Transformed Through the Storm

An Amazing Fact: On November 10, 2013, Typhoon Yolanda, one of the strongest storms ever recorded, slammed into the Philippines with wind speeds of 195 mph. Few structures withstood those terrible winds, and more than 6,000 people died, making it one of the deadliest and costliest typhoons ever. More than a year later, the hardest hit areas are still struggling to recover.

Dear friend,

Have you ever been hit by an unexpected “life storm” so severe that it took you years to recover? Maybe even now you’re experiencing a tragic loss in your family, a sickness, or you’ve been deeply wounded by someone close to you. Or perhaps you’re going through some other dif?cult personal storm of life.

I have been through a few of these storms too, losing my brother, mother, father, grandparents, and a son in just a few short years.

That’s why I’m so glad that you and I have God’s promise: “When the whirlwind passes by, the wicked is no more, but the righteous has an everlasting foundation” (Proverbs 10:25). Jesus says that when we faithfully build our lives on the foundation of His promises, we can survive even the worst of storms!

And I’m thrilled to let you know that you’ve made it possible for many hurting souls, battered by storms, to discover this promise for themselves and to recover in an amazing way. Let me tell you a little about Marilou … 

Through the Storm
Both of Marilou’s parents were tragically killed during Typhoon Yolanda, and the sudden loss of her parents sent her into a spiral of depression, anger, and distrust. But one day last year, two newly trained Philippines Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism (PAFCOE) students —Flora and Jessalou—knocked on her door.

During the conversation that followed, Marilou shared how her parents had died, and the students noticed the tears trickling down her cheeks. She was still in deep emotional pain. They then gently invited Marilou to do Bible studies with them to help her ?nd answers, promising her that she could ?nd hope amidst the tragedy. She agreed.

As Flora and Jessalou began the weekly studies, Marilou’s biggest questions revolved around her doubts about God’s love, care, and even His very existence. She just couldn’t understand why a loving, powerful God would allow such terrible things to happen. But God began working in her heart through Amazing Facts’ trained students and translated Bible studies, and Marilou, for the ?rst time, sensed His great love for her.  She learned the message of the great controversy between good and evil and realized that it is the devil who comes “to steal, and to kill, and to destroy,” but that Jesus came so we “might have life, and … have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

New Hope and Peace
Week by week, Marilou continued to study with Flora and Jessalou and began ?nding satisfying answers and comfort from God’s Word. So when the topic of God’s Sabbath was presented, Marilou felt deep conviction. Clinging to Bible promises taught to her by the PAFCOE students, she found herself being drawn closer and closer to the Lord. She started keeping the Sabbath, and as she learned other Bible subjects, her convictions deepened; she knew that she was hearing truth and that she must follow it.

A short time later, Marilou was invited to attend an Amazing Facts prophecy series. She attended every night, soaking up the beautiful words of life! And she wasn’t the only one being blessed—her children and their classmates came to enjoy our children’s program.

Even when it was pouring rain or ?ooding, our Bible workers faithfully kept coming, determined to help Marilou follow Christ. Still, she was afraid of what her skeptical husband might say, so she hesitated to make a commitment. But after a season of intense prayer at PAFCOE among our students, she made up her mind that no matter what others thought of her, she would follow Jesus all the way!

By the end of the series, with wonderful peace in her heart, she joined many others in baptism. Marilou is another soul won to the Lord because of your support! You’ve helped give her a renewed life of peace and the freedom from the crushing burden of a life without Christ, a life without hope.

Transformed Completely
But that’s not the end of the story! Her husband and her eldest daughter also have been baptized through the mission work of Amazing Facts. And it has totally transformed their lives. Not only is Marilou secure in God’s love and full of joy, her family has been transformed, giving up worldly movies, games, and music—and following Jesus all the way. She’s even praying about becoming a full-time missionary and getting PAFCOE training herself!

God has a wonderful way of turning tragedies into beautiful stories of renewal and transformation, doesn’t He? And Marilou’s story is one of thousands happening all the time around the world because of your prayers and support of Amazing Facts. This kind of story is what we want to see God replicate in millions of lives across the Philippines and through our mission work around the world!

Do you see how you have helped bring great joy because you cared enough to invest in the everlasting gospel so others can see and accept Christ as their Savior? “O you af?icted one, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay your stones with colorful gems, and lay your foundations with sapphires” (Isaiah 54:11).

Well, there are still millions more hurting people in the Philippines longing to hear these Bible truths and to see Jesus’ love in action through our PAFCOE team. I hope you will continue to join me in co-laboring with Amazing Facts through your gifts in that nation. In fact, I’m preparing now to return to the Philippines and complete a harvest for the eternal kingdom!

It’s Time to Harvest Again!
When Amazing Facts went to the Philippines nearly two years ago, we were deeply impressed by the many thousands who were open to hearing the everlasting gospel. We felt God calling us to broadcast our television programs on their country’s biggest cable station, and through your support, it’s been on every Sunday morning across the nation for over a year.

The response has been truly phenomenal! Now it’s time to go back and reap the harvest. You have to believe me when I say that the people in this land of 80 million are accepting the three angels’ messages by the thousands. That’s why Amazing Facts must go back now—to reap the investment you’ve made in God’s kingdom.

So I’ll be going to the Philippines, March 2 to 16, to share a series of messages entitled “Prophecy Countdown: A Bible Study Adventure for the Last Days.” This massive outreach will also be supported by PAFCOE training and students on ?re for sharing. We have such faith in God’s work there that we’re even presenting “Prophecy Countdown” in one of the Philippines’ largest stadiums, located in Manila, a city of more than 25 million. When we went to the Philippines in 2013, thousands came and hundreds were baptized. We believe these meetings will have an even greater harvest.

Friend, if you knew that thousands upon thousands of seeking souls were eagerly open to Bible truth, wouldn’t you go? We just can’t say “no” to them, yet I need you to be a part of this harvest through your ?nancial and prayer support. Will you please consider a gift so we can bring new life to the dear people of the Philippines and beyond?

And whatever you give today, it will make a HUGE difference globally! There are Filipinos all around the world—with large communities in America, Europe, and even in the United Arab Emirates. These new messages will be shared with teeming millions and touch even more hearts for Jesus, just like Marilou’s. You have every reason to be con?dent that souls will be won to Jesus through your giving!

Thank you in advance for your empowering gift of support this month.

Your friend in Christ,

Pastor Doug Batchelor

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We greatly appreciate your prayers and financial support.

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