God Connects Believers to His Church

When new believers in China discover the Sabbath and other Bible truths, they naturally have a desire to connect with other Sabbath-keepers. That can be a challenge in a country without religious liberty. For these new Christians, finding a church can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack. That’s why we’re so  grateful for how God is using your love and gifts for the precious people of China to connect them with other Sabbath-keeping Christians.

In this report, you’ll read a couple of testimonies from people who found Amazing Facts online and eventually began a search for a Sabbath-keeping church. Your gifts support a small but motivated outreach team who are able to provide such seekers direct contact with other believers, leading to joyful baptisms. It’s always a blessing when people ask, “Where can I get baptized?” and, “Is there a Sabbath-keeping church in my area?” Sometimes, there are no churches close by, but even so, the Lord’s hand is not too short in helping bring people together.

In our previous report, we mentioned that one of our workers was being threatened with arrest. By God’s grace, that threat has diminished, which means our video ministry over the last four months was able to continue. You helped translate five new video sermons with Pastor Doug, which have been watched hundreds of times. 

We are also still searching for translators for our printed materials. Even as the government cracks down on the printing of religious material, we are still posting all our translated books online for reading and downloading.

Traffic to our three internet sites continues to grow, with over a million people finding truth over the last three months. We praise God that the amount of spiritual material and time spent reading or watching has gone up. We believe this is happening because more people are coming back for more truth. Moreover, the number of people asking Bible questions has risen, with over 3,500 people receiving personal Bible-based answers to their inquiries.

We also praise God for the over 3,000 students who have signed up for online Bible studies. Even though we had to remove the Bible school from our Chinese social media account in January 2022, we have been seeing a steady increase in people enrolling, completing lessons, and graduating. Praise God!

Thank you for your kind gifts for Amazing Facts’ evangelism work in China. It warms our hearts to know that new and isolated believers are being united with God’s church because of your prayers and sacrificial gifts. I hope that you are blessed by a few stories of how God used you to change lives in China this year. 

Sister Ling

Sister Ling was raised by a mother who was often ill but who eventually was led to Jesus by an elderly woman in her town. Her newfound faith also strengthened her health. Ling was impressed by her mother’s religious faith and became a believer in God.

When Ling grew older and had her own family, she often “talked to God” when she faced problems, even though she didn’t really know how to pray. She occasionally read the Bible. About four years ago, she decided to find a church to attend. Ling was impressed by God to visit her mother’s village 35 miles away. A group of older ladies met on the Sabbath to study the Bible. She occasionally joined in their studies, but she didn’t have the means to travel that often.

One day, Ling discovered a foreigner on the internet preaching the Bible. He “spoke” in Chinese and talked about the Sabbath. It was Pastor Doug Batchelor! His sermons answered many of the questions she had about the Bible. She began visiting the Amazing Facts Chinese website regularly and signed up for the online Bible course.

Ling shared what she learned with her mother and the other ladies, who all gladly received the messages. Eventually, Ling wanted to get baptized but didn’t know where to go. She asked a sister who worked for the Amazing Facts Chinese website where she could get baptized. The closest church was too far away. So, she continued to pray and told others, “God will provide!”

A couple of years ago, the pastor of a Sabbath-keeping church who lived hundreds of miles away heard about Ling and the group of Sabbath-keepers. He brought his church choir to their village and made a surprise visit. He told the group, “We didn’t expect that the Lord had a group of His children in this remote place!”

It had been four years since Ling first heard about Amazing Facts, and now she was baptized, along with 17 others. They later rejoiced in celebrating their first Lord’s Supper. She explains, “The Lord says that if you believe, you will receive. God is faithful. Thank you for encouraging and supporting us!”

Thank you for helping Sister Ling and her fellow believers find truth, connect with other believers, and receive baptism. She says, “I am so grateful for the Amazing Facts website. I am sharing the good news of this story so that more people can know the truth!”

Brother Chang and Sister Fulu

Sister Fulu’s husband, Brother Chang, almost died. But God spared his life, and they both believed it was because of the Lord’s mercy. They attended a Sunday church and were baptized by sprinkling. Later that year, however, they discovered the Chinese Amazing Facts website. They were so impressed by what they heard that they began watching sermons daily, along with studying their Bibles.

Chang and Fulu’s faith grew rapidly as they continued to learn many biblical truths. The Amazing Facts team in China received questions from the couple and explained to them about the Sabbath. Soon after this, they quit attending their Sunday church.

Not long after, they asked the Amazing Facts team, “Where can we find a Sabbath-keeping church? Where can we get baptized?” Soon, they were attending God’s remnant church, and just a few months ago, Chang and Fulu were both rebaptized according to Jesus’ example.

Thank you for making the Amazing Facts Chinese website and its personal ministry possible. It is consistently bringing believers across China into God’s church and preparing people for the soon coming of Jesus!

Please continue to pray earnestly for the Amazing Facts team in China. They are working in difficult circumstances to reach the literal millions of souls who are searching for God’s true church and want to live by Bible truth.

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