A Light to the World

India has very stringent rules about Christian evangelism, so the work of Amazing Facts goes forward boldly and carefully. Broadcasting God’s last-day truth on television and sharing essential truth on our websites are two primary ways to uphold the three angels’ message. 

The Amazing Facts India call center receives hundreds of contacts each month from people hungering for answers to life’s big questions. Many contact our ministry asking Bible questions, requesting free offers, and asking for prayer. You help the center be staffed with a team that can answer calls in Tamil, English, Hindi, and Telugu.

Sunday-keeping pastors often contact us asking for Bible resources to use with their congregations. Our popular resources are also requested by many Sabbath-keeping pastors to use in their revival meetings.  

One day, a group of students from a Sabbath-keeping college was traveling around by bus to conduct short revival meetings. At one stop, they boarded a bus with three boxes of Amazing Facts materials in the Telugu language and sat down. As they waited, the bus driver, who was a Christian, asked what they had in the boxes. They gladly shared some of the materials with him. The driver then said they should share their materials with everyone on his bus. Surprised, the students cautiously opened their boxes and, without asking anyone if they were Christian, Muslim, or Hindu, handed out the Bible resources. Praise God that He used a bus driver to help share the message of truth.

Thank you for kindly co-laboring with Amazing Facts’ workers in India. Your loving gifts and earnest prayers are stretching further into India and bringing life-changing truth to many hearts.

Bringing Revival to Dying Churches

You are helping Amazing Facts’ evangelism work expand into every state in India. When a group from our team traveled to a new area where most people speak Tamil, they found a Sabbath-keeping school that was happy to share space for revival meetings.

They soon learned that the local Sabbath-keeping church was going through some difficulties. The church had been without a pastor for many years, and some of the members were in conflict. There was little unity, and few members attended church. Many traveled to other Sabbath-keeping churches for nurture. This struggling church had not had revival meetings for 25 years.


The local elder and the school principal warmly welcomed Amazing Facts, but at the first meeting, there were only a handful present. So, the leader of our team called a special prayer session the next morning, and several mornings after, pleading with the Holy Spirit to work on the hearts of His people. Then, the Amazing Facts team began visiting church families who had quit attending church. Many were discouraged, some were attending Sunday-keeping churches, and some had health challenges.

Slowly, the number of attendees at the revival meetings grew. One woman, who had trouble walking, was brought to the meetings in a rickshaw, happy to be out among fellow believers. Some church members who had disagreements were reconciled. ReconciledOne missing member came back and was surprised to see so many people worshiping together.

Thank you for helping to bring a much-needed revival to this dying church. And please continue to pray for these revival meetings, that the attendees might experience new life and that the light of truth might shine in their communities.

Falling to Her Knees


Amala’s husband was bitten by the poisonous venom of alcohol. He brought trouble to Amala and her two children every night when he came home. Her interest in Christianity seemed to make matters worse since her husband was a Hindu.

It’s not easy being a Christian in many parts of the world, including India, where public evangelism is against the law. But, praise God, through your support, Bible truth came to Amala after she earnestly prayed for help.

When Amala was a young wife and mother, she was a Hindu. She and her husband were a low-income family that worked hard to pay rent and their children’s education. Amala first heard the gospel through mission workers who came to her village.

Her heart was touched by the Bible studies. The missionaries taught her to read and write, and she grew in her faith. She had daily worship time with her children, but her husband and her in-laws refused to participate.

Sadly, as her children grew up and went to college, the negative impact of their father left traces in their lives. His alcoholism consumed their family funds, and his abuse wounded their hearts. Amala has suffered much.

One day, after coming home from her work as a housekeeper, Amala felt the weight of her family problems crushing her. Trying to cope with her husband’s drinking, seeing her son wander away from God, wrestling with the pressure for her daughter to marry a Hindu—it was almost too much for her to bear.

Amala fell to her knees and prayed earnestly for God’s help. When she opened her eyes, she was looking at her TV. Feeling the need to take her mind off the problems in her family, she decided to look for something positive to watch.

She began flipping through different channels and stopped on a Christian station that caught her eye. Amala listened to the encouraging sermon and liked the program. The next time she felt discouragement rising over her family concerns, she went back to this same station and once more felt God’s Spirit speaking to her through that same program.

Eventually, Amala learned that she was listening to Amazing Facts, being broadcast in Hindi. God used you to make it possible for her to hear clear messages about Jesus. The programs were so inspiring that she now watches them with her two adult children and hopes, someday, that her husband and in-laws join in hearing the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.

Please pray that God will continue to open the airwaves for Amazing Facts broadcasts to the thirsting and suffering people of India.

A Multiplied Prayer

Prayer requests come to the Amazing Facts call center in India all the time. One day, a Sunday church pastor called asking for a set of our Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides in the Telugu language. He later called and asked a call center worker to pray for his church to grow.

A few days later, he called again asking for prayer. The same call center worker was grateful for another opportunity to pray with this Sunday-keeping pastor, but our worker didn’t expect that the pastor would ask him to pray with his congregation. The pastor was meeting with 150 members and wanted to hold his phone next to a microphone while the worker prayed.

Personally blessed by our worker’s prayers, the pastor wanted to begin a special time of fasting and prayer with his members by having our Amazing Facts volunteer pray. Our worker thought, “God is using this Amazing Facts ministry. I thank God for allowing me to pray before those people, even though I am not there. God has chosen and used an unworthy person like me to do His precious work. I feel blessed.”

Please pray for the call center workers at Amazing Facts India, that the Lord will use these dedicated brothers and sisters in Christ to speak words of truth that will lead people to Jesus.

Your compassionate prayers and sacrificial gifts mean so much to our Amazing Facts India team. Here are some recent requests we cherish your prayers for:

Pray for young men and women who are committed to Christ to join our Amazing Facts India colporteur training program.

       Pray for our Amazing Facts broadcasts on different TV stations and languages across India that constantly face opposition to remain open.

Pray that God will continue to keep the doors open to conduct evangelism work in India.

Amazing Facts is a non-profit, donor-supported ministry.
We greatly appreciate your prayers and financial support.

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