2017

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"The law was given to point sinners to their need of Christ. As a custodian, it provides instruction...

The Priority of the Promise - 2017

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"What does it mean to you to know that you can trust God’s promises? Or perhaps the question should ...

Old Testament Faith - 2017

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"From start to finish in the Christian life, the basis of our salvation is faith in Christ alone. T...

Justification by Faith Alone - 2017

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"We are not justified on the basis of our faith but on the basis of Christ’s faithfulness for us, wh...

The Unity of the Gospel - 2017

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"What issues are more important than unity itself? How do we learn to distinguish between what must ...

Paul's Authority and Gospel - 2017

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"Why does Paul say it is impossible to be a follower of Christ while trying to please people?"...

Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles - 2017

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"While we need zeal and fervor for what we believe, how do we learn to temper our zeal with the real...

Feed My Sheep - 2nd Quarter 2017


Major Themes in 1 and 2 Peter

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This final week’s lesson will look in more detail at five of the themes Peter wrote about: the suffe...

The Day of the Lord

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"Why must the Word of God, and not culture or our own judgment or reason, be the ultimate authority ...

False Teachers

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"Why must we be sure to learn for ourselves the crucial truths we believe?"...

Prophecy and Scripture

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"How many people have drifted off into fanaticism and error because they refused to heed the counsel...

Be Who You Are

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"How 'like Christ' are you? In what areas can you do better?"...

Jesus in the Writings of Peter

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"When you think about the life and death of Jesus and then realize that He was God, what does this t...

Servant Leadership

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'Humility, rather than pride, should characterize the Christian’s relationship, not only with God bu...

Suffering for Christ

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"How can we always be ready to face opposition for our faith, in whatever form that opposition comes...

Living for God

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"Are there some areas in which we need to be in complete unity of thought in order to function as a ...

Social Relationships

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"Why is it important for Christians to be as good citizens as possible, even in less-than-ideal poli...

A Royal Priesthood

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"A holy nation? A royal priesthood? Applied to ourselves, what should terms like this mean in regard...

An Inheritance Incorruptible

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"How can we learn to be more loving? What choices must we make in order to be able to manifest the k...

The Person of Peter

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"Whatever his faults, and they were many, Peter was a spiritual man who was ready to follow the Lord...

The Holy Spirit and Spirituality - 1st Quarter 2017


The Work of the Holy Spirit

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"It is a great tragedy that Christians, however well-intentioned, often approach sinners with an acc...

Grieving and Resisting the Spirit

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"This week we will study biblical aspects that deal with the grieving, quenching, and resisting the ...

The Holy Spirit, the Word and Prayer

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"God is deeply interested in us. He longs to be part of all aspects of our life: our worries, our fe...

The Holy Spirit and the Church

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"It is the Holy Spirit who creates a spiritual community and fellowship that has the Written Word of...

The Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit

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"This week we will study the Holy Spirit as the Sovereign Giver of God’s remarkable gifts and look a...

The Holy Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit

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Perhaps nothing discredits our Christian testimony and ministry more frequently than unkindness. It ...

The Holy Spirit and Living a Holy Life

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"To keep the law is not legalism; it is faithfulness. The law does not save us. It never can. The la...

The Baptism and Filling of the Holy Spirit

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"As Christians, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit. Without Him, our witness will be powerless a...

The Personality of the Holy Spirit

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"This week we will learn more about the personality of the Holy Spirit as He is described in Scriptu...

The Divinity of the Holy Spirit

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"The Bible does not present a systematic description of the divinity of the Holy Spirit. Instead we ...

The Holy Spirit: Working Behind the Scenes

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"The Holy Spirit was not only present at the Creation of this world, He is also active in the proces...

The Spirit and the Word

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"How has your pride been a stumbling stone that has hindered you from implementing the truth of Scri...

The Book of Job - 4th Quarter 2016


Some Lessons from Job

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How can we learn more compassion for those who are suffering, even suffering from their own wrong co...

The Character of Job

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"No wonder the Lord said what He did about the life and character of Job. This is a man who clearly...

Job's Redeemer

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"Job saw God as Creator; after the cross, we see Him as Creator and Redeemer, or particularly, the C...

The Wrath of Elihu

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"We don't live by faith when everything is fully and rationally explained. We live by faith when, l...

Intimations of Hope

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"This week, as we continue to explore the question of suffering in the book of Job, we will find tha...

Innocent Blood

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"We need to learn to trust God even when answers are not readily apparent and when we can see nothin...

Retributive Punishment

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"As humans we should always strive for the right balance between law and grace in our theology and i...

The Curse Causeless?

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"Job stands as a symbol for all humanity, for we all have been caught up in the great controversy, a...

Curse the Day

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"As Christians, we certainly have wonderful promises for the future. At the same time, amid present ...

God and Human Suffering

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'Though the Bible teaches the reality of an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving God, it also teach...

Does Job Fear God for Naught?

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"Adam and Eve, sinless beings amid a true paradise, transgressed and fell into sin because of Satan'...

The Great Controversy in The Book of Job

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"The great controversy theme forms a template that can help us better understand 'the total message'...

The End

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"This week, as we begin the book of Job, we will start at its end, because it brings up questions ab...

The Role of the Church in the Community - 3rd Quarter 2016


How Shall We Wait?

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"How are we waiting for Jesus to return? That is, what are we doing in our lives that reveals the re...

Urban Ministry in the End-Time

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"If our actions do not demonstrate the compassion, grace, and hope of which we speak, then what we s...

Jesus Bade Them, "Follow Me"

'How do you act toward new faces in your church? Do you make an intentional effort to talk to them? ...

Jesus Won Their Confidence

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"If some visitors started attending your church regularly, what would they see, and what kind of wit...

Jesus Ministered to Their Needs

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"Most of us have no problem expressing our opinions. How can we learn to be better listeners?"...

Jesus Desired Their Good

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"Jesus loved people more than anything else, and a church that is truly His will do the same."...

Jesus Mingled with People

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"Have you ever avoided witnessing to a person who would likely not fit well in your church? What wou...

Jesus on Community Outreach

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"What role should you be playing in the whole process of winning souls, as opposed to the role, if a...

Justice and Mercy in the Old Testament: Part 2

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"Light, water - both of these are images used to talk about what God can do through us to help other...

Justice and Mercy in the Old Testament: Part 1

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"One can't imagine a worse witness than those who are too busy 'worshiping' God that they don't have...

Restoring Dominion

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"We have been called by God to be a light and a source of healing and hope in our communities." ...

The "Restoration of All Things"

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"Who are people in need of your help right now, help that you are especially equipped to give?"...

The Book of Matthew - 2nd Quarter 2016


Crucified and Risen - 2016

"This week, the final chapters of Matthew, we study the inexhaustible truths regarding our Lord's de...

Jesus' Last Days

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"How should Jesus' willingness to do what He did for us impact every aspect of our lives, especially...

Last-Day Events

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"At a time of so much turmoil and uncertainty in our world about the future, how can we learn to dra...

Jesus in Jerusalem - 2016

"How can we make sure that we are not letting our desire to gain our maintain anything here, even so...

Idols of the Soul (and Other Lessons from Jesus)

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"The gospel needs to penetrate the heart, to go right to the idols of the soul, and whatever we are ...

Peter and the Rock

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"Peter and the disciples were gradually learning what true faith is. True faith isn't supposed to b...

Lord of Jews and Gentiles

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"In what ways might your expectations of what you expect from God be too narrow?"...

Resting in Christ

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'This week, as we continue our study of Matthew, we will look at a few of the Sabbath controversies ...

The Seen and the Unseen War

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"What things, even in secular life, remain mysteries to us? Do we stop believing, for instance, in t...

"Get up and Walk!" Faith and Healing

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"Whatever our physical struggles, even in the worst-case scenario they will always and only be tempo...

The Sermon on the Mount

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"How different would your life be, right now, were you to love your enemies?" (Chantal and Gerald Kl...

The Ministry Begins

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"Why is humility so crucial a trait for Christians? How can we learn to be and stay humble? What r...

Son of David

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"If God receives us despite our faults and shortcomings, how can we learn to do the same with others...

Rebellion and Redemption - 1st Quarter 2016



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"How does the reality of the great controversy help us better understand why suffering and death exi...

The Church Militant

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"What happens to us, either individually or as a church, that could make our love for God grow cold?...

Peter on the Great Controversy

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"Instead of us being concerned about being accepted by others and conforming to their opinions and t...

The Great Controversy and the Early Church

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"The greatest barrier Jesus faced with His followers was their preconceived opinions. The disciples...

Comrades in Arms

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"How many times are modern disciples more eager to race off and work for Jesus rather than spend tim...

Jesus' Teachings and the Great Controversy

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"In this week's lesson, we will look at some of Jesus' teachings on very down-to-earth and practical...

Victory in the Wilderness

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"Faithful people had deep misconceptions about the nature of the Lord's first coming. How might fai...

The Controversy Continues

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"How can we learn, even amid the most discouraging and seemingly impossible situations, to trust in ...

Conflict and Crisis: the Judges

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"We are either for the Lord, doing something of meaning and purpose for Him, or we are, in the end, ...

Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs

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"What can be done for the people in your congregation who feel that they are alone in the world and ...

Crisis in Eden

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"Adam and Eve started justifying their sin. What are ways that we seek to do the same? How often do ...

Crisis in Heaven

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"If a perfect being, created by a perfect God, in a perfect environment, could mess himself up becau...

The Book of Jeremiah - 4th Quarter 2015


Lessons from Jeremiah

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"At the center of the great controversy exists a crucial issue: What is the character of God? What i...

Back to Egypt

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"How often do we allow emotions or passions to cloud our judgment or even override a clear 'thus sai...

The Covenant

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"The salvation God provides is a gift, unmerited and undeserved, and the human response to that gift...

The Destruction of Jerusalem

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"Even while people in Jerusalem were still fighting the Babylonians, still hoping that the words of ...

Jeremiah's Yoke

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"God's prophets preached not only through words but also through object lessons. At times the prophe...

Josiah's Reforms

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Josiah was one of the few kings who, using free will, chose to do what "was right in the sight of th...

The Crisis Continues

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"No matter what we have done, we can repent of our sin and be forgiven. This is the great provision ...

Symbolic Acts

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"We can rest assured that, despite the reality of human free will and free choices, and the often ca...

More Woes for the Prophet

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"God loves humanity and wants it saved, but He does not force our choice. If we want to do wrong, ev...

Rebuke and Retribution

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"This week we'll start to look at the trials of Jeremiah, whose ministry seemed to consist of nothin...

The Last Five Kings of Judah

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"It had never been God's intention to give Israel a king; by the end of this week's lesson, we will ...

The Crisis Within and Without

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"If we could pick one word to describe the human condition since the Fall, it would be "crisis", the...

The Prophetic Calling of Jeremiah

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"Jeremiah wasn't called to find solutions to the problems of the nation, or to become a great person...

Biblical Missionaries - 3rd Quarter 2015


Must the Whole World Hear?

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"First, on the day of judgment, how is God going to deal with the billions who have not known Him? S...

Paul: Mission and Message

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"Think about your own faith. On what is it based? What good reasons do you have for it? How might yo...

Paul: Background and Call

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"More is known about Paul than any other first-century Christian. He is especially remembered for hi...

Philip as Missionary

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"What should our attitude be toward those who are facing religious persecution, even if we don't agr...

Peter and the Gentiles

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"How do we show respect for people whose faith we believe is wrong, without giving the impression th...

Cross-Cultural Missions

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“While pioneering Christian work can be accomplished by foreign missionaries who have cultural sensi...

Jesus: The Master of Missions

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"In Jesus Christ, the meaning of history comes into focus, the total mission activity of God becomes...

Esther and Mordecai - 2015

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"Though not your 'typical" missionary story, the narrative of Esther and Mordecai does present some ...

Exiles as Missionaries

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"Think how easy it would have been for Daniel to have compromised, especially given his circumstance...

The Jonah Saga

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"The Bible's authors present the valiant along with the petty in the lives of people to illustrate t...

The Unlikely Missionary

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"Personal life disruptions, tragedies, and transitions can make people more open to spiritual truth ...

Abraham: The First Missionary

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"Though hardly perfect, Abraham was a man of God, and time and again in the Bible, even in the New T...

The Missionary Nature of God

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"Only by knowing where we came from are we off to a good start in knowing who we are, why we exist, ...

The Book of Luke - 2nd Quarter 2015


Crucified and Risen - 2015

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For all else that it entails, the Cross is also the great divider of history....

Jesus in Jerusalem - 2015

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"The last week of Jesus' earthly life unfolded in Jerusalem. What tumultuous events marked that week...

The Kingdom of God

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"The same Jesus who defeated sin and Satan on Calvary is soon to return to begin the process that wi...

Following Jesus in Everyday Life

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"Jesus introduced a new dynamic to human relations: fulfillment comes not from power but from servic...

Jesus, the Master Teacher

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"The mission and ministry of Jesus, His forgiving heart and embracing grace, did not exclude anyone ...

The Mission of Jesus

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"If we were to write a mission statement for Jesus, we could not do any better than to repeat His ow...

Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Prayer

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"Fully divine, equal with the Father and the Spirit, Jesus in His humanity left us an example in reg...

Women in the Ministry of Jesus

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"Luke's Gospel is sometimes called "the Gospel of Women" because, more than any other one, it makes ...

Christ as the Lord of the Sabbath

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Satan has worked hard to destroy the Sabbath, turning it into a heavy burden, striping it of so much...

The Call to Discipleship

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"Being a disciple energizes the spirit, challenges the mind, and demands our utmost in our relations...

Who Is Jesus Christ?

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"Who is Jesus Christ? This question is not a philosophical or a sociological gimmick. It gets to th...

Baptism and the Temptations

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"Repentance is not just a theoretical notion. It is a way of life. The word comes from the Greek '...

The Coming of Jesus

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"Luke places the story of Jesus in history - real people, real times - in order to dismiss any idea ...

The Book of Proverbs - 1st Quarter 2015


Women and Wine

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"How can we make sure that we don't neglect the practical aspects of faith as we seek to fulfill its...

The Humility of the Wise

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"Think about just how dependent you are on God. How can keeping that stark fact ever in your mind h...

Living by Faith

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"So many voices call to us from so many directions. How do people know what is right and what is wr...

Behind the Mask

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"Everything that Christians do should be as transparent as the sunlight. Truth is of God; deception...

Words of Truth

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"It is not enough for the student to listen or even to understand intellectually, what is being taug...

Words of Wisdom

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"A person's character is measured less by wisdom or even religious commitments than by readiness to ...

Dealing With Fights

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"Think about a time you messed up badly and you were forgiven, ministered to, and comforted. What d...

What You Get Is Not What You See

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"Why is it important to understand the reality of human free will and free choice, even if God is ul...

The Blessings of the Righteous

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The book of Proverbs tells us that wisdom is righteousness, and "righteousness" means to walk accord...

Divine Wisdom

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"Wisdom is truth - the Truth as it exists in God, the source and foundation of all truth."...

A Matter of Life and Death

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"How can we be serious about the gravity of sin without falling into the trap of fanaticism?"...

From Ears to Feet

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"Training in wisdom consists in hearing proper instruction and in following and obeying what we have...

The Call of Wisdom

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"From Eden onward, the root of human tragedy lies in wrong choices. ... The book of Proverbs is all ...

The Book of James - 4th Quarter 2014


The Everlasting Gospel - 2014

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"How can we, as people who believe in the importance of keeping the law, protect ourselves from the ...

Prayer, Healing and Restoration

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"More important than the healing of the body is the healing of the soul. Our purpose is not, after ...

Getting Ready for the Harvest

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"In Greco-Roman times (as in some places still today), a flurry of activity preceded the coming of a...

Weep and Howl!

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"How do we work, as Christians, to help alleviate the problem of extreme poverty? What things shoul...

One Lawgiver and Judge

"God alone, who gave the law, is the Judge. He alone has the power to save or to destroy. So what ...

The Humility of Heavenly Wisdom

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"Only a person humble, meek, and aware of his or her utter need and dependency is open to grace, to ...

Taming the Tongue

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"If you recorded all your spoken words in a single day and then played them back to yourself, what w...

Faith that Works

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"Faith and works are inseparable. Like two sides of a coin, one cannot exist without the other. Al...

Love and the Law

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"Though it's not easy, and often goes against our nature, true love involves a substantial amount of...

Being and Doing

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"Salvation begins by seeing who we really are, not who we imagine ourselves to be."...

Enduring Temptation

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"Temptations are real, sin is real, and the battle against self is very real. But God is real, too,...

The Perfecting of Our Faith

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"We need to believe in a loving Father, rely on His wisdom, and act on the basis of His Word. We ca...

James, the Lord's Brother

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"Why is humility so important in the Christian life? That is, in light of the Cross and what happene...

The Teachings of Jesus - 3rd Quarter 2014


The Second Coming of Jesus

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"When Jesus comes, the destiny of each human being will already have been decided... The fact that ...

Death and Resurrection

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"The Bible teaches that God will judge the lives of every human being, deciding the eternal destiny ...

The Sabbath

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"The same God who created humanity with the need to rest also provided the means to rest: a weekly d...

The Law of God

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"One would be hard pressed to find in the life and teachings of Jesus anything implying that the Ten...

Our Mission

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"Our task is to invite people to follow Jesus, which means to believe in Him, to obey His teachings,...

The Church

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"We need to remember that love without truth is blind, and truth without love is fruitless. Mind an...

Living Like Christ

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"The supreme proof of genuine Christianity is loving our enemies."...

Growing in Christ - 2014

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"The new life in Christ is not a patched-up life with a few external reformations. It is not a modi...

How to Be Saved

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"This week we will look at Jesus' teachings regarding the simple practical steps needed for salvatio...


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"The Bible is clear. We have only two choices regarding our sins: either we pay for our sins in the...

The Holy Spirit

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"Of the Three Persons of the God head, the Holy Spirit is the least understood. It is ironic that t...

The Son

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Sooner or later, everyone has to answer the question of 'Who is Jesus?'. ...the answer must be genu...

Our Loving Heavenly Father

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"This week we will explore what Jesus taught about our Father and about His infinite love for us. W...

Christ and His Law - 2nd Quarter 2014


Christ's Kingdom and the Law

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"This week we'll look at the question of God's eternal kingdom and the role of the law in relation t...

Christ's Church and the Law

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"Why can't we really be keeping the commandments if we don't show love?"...

The Apostles and the Law

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"With so much evidence for the continued validity of God's law, why do so many Christians argue agai...

Christ, the Law and the Covenants

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"God's eternal decision to save humanity has been revealed to us through the ages by the covenants."...

Christ, the Law and the Gospel

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"Grace not only frees us from the condemnation of the law, but it enables us to keep the law in the ...

The Law of God and the Law of Christ

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"Jesus and His Father are united in purpose as they urge the people of God's creation to love as the...

Christ, the End of the Law

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This lesson explores the law and grace....

Christ's Death and the Law

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This lesson looks at the death of Jesus and what it means in relation to the law....

Christ and the Sabbath

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"The issue of an alternative day of worship was not introduced into Christianity unitl more than a c...

Christ and the Law in the Sermon on the Mount

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This lesson covers the third section of the Sermon on the Mount to see what it teaches about the law...

Christ and Religious Tradition

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"This week's lesson investigates the religious traditions upon which the scribes and Pharisees based...

Christ and the Law of Moses

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"The Biblical feast days were done away with long ago when they met their fulfillment in Christ. Ho...

Laws in Christ's Day

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"This week's lesson investigates the various laws that functioned in the community during the time o...

Discipleship (2014) - 1st Quarter 2014


The Cost of Discipleship

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"The rewards of discipleship may likewise be measured through comparison with the costs. ... Everyon...

The Harvest and the Harvesters

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"God could have commissioned angels, unassisted by human beings, to broadcast the gospel. Instead, ...

Discipling Spiritual Leaders

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"In the end, a combination of knowledge and experience that produces unselfish love will be the most...

Discipling the Nations

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"God's final work is incomplete until the eternal gospel expressed in the message of the three angel...

Discipling the Powerful

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"Jesus always sought to be redemptive. ... He was seeking the salvation of all people, even of thos...

With the Rich and Famous

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"Christ neither resented nor revered the social elite. The Savior recognized that financial prosper...

Discipling the “Ordinary”

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"Christ's death was the great equalizer: it showed that we all are sinners in need of God's grace. ....

Discipling the Sick

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"During His ministry, Jesus devoted more time to healing the sick than to preaching. His miracles t...

Discipling Children

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"We can preach and sermonize all we want; in the end, as with adults, the best way to disciple child...

Discipleship and Prayer

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"What powerful changes might occur if constant, fervent prayer was central to our methodology in see...

Discipling Through Metaphor

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"Jesus framed eternal truths in ways that went beyond mere intellect alone. Jesus spoke through con...

Disciples and Scripture

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"How can we make sure that our study and reading of the Bible help us to come to a better knowledge ...

The Sanctuary - 4th Quarter 2013


Exhortations From the Sanctuary

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"Throughout the book of Hebrews, passages about Christian faith alternate with passages about Christ...

The Cosmic Conflict Over God's Character

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"This week we will study some milestones in the great conflict between Christ and Satan that reveal ...

Our Prophetic Message

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"We know that 'God is llove,' and nothing reveals this love more than the Cross. We know, too, that...

The Eschatological Day of Atonement

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"This week we will study Daniel 8. We will discover the real issue of the conflict between the horn...

The Pre-Advent Judgment - 2013

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"The pre-Advent judgment results in fulfilling the hopes of both God and the believers. God's desir...

Christ, Our Priest

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"This week we will study the work of Jesus during His daily ministry and see some of the practical r...

Christ, Our Sacrifice

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"How do the concepts of death, sacrifice, and blood help to show us just how serious sin and its con...

The Day of Atonement

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"This week we will study what happened on the Day of Atonement in the earthly sanctuary, specificall...

Atonement: Purification Offering

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"This week we will study several concepts linked to the 'purification offering' (also called 'sin of...

Lessons From the Sanctuary

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"The sanctuary is one of God's major devices to teach us the meaning of the gospel. ... This week's...


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"Central to the entire gospel is the concept of sacrifice. In the biblical languages, the words for...

Heaven On Earth

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"Though the sanctuary in heaven is the original, the one where God Himself is ministsering 'for us,'...

The Heavenly Sanctuary

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"Scripture is clear: the heavenly sanctuary is a real place, and from it we can learn truths about t...

Revival and Reformation - 3rd Quarter 2013


The Promised Revival: God's Mission Completed

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"The proclamation of the gospel to the entire world may seem impossible, but God's power will overco...

Reformation: Healing Broken Relationships

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"What is forgiveness? Does forgiveness justify the behavior of someone who has horribly wronged us?...

Reformation: Thinking New Thoughts

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Our earthly bodies won't go to Heaven, only our minds in our new, heavenly bodies. What we expose o...

Reformation: The Willingness to Grow and Change

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"Reformation is the choice to respond to the Holy Spirit's leading for change and growth. It is the...

Reformation: The Outgrowth of Revival

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"Revival is an ongoing process. ... True spiritual renewal leads to a change in our thought patterns...

Discernment: The Safeguard of Revival

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"In the context of revival, we need to ask, Is it possible that the devil can create a false religio...

Confession and Repentance: The Conditions of Revival

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"Throughout Scripture, both repentance and confession have prepared the way for spiritual revival. ...

Obedience: The Fruit of Revival

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"The results of revival are not necessarily positive feelings. They are a changed life. Our feelin...

Witness and Service: The Fruit of Revival

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"The purpose of revival is to fill our hearts with such a love for Jesus that we long to share this ...

The Word: The Foundation of Revival

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"In this week's lesson we will study the role of the Bible in revival and how God's Word can make a ...

Prayer: The Heartbeat of Revival

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Why is prayer so vital? The answer lies in understanding God's respect for our freedom of choice. G...

Revival: Our Great Need

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"Laodicea is the last church in Revelation's sequence of seven churches. ... the Laodicean message i...

Major Lessons from Minor Prophets - 2nd Quarter 2013


Lest We Forget! (Malachi)

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"Malachi teaches us the extent of God's commitment to His people but also points to their sacred res...

Heaven's Best Gift

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"Zechariah has some wonderful Messianic prophecies that point to Jesus and affirm our faith in Him."...

Visions of Hope (Zechariah)

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"Though Israel had been punished for its sins, it was time for its people to live again in relations...

First Things First! (Haggai)

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"Haggai's message is simple: What are our priorities, and why is it so important to get them right?"...

The Day of the Lord (Zephaniah)

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"Judgment is coming, but grace and mercy are still available for those who earnestly seek for it."...

Trusting God's Goodness (Habakkuk)

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"We may not understand always why tragedy happens, but we can trust God, no matter what."...

God's Special People (Micah)

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"Even amid the worst apostasy, the Lord was willing to forgive and heal his people."...

Eager to Forgive (Jonah)

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"The book of Jonah reveals, among other things, that God is more willing to forgive others than we o...

Seek the Lord and Live!

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"Amos reminds us that only in seeking the Lord is there life."...

Lord of All Nations (Amos)

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"Acts of inhumanity are sins against God and will be judged accordingly."...

A Holy and Just God (Joel)

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"God can use crises to make His people sensitive to both their dependence on Him and their need for ...

Love and Judgment: God's Dilemma (Hosea)

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"Hosea reveals more of God's love for His wayward people."...

Spiritual Adultery (Hosea)

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"Even amid spiritual adultery and divine judgment, God's love for His people never wavers."...

Origins - 1st Quarter 2013


Creation, Again

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"The same Lord who through the supernatural power of His Word created the world once will create it ...

Creation and the Gospel

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"The original Creation gives us confidence that God's creative power is able to change our lives and...

Sabbath: A Gift From Eden

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"God is calling people to worhip Him as the Creator, and nowhere in the Bible do we find anything th...

Stewardship and the Environment

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"...The concept of stewardship, in the context of the way in which we take care of the planet, is ti...

Marriage: A Gift from Eden

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"In both the Old and the New Testament, the marriage relation is employed to represent the tender an...

Jesus, Provider and Sustainer

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"... Jesus continues to sustain the existence of the universe by His power. The universe is not ind...

Through a Glass, Darkly

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"...this week's lesson will examine what the Bible has to say regarding the question of what it is t...

Creation and the Fall

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"Satan is a defeated foe, he is here on the earth, and he is determined to wreak as much havoc and d...

Creation and Morality

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"People love to talk about 'human rights. ... How are we to determine what they are? Why should we...

Creation, a Biblical Theme

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"This week we will look at various references that point back to the Genesis account and show how ot...

The Creation Completed

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"This week's lesson reviews the Bible's brief description of the last three Creation days and the Sa...

Creation: Forming the World

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"The creation is not an entity independent of God, but it is instead God's chosen arena in which He ...

Jesus, Creator of Heaven and Earth

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"Only something greater than what it creates could have created it. Thus, only a Being greater than...

Growing In Christ - 4th Quarter 2012


When All Things Become New

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"What is the millennium, when does it happen, and to what does it lead?"...

Last Things: Jesus and the Saved

"The Bible's teaching on Christ's ministry in the heavenly sanctuary, His second coming, and the res...

The Christian Life

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"Anyone can call himself or herself a Christian. What, though, does that mean in practical terms?"...

The Law and the Gospel

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"God's entire moral law is what reveals our sin and, thus, our need for a Savior. The law and the g...

The Church: Rites and Rituals

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"God has instituted ordinances that, properly understood, help to reinforce our faith."...

The Church: In Service to Humanity

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"'We should remember that the church, enfeebled and defective though it be, is the only object on ea...

Arming for Victory

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"Every believer must be personally and individually armed as we each find ourselves immersed in the ...

Victory Over Evil Forces

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"In Christ, we have victory over all forces that would oppress us."...

Growing In Christ - 2012

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"Christ's victory on the cross defines the scope of the victory into which the Christian may grow."...

Salvation: The Only Solution

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"The sin problem is very big; how thankful we should be that the solution was big enough to solve it...

Mankind: God's Handiwork

"God created humanity in His own image, sin defiled that image. God's plan is to restore that image ...

Revelation, and the God Revealed In It

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"However important it is to understand the way in which Biblical inspiration works, it's more import...

The Great Controversy: The Foundation

"The great-controversy motif is the overarching concept that gives cohesion to Seventh-day Adentist ...

1 and 2 Thessalonians - 3rd Quarter 2012


Keeping the Church Faithful

"Even with all the grand and glorious promises for the future, we have to deal with daily challenges...

The Antichrist

"In correcting the Thessalonians' false theology of last-day events, Paul reveals truth about end-ti...

Promise to the Persecuted

"The second coming of Jesus is the culimnation of all Christian hope."...

Final Events

"The reality of Christ's return calls us to continual readiness."...

The Dead in Christ

"Paul gives the Thessalonians (and us) a powerful hope for the future, the promise of the second com...

Lesson 7 is not available. Please enjoy this sermon in its place.

Please accept our appologies, lesson #7 is not available. In its place we present "How Perfect Shou...

Friends Forever

"Paul continues to praise the Thessalonians for the good things he sees in them and to encourage the...

The Apostolic Example

"By revealing what the true motive in ministry must be, Paul can help us all to examine our hearts a...

Thessalonica in Paul's Day

"A short study of the context of ancient Thessalonica deomonstrates that Paul's approach to the citi...

Preserving Relationships

"True evangelism leads to relationships that can stand the test of time."...

The Gospel Comes to Thessalonica

"Our assurance of God's promises must be based on our confidence in His Holy Scriptures."...

Evangelism and Witnessing - 2nd Quarter 2012


A Perpetual Ministry

"Evangelism and witnessing are the means by which the mustard seed (the church of God) becomes a hug...

Evaluating Witnessing and Evangelism

"It is a mistake to become involved in God's great task of evangelism without effective evaluation."...

Let the Church Know

"As a report of the early church's missionary endeavors, the book of Acts is filled with lessons for...

A Love Response

"We should work to win souls to Christ the question we need to ask ourselves is, 'What motivates us ...

Releasing Into Ministry

"It is not enough that people be trained for evangelism and witnessing work they must actively work ...

Equipping for Evangelism and Witnessing

"Whatever the important proper training, we must first be grounded in our relationship with Jesus be...

Corporate Evangelism and Witnessing

"The dissemination of the truth of God is not confined to ministers. The truth is to be scattered b...

Personal Evangelism and Witnessing

"Those who have the joy of assurance of salvation will want to lead others to experience the same."...

Sequential Evangelism and Witnessing

"In all evangelism and witnessing, it is important that we first present the simple truth of the gos...

Evangelism and Witnessing as a Lifestyle

"Whether we acknowledge it or not, all believers preach a message by the example of their lives."...

Spiritual Gifts for Evangelism and Witnessing

"Spiritual gifts are special attributes given to each member to be used for God's glory and for the ...

Every Member Ministry

"Too often evangelism and witnessing are seen as the pastor's job alone this attitude is wrong."...

Defining Evangelism and Witnessing

"If we are to be involved in fulfilling the great gospel commission, we must understand what we mean...

Glimpses of Our God - 1st Quarter 2012


The Promise of His Return

God is coming again, we can be sure of this. We may not know the day or the hour of His coming, but...

Love Stories

Love is an attribute of God, but it also is who He is. God is love. "we cannot overestimate God's l...

God as Artist

"God's skills as an artist have been underrated. His created world is often appreciated, but the ex...

The Promise of Prayer

Prayer is a very important component of our relationship and our walk with God. "There are a lot of ...

The Bible and History

"Our God works in and through history, and in and through history He has given us powerful evidence ...

Creation Care

"No question, this world is coming to an end it will not last forever. And yes, Jesus is coming soon...

Lord of the Sabbath

"The seventh-day Sabbbath, in every way, points to Jesus, our Creator and our Redeemer." Sabbath Sch...

God the Lawgiver

"God's law is an inseparable part of the Old and New Testaments. It is also an expression of His Lov...

The Holiness of God

"It might be much nicer to focus only on God's love instead of His holiness, but that would e to dis...

The God of Grace and Judgment

The Bible is full of stories that show God's grace and love for fallen sinners, but it also shows th...

God as Redeemer

God is not only our Creator, He is our Redeemer. "From the earliest pages of Genesis, the Bible poi...

The Gospel in Galatians - 4th Quarter 2011


Boasting in the Cross - 2011

Nowhere do our 'glorious' human wisdom, our riches, and our might appear more clearly in all their f...

The Gospel and the Church - 2011

The actions we sow result in a harvest, either for good or evil. This happens both in our individual...

Living by the Spirit - 2011

Though everyone struggles with moral conflict, the converted Christian faces an internal war between...

Freedom in Christ - 2011

Paul explores the boundless limits of the freedom we have in Jesus Christ freedom to serve God and e...

The Two Covenants - 2011

A careful look at Paul's argument about the covenant promise of Isaac and its fulfillment in Christ ...

Paul's Pastoral Appeal - 2011

Paul makes a personal appeal to the Galatians based on their previous relationship and his pastoral ...

From Slaves to Heirs - 2011

Jesus Christ offers us freedom in the gospel, so Paul says turning back to a system of obedience to ...

The Road to Faith - 2011

A discussion about the law of God and its relationship to grace, the gospel and the New Testament be...

The Priority of the Promise - 2011

The law was "added" at Sinai to demonstrate the exceeding sinfulness of Israel and all mankind, but ...

Old Testament Faith - 2011

Paul clearly outlines the consistency of the gospel message and uses Abraham's example to illustrate...

Justification by Faith Alone - 2011

Exploring the concept of justification by faith helps us understand who God is and why the issue was...

The Unity of the Gospel - 2011

Paul's conflict with Peter over reverting to ceremonial Jewish customs shows how important the apost...

Paul's Authority and Gospel - 2011

A look at the origin, content and authority of the gospel message preached by Paul, which was challe...

Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles - 2011

Paul's conversion experience and the impact it had on his ministry, and the church, throughout his l...

Worship - 3rd Quarter 2011


Worship in the Book of Revelation

From start to finish, the prophecies and controversies in Revelation focus on true and false worship...

Worship in the Early Church

The early Christian church, having learned spiritual truth from Jesus, placed an emphasis on proper ...

In Spirit and in Truth

Part of Christ's mission was to demonstrate that the religious rituals were only a means to an end, ...

Worship: From Exile to Restoration

Adulterated worship led to the exile in Babylon, so Jewish leaders emphasized a return to true worsh...

Trust Not in Deceptive Words: The Prophets and Worship

The Israelites were prone to turn pure worship into meaningless ritual, and the prophets helped stee...

Conformity, Compromise, and Crisis in Worship

The Old Testament contains several stories that demonstrate the calamities that come when we adulter...

Worship in the Psalms

The Psalms reveal the raw human emotional side of worship, as well as powerful lessons about God Him...

Worship and Song and Praise

David's artistic life reveals to us how music and praise fit into worship....

Happy Are You , O Israel!

Though a God of mercy, God is also very particular about the kinds of worship that will lead to life...

Rejoicing Before the Lord: The Sanctuary and Worship

The sanctuary outlines many major principles to guide our worship of the Lord....

The Sabbath and Worship

The Sabbath commandment can be linked to several aspects of God including His role as Creator, Redee...

Worship and the Exodus: Understanding Who God Is

Exodus reveals that even when confronted with the presence of God, it is difficult to always know wh...

Worship in Genesis: Two Classes of Worshipers

Genesis records the earliest worship styles and demonstrates how easy it is to worship ourselves ins...

Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible - 2nd Quarter 2011


Clothed In Christ

Hiding our weakness under Jesus, overcoming sin and being restored to the kingdom of heaven are majo...

More Clothing Imagery

Various imagery of Jesus' clothing throughout the gospels reveals much to us about his character, mi...

The Wedding Garment

Christ's parable of the wedding banquet in Matthew 22 demonstrates that God will one day judge whose...

The Prodigal's New Clothes

The story of the prodigal son describes God's willingness to give us freedom of choice and to forgiv...

A Brand Plucked From the Fire

The visions from the first three chapters of Zechariah demonstrate justification by Christ's merits ...

Garments of Splendor

The prophet Isaiah describes Israel's glory, downfall, redemption and salvation through clothing ima...

In the Shadow of His Wings

King David's experience with Bathsheba lays bare the truth about temptation, sin, and God's forgiven...

Elijah's and Elisha's Mantle

Elijah was one of the most powerful prophets in Israeli history, but for all his strong faith and go...

The Priestly Garments of Grace

The earthly priesthood was to be entirely devoted to God's service. It prefigured the work of the tr...

The Coat of Different Colors

Excited by envy, the other sons of Jacob stripped Joseph of his colorful coat and sold him into slav...

A Garment of Innocence

Adam and Eve lost their original garments of light and purity, but God Himself supplied new garments...

From Exalted to Cast Down

Lucifer fell from his high and exalted position among Heaven's angels to become Satan, the accuser....

In the Loom of Heaven

Only the righteousness of the resurrected Christ can cover our sins and weaknesses. Obedience to God...

Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions - 1st Quarter 2011


Partnership with Jesus

A strong connection to God through prayer, worship and church fellowship can overcome many of the em...

Nature as a Source of Health

Though long marred by sin, the environment still contains many beautiful things from God. When used ...

Freedom From Addictions

The Bible says everyone is a slave, either to sin or to righteousness. Many substances and behaviors...


Jealousy was Lucifer's original sin, and it continues to plague humanity today. The Bible contains m...


In a world that seems intent on breaking down self-esteem, God offers a perspective of human value t...


While we wait for the promise of paradise restored, pain and suffering are assured in our world of s...

Hope Against Depression

Depression is a serious medical condition and should be treated as such. The Lord offers advice abou...

Good Thinking

Since our thoughts are the root of our behaviors, it is important to follow God's advice about the i...


Though guilt is a common negative emotion, it can be used by God to lead sinners to repentance if ch...


Relationships can make us joyful or miserable. The Bible offers guidelines to improve your relations...


Mental and physical stress can negatively affect your health and attitude toward life. The Bible off...

Divine Provision for Anxiety

One of the most destructive legacies of sin is the fear of an unknown future, or anxiety. The Bible ...


God wants us to enjoy the effects of positive emotions, but because of sin we must face negative emo...

Background Characters in the Old Testament - 4th Quarter 2010


Baruch: Building a Legacy in a Crumbling World

Jeremiah's scribe, Baruch, left an important legacy as the world he knew crumbled around him....

Gehazi: Missing the Mark

As Elisha's servant, Gehazi had little excuse to fail as badly as he did....

The Widow of Zarephath: The Leap of Faith

An unnamed widow during Elijah's time demonstrates the "great controversy" in miniature form....

The Man of God: Obedience Is Not Optional

A nameless prophet's death underscores how importantly God views our obedience to His commands....

Rizpah: The Influence of Faithfulness

Though only specifically mentioned twice in the Bible, Rizpah demonstrates that faithfulness is not ...

Joab: David's Weak Strong-Man

Joab shows weakness by supporting David's sin rather than standing up for righteousness....

Abiathar: The Priest

Abiathar the priest had faithfully served David during his lifetime, but his unwillingness to adhere...

Uriah: Faith of a Foreigner

Uriah teaches us about living faithfully as a foreigner in a society and about loyalty in the face o...

Abigail: No Victim of Circumstances

Abigail, wife of the foolish Nabal, demonstrates the importance of listening, not speaking rashly, a...

Jonathan: Born for Greatness

Jonathan, son of King Saul, demonstrates the importance of friendship and the relationship between a...

Hannah: Learning to Be Someone

Hannah gives us an example of relying on God to find self-worth in times of trouble....

Caleb: Living With The Wait

Caleb stands out as an example of godly living amid a population intent on rebellion and apostasy....

Story and History

A look at some Old Testament stories help us understand the purpose of setting and plot in Bible sto...

Redemption in Romans - 3rd Quarter 2010


All the Rest is Commentary

The final three chapters of Romans cover a variety of issues not directly related to salvation....

Love and Law

Paul offers practical advice about living life as a living sacrifice to God....

The Election of Grace

Romans 10 and 11 are discussed. Paul expands on the concept of the Gentiles belonging to Israel....

Redemption for Jew and Gentile

A discussion of Romans 9 reveals the universality of the gospel message to the Jews and Gentiles ali...

Freedom in Christ - 2010

After struggling with sin in chapter 7, Paul now discusses the freedom believers have in Christ and ...

The Man of Romans 7

A discussion of Romans 7 explores the law's relationship to sin and grace....

Victory Over Sin

Paul teaches about sanctification while addressing the role of obedience with the grace of God....

Expounding the Faith

Paul refers to Jesus as "the second Adam" to show the universality of His redeeming grace....

Justification and the Law

Paul uses the example of Abraham to demonstrate that salvation comes only by the grace of God for bo...

Justified by Faith

The heart of Paul's message to the Romans was one of justification by faith....

All Have Sinned

Paul makes the point that Jews and Gentiles alike are guilty of sin and require Christ's righteousne...

Jew and Gentile

The introduction of Gentiles into the Christian church caused dissension among some Jews who wanted ...

Paul and Rome

The social, temporal and geographical context for the book of Romans is discussed to set a framework...

Health & Healing - 2nd Quarter 2010


Social Support: The Tie That Binds

People were created to be social beings, and an adequate social network of love and support can prev...

Nutrition in the Bible

Though our lives are more than just the food we eat, this food nourishes and sustains our bodies in ...

Optimism: Happiness and Healing

Many of life's problems can be better handled by keeping a positive attitude and remaining optimisti...


The Bible strongly endorses temperance, which mean the total avoidance of harmful things and the use...

The Atmosphere of Praise

Humans can only survive a few minutes without air. Because oxygen travels to every organ in our bodi...

Rest and Restoration

Rest is such an important part of human health that God designed the daily and weekly cycles to incl...

Faith and Healing

The condition of the mind has unquestionable effects on the body's health, so a proper understanding...

The Environment

The environment, as God created it, is full of healthful benefits, even after millennia of pollution...

The Water of Life

Water is essential to all living organisms on Earth, but it is beneficial also to maintaining and re...

Celebrating Spiritual and Physical Fitness

Our bodies need exercise to remain healthy, but so does our faith....

The Power of Choice

God gives us freedom of choice, but with that freedom comes the consequences of the choices we make....

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!

Divine healing, physical and mental, begins with an attitude of praise and thankfulness to God for t...

The Fruit of the Spirit - 1st Quarter 2010


The Fruit of the Spirit: The Essence of Christian Character

All the fruits of the Spirit come as a result of following Christ's command to "seek first the kingd...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Truth

God reveals to us the objective truth of life and existence, but we must also have a subjective expe...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Righteousness

Righteousness has two inseparable components: that which Christ has done for us at the cross, and th...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Self-Control

Self-control is both a free gift from the Spirit of God as well as a daily exercise we are called to...

Sabbath School Special: Meekness in the Crucible

Meekness if often overlooked and undervalued in today's society, but Jesus promises heaven to the me...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Faithfulness

Faithfulness is the action of working according to a person's faith. As with all the fruits of the S...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Goodness

Because the word "good" is used so flippantly by so many, the only way to measure what is truly "goo...

Sabbath School Special: Being a Sweet Christian

Pastor Doug draws some parallels between honeybees and Christians in the church....

The Fruit of the Spirit is Patience

The Bible says that patience is an attribute of God, and comes by the grace of God as He works to pe...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Peace

Christ won an everlasting peace for His followers, but the Bible says this peace must be striven for...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy

Happiness is caused by favorable outward circumstances in life, but true joy comes from knowing and ...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Love

The word "love" is used rather loosely in our modern day, but divine love is altogether different. G...

By Their Fruit

Jesus promises that all His true followers will receive the Holy Spirit and bear fruit in their live...

People on the Move: The Book of Numbers - 4th Quarter 2009


Cities of Refuge

Final preparations are made to enter the Promised Land, including land divisions for the Levites and...

The Second Generation: Admonitions

Israel's second generation receives warnings as they prepare to enter into the Promised Land....

Immorality on the Border

At rest near the border of the Promised Land, the Israelites go astray after foreign women and fall ...

The Madness of the Prophet

Balaam, a prophet of God, attempts to curse Israel for money. He is recorded in the New Testament as...

The Sin of Moses and Aaron

Nearly 40 years after their sojourn began, the second generation of Israelites rebel again, driving ...

Priests and Levites

God further defines the roles of the priests and Levites, and institutes a tithing plan to support t...

Power Struggle - November 2009

Burning with resentment over their situation, the Israelites quickly turn to rebellion again, this t...

Planning Ahead

Despite their rebellion in previous chapters, God still guides them through the wilderness and creat...

From Complaints to Apostasy

The Israelites quickly descend into open rebellion against God, resulting in their 40-year journey i...

Trumpets, Blood, Cloud, and Fire

A year after the Exodus, the Israelites begin to move as a highly organized company of people under ...

Worship and Dedication

God ordained the sanctuary to teach the Israelites about Himself, the coming Messiah and proper wors...

Preparing a People

God instituted several laws to guide them into good health and stable society....

A New Order

After their liberation from Egypt, God organized His people into an army and a priesthood as they go...

Loved and Loving: John's Epistles - 3rd Quarter 2009


Power Struggle - September 2009

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3 John addresses a power struggle in an early Christian church congregation....

John's Letter to the Chosen Lady

2 John parallels 1 John in many ways, and many themes are repeated and reinforced....

Important Themes in First John

A review of the major important themes found in 1 John....


Having confidence in God is crucial to establishing a love-relationship with him....

Believing in the Son of God

John explores what it means to believe in the Christ of the Bible....

Loving Brothers and Sisters

John explores what it means to love our brother in practical terms....

Living as Children of God

John discusses what it means to be 'sons of God.'...

Walking in the Light: Rejecting Antichrists

John warns that the antichrist will come in the future, but that there are many antichrists already ...

Walking in the Light: Renouncing Worldliness

John further defines 'walking in the light' as renouncing the world and its ways....

Walking in the Light: Keeping His Commandments

John defines what it is to know and love Jesus: keeping His commandments....

Walking in the Light: Turning Away From Sin

1 John opens with a description of God's holiness and a call to 'walk in the light.'...

Experiencing the Word of Life

There are similarities between the openings of 1 John and John's gospel, and the role of fellowship ...

Jesus and the Johannine Letters

A general look at the contents of 1, 2 and 3 John reveal common authorship and Jesus Christ as the c...

The Christian Life - 2nd Quarter 2009



The mission to preach the gospel to the whole world is at the heart of Christianity....


God created humanity to be social, and church provides a valuable social environment for His people ...


When we realize that all good things come from God, we learn the importance of caring for the things...


A disciple is a lifelong learner of the teachings of someone else. Christians are called to a life o...


Modern Christianity has much confusion about heaven, but the Bible offers a beautiful picture of wha...


Sabbath is not only a sign between God and His people, but it also provides rest and physical relief...


Once we understand the destructive power of sin, the miracle of the grace God provided at the cross ...


Sin affects everyone on Earth, but Jesus provided a mean to escape for everyone....


God is intimately interested in humanity and speaks to all who are willing to listen....


Life comes from God, and the Bible reveals that God wants us to have full, healthy, abundant life....


It is sometimes hard to find hope in our sinful world, but the Christian has hope now and forever in...


Faith affects the entire person and guides how we relate to God and to each other....


Love is the most basic building block of the Christian life. We should model our love after the embo...

The Prophetic Gift - 1st Quarter 2009


Confidence in the Prophetic Gift

Through the record of the lives of the prophets and careful study of the Scriptures, we can gain con...

The Blessings of the Prophetic Gift

Throughout time, the gift of prophecy has been a blessing to the church in a number of ways....

Interpreting the Prophetic Writings

Since prophetic writings are communications from God, they can be difficult to understand sometimes....

The Message of the Prophets

The prophets have shared a message with common themes throughout history, which have shaped our unde...

The Integrity of the Prophetic Gift

The integrity, and limitations, of the prophetic gift are discussed here....

The Authority of the Prophets

The auhority of the prophets is explored here from several angles....

The Work of the Prophets

The ministry of the prophets is explored in depth....

Testing the Prophets

God warns that there will always be false prophets and tells us how to test them....

The Inspiration of the Prophets

The Bible gives details about the nature of God's communication with His prophets....

The Gift of Prophecy and God's Remnant Church

Revelation chapter 12 depicts a church at the end of time that keeps God's commandments and has the ...

Spiritual Gifts and Prophecy

The Bible promises that spiritual gifts will be manifest in the church until Christ's return, but we...

The Prophetic Gift

The books of Moses reveal much about the nature of the gift of prophecy. This gift was still active ...

Heaven's Means of Communication

This is an overview of the various ways that God has revealed Himself throughout time....

Atonement and the Cross of Christ - 4th Quarter 2008


Atonement and Universal Harmony

God will bring the great controversy to a close by eradicating sin forever and recreating the earth ...

United to Christ

The Bible describes the Christian's state of union with Christ as being "in Christ."...

Benefits of Christ's Atoning Sacrifice

Christ's priestly work in the Heavenly sanctuary magnifies and solidifies what He did on Calvary's c...

Atonement at the Cross

By exploring Jesus' experience leading to and at the cross, we can better understand what He did for...

Metaphors of Salvation

The Bible describes what Jesus did on the cross in a number of ways to demonstrate the mystery of th...

Born of a Woman - Atonement and the Incarnation

A look at Christ's nature both as God and man simultaneously give us insight into the atonement....

Atonement in Symbols: Part 2

The role of the sanctuary priests and the annual Day of Atonement reveal more about God's atonement ...

Atonement in Symbols: Part 1

The atonement, as well as other aspects of how we relate to God, were demonstrated through symbols a...

Atonement Announced

God first proclaimed the atonement through the coming Messiah in Genesis 3. He repeated this promise...

Atonement and the Divine Initiative

The atonement is God's plan to rescue fallen humanity and restore us to our rightful place in the un...

The Fall Into Sin

Our world is full of sin and death because of a single act of rebellion that occurred a long time ag...

Cosmic Crisis: The Disruption of God's Established Order

We need an atonement because of the existence of sin. This study explores the origin of sin....

God's Nature: The Basis of Atonement

A study of the atonement must begin with a study on the nature of God Himself....

Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries - 3rd Quarter 2008


Here Am I! Send Me: The Prophet Isaiah

The mission God gave to Isaiah prophesies and mirrors the gospel commission to the whole world in th...

Gifted for Service: Philip

The disciple Philip displayed powerful gifts of the Spirit as he executed his ministry in foreign la...

Mission In a Pagan Land: Daniel and Company

Daniel and his friends had to uphold God's standards in their lives while living in a hostile, pagan...

Women of Mission

The New Testament reveals that women played an important role in the advancement of the early Christ...

A Pillar of Mission: The Apostle Peter

After Pentecost, Peter became a central figure in the early church, even though he still had importa...

From Folly to Faith: The Apostle Peter

Peter's transformation of character is one of the most striking examples of the power of God's work ...

The Apostle John

John was "the apostle Christ loved." He has a special message forus through his eyewitness of the li...

The Compassionate Savior

A look at the compassionate character of Jesus gives us an example to follow in our own lives....

Matthew 10: Jesus and His Disciples

Christ trained His disciples to carry on His work, which included physical and spiritual healing....

The Son of God Among Us

Christ came to show that God doesn't favor riches or human position, but rather humility of heart....

John the Baptist: Preparing the Way for Jesus

The mission of John the Baptist was to prepare the people to receive Christ. God's end-time people h...

All Things to All Men: Paul Preaches to the World

Paul tailored his missionary approach to be the most effective for whatever group of people he was t...

For Such a Time As This: The Apostle Paul

Paul's background, education, conversion and love of God made him the best person to take the gospel...

The Wonder of Jesus - 2nd Quarter 2008


His Return as King and Friend

The "blessed hope" for Christians is the return of Christ in glory, to become our king and friend, a...

The Efficacy of His Priestly Ministry

The Bible reveals that Jesus has been ministering in the heavenly sanctuary on behalf of sinners sin...

The Power of His Resurrection

Christ's resurrection demonstrates that sin is defeated, gave power and authority to the early churc...

The Meaning of His Death

The Bible is clear that Christ was born to die. His death solved the problem of sin and ensures the ...

The Tenderness of His Love

Christ's love was so all-encompassing that He taught us to love even our enemies....

The Intensity of His Walk

Jesus lived His life as an example for all who would follow in His footsteps....

The Puzzle of His Conduct

The ways in which Jesus behaved puzzled the people during His time, who were expecting a different t...

The Challenge of His Sayings

Many of Christ's teachings challenged the established social order of His day and give Christians to...

The Wonder of His Works

Jesus performed many great miracles that stunned His audience and continue to amaze us today....

The Wisdom of His Teachings

Jesus' teachings were so revolutionary that they changed the course of humanity and continue to inst...

The Reality of His Humanity

That God would become human and take our sinful nature has caused controversy with individuals and w...

The Mystery of His Deity

One of the great mysteries of Jesus is His deity, or His preexistence as God before becoming a man....

Who Was Jesus?

Though the name Jesus is known throughout most of the world today, the fundamental question "Who was...

Discipleship - 1st Quarter 2008


Patterns of Discipleship

The program @row.entityTitle is closed captioned
A recap of the main points of the quarter's lessons on discipleship, focusing on patterns that we ca...

Mission and Commission

Jesus calls His disciples to train others to be disciples as well....

More Lessons in Discipleship

A review of additional lessons about discipleship that Jesus offers us....

Discipleship Under Pressure

Disciples of Christ often face trials, both from within themselves as well as from the world around ...

Following the Master: Discipleship in Action

Watching Jesus perform His ministry reveals an example for His disciples. Watching those He healed r...

Experiencing Discipleship

The gospels describe different groups of people and their experiences with discipleship to demonstra...

Preparation for Discipleship

Discipleship can be tough work. Jesus prepared His disciples with principles we can follow today as ...

Ethnicity and Discipleship

Christ's attitude of acceptance toward people outside of Judaism demonstrates God's love for all peo...

Gender and Discipleship

Though not as well known as many of the men, Jesus had several female disciples as well....

Lessons From Would-be-Disciples

Many people in Christ's day wanted to follow Jesus, but refused to do so with their whole hearts and...

Called to Discipleship by Jesus

Learning about the initial call of the twelve apostles teaches us how to respond to Christ's call to...

Discipleship Then and Now

Discipleship predates the Christian era, and its principles apply to us today....

An Overview of Discipleship

Jesus calls His followers to a life of discipleship. The Bible clarifies what this means....

The Refiner's Fire - 4th Quarter 2007


Christ in the Crucible

Jesus Christ is our example for many things, including how to react to trials and suffering....

Dying Like A Seed

Molding God's children into reflections of His image first requires them to die a spiritual death to...

Waiting in the Crucible

Patience can be among the hardest traits to exhibit during trials, but God sets an example for us ab...

Meekness in the Crucible

Meekness and humility are not discussed much in our culture, but God promises that learning these sk...

A Life of Praise

Praising God may not feel natural when life is hard, but the Bible promises that praise in these tim...

Seeing the Invisible

Though it can be difficult to "see" the invisible God when things are falling apart around us, this ...

Indestructible Hope

Watching God interact with His people as they go through the trials of life help us understand how w...

Struggling With All Energy

Relating to God often requires perseverance and struggle, but God's grace can transform the human he...

Extreme Heat

Experiencing extreme pain or difficulty can cause people to reject God or form untrue opinions of Hi...

Seeing the Goldsmith's Face

God's plan is to conform His children into the likeness of Himself, but often the only way we can se...

The Birdcage

God plays a role in our lives, even when we face trials, but understanding how God fits into the tri...

The Crucibles That Come

Living in a world of sin comes with inevitable trials. The Bible helps to put these trials into prop...

The Shepherd's Crucible

Psalm 23 helps us to understand the journey on which God leads us throughout our lives....

For Better or for Worse: Lessons From Old testament Couples - 3rd Quarter 2007


Yahweh and Israel: Fulfillment Beyond Failure

God uses marriage imagery to illustrate the relationship between He and His people....

Hosea and Gomer: Forgiving the Unfaithful

Hosea reconciles with his adulteress wife, just as God forgives His wayward people when they stray....

Ahab and Jezebel: Abuse of Authority

King Ahab's marriage to Jezebel is an excellent example of what not to emulate in our Christian live...

David and Bathsheba: Adultery and After

David's crimes regarding Bathsheba are horrifying, but their union afterward was strengthened and bl...

The Jobs: Living With Losses

We know little about Job's relationship with his wife except how each of them reacted to the sufferi...

Elkanah and Hannah: Fulfilling a Vow

Hannah and Elkanah were ordinary people, but their dedication to God influenced their son, Samuel, t...

Boaz and Ruth: Firm Foundations

Although the society around them was disorderly, Ruth's relationship with Boaz shows that the right ...

Samson and His Women: The Folly of Passion

Samson was a slave to his passions and lusts, and kept repeating the same relationship errors again ...

Moses and Zipporah: Relating with Relations

Moses was a powerful prophet, but he faced the same family challenges we face today....

Jacob and Rachel: Labor of Love

Jacob was willing to work for fourteen years to earn Rachel's hand in marriage because of his unwave...

Isaac and Rebekah: Rearing Rivals

Jacob and Esau had a rivalry that remained well beyond either man's life, but their parents were not...

Abraham and Sarah: Faith Tested and Tried

Though Abraham is often cited as an example of faith, his relationship with Sarah was strained at ti...

Adam and Eve: The Intended Ideal

Adam and Eve demonstrate both God's intended ideal for relationships as well as the consequences of ...

Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today - 2nd Quarter 2007


The Word of God Endures

Despite the advancement of time, knowledge and technology, the Bible remains just as relevant today ...

Growing Through the Word

The Bible underscores the need for spiritual growth once we accept Jesus Christ....

Daily Wisdom

The Bible offers practical pieces of wisdom for a multitude of issues we face each day....

The Bible and Happiness

Happiness is often fleeting in our world of sin, but the Bible offers advice to find happiness that ...

The Bible and Health

The Bible offers much advice to keep our bodies, minds, and even relationships healthy....

Revelation of Hope

The Bible reveals to us a loving God who offers us hope amidst life's trials....

The Word in Our Lives

Millions of people throughout time can testify to the Bible's transforming power in their lives....

The Bible and Science

Though science is often viewed as contrary to belief in the Bible, several scientific trains of thou...

When the Rocks Cry Out

Archaeological discoveries over the last 200 years have lent great credibility to the Bible....

The Bible is Reliable

There is plenty of evidence to help us build faith in the reliability of the Bible....

Bible Prophecy Fulfilled

Understanding Bible prophecy helps us have confidence in the things God says are yet to come....

The Final Word

Christians believe the Bible is the final authority on important matters because the Bible claims to...

The Voice From Heaven

Since the fall of humanity, God has been communicating to us in various ways....

The Book of Ecclesiastes - 1st Quarter 2007


The Conclusion of the Matter

Solomon concludes his thoughts about youth and age, then turns his attention to the horror and inevi...

The Way of the Wind

Solomon turns again to the mystery of God. He tells us to enjoy our lives, but warns against finding...

Dead Flies and Snake Charmers

Among other things, Solomon now makes the point that a single mistake can ruin an otherwise spotless...

Whatever Your Hand Finds to Do

Solomon encourages us to do everything to the best of our abilities, because the grave holds nothing...

Seeing Through a Glass Darkly

Solomon realizes that a healthy fear of God brings hope into an otherwise hopeless existence....

God Made Man Upright? What Happened?

Solomon turns his attention to religion and explores how character compromises lead only to further ...

Striving After the Wind

Solomon's despair grows as he ponders the futility of seeking riches and of life in general....

Rich Man, Poor Man

Solomon realizes that human passions, whatever they are, can never be satisfied unless they are surr...

More Life Under the Sun

Solomon wonders if life is really worth living, but recognizes the benefits of having a support comm...

Of Being and Time

Solomon ponders God's role in the timing of events in human life, and of God's judgment of men's act...

All That My Eyes Desired

Solomon pursues wisdom, but he finds meaninglessness in pleasure and despair about how he will be re...

Nothing New Under the Sun

Solomon reigned over a time of peace and prosperity, but from this he learned that everything in lif...

The Rise and Fall of the House of Solomon

To understand Ecclesiastes, we must first understand the context of Solomon's life....

Beginnings and Belongings - 4th Quarter 2006


The End of the Beginning

Joseph rises to prominence and reunites with his brothers and father. Thus, the nation of Israel was...

From Prison Cell to Palace

Jacob has twelve sons. One, Joseph, is sold into slavery by his brothers, but endures servitude and ...

Jacob Becomes Israel

Jacob labors for 14 years to marry Rachel, then returns to Canaan to face his estranged brother. Alo...

The Price of Duplicity

Jacob lies to his father to steal his brother's birthright and faces enormous consequences. Despite ...

The Triumph of Faith

Abraham is called to the ultimate test of faith: the sacrifice of his son Isaac....

Faith and Frailty

Abram and Sarai become Abraham and Sarah as their personal and spiritual lives progress up to the de...

The Man Abram

Abram lived a life of faith as an example for all of us....

The Earth After the Flood

Not long after the flood, humanity had already fallen into sinful ways again....

Destruction and Renewal

The flood in Noah's day demonstrates the capacity for unrepentant evil that exists in the hearts of ...

Paradise Lost

Genesis 3 and 4 describe how the world fell into sin and the moral condition of the early Earth.,...

The Early Earth

The Creation account in Genesis 2 gives us important information about families, life, and God....

In The Beginning...

Genesis 1 and 2 give a clear and beautiful picture of how and why we came to exist....


The foundation of belief in God lies in understanding God Himself, through the pages of Scripture....

The Gospel - 1844 - and Judgment - 3rd Quarter 2006


The Meaning of the Judgment Today

The heavenly judgment is not just an interesting Bible study it affects the way we live our lives to...

The Pre-Advent Judgment - 2006

We now look at the pre-Advent judgment as demonstrated in Daniel chapters 7 and 8....

The Sanctuary and the Little Horn

We take a closer look at how the little horn attacks the Prince of the Host and the "daily" in Danie...

Rome and Antiochus

The Bible gives ample evidence to help us correctly identify prophetic symbols in history, but other...

Day-Year Principle

The key to unlocking the time prophecies in the Bible is to first understand the day-year principle ...

1844 Made Simple

The 70-week prophecy of Daniel 9 is discussed in greater detail, and the link to chapter 8 is explor...

70 Weeks

The 70-week prophecy in Daniel 9 gives the starting point for both the vision in chapter 8 as well a...

Daniel 9

Daniel 9 completes the vision that began in chapter 8....

Daniel 8

Daniel 8 continues the trend in chapters 2 and 7, this time focusing on the cleansing of the heavenl...

Daniel 7

Daniel 7 parallels and expands upon chapter 2, revealing both the papal phase of the Roman empire an...

Daniel 2

Daniel chapter 2 outlines human history from the mid-6th century BC until the return of Jesus Christ...

Judgment Must Begin

Several New Testament authors write of God's judgment of our works prior to the return of Jesus Chri...

Principalities and Powers

God is involved in a cosmic controversy over His character and the nature of His law. This battle af...

The Holy Spirit - 2nd Quarter 2006


The Holy Spirit in the Last Days

God's church must consecrate itself before God to prepare for the latter rain of the Holy Spirit dur...

The Sin Against the Holy Spirit

The "unpardonable sin" is the only sin that God cannot forgive....

The Restorer

Mankind was created in the image of God, but sullied that image with sin. The Holy Spirit works to r...

Life Through the Holy Spirit

Believers in a relationship with the Holy Spirit are promised a new life the experience of being "bo...

The Christian's Guide

The Holy Spirit speaks to and guides those who have a relationship with Him....

The Fruit of the Holy Spirit

Receiving the Holy Spirit produces certain characteristics, called fruits, in believers' lives....

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit gives certain gifts to those who receive Him. We must understand those gifts so we a...

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

The Bible contains several stories about a believer's experience when he is baptized by the Holy Spi...

The Promise Fulfilled

The promise of the Holy Spirit was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost....

The Promise of the Holy Spirit

John the Baptist and Christ both promised the Holy Spirit to Christian believers after Christ's deat...

Jesus and the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit was present at Christ's conception and throughout His life and ministry....

The Holy Spirit Symbolized in Scripture

The Bible uses several symbols for the Holy Spirit to help us understand Him and His ministry....

The Personality and Divinity of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is fully divine and as much a part of the Godhead as the Father and the Son....

Families in the Family of God - 1st Quarter 2006


Turning Hearts in the End Time - 2006

As Christ's return approaches, prophecy promises many hearts will be turned back to God....

What Have They Seen In Your House? - 2006

A Christian's home life can be a powerful evangelistic tool....

Families of Faith - 2006

Christian families face cultural barriers to living a Biblical family life everywhere in the world....

Homes of Peace and Healing

Christian families are not exempt from problems, but the Bible gives advice to resolve the inevitabl...

Keys to Family Unity - 2006

Christ's principles and example should heal the physical and the church families, but this only happ...

The Royal Love Song - 2006

The Song of Solomon reminds us that healthy sexual intimacy in a marriage is part of God's intention...

Wise Words for Families - 2006

The book of Proverbs contains much practical advice for Christ-centered family living....

Disciples Making Disciples

As Jesus taught His disciples to make disciples of their own, parents are called to train their chil...

Living with Lambs

Becoming a parent means taking on a special stewardship role, since God claims children as His own....


God's perfect plan for marriages and families was distorted by the curse of sin, but Christ offers a...

God's Word on Family Living

The Bible describes God's ideal for families in a variety of ways....

A Family of Families

The family has its origin in the Garden of Eden. Our spiritual family, the church, is composed of a ...

Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships - 4th Quarter 2005


The Christian Armor

Using military imagery, Paul describes how to withstand the assaults of the enemy....

The Christian Warfare

Christians face a real adversary: the devil....

Christian Relationships

Christianity is a communal religion, and the Bible outlines what Christian relationships should look...

The Christian Walk

While exhorting the Ephesians to live a life by the Spirit, he gives several reasons to do so....

Living the New Life

The new life Christ calls us to lead is not an improvement on the old life, but a transformation of ...

Unity Amid Diversity

The midpoint of the epistle shifts in focus from unity to the Christian life....

God's Mystery: The Universal Fellowship

Paul describes the mystery of how a diverse group of people can become one through the blood of Chri...

The Church Without Walls

Outside of Christ, humanity builds walls to alienate its various groups, but Christ erases the walls...

The Church: God's Workmanship

The universal consequence of sin is death to the human family, but God's solution is life through fa...

Praise and Prayer

Paul was a man of praise and prayer, and he commends the Ephesian church for being the same way....

What God Has Done

A look at the "mystery" of predestination....

Ephesians: Themes in Relationships

A look at the author, recipients and theme of Ephesians....

The Church at Ephesus

An overview of the church in Ephesus....

The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord - 3rd Quarter 2005


King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

For those who accept Christ as Lord, His second coming will be a glorious event....

Lord of Our Service

In heaven, the greatest ones will be the servants of others....

Lord of Our Worship

God is actively seeking true worshipers....

Lord of Our Labor

Christ as Lord means we use our talents to be productive in our daily lives, even as we look toward ...

Lord of Our Body Temples

Christ is both our Creator and Redeemer, and as such claims Lordship over our bodies....

Lord of Our Resources

Every good gift we receive comes from God. When we accept Christ as Lord, He calls us to be good ste...

Lord of Our Relationships

Mankind was created to have relationships with God and each other. Christ shows us heaven's standard...

Lord of Our Prayers

Christ as Lord means imitating Jesus' life of prayer. ...

Lord of Our Speech

Christ as Lord means using our gift of speech to the glory of God....

Lord of Our Desires

Christ as Lord means yielding our passions to Him so we may desire the things He desires for us....

Lord of Our Thoughts

Christ as Lord means bringing every thought into captivity so He may sanctify our minds....

Lord of Our Priorities

When we receive Christ as Lord of our lives, He imparts His priorities to us....

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

The Bible calls us to receive Jesus as both Savior and Lord, and shows us how those things are diffe...

Jesus Through the Eyes of Mark - 2nd Quarter 2005


Buried—But Risen!

Christ is buried but rises again! He appears to many after His resurrection to announce God's triump...

Tried and Crucified

Christ is tried, beaten and crucified, all in fulfillment of the Scriptures....

Betrayed and Arrested

Judas betrays Jesus and His other apostles scatter after His arrest....

Predictions of the End

Jesus foretells of the fall of Jerusalem and of His return to bring an end to sin....

Last Days in the Temple

Christ's final Tuesday before His death is filled with conflict from every angle....

The Final Journey

The last week of Christ's life begins....

Teaching The Disciples

Christ's apostles can't drive out certain demons, and Jesus teaches on divorce and riches....

The Passion Predicted

Christ's ministry continues with a prediction of His death and the transfiguration on the mountain....

Confrontation In Galilee

Christ's popularity reaches a turning point with the feeding of the 5,000, and controversy follows H...

By Galilee

The next phase of Christ's ministry brings Him to the Sea of Galilee and its surrounding areas....

Sabbath Healings and Hard Hearts

Christ's ministry continues with lessons about the Sabbath, ministry, and remaining faithful amidst ...

Amazing Miracle Worker

Mark's gospel launches directly into stories of Jesus actively engaged in ministry....

Introducing Jesus, The Son of God

Each gospel emphasizes a different aspect of Christ's ministry. Here we look at Mark's....

His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption - 1st Quarter 2005


The Cross and the Great Controversy

The cross is important to the redemption of humanity, but its implications affect the entire univers...

The Cross and Sanctification

Contrary to the idea of cheap grace, the cross enables us to live a sanctified life in harmony with ...

The Cross and Justification

The cross offers us both justification and the right to be sanctified by Christ's righteousness....

The Heart of the Cross

The cross demonstrates that one man's righteousness brought life to the entire fallen human race....

He Is Risen

Christ gave many evidences before and after His death and resurrection that He was the promised Mess...

Darkness at Noon

Watching Jesus hang and die on the cross reveals to us so much about the nature of God....

Passage to Calvary

Jesus is arrested, falsely accused and sentenced to die without cause....

The Passion Week

A look at Christ's last week of ministry before His death....

In the Shadow of Calvary

John the Baptist prepared the people for Christ's ministry and Jesus warned of His own death, but th...

A Body You Have Prepared for Me

To begin to understand what Jesus accomplished on the cross, we must understand who and what He was ...

Jesus and the Sanctuary

The earthly sanctuary foreshadowed Jesus' sacrifice. This lesson looks at the meaning of some of the...

His Glorious Purpose Foreshadowed in Types

Many faithful believers lived before Jesus' ministry, but the promise of the Messiah always existed ...

The Provocation and Provision

The controversy between God and Satan spilled into this world, but God's plan of salvation is to res...

The Book of Daniel - 4th Quarter 2004


The Time of the End Or The End of Time

The final chapter promises the resurrection and the conclusion to the great controversy, and offers ...

When Kings Go to War

Daniel receives another vision that parallels the earlier ones but focuses more on specific historic...

God's Timetable

The prophecy of Daniel 9 both completes the one from chapter 8 and gives a concrete timeline for the...

The Sanctuary Cleansed

Just as the Old Testament sanctuary was cleansed each year, so too will Christ cleanse the heavenly ...

The Sanctuary Attacked

Daniel receives another vision that enlarges further the misdeeds of the little horn, who attacks Ch...

The Pre-Advent Judgment

God executes His judgment of humanity in full view of the universe, so fallen sinners may be vindica...

Daniel's History Lesson

Daniel receives another vision about Earth's history, but this one details a religious power intent ...

An Ancient Death Decree

Daniel's experience in the lions' den demonstrates that God honors those who honor Him....

Surprise Party

God pronounces judgment on King Belshazzar, and Babylon falls to the Medo-Persians that same night....

Nebuchadnezzar's Judgment

God must humble Nebuchadnezzar. After warning him in a dream, God causes the king to go mad for seve...

The Fiery Furnace

Daniel's friends are thrown into the furnace after refusing to worship Nebuchadnezzar's image, but G...

Nebuchadnezzar's Image

Daniel interpret's the king's dream, which is a prophecy from God about the rise and fall of kingdom...

To Eat or Not to Eat That Is the Question

As captives in a hostile foreign land, Daniel and his friends must stand up for their faith in God s...

The Gospel Of John - 1st Quarter 2004


The Power of the Resurrection

Christ's appearances after His resurrection are meant to build and strengthen our faith....

Jesus Lays Down His Life for His Friends

Jesus is betrayed, arrested, denied, falsely accused, condemned, crucified and buried....

True Greatness

John chapters 13 and 17 record part of Christ's "upper room prayer" after the last supper....