Announcing Amazing Health Summit: Healing for the Body, Mind, and Spirit


Amazing Facts International will present its second annual Amazing Facts Summit series, Amazing Health Summit: Healing for the Body, Mind & Spirit, beginning Friday, February 24, 2023. 

This seven-part weekend event will be hosted at the Granite Bay Hilltop Church, which is located on the Amazing Facts W.O.R.D. Center campus in Granite Bay, California. It will also be broadcast live on AFTV and Amazing Facts’ YouTube and Facebook channels.

Amazing Facts Summits are intensive Bible study series focused on messages relevant to God’s last-day church. These informative and inspiring studies are designed to help prepare God’s people for Christ’s soon return.

The second Bible study series in this special format is Amazing Health Summit. Each presentation will focus on an aspect of God’s health messages found throughout the Bible. (To learn more about the topics, visit The event will feature six gifted speakers with diverse backgrounds and fresh perspectives:

Pastor Doug Batchelor, president of Amazing Facts International 

Laren Tan, MD, FCCP, Chair, Department of Medicine, Loma Linda University

Neil Nedley, president of Weimar University

Daniel Binus, MD, clinical director of Beautiful Minds Medical

Daniel and Jessica Vierra, Modern Manna Ministries

Pastor Doug shares, “Our world is in the grip of a massive health crisis. Millions today are at risk of going to an early grave. Disease runs rampant—often due to a lack of knowledge of simple health principles. The good news is that these principles can be learned right from Scripture. The Bible calls for us to use them to care for our bodies and minds. We can also help others see that by practicing these healthy guidelines, they can better prepare for Jesus’ soon return.”

For more information and to register, visit


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