Redemption in Romans | Sabbath School Study Hour

Redemption in Romans | Sabbath School Study Hour

Quarterly: Redemption in Romans. You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (60 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.

Duration: 60 minutes
Program Listings for Redemption in Romans

All Have Sinned

Paul makes the point that Jews and Gentiles alike are guilty of sin and require Christ's righteousne...

The Election of Grace

Romans 10 and 11 are discussed. Paul expands on the concept of the Gentiles belonging to Israel....

Love and Law

Paul offers practical advice about living life as a living sacrifice to God....

Freedom in Christ - 2010

After struggling with sin in chapter 7, Paul now discusses the freedom believers have in Christ and ...

Expounding the Faith

Paul refers to Jesus as "the second Adam" to show the universality of His redeeming grace....

Justified by Faith

The heart of Paul's message to the Romans was one of justification by faith....

Paul and Rome

The social, temporal and geographical context for the book of Romans is discussed to set a framework...

All the Rest is Commentary

The final three chapters of Romans cover a variety of issues not directly related to salvation....

Redemption for Jew and Gentile

A discussion of Romans 9 reveals the universality of the gospel message to the Jews and Gentiles ali...

Victory Over Sin

Paul teaches about sanctification while addressing the role of obedience with the grace of God....

The Man of Romans 7

A discussion of Romans 7 explores the law's relationship to sin and grace....

Justification and the Law

Paul uses the example of Abraham to demonstrate that salvation comes only by the grace of God for bo...

Jew and Gentile

The introduction of Gentiles into the Christian church caused dissension among some Jews who wanted ...