The Greatest Wish

Raised in the home of a preacher, Dean Dennis—one of five siblings—was baptized by the age of 12 and was an active member in his church. Indeed, ever since he was six years old, he had wanted to serve the Lord after seeing his father in action during an outreach series.

He also experienced a deep revival in his life after watching Pastor Doug’s Millennium of Prophecy series on TV.

But after he got married, he joined the labor force for a cable company where he worked eight years—losing sight of God’s call on His life.

One day, as he watched TV with his family, a commercial for his company began to play on the screen. His son said, “Daddy! That’s where you work!”

It suddenly struck Dean that his child didn’t associate his father as a servant for the Lord, but rather a servant to his company. “My greatest wish is that my children will see me the way I see my own father. He’s a very devoted man of God. I was always involved in church work and had a very rich experience with the Lord at a young age all the way up through college. I knew then I would have to make some changes.”

The Next Big Step
Dean Dennis Dean soon began looking for ways to enter the Lord’s work full-time. “I never thought I would be a preacher, but I knew there was room in the work for me. I wanted my son to see me operating in the work. That’s when I knew my career at my job was coming to an end.”

Dean’s next step was to apply for Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism.

However, not everyone was convinced Dean was making the best move for his life, especially those he worked with. One day in his office, feeling the pressures of his new calling beginning to burden him, Dean knelt down to pray, asking the Lord to give him peace in his new direction. It was then, as Dean worried about abandoning a secure job, that God showed him a unique promise in nature that helped him take the next bold step forward in his life.

The results of him answering the Holy Spirit’s call have been profound. After experiencing the four-month AFCOE program, Dean’s opportunities for serving the Lord have expanded greatly. “From the day we arrived at AFCOE, it’s obvious to me that God has blessed Amazing Facts and this program. I will be using my AFCOE experience no matter where I go to reach people. There is no replacement for the personal touch of face-to-face evangelism and speaking and sharing the Word of God from your own mouth.”

Today, Dean is at work full-time in the Lord’s mission of salvation. He says, “Amazing Facts has been instrumental in helping me find an area in the work of God and showing me how large it is. It’s a tremendous blessing to be in a place with people seeking to do God’s will and listening for his voice in their life.”

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