God Protects His People

Our workers in China are under constant threat of being arrested for conducting evangelistic work with foreigners. In the first half of 2023, one of our team members was called in twice to the regional office of religious affairs for internet violations. To protect this worker, we had to pause several aspects of our outreach while exploring ways to safely relocate this key member of our team. We felt this worker (whose name we do not share to protect the worker) was in imminent danger of being arrested by the security police.

In answer to our prayers, the religious affairs official who was tracking our worker was suddenly transferred out of the province and was replaced by a new leader who is favorable to Sabbath-keepers. Praise the Lord! The new leader apparently doesn’t even know of our worker’s involvement with our Chinese Amazing Facts website.

With concern over this worker being targeted and possibly being arrested by the government, we focused more on communication with established contacts and were more cautious about our communication with new contacts. But Praise God He continues to reach people through our website, materials, and follow-up!

In the first half of 2023, we were able to successfully translate and upload two new videos to our Chinese websites and translate and upload Pastor Doug’s sermon “Seven Signs of Jesus’ Soon Return.” We also translated and uploaded two new books. Unfortunately, because of the government’s crackdown on printing and distributing religious material, we currently do not print resources, though we make them available online for reading and downloading.

Our website traffic in the first half of 2023 was very good: Around a million times people came looking for Bible truth. Because of the threat of our worker being arrested, we were cautious, but now that the danger has passed, we are increasing output and promotion of our website.

The Bible school numbers are growing, despite having to remove it from online and from our WeChat account. In the first half of 2023, over 2,700 people have enrolled up-to-date online  and through our new app. The number of people contacting us with Bible questions has dropped some, again due to our worker being threatened, but we expect it to rebound.

Thank you for generously supporting our Amazing Facts work in China. What joy we’ll experience in someday meeting not only these faithful workers, but also the numerous souls who have given their hearts to Jesus because of your prayers and sacrificial gifts. Please enjoy a few stories of how God used you to change lives in China this year. 

Sister Cui

Sister Cui fell into deep depression when her life, her work, and her relationships were in turmoil. She decided to attend church and learned that sin was hurting her and that she needed to stop sinning. But no matter how hard she tried she could not overcome. The church she attended told her not to worry. God would save her in her sins.

Then a friend introduced her to another church that claimed to teach how to be free from sin. But the fighting among church members only pulled her further away from God. Her depression increased and she felt like the commandments of God were a mountain she could never climb. “I was on a journey in darkness, tired and unable to bear the weight,” she recalls.

Finally, another sister in her church, who was also discouraged by the in-fighting, introduced Sister Cui to Amazing Facts. “It was just what I needed,” she shares. After watching several videos, she left a message on Qimiaozhenxiang, the Chinese Amazing Facts website, and asked for help in her spiritual journey. “They patiently answered my questions and told me that I should turn my eyes upon Jesus alone! I began to have hope again.”

Thank you for helping Sister Cui find a purpose in life. She says, “Now I know what I believe.”

Sister Jiang

When a colleague at work gave Sister Jiang a Bible, she began reading the word of God. Her coworker didn’t attend church and later moved away. Sister Jiang decided to go online to find sermons and she began listening to popular Sunday preachers.

One day, Sister Jiang accidentally found the Chinese Amazing Facts website and began listening to Pastor Doug’s sermons. Her son knew of our site and installed an app on her smartphone so she could easily listen to programs.

When Pastor Doug spoke of the book The Great Controversy, Sister Jiang wanted a copy. She was not successful in finding one in any local bookstores or even online. So, she contacted our team at the Chinese Amazing Facts website and asked how to secure a copy of the book. Eventually, our team located one and sent it to her. “It was like a treasure to me,” she shares.

Sister Jiang learned about the Sabbath and asked how to find a Sabbath-keeping church in her area. After receiving a helpful reply, she wrote back, “Now I can have a church that I can devote myself to.”

Thank you for supporting the Amazing Facts Chinese website. It is reaching hearts across China and preparing people for the soon coming of Jesus!

Please pray earnestly for the Amazing Facts team in China, who are working in difficult circumstances. There are so many there who need to hear God’s last message of warning to Earth. 

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We greatly appreciate your prayers and financial support.

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