The Prophetic Gift | Sabbath School Study Hour

The Prophetic Gift | Sabbath School Study Hour

Quarterly: The Prophetic Gift. You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (60 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.

Duration: 60 minutes
Program Listings for The Prophetic Gift

The Authority of the Prophets

The auhority of the prophets is explored here from several angles....

Interpreting the Prophetic Writings

Since prophetic writings are communications from God, they can be difficult to understand sometimes....

The Prophetic Gift

The books of Moses reveal much about the nature of the gift of prophecy. This gift was still active ...

The Inspiration of the Prophets

The Bible gives details about the nature of God's communication with His prophets....

Spiritual Gifts and Prophecy

The Bible promises that spiritual gifts will be manifest in the church until Christ's return, but we...

Testing the Prophets

God warns that there will always be false prophets and tells us how to test them....

The Message of the Prophets

The prophets have shared a message with common themes throughout history, which have shaped our unde...

The Gift of Prophecy and God's Remnant Church

Revelation chapter 12 depicts a church at the end of time that keeps God's commandments and has the ...

The Blessings of the Prophetic Gift

Throughout time, the gift of prophecy has been a blessing to the church in a number of ways....

The Work of the Prophets

The ministry of the prophets is explored in depth....

Heaven's Means of Communication

This is an overview of the various ways that God has revealed Himself throughout time....

The Integrity of the Prophetic Gift

The integrity, and limitations, of the prophetic gift are discussed here....

Confidence in the Prophetic Gift

Through the record of the lives of the prophets and careful study of the Scriptures, we can gain con...