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Ten Times Wiser

Ten Times WiserLesson 20

When King Nebuchadnezzar besieged the city of Jerusalem, thousands of Jews were taken away captive to Babylon. The king instructed his servant, Ashpenaz, to select gifted young men from among the Jewish captives who would come to the palace for three years to learn the language and wisdom of Babylon so they could serve the king.

Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah caught the attention of Ashpenaz and were taken to the king's palace. But there was a problem. The menu of rich meat and wine appointed for the young men contained many items forbidden by God's Word.

Without wanting to appear ungrateful, Daniel asked if he and his three friends could be given a vegetarian diet to eat and water to drink. At first the king's servant resisted their request. "You can't stay healthy by eating like that!" he exclaimed. "You'd get sick, and then the king would have my head." But Daniel gently persisted, suggesting a trial period of 10 days, after which their visible health could be compared with the young men who ate from the royal cafeteria.

This plan was agreed upon, and for 10 days the four young Hebrews drank water and ate a simple vegetarian diet. At the end of the trial period, Daniel and his three friends "appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king's meat." Daniel 1:15.

Three years later, these four young men were tested by King Nebuchadnezzar, and it was declared they were 10 times brighter then all the wise men in Babylon. The Bible tells us that Daniel lived to be approximately 100 years old. What helped give Daniel and his friends such profound wisdom, health, and long life?
1. What was the original diet that God designed for humans?

1. What was the original diet that God designed for humans?

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NOTE:   The word "meat" here simply means "food."

2. After Adam and Eve sinned, what supplemental food did God add to their diet?

2. After Adam and Eve sinned, what supplemental food did God add to their diet?

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NOTE:   The original diet for the human race was a vegetarian diet of fruits, grains, and nuts. God added vegetables to Adam and Eve's diet after they sinned and could no longer eat from the tree of life.

3. Is God concerned with our physical health?

3. Is God concerned with our physical health?

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NOTE:   The Bible teaches that our physical health is extremely important to God. Jesus spent as much time healing as He did teaching. There are several Bible principles we can follow to improve our health and lengthen our lives.

4. God promised the children of Israel that if they would serve and obey Him, He would remove all sickness from them. Did He keep His promise?

4. God promised the children of Israel that if they would serve and obey Him, He would remove all sickness from them. Did He keep His promise?

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NOTE:   Just imagine! When God's people came into the promised land, there was not one sick or feeble person in the whole nation.

5. Why is our health so important to God?

5. Why is our health so important to God?

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NOTE:   God wants our bodies to be His holy dwelling place. Therefore we must choose to make them a wholesome place for His residence.

6. What is a good Bible rule for healthful living?

6. What is a good Bible rule for healthful living?

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NOTE:   We should strive to live so that all of our habits--even our eating and drinking--will glorify God.

7. Should Christians use alcoholic beverages?

7. Should Christians use alcoholic beverages?

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NOTE:   Alcoholic beverages are clearly forbidden by Scripture. The word "wine" in the Bible can mean either fermented or unfermented grape juice. The same is true of the word "cider" today. Proverbs 23:29-32 gives the Bible description of fermented wine, and God says that we should not even look at it! The only wine Christians should use is "new wine," which is unfermented, sweet grape juice.

Isaiah 65:8 New wine is found in the cluster.

8. What will God do to those who defile their bodies?

8. What will God do to those who defile their bodies?

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NOTE:   Any substance or unhealthful practice that damages the body or shortens one's life must be laid aside. Suicide by degrees is still suicide. This, of course, includes harmful drugs (such as tobacco in all of its forms) and the many drinks that contain a popular yet highly detrimental drug called caffeine. God says that He will destroy people who knowingly wreak havoc upon their body temples.

9. What mammals does God permit humans to eat?

9. What mammals does God permit humans to eat?

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NOTE:   To make things simple for us, God has placed all living creatures into one of two categories: clean and unclean. He permits us to eat those that are clean but has declared the unclean creatures to be unfit for food. All mammals that are clean have two characteristics. They must: (1) have cloven hooves, and (2) chew the cud. For example, a pig has cloven hooves but does not chew its cud, so it is unclean.

10. What types of fish and seafood are clean?

10. What types of fish and seafood are clean?

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NOTE:   Most fish are clean for food. However, eels, sharks, and catfish are among the exceptions. All creatures in the water that do not have both fins and scales are unclean and should not be eaten. Examples include shellfish, turtles, frogs, shrimp, oysters, etc.

11. Which birds are unclean?

11. Which birds are unclean?

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NOTE:   The list in Leviticus 11 indicates that birds of prey, carrion, and fish eaters are unclean. However, all the foraging birds such as quail, chickens, and turkeys are clean.

12. Are the laws about clean and unclean animals part of Moses' ceremonial law, which ended at the cross?

12. Are the laws about clean and unclean animals part of Moses' ceremonial law, which ended at the cross?

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NOTE:   No, God's categories of clean and unclean beasts have existed since Creation. Noah was told to take clean beasts into the ark by sevens and unclean by twos. This was long before Moses' law.

13. Does God say that eating unclean food is a serious offense?

13. Does God say that eating unclean food is a serious offense?

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NOTE:   Yes! The Bible is too plain and clear to misunderstand. At His second coming, the Lord will destroy those who know what His Word requires, yet eat swine's flesh (pork) and other unclean foods.

14. What is a good basic health rule for Christians?

14. What is a good basic health rule for Christians?

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NOTE:   Temperance means completely avoiding things that are harmful and using moderation in the things that are good.

15. Are the Bible health principles still practical today?

15. Are the Bible health principles still practical today?

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NOTE:   The health laws God gave to His people thousands of years ago were scientifically far ahead of their time. Only in recent years have we recognized how truly great are the benefits they offer!

16. Will people in heaven kill and eat animals?

16. Will people in heaven kill and eat animals?

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NOTE:   All that Adam and Eve lost when sin entered will be restored in God's new kingdom, including the original vegetarian diet. There will be no slaughtering or devouring of animals in the new earth.

17. How can I make diet and health changes that will please the Lord?

17. How can I make diet and health changes that will please the Lord?

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NOTE:   When we decide to obey God's health laws, He puts a new spirit within us that will give us the power needed to live healthfully (John 1:12).

18. God honored Daniel and his friends for keeping His health laws, which are a very important part of Christian living. Are you willing to follow the health principles in God's Word and to present yo

18. God honored Daniel and his friends for keeping His health laws, which are a very important part of Christian living. Are you willing to follow the health principles in God's Word and to present your body a holy temple where His Spirit may reside?

_____   Answer
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