Seeing the Invisible World

September 01, 2024    
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The Mystery of Revelation

Posted on Oct 28, 2013  | 
Revelation is one of the most spectacular books ever written. Within its pages is a kaleidoscope of bizarre beasts, mysterious women, and powerful angels. What does it all really mean? Pastor Doug Batchelor explores the heart and history of Revelation to give you the keys to better understand its message from Jesus and, along the way, introduces Amazing Facts’ groundbreaking new DVD documentary - Revelation: The Beast, the Bride & Babylon.

Seize the Day: Keeping the Sabbath Holy—Part 2

Posted on Jul 15, 2013  | 
In our last issue, Pastor Doug Batchelor explored the importance of having the right attitude about the fourth commandment. In part 2, he now offers you a number of practical ways you can be sure that you’re keeping the Sabbath holy in all you do—while also reminding you where to look to find the true purpose of the Sabbath.

Seize the Day: Keeping the Sabbath Holy—Part 1

Posted on Apr 22, 2013  | 
What does it mean to keep the Sabbath holy? Pastor Doug Batchelor invites you to explore the fullness of God’s fourth commandment to help you understand what it means for a day to be holy, how to prepare for the Sabbath, and why your attitude about the seventh day is as important as what you actually do on it!

The Lion and the Lamb: Pictures of Paradise

Posted on Jan 14, 2013  | 
Take an inspiring walk through our promised Paradise. Lie with the lion and with the lamb in these beautiful word pictures of a future world made new!

Confusion in the Cemetery

Posted on Oct 15, 2012  | 
It’s one of the most important topics in the Bible, yet most people today are confused about it—even Christians. Pastor Doug Batchelor sets the record straight on what really happens when we die, sharing vital light you need to know in these last days.

Setting Dates for Christ’s Return

Posted on Jul 23, 2012  | 
Few things hurt more than failed expectations, yet Christians continue to set dates for Jesus’ return even though it causes many to doubt God’s Word. Pastor Doug tackles this crucial topic and sets the record straight about what we can and can’t know.


Posted on Apr 16, 2012  | 
In this day and age, people are watching a lot more television and web videos at the expense of something far more important. Pastor Doug offers encouraging and inspirational biblical insight on knowing what to watch, when to watch it, and what it all means to your spiritual development.

Be Zealous!

Posted on Jan 19, 2012  | 
Being labelled “zealous” in a religious sense often comes with negative connotations, but it doesn’t have to be that way. In this inspirational message, Pastor Doug shares how much the Lord wants you to be on fire for Him and for outreach—and how you can make it happen in your life starting today.

Aliens, Angels, or Adopted? Who Are the Sons of God?

Posted on Oct 12, 2011  | 
Did aliens or fallen angels marry human women and produce superhuman offspring? What does the Bible really say about the mysterious "sons of God"? Pastor Doug gets to the bottom of this controversial issue to provide a clear, biblically consistent solution that makes sense!

The Bible on Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage

Posted on Jul 12, 2011  | 
In this extended excerpt from Pastor Doug’s latest book, he explores the meaning of marriage in our culture and why this God established institution is in so much danger. He also provides some practical advice for keeping your marriage—and just about any other relationship—strong in the Lord.

AFCOE: Special Report

Posted on Apr 04, 2011  | 
Our first AFCOE Ukraine class has already reaped a harvest for Jesus Christ! In this special international report, AFCOE global coordinator Wes Peppers shares the challenges and victories experienced by this Spirit-led class and where God is leading AFCOE around the world today.

Am I a Phariseee … or a Publican?

Posted on Jan 26, 2011  | 
The parable of the Pharisee and the publican must have sent shock waves through the hearts and minds of Jesus’ day. But the deeper meanings behind this story apply to every soul who takes on the name of Christ. Pastor Doug explores the many facets of this heart-searching parable.

The Dangers of a Diluted Gospel

Posted on Oct 18, 2010  | 
In this powerful message, Pastor Doug investigates a very real threat facing the church in the last days: Satan’s plan to neutralize the transforming power of the gospel. Learn why this “gospel lite” illusion is such a seductive, powerful delusion for Christians and how you can avoid it in your walk of faith.

The Road to Emmaus: 15 Tips for Effective Witnessing

Posted on Jul 28, 2010  | 
In our last issue issue, Pastor Doug challenged every Christian to develop a deep, abiding passion for witnessing. Now Don Mackintosh, director of AFCOE, offers you 15 practical and effective tips for better witnessing that come directly from the outreach methods and manners of Jesus.

Be a Witness: A Personal Passion for Evangelism

Posted on Apr 19, 2010  | 
Sharing your faith in Christ with others is the cornerstone of a growing church. If you aren’t involved in witnessing, it could be a sign that something is wrong and a real danger to your faith. In this important study, Pastor Doug inspires you to reach out and save yourself by helping to save others.

7 Facts About the Seventh Day

Posted on Feb 15, 2010  | 
Throughout the ages, one of Satan’s favorite targets of attack has been the fourth commandment, which establishes God’s absolute right to rule as Lord. So in the interest of honoring the Creator, let’s take a moment to rediscover some amazing facts about the true Sabbath day.

The Smooth Road to Destruction

Posted on Dec 07, 2009  | 
We are constantly being reminded that we need to eat healthy food to be physically strong. Join Pastor Doug as he explores how this concept also applies to our spiritual health, especially when many Christians are subsisting on tainted spiritual food that is making their souls sick.

The Bible and Evolution

Posted on Aug 18, 2009  | 
Even as mounting scientific evidence points to the truth of Genesis, proponents of evolution are doing everything they can to keep hold of their dying theory. Learn to resist any unnecessary compromise in this eye-opening, educational defense of God’s Word by Pastor Doug Batchelor.

The Promises of God

Posted on May 27, 2009  | 
The current epidemic of bankrupt business and credit crises was all based on the uneasy foundation of men’s promises. But even in this mess, Christians still have something they can hang their hats on! Join Pastor Doug as he points out the Bible’s most heart-warming promises and how you can lay claim to them!

Determining the Will of God

Posted on Sep 11, 2008  | 
Are you struggling to make the right decision in your life? Are you afraid of where God might lead you — out of your comfort zone and into a strange land? Pastor Doug offers time-tested, biblically based principles that will help you find the safest, happiest place you can be today: in the middle of God’s will.

Bee a Sweet Christian

Posted on Jul 02, 2008  | 
Do we "bee"-have like those in the hive? These practical tips from the bees invigorate your Christian walk, bringing Bible doctrine into full-fledged focus.

The Kings of Pride

Posted on May 01, 2008  | 
Imprisoned by pride? Get practical advice and effective tools to defend against this powerful temptation as we examine sobering examples of pride in the Bible.

The Power of Little Things

Posted on Mar 10, 2008  | 
As it is with any human relationship, the little things in our lives can make a huge impact in our walk with God. So why do so many Christians seem willing to accept the “little” sins in their lives? Pastor Doug tackles this question and more in this challenging article about character growth.

What Kind of Church Do You Have?

Posted on Jan 10, 2008  | 
In this eye-opening study, you'll explore the three mentalities that determine a church’s effectiveness in fulfilling the great commission. Discover where your church fits in and how it compares to the church God wants you to have in these end-times.

Behold, the Fig Tree

Posted on Sep 01, 2007  | 
As we anxiously await the return of Jesus, is His end-time church truly prepared, or is it falling into the same pitfalls that left God’s first church in tatters? Pastor Doug confronts the deadly dangers facing today’s church and shares what we can do to keep it a beacon of truth.

The Miracle of Ministry

Posted on Jul 01, 2007  | 
Want to experience incredible personal satisfaction or bring life into you ailing church? Then get involved in reaching others for Jesus. Pastor Doug explores the nature and power of outreach ministry and the miracles that come from being active in service to your fellow man.

Are You Converted?

Posted on May 01, 2007  | 
You’ve been baptized and have taken the name of the Lord—but are you really converted? Pastor Doug examines what it really means to follow Christ and how many "followers" are letting themselves fall short of His example. Learn how to keep your feet underneath you in your walk of faith.

What Do You Think? [Philippians four verse eight]

Posted on Mar 01, 2007  | 
Christians often think of sin as just an action of the body, but are they forgetting where sin really begins and the subtle temptations of the world? Pastor Doug takes you on a journey of the mind that will radically change the way you think about your spiritual experience.

Compromise, Conformity and Courage

Posted on Jan 01, 2007  | 
Christians everywhere are playing a dangerous game with their faith—at once trying to remain true to God, yet also compromising with the sinful world. Are you one of them? Pastor Doug challenges every believer to find the courage to commit to the full Christian life before it is too late.

The Power to Share

Posted on Sep 01, 2006  | 
Every follower of Christ has been called to fulfill the great commission. But many are missing out on their chances to make an eternal difference. Find out the whys and hows of practical evangelism as Pastor Doug offers uplifting insight into the true joy of reaching others with the gospel.